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Home arrow newsitems arrow Ukranian F.Prime Minister Julia Timoshenko to EuroFora: Human Rights=Unifying factor+for all Europe

Ukranian F.Prime Minister Julia Timoshenko to EuroFora: Human Rights=Unifying factor+for all Europe

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 30 September 2014



*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- Human Rights might Bridge the current Tragic Gap between Kiev and South-Eastern Ukraine's dissident Regions of Donetsk/Luhansk etc., and, in fact, this is an important matter for all Europe, stressed, in reply to relevant "EuroFora"s Questions at the CoE, the experienced former Prime MInister of Ukraine and Head of Party, Julia Timoshenko, on the occasion of the forthcoming, October 26 Parliamentary Elections in the Conflict-stricken, but Strategic Country, from which she expects to see emerge a "New" pro-European Government, as she told us.

Could such possible developments, eventually, contribute to strengthen the current efforts to stabilise and advance from a Cease-Fire towards a Political Solution of the Tragic and Dangerous Ukranian conflict, much needed for all Europe's Stability and Peace, even Economy and Future ? (Comp. : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/developmentsbackcalltochangeeurussiapolicy.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/oecdheadaskssolutionforukraine.html) Despite - or, rather : because - of several "Hard" issues of Horrible  Human Rights Abuses, paradoxically, various Converging Facts seem to indicate that it's not excluded at all...

Indeed, already, COE's Rapporteur, President of CoE's PanEuropean Assembly's "Monitoring" Committee, Austrian MEP Stefan Schennach, as well as many other EuroPoliticians, notoriously like to remind the fact that, initially, the main Aspirations of those who pioneered the "Euro-Maidan" Popular Movement at its Beginnings, were for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law respect and Anti-Corruption struggle, particularly in front of a reportedly excessive domination of  a few "Oligarchs" all over the Socio-Economic and Political life. Surprisingly, similar explicit revendications surfaced, even recently, among several Leaders and simple People in the .. Dissident, "Autonomist" Donetsk/Luhansk Regions of South-Eastern Ukraine !

Meanwhile, UNO's High Commission for Human Rights has notoriously launched a crystal-clear Appeal to Investigate a triple series of Serious and Deadly Human Rights Violations, (going from "Maidan" square events, including, particularly, the unelucidated, crucial issue of Deadly "Snipers" until February 21, up to the Odessa Massacre of May 2, but also various and multiple other abuses, reportedly committed from this or another side, during the 5 Months-long attacks of Kiev's Military against Dissident Donetsk/Luhansk regions' militia, etc), find and punish all those Responsible, as a condition for real and sustainable Reconciliation and Peace, (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/unoukrainereportsaskciviliansprotectionandtoinvestigatecrimes.html ). In parallel, CoE's International High level Panel, supported by EU Parliament, has started to supervise the Investigations made on the spot, (Comp. : ..)

  - Do you think that, despite the currenly Hard Situation, ... it might be possible to bring together People from the two sides of Ukraine, at least on an elementary Human Rights' respect Agenda ?, "EuroFora asked Timoshenko in substance.

 - "I'm very committed to Combined efforts of those People who are engaged on Human Rights", Julia Timoshenko immediately replied Positively to "EuroFora"s query.

+ Particularly when they "are working in a reliable way for the Human Rights' Struggle, as a Single Mission that we can All seek (to accomplish) there", she underlined.

=> -"Because this is important not just for Ukraine, but it's for whole Europe", Julia Timoshenko  rightfully  observed, given the fact that, inevitably, what is really at stake in the Tragic Ukranian Crisis is also EU's own Values, (Comp.  : ... )

Pointing also to the Fact that Julia Timoshenko has notoriously gaced even personaly particularly Hard times in Prison, (Comp. http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ukrainedissidentsattackedbymilitaryandextremists.html ),  while she apparently hasn't yet been directly involved in any among the worst series of alleged Human Rights' Violations which surrounded several key 2014 events , "EuroFora" observed that, as things stand, she might be the only candidate to October 2014 Elections who could eventualy serve as a kind of "Symbol" useful to a Wider Struggle for Human Rights' respect, if she really wished.

Indeed, what Russian President Putin had earlier observed for Ukranian President Poroshenko, at the beginning of Summer in Normandie, might go, mutatis-mutandis, also for Timoshenko, at least partly and in another way in the forseable Future.

This is obviously related also to the forthcoming Elections, given particularly the fact that several Controversial Figures notoriously Left Julia Timoshenko's Party, in order to create another one..

=> It's, therefore, interesting to note that the experienced former Prime Minister replied to a relevant "EuroFora"s Question on the forseable Future prospects by stressing her Hope for a "New" pro-European Government, soon, in Ukraine :

  - "Everything seems to show "very strong results in these Elections", she told us, "and I think that we are very well positioned" in order "to form a New, Strong  ProEuropean Ukranian Government", as she concluded Today.





(NDLR : "DraftNews", due to be completed and updated asap).


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