Ireland: Natural Family Voters = 1st Party ! Majority drops or NOs Tricky State-imposed Referendum
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- According to the Ful Final Results, by Succeeding, alone against all old-fashioned Political Parties, to attract and make emerge out of the blue about 38 % of Votes of "NO !" against a controversial Referendum, in addition to 40% of Abstentions, (more than in the usual Elections in Ireland), the Popular Movement of Bio-Ethical Values for Natural Families and Births surprized the Polls by practicaly Becoming the No 1, BIGGEST PARTY of all, throughout the entire Country!
+ In addition, Contrary to the False Impressions given by most Traditional Media, in fact, a crystal-clear MAJORITY of Irish People (62,09%) Snobed or even explicitly "NOed" a Government-imposed Referendum aimed to Open the Way for a Constitutional Reform for Controversial "Same Sex Marriage", against a Minority of only 37,4% who Voted for interests hidden behind a "LBGTI" Lobby.
But, even among them, a Scandalous "Trick" in the Organization of, in fact, 2 Totaly Unrelated Referenda, (one for Homosexuals, and another for the ...Presidency of the Republic !), Obviously ALTERED both the normal Numbers of the Turnout, and the Socio-Political Composition of the actual Voters, in a way which scandalously favored always only the pro-"Same Sex Marriage" lobby, (See Facts cited Infra).
=> In consequence, the Out-going Irish Government's attempt to impose a Controversial "Same Sex Marriage" Constitutional Reform, seems to be, in fact, quite "Shaky", in both Political and Legal terms, while, in addition, the Question of a New Political Leadership for that New Majority of People (in Ireland as elsewhere) remains Open...
Popular Movement for Natural Marriage and Births became the BIGGEST PARTY of the Country !
Indeed, at a Lower level than the 38 % obtained by the "NO" Votes, against ALL Traditional Political Parties which had on the contrary campained for "Yes", the 2nd biggest Party is Today that of current Prime Minister Edda Kenny ("Fine Gael"): which had got only 36 % of Votes, in tke latest General Elections back on 2011, i.e., comparatively - 2% Less than Today's Popular Values Movement for Natural Families and Births. It was followed by Labour Party with only 19% (i.e. - 19% Less), "Fianna Fall" Party with 17% (i.e. - 21% Less), "Sinn Fein" : 9,9% (i.e. - 28,9% Less), Socialist Party : 1,2% (i.e. - 36,2% Less), and "People before Profit" Party : 1% (i.e. - 37% Less), etc.
This 1st rank taken Today, among all Irish Political movements, by the Popular movement for Natural Family and Births with 38 % of Votes, was Unexpected and Surprizing, since all Polls had earlier predicted, on the contrary, less than 29% for the "No", and more than 71% for the "Yes", i.e. a Difference of about 10 %.
=> In consequence, Pro-Natural Family and Births' NGO "Mothers and Fathers Matter", who had campaigned for a "NO" Vote, reportedly observed the obvious Fact that a Greater than expected number of Irish People were Not represented by the political Establishment Today.
In a Similar Phenomenon to what has been already witnessed, recently, in the USA, it's mainly towards the "Heartland" of the Country, that are concentrated the most Numerous Dissidents who Refuse the Controversial "Same Sex Marriage" and the "Adoption" of Children by Homosexuals, etc.
In this regard, even more revelatory of something New being Emerging at Today's Political Landscape is the fact that, at the Central Constituency of "Roscommon–South Leitrim", where the "No" Vote reached its Highest result Winning a clear Absolute Majority with 51,5% against 48,5% now, just a year ago it was, Suprisingly, an "Independent" candidate who had largely won a 2014 By-Election, against 10 other Candidates from all Traditional Parties of the Establishment, despite Polls predicting a different result :
Michael Fitzmaurice, the surprise winner "Independent" MP, had already Warned, since October 2014, that the exceptional by-Election's "Messafe" from the People was that, unless the current Center-Right/Center-Left Coalition Government listens to some Good Sense issues at stake, then, People's representatives will appear throughout the entire Ireland in the foreseable Future. And, commending the Vote's results at Roscommon-South Leitrim, experienced "Sinn Féin"'s leader Gerry Adams, said the Government parties were "trounced" : These By-Election Results prove that "a Democratic Revolution is already under way", as he stressed.
That late 2014 move had come after the latest, 2011 General Elections in Ireland, when, already, the Number of various "Independent" MPs elected, for the 1st Time, had been largely Increased, from 5 to 14, based on Votes augmented from 6% up to almost 13%. In consequence, now that the politicaly Independent Popular Movement for Natural Marriage and Births has just marked even Higher than 38 % against All mainstream Political Parties, at the Referendum against controversial "Marriage" emon Homosexuals, the above mentioned, previously launched Warning of Independent new MP Fitzmaurice, (Comp. Supra), has obviously started to be, at least partialy, realized...
Perhaps, it's not for nothing that "Roscommon" (which reportedly means "Gentle Wooded Height") has as Motto of its Coat of Arms a call to be Brave : - "Steadfast, Irish Heart !", arboring a Golden Cross in a Green context, and gave Birth to the 1st President of Ireland, Douglas Hyde, a Scholar of the "Gaelic ReVival" !
Nor the fact that it was also the Birthplace of the Cinema Actrice for "Jane", the beautiful and brave Wife of World Famous "Tarzan", (starring Maureen O'Sullivan and Johnny Weissmuller), a really solid, Mythic "Natural Couple", (including, particularly, in the Historic Film "Tarzan's Secret Treasure", where, according to its legend, he "prepares to Defend his Loved ones against the Invaders of his ... Eden")...
Meanwhile, the Irish MEP from Roscommon, Luke Ming Flanagan, (an "Independent" himself too), speaking at EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg the very Same Day that the controversial Referendum on Same Sex Mariage was going on in Ireland, at the insistance of mainstream Governemental and Opposition Big Parties, Luke Ming Flanagan, (who was recently co-Author of adopted EU Resolutions for the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey, and against the Destruction of Historic Cultural Heritage by Extremist Islamist Terrorists of ISIL's atrocious BeHeaders, also denounced stronlgy what he named as "anOther kind of Terrorism, terrorism that is far more Widespread and far more endemic. I am talking about Financial Terrorism, the terror inflicted on Peoples all over the World, by the Small but disproportionately Powerful moneyed Interests, whose actions are facilitated by "Captured Governments. Our own Government in Ireland has long been Captured and is now held Prisoner by the IFSC", "that ... was described by ...(USA's) New York Times as the ‘Wild West’", to the point that, now, it's ..."Dancing to its Every Tune" (sic !),
as he significantly and Timely observed only Hours after Irish Coalition Prime Minister Edda Keny was convinced to push (even by a Personal "Twitter) Voters towards the controversial "Same Sex Mariage", (notoriously desired by out-going US President Obama, during the term of whom, the most Heavy Pressure of some Shady Interests Hidden behind a suddenly omni-present Global "LBGTI" Lobby was notoriously exerted upon many National Governments)...
The REAL Numbers : a MAJORITY of 62,09% of the People, against only 37,4%, = Critical or Unwilling vis a vis Government's controversial "Same Sex Marriage" Reform Plan !
+ Moeover, given the Fact that it was, notoriously, the Irish Coalition Government and the "LBGTI" Lobby which pushed for that controversial Referendum, (while, on the contrary, the Catholic and Protestant Chrisztian Churches, as well as the Pro-Natural Family and Births NGOs were reportdly against such a move), due also to the Fact that, in case of Weak Participation, there wouldn't probably be any Chance to Change the Country's Constitution accordng to an Homosexua Lobby's desiderata, it would be Fair and Logical to normaly Count also many, if not all Abstentionists among all the People who, in fact, Opposed the controversial "Same Sex Marriage", in one way or another :
Already, the Abstention to this Controversial Referendum wished by the Government was more than + 10% Higher than in the latest, 2011 General Elections : Up to 40%, instead of just 30% usually...
Thus, 734.300 "No" Votes , added to 1.256.426 Abstentionists, amount up to 1.990.726, i.e. almost 2 Millions of Critical and/or Unwilling People !!..
=> These 1.990.726 Registered Voters, who, either Abstained to the Referendum imposed and needed by the Government's Reform attempt, or Voted Explicitly "NO", certainly didn't want to Support that Controversial Change.
>>> And the Difference is Big: There are almost 800.000 Registered Voters (789.119) MORE, among the People who Voted "NO" or Abstained to that Controversial Referendum imposed and needed by the Government's Reform Plans, than in those who accepted it... (1.990.726 against only 1.201.607).
*** In other words, to put it in a nutshell, it's a Clear MAJORITY of about 2 Millions People, who didn't give a damn for the Government's controversial demand, OutNumbering, by almost + 800 Thousands Registered Voters More, a Minority of some 1.200 Thousands of "Same Sex Marriage" supporters' much Smaller group !
===>>> I.e., in fact, a crystal-clear MAJORITY of more than 62,09% of Registered Voters Opposed a MINORITY of only 37,4% pro-"Same Sex Marriage" Smaller group...
(The slight difference, of about 0,51% should Obviously correspond to "White" or Invalid Votes).
These unquestionable Numbers, reveal that the Real Situation is exactly Opposite to what most Established Media persist to Claim, without any reserve, by giving the overwhelming (but False..) Impression and even Boasting, on the Contrary, that those Hidden behind a "LGBTI" Lobby would have "Crashed" the Irish Popular Movement for Natural Family and Births, while, in fact, it seems that it has rather .. WON, not only Ireland's "Heartland" (Comp. Supra), but also most Irish People's Hearts !...
+ A Fortiori, this is even more so, as the Coalition Government had also, apparently attempted to somewhat Manipulate the practical Conditions and the Turnover of its Controversial Referendum, in order to provoke False Appearances about its Outcome :
- Indeed, that Coalition Government had asked from the Irish People to Vote, in One and Same Day, not only for or against the Controversial "Same Sex Marriage", but also, ipso facto, for or against anOther, absolutely Differend Question, about the Conditions under which is ...Elected the President of the Republic !
In fact, there was also a SECOND REFERENDUM, (scandalously imposed together with the 1st), on the Totaly Irrelevant Issue of whether the Irish President of the Republic should be Elected, from now on, among Candidates of a much Younger Age than before...
>>> This 2nd, and Totaly Unrelated Issue, Obviously served to Attract to the Votes of May 22, 2015, a much Greater Number of People than normaly expected ony for the 1st Issue, since the Electtion of the President of the Republic naturally Interests many More Voters, among the Mass of Laymen, than a BioEthical Question, as that of the protection of Natural Family and Births, which is, unfortunately, less known to the large publc, (given also most mainstream Medias' reluctance and/or incapacity to really investigate and reveal what is really at stake)...
+ Moreover, such a Doubtfull "Trick" played by the Organizers of those 2 Simultaneous, but Unrelated, Referenda, obviously ALTERED even the Socio-Political COMPOSITION of the Voters, and this, from a Double point of view :
(A) At first, by Adding the above mentioned 2nd Question about Lowering the Age required for Canidates to be elected as Presidents, it naturally Attracted a much Greater Number of Youngsters than normal, (as also Many Observers Noted, indeed, afterwards), most of whom are notoriously Inexperienced and/or Uninformed about the Natural Marriage and Births versus "Same Sex Marriage" Controversy, (which was only 1 among the 2 Referenda voted on the Same Day, at the Same Places, by the Same People....
(B) + At the same time, in addition, many among those Suplementary Voters who were, in fact, Attracted to the Voting Station much more by, if not even Exclusively by, that 2nd Referendum on the Election of the President of the Republic, may, very probably, be among those Indifferent and/or ill- or Not-Informed about Delicate and Complex BioEthical Issues, and what was realy at stake in the controversial "Same Sex Marriage" Draft.
Indeed, most of the "NO" Campaign, (run by NGO's and/or Individual People, including the "Mothers and Fathers matter" group, Catholic Institute "IONA", former MEP Kathy Sinnott, etc), reportedly insisted much more on Warning about serious potential Dangers over Children, f.ex. by imposing Controversial Childrens' "Adoption by Homosexuals" unrelated to their Family, and/or the atrocious Exploitation of "Surrogate Mothers", as already f.ex. among Poor, oppressed Women in India, etc, and/or the manifold "Artificial" Procreation of Human Beings, risking to be Contriolled by a Shady Lobby of unscrupulous Technocrats Hidden behind a "LBGTI" Global movement recently pushing for Controversial "Same Sex Marriage", (f.ex. via Massive "Pre-Natal Tests", "In Vitro Fertilisations", "Artificial Fertilisations", "Sperm Banks", "Eggs Banks", "Embryo Banks", Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, etc.), obviously Dangerous against all Humankind.
But, most among particularly those Voters who were, in fact, motivated in order to go to a Voring Station mainly by that Scandalously added, but Totaly Unrelated Issue of "Presidential Elections' Conditions" (Comp. Supra), probably have Not the Slightest Idea nor Basic Knowledge about all that, or even Ignore entirely all that Crucial DFebate, Not having even Read any among those relevant "Classic" Books in the History of Literrature, such as Rusian expat; Writer Evgen Zamiatin's "WE", British Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", Orwels' "1984", HGWells' "Time Machine" and "The Island of Dr. Moreau", etc., (Comp. on the contrary, among "NO" Campaigners, f.ex. also :,766.msg1007.html#msg1007 , etc).
On the Contrary, most Irish Voters were notoriously "Bombarded" by all Traditional Big Parties and most Establishment's Medias, added to a Virulent Propaganda by Shady Interests Hidden behind a Glocal "LBGTI" Lobby, claiming to Impose Controversial "Same Sex Mariage" only for a so-called "Equality" and "Love", etc., accusing all Critics to be what they call "HomoPhobic", or even worse Slanderingn, amidst Aggressive Personal Attacks and Threats, etc, while Out-going, current US President Obama's entourage (Dem., i.e. "Socialist" in EU terms), has been notoriously pushing since 2009/2010 to spread that trend in a growing number of Countries, (even if they still remain a Minority, Worldwide).
=> So that, in such overall conditions, (Comp. Supra), many Voters in this controversial Irish Referendum, would likely Ignore what was really at Stake...
Concerning the "NO" Campaigners' Warnings about Children, etc;, (Comp. Supra), the Government reportedly promissed that "Same Sex Marriage" would Not affect Children at all, neither in "Adoptions" by Homosexuals, nor in "Surrogate Mothers", or "Artificial Procreations" of Human Beings.
But such kind of "Music" has already been played elsewhere, without guaranteed results, (f.ex. also in France, recently, etc), while Nobody knows IF, how and when might really ensure this Government (and/or its Successors), what it has promised on this Crucial point, (See also Infra)...
To the point that one might legitimately Wonder, why Constitutional, Federal and/or Regional (f.ex. European and/or PanEuropean) Courts, curiously, use, recently, to frequently Nullify even Referenda massively adopted by the People in favor of Natural Family and Births, (f.ex. in various USA States, in Slovakia, etc), often Scandalously Opposing People's clearly expressed Democratic Political Will about Family Values and Society, etc, without, eventually, doing at least something similar, in this case too, (f.ex. on the forthcoming Constitutional Modifications)....
- "Like ISIS' Terrorists" ?...
Things become even More Nasty, as far as the real Conditions and the overall Climate under which was held this Unusual and Strange Referendum, when one considers also the Pressure exterted upon the Irish People both by such an Exceptional "Monologue" of a Totaly United Political Establishment pushing with All Traditional Big Parties against a Majority of 62,09% Unwilling or even Explicitly Opposed Voters, (Comp. Supra), and by a reportedly Deplorable Context of surprising Tension, including various Aggressions, Slandering; Threats and/or Bullying, etc. against Dissident People, as many attested and/or denounced :
- Even in New (Roscommon-based) Euro-Left Group's MEP "Ming" Flanagan's Twitter account, (most re-published at EU Parliament's "HUB"), it's also among supporters of a "Yes" Vote that Regrets and Warnings are expressed against the Fact that "there is a New strain lately which is very Intolerant of any Deviation", to the point that "it's Worrying", as "David K" notes, while several participants criticize Insults and "Bashing" against the No 1 Irish Constituency which voted with a crystal-clear 52% against 48% Majority "NO", at Roscommon-South Leitrim, (Comp. Supra), as Flanagan himself had observed. - "Rather than Ridiculing, Insulting, and Calling for the Heads of People who advocated a "NO" Vote, "Yes" voters need to realise that nearly 40% of the Country did Not vote, and of those that did, nearly 40% voted "NO", observed, f.ex., "Barry" in a relevant discussion, where "Soberlane" finds that, "while the word HomoPhobic is becoming Obsolete, .. we Need a Word for a strong Dislike of Roscommon and Leitrim People" (sic !), proposing f.ex. "RosLeitPhobia"... "That was a characteristic of the Yes Campaign:- Intimidation and Mockery. People Afraid (sic !) of being Branded homophobes", observed "Lennylovet" at MEP Flanagan's twitter account.
+ Indeed, Dissident Irish People had already Denounced to the Press that the pro-"Yes", side was often "acting almost like ISIS Terrorists aboutt it", f.ex. at the Internet, (particularly by a "Twitter Mob"), with "Bullying, and Harassment, and calling People Names, and Demonising People", added even to "the Tearing Down of Posters", etc., as also mainstream Irish Newspapers reported.
++ Experienced, former MEP (2004-2009) Kathy Sinnott, traditionaly active in BioEthical issues, (Comp. f.ex. Sinnott's statements to "EuroFora"s co-Founder in the Past), felt obliged to "deliver a Warning", speaking to the Press just a few Days before the Vote : Several People she knew were planning to Vote "No", "Bit they will tell everybody they’re going to vote "Yes, just so they will get through their work day in one piece. . .” (sic !), as "The Irish Times" reported. ( ).
Independent Irish former MEP Kathy Sinnott, (born in Chicago, Ill. USA), Chairwoman of the "Hope" Project for Children with Disabilities, had lost both her EU Parliament's seat to a "Socialist" candidate, and his oldest Son, Kevin, just 1 year before graduating in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Georgia, US, when, aged only 22 yo, he was reportedly Killed while swiming with friends in a peaceful Lake at a golf community adjacent to the University Campus a calm Summer evening, from unknown reasons, back on 2009, - I.e. at the 1st Year of "Liberal" ("Socialist" according to European terms) outgoing now US President Obama, precisely when Tensions around crucia BioEthical Issues notoriously were at their Highest : F.ex. with the controversial March 2009 cancelation, by Obama, of his predecessor, former USPresident GWBush's decision of August 2001 to Outlaw Federal Funding for Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos.
And the publication, by then Pope Benedict, of the Encyclic "Caritas in Veritate", which denounced a strong Fight between Bio-Ethical Values and some unscrupulous Technocratic Lobbies, together with an Open direct Criticism of Obama's above mentioned decision, when they personaly met on June 2009, immediately followed by an unprecedented "Fall" of the Pope which broke his Right Hand, obliging him to be Hospitalized, operated, and Hindered from hand-writting for Months, while he mircaculously Escaped on August from an unprecedented Physical Aggression of an individual reported as mentaly instable, from Switzerland, which could have provoked even more Heavy Wounds, (as, f.ex., it did for an aged French Bishop who was then Together with Benedict and fell down after that attack, breaking his Leg and necessitating a long Hospitalization with delicate Medical Operations, etc). From 2010 started an unprecedented series of various accusations in the USA, Ireland and elsewhere, of certain Catholic Officials to have scandalously ill-treated some Children mailny before 20 to 40 Years in the Past. while a relevant Report at the CoE was urged during debates to Check also similar problems in Other, Civic, i.e. Non-Religious Institutions entrusted with the responsibility to care for Children. During 2012 emerged various Reports abut an alleged "Complot" against then Pope Benedict, who finally Resigned, in an unprecedented move, on February 2013, while a mainstream Italian Journalist (a Woman of the Center-Left) was publishing an Investigative Article denouncing an alleged Plot mainly by a co-called "Homosexual Lobby", even inside the Vatican, which was denied by its Official representatives : Benedict's Historic move, by anothetr among many such "coincidences", came just after Hailing in Public at Saint Peter's Square an EU Citizens's Initiative, according to the New "Lisbon Treaty", mainly against Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos : "One of Us".
- Now, in Ireland's controversial 2015 Referendum, .. "Millions of Foreign dollars $ flowed in to build support" to "this Referendum", on controversial "Same Sex Marriage", "in favour" of which "there has been an overwhelming consensus in Irish Establishment circles", so that, curiously, "Every Political Party in the State, every State Organisation, the Garda (Police) Representative Organisation, along with all sorts of NGOs, backed a "Yes" vote", so that it "was ... very Difficult for us (alone) to overcome such Huge Odds, in four short weeks", as Denounced Today the "NO" Campaigner Irish NGO "Mothers and Fathers matter".
+ However, it's Important to note (Comp. Supra), also the Fact that "the Government achieved this Result by Telling People that they had No need to Worry about (Mothers') Surrogacy, or Adoption (of Children by Homosexuals), or the Rights of Children to a Mother and a Father (instead of emanating from an Artificial Intervention of Technocrats, etc). "They Hammered that message home Relentlessly and Staked their Reputation on it", that Key NGO observed.
=> So that, in consequence, even "People who Voted "Yes", but who had Concerns about these Issues, will Expect those Promises to be Honoured", the BioEthical Citizens' Watchdog warned, on this point of Crucial Importance, (Comp. Supra).
>>> Last, but not least, "More Voters voted "NO", than support either (the 2 Biggest Political Parties of the Country) "Fine Gael" or "Fianna Fáil", (in fact : More than ALL Parties : Comp. Numbers given Supra). - "That’s a Huge chunk of the Electorate, who simply are Not Represented by (Traditional Establishment's) Politicians, and that Must Now Change !", they stress Today, in a Press Release send also to "EuroFora".
===> That's why "We Urge those Public Representatives, who were Whipped (sic !) into Silence on this Referendum, to summon up the Courage to Give the People the Representation they Deserve",
concludes that Key Irish NGO, in fact part of a much larger, recently growing World-wide Popular Movement for BioEthical Values, such as Natural Family and Births,
"Proud" by the Fact that, already, a serious Analysis of Votes' results, clearly reveal that, at least, "we did Far Better than the Opinion Polls suggested", and "Represented the Very Many People who did Vote "NO" : "We gave them a Voice, they would Not have had Otherwise", since they "had No political Party ... to support their point of view".
Despite being, in fact, closer to the Majority, as we saw above, (Comp. Supra).
Who could Disagree with that key Irish NGO's conclusion that, after what really happened during that controversial Referendum, things have "Now" to "Change" ?...
(NDLR : "DraftNews" as alredy sent, earlier, to "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap).
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The High-Tech, brand new Crisis' management Center (CMC) inaugurated Wednesday by French Minister Bernard Kouchner, fits well EU's Humanitarian and Security-Defence aims, revealed a gathering of the largest Group of MEPs (EPP) organised in Paris these days, to prepare the debate on French EU Presidency's priorities (July - December 2008), that President Nicolas Sarkozy will present next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.
Due to face a large spectrum of Crises : from Humanitarian (f.ex. Natural Catastrophes, evacuation of Civilians or rapatriation of expats, populations exposed to Hunger and/or risky Sanitary conditions, etc), to various consequencies of Terrorist threats, Armed conflicts, or of Peace-keeping operations, etc, and joining Geopolitics with Diplomacy, CMC is able to deal with urgencies in real time anywhere in the world, by concentrating qualified Experts and impressive High-Tech equipment (i.e. Giant Computer Screens working in parallel, Visio-conferences, Satellite connections, etc).
Kouchner stressed that "Humanitarian and Political considerations can co-exist in real practice, if each one respects its independence", and, speaking to EuroFora, underlined his intention to have special representatives in "Strategic" locations, creating a "Network", open particularly to European cooperation.
- "We must fill the gap in Europe's Civilian and Military capacities", declared earlier at Matignon, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, while EU Commissioners met with their counterparts among French Ministers.
This point was at the focus of European People Party's "'Study Days" in Paris, from 2 to 4 July 2008, entitled : "For a Safer Europe", with a central Debate on EU's Security and Defence policies, where EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, French Minister of Defence Herve Morin, and the Chairman of EU's Defence Committee, MEP Karl von Vogaw, spoke before meeting with Sarkozy, Wednesday afternoon.
- "We need specifically European systems, including, f.ex. Satellite networks, etc", stressed the experienced Chairman Karl von Vogaw, speaking after the meeting with President Sarkozy to European Journalists from EuroNews, EuroPolitique and EuroFora.
- And there where "European forces are already gathered, (f.ex. in Cyprus, Balkans, Lebanon, etc), if new operations started, I'd prefer to see them under European command in Future", he added, in reply to questions on how to overcome problems raised by a 3rd Countries as Turkey.
Vogaw presented earlier, at EPP's plenary, a comprehensive Report on EU's Security and Defence policy, with a strong High-Tech component (including Satellites, UAV, protected Telecoms, Strategic Air and Sea Transports, Space assets, etc), sharp references to Political will and Historic necessities, while also stressing that EU must overcome the divide between Civilian and Military research and activities, making "a close cooperation between Civilian and Military means" a "specific" mark of Europe.
The experienced Top MEP, after helping to build the "EuroZone", as a long-time Chairman of EU Parliament's Economic Committee, has recently started to chair a brand new "Security and Defence Committee", aiming to build European Defence, as the 2nd task of his life, as he told earlier to EuroFora.
The Committee, chaired by Vogaw, will hear, next week in Strasbourg an Experts' view about on the French EU Chairmanship's priorities in ESDP on Wednesday, before President Sarkozy's plenary debate, exceptionally on Thursday.