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Home arrow newsitems arrow Juncker Appeals to EU Member States+Citizens, proposes Measures, to Build a Better Europe

Juncker Appeals to EU Member States+Citizens, proposes Measures, to Build a Better Europe

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 14 September 2016


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In a carefuly Prepared, but Unusual Move, the New EU Commission's President, Experienced Long-Time former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and f. Chairman of €uroGroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, speaking at a landmark Public Debate at EU Parliament's full Plenary Session in Strasbourg, launched a vibrant Appeal to EU's 27 Member States, but also to EU Citizens, to take decisive Action, with the Help of  EU Institutions, and already Proposed a Series of Measures, in order to Saveguard the Best Achievements, Ensure and Develop Europe's Future, at the eve of a Crucial forthcoming EU Heads of State/Government Summit at Bratislava, chaired by "Visegrad" Group Member, Slovakia, whose Leadership is notoriously part of European Dissidents vis a vis some, perhaps, "Politicaly Correct", but Controversial and  UnPopular EU Choices, (particularly those recently yielded under intense "Blackmail" Pressure by the Turkish regime around the 2015-2016 Unprecedented Mass Asylum-Seekers/Irregular Migrants influx though Turkey, and subsequent Deadly Terrorism, Violent Sexual Abuse, Harassment, and other various Attacks against Innocent Civilian People, meanwhile. Comp. f.ex. : ...), as EU Council's President, former Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, had already strongly Denounced in a Dramatic Letter to EU Countries' Leaders, just Published Yesterday, (See : .....).

Characteristicaly Addressing himself, several Times, to the "European People", or to "the Europeans", as he often said, Juncker Warned from the outset, that, despite having Personaly "Witnessed several Decades of EU Integration,", until now, "Never before have I seen so much Fragmentation" : National "leaders speak only of their domestic problems, with Europe men-

tioned only in passing, if at all", "representatives of the EU institutions set... very Different priorities, some-times in direct Opposition to National governments", while "Never before have I seen national governments so Weakened". "It is as if there is almost No intersection between the EU and its national capitals anymore", he Denounced.

In fact, "Our European Union is, at least in part, in an Existential Crisis".
Promissing to speak "with ... Realism, and with ... Honesty", Juncker observed that, currently, "we have many unresolved problems in Europe".

F.ex., "high unemployment and social inequality", "mountains of public debt", from "the huge challenge of  integrating refugees, to the very real threats to our security" (etc), "every one of Europe’s Member States has been affected by ...continuing crises", while "even ...  a member le Leaving our ranks", he observed.  


=> Therefore, "We now have a very important Choice to make" :

>>> "will Europe disappear from the international scene and leave it to others to shape the world?

- Will we "let our Union unravel before our eyes?"

- "Is this not the time when Europe needs more determined Leadership than ever, rather than politicians abandoning ship ? Is this not the time to roll up our sleeves and double, triple our efforts? ", he Questioned.

=> -In Fact, "It is Time, We – the Institutions, the Governments, the Citizens – all took responsibility for Building that  Europe. Together.", Juncker stressed, urging to "Work for a Europe that EmPowers our Citizens".



In particular, even EU "Commission has to ... become Political, and Not Technocratic", he stressed. And "a Political (EU) Commission is one that ... Listens to the People !", Juncker concluded.

"Europe can only work if we all work for unity and commonality, and forget the rivalry between competences and institutions"

In particular, "Member States must build a Europe that protects. And we, the European institutions, must Help them deliver this promise", he pointed out, inter alia.

Indeed, "Europe is a cord of many strands – it only works when we are All pulling in the same direction: EU institutions, national governments and national Parliaments alike", at least "in a selected number of areas where common solutions are most urgent".

"In our Incomplete Union, there is No European Leadership that can Substitute National leadership", Experienced Juncker observed. "European Nations have to defend the rationale for unity. No one can do it for them. They can", he stressed.

In general, "Europe can only be Built with the Member States. Never Against them", Juncker acknowledged.


Because, "This (EU) is Not the USA, where the President gives a "State of the Union" Speech to both  Houses of Congress, and millions of Citizens follow his every word, live on television"... "We are Not the "United States of Europe". Our EU is much more Complex", he pointd out.

Nowadays, "Europeans are tired of the endless disputes, quarrels and bickering". "Europeans want concrete solutions to the very pertinent problem(s)". "Europeans want Common Decisions followed by swift and efficient implementation". "What our Citizens need much more is that someone Governs. That someone Responds to the Challenges", Juncker noted.


In this regard, "the next 12 Months (9/2016 - 9/2017) are Decisive".

It is so, "if we want to reunite our Union. ...to  overcome the tragic divisions between East and West which have opened up in recent months. ../.to show that we can be fast and decisive on the things that really matter", and "to show to  the World that Europe is still a force capable of joint action", he urged.

=> "Therefore", EU Commission's new President "Proposed a Positive Agenda, of Concrete European Actions, for the Next 12 Months"


The Move should Go well Beyond a simple "Vision for the Long Term".

"Yes, we (EU) Need" that, Juncker acknowledged. In consequence, EU "Commission will set out such a vision for the Future in  a White Paper in March 2017, in time for the 60th Anniversary", he anounced.

In particular, it "will address how to strengthen and reform our Economic and Monetary Union". "and ...will also take into account the political and Democratic Challenges", while Both "EU Parliament", "as well as National Parliaments", "will be Closely Involved in that process", he promissed.


But, "the next 12 Months are the Crucial time to Deliver a better Europe, .. that protects, ... preserves the European way of life, .. empowers our Citizens, .. Defends at home and abroad; and .. takes Responsibility", Juncker projected.


- "many seem to have forgotten what being European means". But, in fact, "I am convinced the European way of life is something worth preserving" :

- "Above all, Europe means Peace" : "the Longest period of peace in written history" in our Continent "Started with" the Beginning of the European Integration, he reminded.

=> Resulted "70 years of lasting peace in Europe", while, almost at the Same Time, the rest of the "World (is facing) ... 40 active armed Conflicts, which claim the Lives of 170,000 people every year".

+ In Addition, "An integral part of our European way of life, is our Values", such as "freedom, democracy, the rule of law".

F.ex., "We Europeans can never accept Polish workers being harassed, beaten up or even Murdered on the Streets", (from "Harlow", up to Reutlingen recently, etc).

++ Also "the Free Movement of (EU Workers is as much a common European value, as our fight against discrimination and racism", while, also, "we Europeans stand firmly against the death penalty" too, and "believe in independent, effective Iustice systems", because "Independent Courts keep  governments, companies and people in Check", while "Effective justice systems support economic growth and defend fundamental rights", Juncker observed.

We, Europeans, also prefer to "Trade", instead of "going to War", and EEU has become "the Biggest Trading Block" in the Planet, while more than "1 in 7 of all Jobs in the EU now, depend on Exports to the Rest of the World", he pointed out.


+++ "Being European (also) means the Right to have your Personal Data Protected", particularly "by Strong European Laws", Juncker observed. "In Europe, Privacy matters", because it "is a question of Human Dignity", Juncker strongly defended, (Comp. : .... + ....)

Indeed, "Europeans do Not like Drones overhead recording their every move, or Companies stockpiling their every mouse click", EU Commission's President stressed,  

Thus, f.ex., among others, EU "Parliament, Council and Commission agreed in May this year (2016) a common European Data Protection Regulation. This is a strong European law that applies to companies wherever they are based and whenever they are processing your data". he reminded.



"Being European also means a fair playing field", so that, f.ex., "workers should get the same pay for the same work in the same place", as a matter "of social justice". "Internal Market is Not a place where Eastern European Workers can be Exploited, or Subjected to Lower Social Standards", because "Europe is Not the Wild West, but a Social Market Economy". And "every Company, no matter how Big or Small, has to Pay its Taxes, where it makes Profits", as, f.ex., also "Giants like (USA-Headquartered) "Apple too", whose "Market Value is Higher than the GDP of 165 Countries in the World", Juncker Timely pointed out.

+ "For most of us, being European, ... also means the €uro" Currency, which "Stayed Strong", "During the Global Financial Crisis, and Protected us from even Worse Instability", and Nowadays "is a Leading World currency, bringing huge, often in-visible economic Benefits. Euro area countries saved €50 billion this year in interest payments, thanks to the European Central Bank’s monetary policy. ...that our finance ministers can and should Invest". And, "while public Deficits stood at 6.3% on average in the euro area in 2009, Today they are below 2%", Juncker observed, obviously referring to the "Fiscal Brake" Treaty of 2011-2012, (alias known as Treaty of the "€uroZone").


+ Moreover, Nowadays, "Europe must Not cower in the face of Terrorism", Juncker stressed, speaking just after the Numerous Recent Deadly Terrorist Attacks by Extremist Islamistic fans if "ISIS", etc.

- "No – Member States must Build a Europe that Protects. And we, the European Institutions, must Help them deliver", he urged.

++  To "emPower our Economy" and "our Citizens", who "Both have gone Digital", Europe "Needs to be Connected" in "Digital Communications", because "our Economy Needs it", and European "People Need it", Juncker went on to Add.

=> "That's why, Today (EU) Commission is Proposing" to "Create a New Legal Framework that Attracts ... Investments in Connecitivity", by "a Reform of our European TeleCommunications Markets", he anounced.

    Advancing eve,n Further, EU "Commission is (also) Proposing to Fully Deploy "5G", the Fifth Generation of Mobile Communication Systems, accross the EU by 2025", so that almost "Everyone (would) Benefit from Connectivity", "Not Matter Where you live, or How Much you Earn", Juncker promissed, adding that Both these 2 Moves would also create "Millions" of "Jobs in the EU".

    In this Direction, he also "Proposed ... to Equip every European Village, and every City, with Free Wireless Internet Access, ...by 2020", (a Movement which has already Started, in several EU Regions, while Others, on the Contrary, still remain more or less "Deserts" vis a vis a  "Digital Divide", Globaly growing, elsewhere in the World).


    But, to "EmPower Economy", EU naturaly also Needs "to Invest also in Job Creation", as he said, Anouncing that  EU Commission "proposes Today to Double the Duration of the "Investment Plan for Europe", (that Juncker has notorioously Introduced since 2015 : See, f;ex. .....),"and Double its Financial Capacity":
    - Already, from the "€ 315 Billions ... which we Agreed Together (with EU Parliament) .. just 12 Months ago, ... € 116 Billions have been Raised ... in its First Year", while "over 200.000 Small Firms and Start-Ups accross Europe got loans", and an estimated "over 100.000 People got New Jobs", Juncker noted.
    + "Now, we will take it Further : ... We will make sure that our (EU's) Fund will provide .. at least € 500 Billions - i.e. Half a Trillion - of Investment, by 2020, and we will Work Beyond that to Reach € 630 Billions (i.e. the Double of the initial Sum) by 2022", he Promissed, (while also noting that, If "Member States would Contribute", then, "we Can Get There even Faster").

    ++ "But", in order Not to Depend Only on Banks, European Economy also Needs "to Accelerate our (EU's) Work for a Capital Markets Union", Juncker added, "putting a concrete RoadMap for this at the Table, Today", so that Euroepan "Companies" would have "Easier and  Diversified Access to Finance", (F.ex. a Start-Up that "cannot get a Bank Loan, right Now", "will be Offered Alternative, Vital Sources of Funding", as he said).


    +++ Even (much) More  : "Today", EU Commission also "Launched an ambitious Investment Plan" extended "for Africa and the Neighborhood", with a "Potential to Raise € 44 Billions", and able to "Go Up to € 86 Billions, if Member States pitch in", Juncker also anounced, (as it was partly Expected : See, f.ex., Yesterday's relevant "Eurofora" NewsReport at : ....).

    Operating with the "Same Logic", as also it has Started to be done "for the Internal Investment Plan", (See Above), this "will be Using Public Funding as a Guarantee to Attract (other) Public and Private Investment", he explained.
    => Also Because "this will Complement our (EU's) Development Aid, and Help Address one of the Root Causes of Migration" from Africa, Juncker pointed out.


        Concerning "Young" People, in Addition to the Continuation, even Further, of EU's "Youth Guarantee", which already helped "get a Job, Traineeship^or Apprenticeship" by "More than 9 Millions of Youngsters", EU Commission Decided Today to officialy Propose "to set up a European Solidarity CORPS", where Young People across the EU will be able to Volunteer their Help where it's Needed most, to Respond to Crisis situations", such as, f.ex., "the Recent Earthquake in Italy", etc.
    This "European Solidarity Fund" should be "Up and Running by the End of the Year" 2016, "and by 2020" it should "see the First 100.000 Young Europeans taking part". accordiung to Juncker. In this way, "These young people will be able to Develop their Skills, and get not only Work but also invaluable Human Experience", he noted.


    But, Nowadays, "Europe ... must Defend" its Citizens also "against Terrorism", both "at Home and Abroad", EU Commission's President stressed, as eagerly Expected by many.

    >>> Already, almost 50% (i.e. "13") of the 30 Terrorist Attacks in Europe, which emerged "Since the Madrid Bombing of 2004", (i.e. during 12 Years), took place just "in the Last Year (2015-2016) Alone !", Juncker observed. "More than 600 innocent (Civilian) People Died in cities like Paris, Brussels, Nice, or Ansbach", he Denounced.
    In Addfition to Measures against "Terrorism and Foreign Fighters", "Terrorist Propaganda OnLine", and "Radicalisation in Europe's Schools and Prisons",  EU should Now Focus also on "Defending our (External) Borders with the New European Border and Coast Guard", recently Voted by EU Parliament on Last July, (-See : ....),and that "Now, EU Institutions and Member States should Work, very Closely Together, to Quickly Set up", Juncker guaranteed.

    => In Addition to "over 600 Frontex Agendts .. at the Borders with Turkey in Greece, and over 100 in Bulgaria", Now, "I Want to see at least +200 extra Border Guards, and 50 extra Vehicles, Deployed at the Bulgarian External Border" Facing Turkey, "as of October 2016", Juncker urged.

    ++ "We (EU) will defend our (External) Borders, as well, with strict Controls, adopted by the End of the Year (12/2016), on everyone Crossing them", "Every time someone Enters or Exits the EU", he added.

    +++ Moreovern "By November (2016), we will propose a European Travel Information System – an automated system to

determine who will be allowed to travel to Europe. This way we will know who is Travelling to Europe, Before they even get here", he boasted.


    But, "Europe Needs to Toughen up", even more, nowadays, and this is "nowhere Truer than in our Defence Policy", Juncker stressed in Conclusion,

    F.ex., "it is Time taht we (EU) had a Single HeadQuarters for these Operations", he urged.

    +We should also Move towards Common Military Assets, in some cases Owned b the EU", (while Keeping"Complementary with NATO", as he said).

    Fopr such purposes, the "European Defense Industry Needs t Innovate", Juncker acknowled, whila also Anouncing that EU Commission intends to "Propose, before the End of the Year (December 2016), a European Defense Fund, to Turbo-Boost Research and Innovation", (Comp.: ....)

    In this regard, the forthcoming Bratislava EU Summit, could be a 1st Politiical Step" towards that Direction", he suggested, since, already, "the Lisbon Treaty enables (EU) Member States who Wish to Pool their Defence Capabilities, in the Form of a Permanent Structured Cooperation", and, "the Time to make Use of this Possibility is Now", he urged.


    Last, but not least, EU now Needs "a Political Commission", which "Listens to the People", and, "this means Correcting Technocratic Mistakes", Juncker concluded.

    F.ex., he cited also some Recent Developments related to "Mobila Phones' Roaming" costs-cutting when EU Citizens travel Abroad in other European Countries, as well as the Introduction of some "Flexibility" in EU's "Stability and Growth Pact", etc.

    More Widely, "we (EU Institutions) should ...seek the Necessary Rendez-Vous with Democracy", and Not Prevent this", EU Commission's experienced President Highlighted in Conclusion, (Comp. also Supra).


 + Juncker on Turkish VISA Blacmail


    => Finally, Replying to European People's elected Representatives, among several EU Parliament's MEPs' critical observations, particularly on the Topical Issue of Ankara's notorious Attempts to again Blackmail Europe (by Threatening to unleash even More Mass Migrants anew) about the Controversial and UnPopular demand for a Totaly VISA-Free status for all 80 Millions of Turks, (who could then Enter and Stay inside the EU whenever they Wanted, for at least 6 Months Each Year), President Juncker confirmed a Crystal-Clear stance, based on Principles : 

 - He "emphasized" that an eventual "Liberalisation of Visas for Turkey mightOnly be considered IF ALL (EU standard) CONDITIONS would be Fullfiled by Turkey". "This is a very Tough Issue", I Hope Possible, But Not necessarily ready to be resolved by Turkey. "F.ex., withOut an adequate Reform of its Anti-Terror Law, it woN't be possible for Turkey" to obtain that, he ensured. 





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An appeal to make the "World more Human", by defending basic Human Values, helping those in need, and paying hommage to Nature, figured high in Pope Benedict's long-awaited speech at his "First Angelus" in the symbolic, beautiful historic small town of Brixen/Bressalone at the Alpes.


- "No Dictature, nor any destructive force can rob us of the most important goods wich are God's gift", stressed Pope Benedict, referring to elementary Human Values, in a last-minute improvisation of his draft speech, before launching also a call to "help those in need", in order to "make the World more human".

- "Jesus is the focus .. In him is Justice and Freedom", said earlier Brixen's Bishop Wilhelm Egger, after prayers including calls to "Truth, Justice and Freedom", read at a Mass of thousands in the town of Archangel Michael, known as defender of christians against the devil.


In what looks as a reference to BioEthics' dillemas of crucial impportance, raised at Strasbourg's unique in the World legally binding International Treaty on BioMedicine and Human Rights (1998, with the "hottest" issues added later through additional protocols, some of whom are imminent), he spoke also of the splendid "Nature" at this Alpen's ressort : This fits well Vatican's earlier anouncement that Pope Benedict's "prayer intentions for August" are mainly to "respect God's design for the world", and "become ever more aware of the great gift of God which Creation represents for us".

- "The most important things in our lives cannot be bought, but are only given as holy gifts : The Sun and its Light, the Air that we breath, the Water, the beauty of Earth, Love, Friendship, Life itself", Pope Benedict added, extending also to Natural Environment, another topical issue after recent Climatic upheavals at several parts of the World.



The "preparation of Pope Benedict's visit to France", which currently heads the EU, at mid-September, among exceptionaly important Council of Europe meetings on Human Rights in Paris and Strasbourg, is part of his work, together with his "book on Jesus", during brief Summer Holidays in Brixen, said his Spokesman, Federico Lombardi.

- The Pope's message is mainly religious, theological. But we are living in a concrete world, and ideas may be taken by readers as references to the actuality. However, it's better to wait to se what the Pope will say in Paris and at Lourdes, added to EuroFora Lombardi, who is also Director of Vatican's Press Office.


Brizen/Bressanone is similar to Strasbourg by succeeding to make a fertile synthesis of Germanic and Latin sources of Europe, like the two local rivers who meet at the historical center of the town, among spectacular ressorts at mountains' hights.

Headquarters for an Historic Religious Seminar, it attracted recently also a Free University's Educational studies. Well-known as a long-time preferred rest place for former cardinal Radzinger and his brother Georg, it includes areas named "St Benedeto" and "St George"...


But Pope Benedict's first speech gave also another symbolic rendez-vous :

- "Next Wednesday, August 6, we shall commemorate the 30st anniversary from the death of late Pope Paul VI", who "concluded Vatican II", and "the Transfiguration of Jesus, mystery of the divine light, which exerced a unique fascination to his soul", he said to some 12.000 applauding People, among the happy few who succeeded to have a rare place for an open-air Mass inside the Domplatz a particularly sunny day at the Alpes.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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