EUParliament vPresident Jaroka to EF on ISIS Killer given Fake Refugee status, but cought in Hungary
*Strasbourg/EUParliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- More and more Astonishing Facts reveal that things are even More Nasty than what the siuation appeared to be at First Sight, in that, already Scandalous Affair of an ISIS' Chieften accused to have BeHeaded 20 Persons at Homs (Syria), but who was given, nevertheless, ... "Refugee" Status in Greece, including even some Travel and Air-Flight Documents (See Infra), before he was finaly Arrested in Hungary :
- Known as "F.Hassan", (according to some: "Farhood Hassan"), "he has Used Various, Different and Fake Names", during his Recent Trips to several Other EU Countries, told "Eurofora" the vice-President of EU Parliament, Livia Jaroka, Hungarian Center-Right MEP from the Governing "Fidesz" Party of popular Prime Minister Victor Orban, (See also Infra).
+ Moreover, he was found in possession of a kind of "Passport", with which he could Travel in 10 EU Member Countries, even to Canada, etc., under a special deal between the EU and UNO, it seems.
++ In Addition, he was even equiped with a Special kind of Bank "Credit Card", havig as unique "Identification" only a special Number, attributed to him, (again, it seems, after an agreement between the EU, UNO and controversial Millionaire Soros' dealings).
That Card was Regularly credited with about 600 € each Month, while, at the same moment, working Hungarian People's lower, basic Salary was around 500 €... And, even in Greece, this represented the current Salaries or Pensions of many Hundreds of Thousands of People, (after recent Restrictions), being also much Higher than those "Young People"s lowest Salaries, around 400-450 € !
+++ But, Nobody Knew yet, in the rest of Europe, also the Fact that this "Hassan" had even got a Family Appartment, in the Capital of Greece (Athens), and at a ...Cosy quarter, such as "Kypseli" (alias : "Beehive"), as "Eurofora" found in reliable Greek sources...
Comparatively, other Asylum Seekers are staying either in more or less awfull "Camps" at the Islands, or in some far away Provinces, perhaps in Collective Facilities (as also often even in Germany, even with kids), some times in Pre-Fabicated Small Houses, (some of which are fully equiped, however, with Kitchen, Fridge, and even ... "Air Conditioning" : a "Lux" in Greece and Other EU Countries), the Problem of Housing reportedly being one among the Hardest to solve yet, in general.
- It's "EuroJust" who had managed to Find out the Truth about "F.Hassan"'s real dealings in Syria, thanks also to a Video showing him take a Leading part in the atrocious BeHeadings of some 20 Members of the Family of a Man at Homs, who Refused to Obey to ISIS' Deadly Terrorists.
But, unfortunately, he's not alone, in this kind of Scandalous Cases of bloody Jihadists Disguised into Fake "Refugees" :
- F.ex., among many and various Other such Examples, it seems to be also the case of Moroco's "Mourad T", according to the American "Gatestone Institute", (until recently Directed by the well-known former US Ambassador to the UNO, and currently National Security Advisor at the White House, John Bolton), who, according to Recent Findings by Polish Prosecutors, participated at a Meeting, (on 2014 , at Edirna, in Turkey), of High-Profile Islamist Terrorists, including Abdelhamid Abbaoud, responsible for the November 2015 Terrorist Attacks in Paris, which Killed about 130 Civilian People and Wounded another 300.
Despite that, Mourad T. had managed to go, through Turkey, to EU Member Greece, Cross the Balkans, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, until Poland, pretending to be a ..."Syrian Refugee", (according to a Wiena certificate, while even his Age had been Falsified, in order to Pretend to be an underage Youngster or "Child", (as Many others, notoriously, did too), up to the moment that Police found "Photos of potential Targets and an improvised Explosive Device" in his Flat, knowing that he had personaly served in order to "Identify Venues for Attacks in Europe" !
But, Meanwhile, what about Hungary's main role ?
Jaroka, (who is a beautiful Lady of Roman origin with a strong Fighting Spirit, a Daughter and a Son, as well as a PhD on Social Anthropology from London's University College), was firmly supported by experienced EU Parliament's President, and former EU Commissioner, Antonio Tajani (a ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP from Italy), recently, when some Political Adversaries, had repeatedly attempted to Cut her Speech and Hinder her from Replying, (with Crystal-clear Facts versus illfounded Accusations of some "Sociaists" a.o.) against the Popular Government of Victor Orban, including vis a vis the Roma Minority.
After having served always as a fully-fledged, stable and popular Member of the mainstream ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group (the Biggest in EU Parliament), winning a Record-High and Long series of Elections, Victor Orban's "Fidesz" Party recently Decided to exceptionally "Suspend" its Membership at the EPP, for a Period of Time, in a written Agreement with its Presidency, which was endorsed by its Political Committee on March 22, 2019, giving Time for the EU Elections, (Comp. a relevant exchange of "Eurofora" with EPP's Secretary General, at: ..., etc), and for more Thought over the Future Orientation of the EPP and Fidesz in the following, Post-Electoral Political Landscape of Europe, where Various, uncertain yet, Changes are expected, in general, at Many Other Parties and Countries.
Final Decisions are due to be taken after a relevant Report, on both EPP's and Fidesz' Future, that willl be Drafted by formers EU President and Belgian Prime Minister, Van Rompoy, f. EU Parliament's President (current Chairman of the "Adenauer" Foundation) Hans Ghert Poettering, and f. Chancellor of Austria, Wolfgang Schûssel.
- With Victor Orban, you know, some things are special : F.ex., if you Push him too much, then he sticks to his People, and his People gathers around him, even More ! That's why, it's Better to take some Time, and do things propely, since, After the (EU) Elections, some issues might become easier to solve, than before", enigmatically Advised "Eurofora", with a Smile, the Experienced long-time EU Parliament's vice-President, himself a ChristianDemocrat/EPP Top Politician, from Nearby Baden-Wurtemberg, Rainer Wieland.
- For Orban himself, it seems that the Main thing will be the Future Political Orientation of the EPP, in the New Context of the 2019-2024 EU Parliament : Will it remain faithful to its initial Strategy on the Issue of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants, and defend Europe's Christian roots, while also respecting Member States' national sovereignity, or will it be pushed, by a "Left-leaning" Minority, towards a slipery slope of Center-Left ?
All Other matters, particularly raised by those who accuse Hungary on certain points of Internal Policies, asking for this or that reform, (as also against Poland, and some Other Central-Eastern Countries, etc), would be Either Inaccurate, or could be Solved, in one way or another.
Until now, all Electoral Results have shown that Victor Orban is, in fact, the Most Popular Head of State/Government in the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Family.
>>> Crystal-clear, UNHCR, IMO, a.o. Official Data prove that, indeed, it's the Defense of Western Balkans' Route, notoriously Initiated by the Hungarian Prime Minister, almost From the Beginning of 2015, which was the 1st to Succeed to Rapidly Start a Radical Drop in the Numbers of that Huge "Tsunami" of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants,
already Long Before a subsequent, Controversial EU - Turkey Deal, (still Costing + 3 Billions € in full Grants each Year to EU's Budget, in Addition to Visas' and other Turkish Claims).
=> The Original, May 2016, "Eurofora"s Factual Analysis, in this regard, is an Historic, Landmark piece of investigative Journalism, which deserves to be re-Published asap, until everyone has seriously examined and acknowledged the Truth on this Key Issue of European History, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/unpopulareuvisafreefor80millionsturksuseless.html, etc).
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Facing a 70% Abstention threat in 2009 Election, EU endorses EuroFora's idea for Citizens' debates on crucial EU decisions !
- Different views on "Europe's Future", should be debated among Citizens at June 2009 EU Elections, thanks to political Parties' "Manifestos", says EU Parliament's Report
A main idea, initiated and promoted by EuroFora's founders since 1997: the vital need to develop European Citizens' democratic right to actively participate in multilingual debates on EU decisions, is formally endorsed by the EU from 2009 !
The move is a key attempt to overcome "catastrophic" Polls which warn that only ...30% of Citizens are ready to vote in the forthcoming June 2009 EU Election ! This was revealed by EU Commission's vice-president, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, during a "hot" meeting of EU Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education, during the December 2008 Strasbourg session.
Wallstrom faced criticism, but also suggestions from various MEPs, naturally worried by Abstention threats which herself found even "worse" than in 1999 or 2004...
A Report on "Active Dialogue with Citizens",examined at the same time, presented some useful practical tips, on "facilitating Interviews"; etc., but also a potentialy important call to "incorporate the conclusions of ...debates...into (EU) policies, and take into consideration the expectations that Citizens have of the EU when deciding". An amendment even implies that Citizens' participation in debates on EU decisions is a democratic "Right".
More importantly, it finds that a Debate "on the Future of Europe", (as French President Nicolas Sarkozy has asked since 2007), would be a good idea " for the 2009 European parliamentary Elections", because "clarifying the political differences between the EU political parties would help citizens to identify themselves with, and choose between various concepts", for which "all parties (should) present their Manifesto".
A "Joint political declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership", co-signed by "the European Parliament, Council and ... Commission", confirms that they "attach the utmost importance to improving communication on EU issues", by "enabling European citizens to exercise their right to participate in the democratic life of the Union, in which decisions are taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizens, observing the principles of pluralism, participation, openness and transparency".
This should "enable Citizens to exercise their right to express their views and to participate actively in the public Debate on European Union issues", while also "promoting the respect of multilingualism". In this regard, EU confirms its "wish to develop synergies with national, regional and local authorities as well as with representatives of Civil Society".
It's since 1997 that a group of EuroFora's founders have officially presented a pioneer Project (then called "EIW", for "Europe in the World"), which aimed to develop Strasbourg's "Polyphonic music", by providing "Interactive information", on "main issues ... during the Decision-making process of European Organizations which engage in Transparent and Public Democratic Debates"
This should be done, inter alia, by "exploring the potential of New Communication Tools (mainly Internet)", as well as classic-form debates, the 1997 EIW pioneer project's anounced in its "Synopsis". It was formally "accepted for evaluation" by EU Commission in Brussels in order to be examined for a grant in the framework of the "Research/Technology/Development (RTD) Programme in the field of Information Technologies", then called "ESPRIT", as a "Best Practice Pilot Project".

But the vital, urgent Political need for EU to search new, efficient ways to reach the People and interact with European Citizens, was really felt in Brussels and elsewhere only after the unprecedented in History 1999 and 2004 Majority Abstention in EU Elections, followed by 3 "NO" in Referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, on 2005 and 2008...
In this New Political Landscape, we prepared a new, actualised and more developed version of our initial idea, in a simplified and more efficient form, thanks also to a large Experience accumulated during many years of EU/CoE/UNO Press work and Multi-lingual debates, with the New project "EuroFora" :
On 2006 we presented in Public its main lines during Questions/Replies that we raised at two Press Conferences by EU Commission President, Jose Baroso, and mainly EU Commission's vice-President, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, together with EU Parliament's vice-president, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, in Strasbourg, (Videos available), and we reminded it at various brief contacts with Commissioner Wallstrom in 2007 and 2008.
Meanwhile, a new Text was also presented for "EuroFora" Project mainly to certain Political and other personalities, at European, National or Regional/Local level, mainly in 2007, but also in 2008..
Now, after the unexpected 2008 Irish "NO", and before the 2009 EU Elections, which are due to be of exceptionally crucial importance for Europe's Future, the moment has obviously come to launch that project, progressively, but in real practice.
Whoever really cares for Europe and its Citizens is welcome to join, in one way or another. Only anti-European, anti-democratic, obscure or ignorant groups might oppose or attempt to "steal" and deviate the main idea.
But European Citizens, incited by enlightened political leaders, are those who will finally write the real History.