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EUValues'Human Bridge or Chaos? 2 opposed Victims of Terrrorism New MEPs Kuneva+Fountoulis to ERFRA

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 16 July 2014

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- Can a Human Bridge be built, on the basis of some elementary EU Values, between diametrically Opposed MEPs, even from the sharply Opposed Rightist and Leftist parts of the Political spectrum, exceptionaly present in the New, Post-May 2014 EU Parliament, when they are both Tragic Victims of Brutal and particularly Inhuman, bestial Terrorism, in a Country whose poorest People have notoriously suffered a lot recently, such as Greece a.o. ?

"EuroFora" tried to find an Answer, by asking two key New MEPs who have both faced recently in their Personal Lives such Exceptionaly Hard Tragedies: 


MEP Kostandinka Kuneva, a Lady from Northern Bulgaria, who studied History at the Southern "Cyril and Methodius" University, before coming to Greece where she was obliged to work as a simple Cleaner, until she got involved in Trade Unions' Movements for Poor Workers' Rights, and was Brutaly Aggressed by a  Band of Terrorists who threw Vitriol on her Face, obliged her to swallow it, and abandoned her at a road after beating her with cowardly violence, resulting in a series of heavy Hospital Operations and disfigurig her for life. After several International Human Rights' Organizations , including "Amnesty", pleaded her case, and at least a Civil Court vindicated her vis a vis her former employer, a semi-Public body, Kuneva was elected MEP for the 1st time in May 2014 EU Parliament's Elections in a list of Leftist "Syriza" party.

MEP Lambros Fountoulis is Father of Georges, a young man who was obliged to do various Hard Jobs in order to gain a living and help his Family during the huge Unemployment which hit Greece since 2010-2011, who was brutaly Murdered, together with his Friend, Manolis Capelonis, while a 3rd Youngster was seriously Wounded, by many Gun Shots fired at cold-blood by two Armed and Masked Terrorists against the Defenseless and Peaceful Youngsters who were welcoming guests to a Public Political Meeting in an Athens' suburb. The Cowardly Sadism of the Murderer went so far that he repeatedly Fired at the Head of his Victims, even fallen down, and shot right at the front Georges Fountoulis who dared stand up,  cover his friends with his body, and look at the Killer right at his eyes, (according to Films published even by the Police). The Victims' Father decided to enter Politics for the 1st time in his life, and was elected MEP in a list by controversial Nationalist Rightist party "Golden Dawn", against which Kuneva's Leftist "Syriza" is strongly opposed.


"EuroFora" raised a Question about MEP Kuneva to Fountoulis, and about MEP Fountoulis to Kuneva, criss-crossing the replies of two Persons who have both Suffered a lot from particularly Brutal Terrorism, and found themselves Together, inside the New, post-May 2014 EU Parliament, even if in 2 totaly Different and diametricaly Opposed Parties, one Leftist and another Rightist, generaly engaged in a Hard InFight between them back in Greece..

>>> Could Human feelings, in front of grave Sufferings by exceptionaly Tragic Dramas provoked by Brutal Terrorsists, as well as their simultaneous entry in EU Parliament's polyphonic Democracy, usually proud to claim itself of supporting "European Values", including elementary Human Rights, perhaps, succeed, at one moment or another, to built at least a kind of "Bridge" over the huge and apparently irreconciliable Gap which uses to Separate and sharply Oppose their competing Political Parties ? In other words, could EU Parliament's context facilitate at least an elementary Human Solidarity between Victims of Horrible Terrorism, in the name of some "EU Values" in a Europe of their Dreams and/or claims for the Future ?

"EuroFora", in front of such exceptionaly Dramatic cases in the Post-May 2014 New EU Parliament, dared try to test in real practice that Hypothesis, by simply inviting each one of those so Different Victims of Brutal and particularly Inhuman Terrorism, to express their feelings and views for the other, by raising similar Questions to both, on the occasion of 2 separate Press Conferences of their respective parties during EU Parliament's two Plenary Sessions in Strasbourg this July 2014.

Here are the full results :

MEP Kuneva :

 - "From an exclusively Human point of view, regardless of Politics, You know that here, in this EU Parliament, (as issued after the May 2014 EU Elections), despite Big Political Differences, you  have also near you, the Father of a youngster brutaly Murdered by two armed Terrorists, (MEP Fountoulis, of "Golden Dawn"), and Mrs Kuneva, (of "Syriza"), who was atrociously aggressed and gravely wounded by other Terrorists, earlier. Do you think that these Facts should help basic Human Values go beyond petty politics, in a New Europe ?", "EuroFora" asked at the "Syriza"'s 6 MEPs' 1st Press Conference.



    The chairing "Syriza"'s MEP, the famous Manolis Glezos, (known for having taken the NAZI flag away from Acropolis during the 2nd World War Foreign Military Occupation of Athens, prefered to give the speach Exclusively to Kuneva herself, on this point, (Comp. Glezos' other various statements to "EuroFora" in Different NewsReports) :



 - "I believe that all Condemn any form of Violence which exists in the Society", MEP Kuneva clearly stressed from the Start, as a matter of Principle, in her Reply to "EuroFora"s Question.

+ Moreover, "we must make very much attention to the Examples that we give in front of our  Society", she added.

 - "Since it's because of such examples that this kind of incidents take place", she pointed out.

 - "F.ex. if noone has stolen, noone has killed, nobody lied, then (probably) nobody would repeat something like that" ["then, such things won't be repeated by anyone"), Kuneva argued.


  - "That's what happened also with me : If nobody hadn't ever agressed any other Human being in a given Society, then, there wouldn't be any explanation for a youngster to attack another Human being", as she said.

- "When a Mother Dreams that she will give Birth to a Child, it's with a crystal-clear thought (by Honestly thinking), that she will give Birth to it, will make it a Good Man, Educated, etc. She doesn't even think that she will make out of him a Murderer, a Thief and a Liar !", she speculated.


- On the contrary, "it's the Society, with some (Bad) Examples, that makes them like that", MEP Kuneva denounced in conclusion, (speaking either of her Aggressors, or perhaps meaning that the spectacle of the unpunished yet atrocious brutalities against her, which wounded her seriously, might have, perhaps, motivated the armed Terrorists' attack which killed 2 and seriously wounded another one, among 3 unarmed and peaceful youngsters who were simply waiting to welcome the People who came to a Meeting of "GD", when they were suddenly Shot with Bullets at their Heads, repeatedly and mercilessly, even when they had fallen down to the ground)...  

MEP Fountoulis :


- "A Question on the Sidelines" of your Press Conference, "for Mr. Fountoulis :  Everybody knows that you are the Father of a Young Man who was Shot and Killed by Terrorists, (together) with other 2 (unarmed, peaceful) Persons, and that Nobody has been Found (nor Punished) until now", "EuroFora" observed, afterwards, during the 1st Press Conference of controversial Rightist Nationalist Party "Golden Dawn"s 3 MEPs in EU Parliament.


=> - "Sorry to ask you a Thorny Question : At the same time, in this European Parliament, where we have had also Other Victims of Terrorism, from Various Countries, f.ex., Italy, Spain, a.o., one of them, is not as Hard as your case, but it's Hard too : It's also about Greece, but a Political Opponent of your Party, it's Mrs Kuneva, who is Alive, but, as you know, she was also hardly hit by some other Terrorists, and has Atrociously Suffered. As a matter of Principle, since I asked her for you, I'm also asking you for her, i.e. for Both : What are your Feelings about both these two cases, and the Future ?".



- "I'd better speak first, as Father of (Murdered) Georges Fountoulis : It's Unacceptable to have Young People Murdered Cowardly, just for their Beliefs only. It must not  be allowed, at any case, for Hate-Speech of ...Political Opponents to Arm the Hands of Terrorists, so that they go on in such acts" (as the cold-blood Murders of 2 unarmed, peaceful Young People, and the serious Wounding of a 3rd one, by Gun-Shots).

- "It's also Unacceptable for the Police of the Country to have practically Closed that File, and Not even Search to Find the Murderers", as the Father of the Killed Young Man complained. - "Some among our Political Opponents might even have been Glad because two "Golden Dawn" members were murdered", he wondered.

 - "As for the case of Mrs Kuneva, we had Solidarity : But those issues of Terrorism were Different : They (the Aggressors) tried to Harm her, in an attempt to Terrorise her, in order to Stop Defending the Working Rights in the area of her work, via the Trade Unions Movement. Whoever might havedone that, I believe that they must by Found and Punished", he firmly stressed for his Political Opponent's Human Drama. "But, unfortunately, in this case too, it doesn't seem to be a real Search going on in order to Find those Responsible" for the atrocious Terrorist aggression, Fountoulis criticized on behalf of Kuneva.


- "We are against any kind of Brutal Violence. Policies are faced with Arguments on a Political level. Whoever might attempt to do Justice by himself (Taking the Law into one's Hands) is Condemned by all of us", New MEP Fountoulis stressed, as a matter of general principle, in conclusion.

+ "I'd simply add, that, Ideologically, we are against Violence, from whatever it might come from", went on to say his collegue, also New MEP, General Epitideios, a former Senior Army Officer who has reportedly served also as Head of a European body in the Past.  - "We Condemn that, as we Condemn also what has happened against Mrs Kuneva, (his Political Competitor, from an Opposed Party), and we understand, as Human beings, also her own Pain, as also the Pain of our own Friends who have gone", Killed by Terrorists' armed aggression.


- "And we want to believe that the Government (of Greece) will turn itself against the Real Culprits (Criminals), and won't focus all Prosecuting Authorities against our Party, Golden Dawn, but against those who abused of acts of Deadly Violence, in order to find those Responsible for Both Cases" of Terrorist Attacks, (i.e. both for Killing Fountoulis' Son and and for Torturing and Disfiguring Kuneva), "and bring them to Justice", he concluded.


The atrocious aggression against Kuneva took place almost at the Begining of the Economic and Financial Crisis, at the end of  December 2008. The Brutal Armed Killing of 2 peaceful Youngsters, including Fountoulis' son, took place shortly after the culmination of the Crisis in Greece, on the 1st November 2013, (i.e. less than 5 years later).

But, in fact, they are much more Close to eachother, as simple Human beings in Todays' Society, than anyone abusing of old, ersatz, outpassed views might imagine...

However, it's not yet sure if all People standing really near to both Victims of those recent Tragedies will succeed to find soon enough  the Real Contradiction in that Society (to take Kuneva's wording), that we had all lost...

If World-famous Film-maker Angelopoulos had not been Brutally killed, his Head crushed by a Motorbike driver in Elefsina (at another non-elucidated recent Tragedy of our present Times, by a coincidence near the Mythic area of "Elefsinian Mysteries" in Ancient Greece), on early 2012, while he was working to create his New Film about the unprecedented Popular Uprisings against the former PASOK Governments (notoriously Bureaucratic, Clientelist, Nepotist and often Oppressive, main responsible for the Huge Debt provoked during the last 30 Years : 1980-2010+), particularly during June - October 2011, then, he would have certainly found a way to picture Kuneva's and Fountoulis' personal Human Tragedies together, in one way or another....



- "When an Ocean, sits right between us", "there is no sign we'll ever cross".  But, "Even if your are Drowning in the Valley of Echoes", ...


=> " ... I believe there is Peace in those Hills UP Ahead. You willl Climb, until you Find places you'll never let go, and I will also be here, Praying, ...",  sang symbolically the superbe Katie Herzig in her tragic but poetic song  :  - "I .. Hurt too",...





(NDLR : It goes without saying that "EuroFora" does Not share many among the Political Views expressed by those 2 Opposed Parties too which belong MEPs Kuneva and Fountoulis. It's their undeniably Dramatic Human Figures, in the middle of a Nowadays Society hardly hit by the Crisis aggravated by a State Nepotism of the Past, which motivated this Exceptional NewsReport, as well as the Question what EU Parliament's Values might eventually bring to People like those 2 Tragic Victims of particularly Inhuman and Brutal Terrorism, at least in a Better Future for all Europeans).



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Brixen-Bressnone/ACM/10 August 2008


Pope Benedict XVI launched a call "in the name of the common Christian heritage" of "all Christians", to "immediately stop military actions", and "resolutely take, the road of negotiation and dialogue", with "Initiatives" for a "peaceful and sustainable solution" in South Ossetia.

It's with "profound anxiety" that we read "the news, more and more dramatic", on "these tragic events ..which have caused many innocent victims and obliged a great number of civilians to leave their homes". All involved must "avoid to cause more, and worse sufferings to the population", he said.



He warned against "more violent confrontations and retaliations, which may degenerate in a conflict of even larger scope".


To avoid this risk, "the International Community and the most inffuent countries" should "make every effort to support and promote .. initiatives" for a stable Peace, he stressed, shortly before his visit to France, where President Nicolas Sarkozy is the current EU chair.

"Together with our Orthodox brothers, we pray for these aims, and we entrust them to the intercession of her sanctity, virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and of all Christians", he concluded.


Pope Benedict XVI spoke in front of more than 12.000 People during the Angelus of an Open-air Mass at Brixen-Bressalone (north of Italy), at the end of his short stay at the Alpes, close to German chancelor Angie Merkel's restplace, where he received the visits of two f.Italian Presidents, Ciampi and Cossiga, together with Minister Tremonti.


Pope's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, said ttesterday that he highlighted Brixen-Bressanone's synthesis, a peaceful and mutually enriching meeting point of many cultures, as "a model for Europe".






2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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