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Home arrow newsitems arrow Frontrunner EUElection Leader Juncker to EuroFora on Ukraine: For Political Solution via Negotiation

Frontrunner EUElection Leader Juncker to EuroFora on Ukraine: For Political Solution via Negotiation

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 15 April 2014


*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- One of the most Experienced and long-serving Top European Politicians, and actually a frontrunner Candidate for New EU Commission's President for the period of 2014-2019, former long-time €uroGroup's Chairman and Prime Minister of Luxembourg, ChristianDemocrat/EPP politician Jean-Claude Juncker, speaking to "EuroFora" after a debate with EPP Group's MEPs at EU Parliament this Evening, expressed his wish for a Political Solution to the current Crisis at the Eastern part of Ukraine, where Regional Popular Revolts are threatened to be crushed by the National Army sent by the New Authorities which seized Power at Kiev through Maidan Square Popular Revolts last February, by prefering to focus rather on forthcoming International Diplomacy Top Meetings :


(Eastern Ukraine, April 2014)

- On Ukraine, there is a Ministerial meeting in the next two Days, Juncker from the outset pointed at a scheduled Negotiation on the Ukranian Crisis by Foreign Ministers of the USA, EU, Ukraine and Russia on Thursday Noon at nearby Geneva.


- "I hope they will find a Solution there", he stressed, making it clear, at another Reply to a subsequent "EuroFora"s Question that he really preferred "a Political" Solution, (instead of a Military one).



(Eastern Ukraine, April 2014)

Spreading mainly pro-Russian Popular revolts, in areas inhabited by a notoriously Russian-Speaking Majority of the Local Population at Eastern Ukraine, (Donetsk, etc), reportedly asking for DeCentralisation by greater Regional Autonomy or Federalism, (while at least some apparently lookd initially attracted also by a kind of rattachment Back to Russia, with which they had been united in the Past), spectacularly trying to Copy Copying strikingly similar methods to the Maidan square fomer Popular Revolt at Kiev, (i.e. mass demonstrations, masks, clubs, barricades, street blockades, attempts to occupy emblematic public buildings, quest for some makeshift guns, etc), with the Difference that No Giant Fog Smokes by Burning Car Tires, nor Cocktails Molotov thrown at the Head of Policemen, neither Deadly "Snipers" curiously Killing People from both sides, haven't yet been used here, unlike to  what had notoriously be done at Kiev.


(Eastern Ukraine, April 2014)

Another strikingly obvious Difference is also the fact that, unlike former Ukranian President Yanukovich's impressive, long-time Reluctance to give to the Police more than a mainly Defensive strategy vis a vis more or less attacking and often violent Street Demonstrators previously at Kiev, perhaps with the only exception when they notoriously refused to peacefuly lift the barrickadess at Maidan after an Agreement concluded with the their Leaders under the auspices of EU Foreign Ministers from France, Germany and Poland on February 21,


(Kiev, February 2014)

on the Contrary, now, the New Authorities who seized then the Power at Kiev have officialy anounced their preference for a mainly Military reaction, reportedly starting to sent already Heavily Armed "Special Units" of Security Forces and Army Helicopters, Airplanes, Armoured Vehicles, Tanks, Artillery, etc., together with many Soldiers, who have already started to Attack some Vilages, reportedly resulting into a number of Victims Killed from both sides, and threaten to "Eliminate" the Demonstrators' groupings unless they stop, after having already refused to obey at one or two earlier Ultimatums' time deadlines, while not any Political Negotiations with the Popular Demonstrations' Leaders haven't yet been heard this time, (perhaps because the New Central Power at Kiev might eventually fear an hypothetic trend to ask for a partial return of some Local Comunities back to Russia , Comp. Supra : Something that Russian officials clearly denied, prefering to focus, rather, on the need to introduce a kind of "Federalist" solution, almost as that that experienced Austrian President Heinz Fischer, currentl Chairing the PanEuropean CoE, has recently advised in a speech and debate with MEPs at its 47 Countries' strong Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg).


 (Kiev, February 2014)

+ Meanwhile, ECHR has already issued on Ukraine, earlier, a clear appeal to "Both Sides", as a matter of Generall Principle, to avoid any Violent Clash between Security Forces and Demonstrators, which might seriously affect People's Human Rights, while it also made, this week, an indirect but timely reminder of the need for any CoE's Member State to make only a "Proportional" use of Force vis a vis Popular Demonstrations which "Block" Streets, etc., (as EuroJudes have already decided f.ex. at a recent Ruling on the occasion of Farmers who had Blocked main Streets to protest and press for Milk prices' changes, recently at Lithuania, etc)...



(Governement Forces, Eastern Ukraine, April 2014)

++ At a previous tension  between the West and Russia, back on 2008, when a Military Attack against Autonomist Dissident Regions in Georgia by Tbilisi Government's Army, had provoked an open Military Intervention by the Russian Army to defend the Dissident Regions, located at its borderline, a serious Threat to trigger a wider and Dangerous Division and Conflict with grave Consequences throughout Europe, was notoriously Prevented, at the last minute, (shortly before Russian Tanks arrived at reportedly salmost 50 Kms distance to the Georgian Capital), thanks to a Rapid and Decisive Initiative, immediately taken by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who Chaired then the EU, to fly to Moscow and Tbilisi to meet with the Presidents of Russia and Georgia, then Medvedev and Sakashvili, (even in the middle of August, i.e. when Brussels' EU Headquarters were notoriously Empty, because of Summer Holidays...), succeeding to broker an Agreement, which managed, at least, to Safeguard Peace for almost 7 Years until now, without imposing Any Sanction, neither to Russia or whomever, (Comp., by an ..."Historic" Coincidence. the 1st "EuroFora"s real NewsReport, send then, at the eve of f. President Sarkozy's move, with an emotional Appeal for Peace by Pope Emeritus Benedict - of German origin - from Brixen/Bresanone, at Italy's "South Tirol" Region : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/irish/benepeace.html ).

A Century later :  1914 - 2014 ?.....

But now, on the Contrary, some appeared eager to Add even more and more  Sanctions against Russia unilateraly, and probably ready to Switch over, too fast, from ... "Pacifist" credo assurancies, during Tomorrow Mornings' scheduled Debates at EU Parliament in Strasbourg on the 100st Anniversary of the beginning of World War II, to much more .. "Beliquoso"  (if not War-mongering) Statements against Russia, (perhaps after a Heavy Lunch with Snaps at Noon), during the Same Day's next Debate about Ukraine, on Wednesday Afternoon, (while the New Power at Kiev, where Dissidents denounce the participation of "Extreme Right" or "Neo Nazi", "Racist", etc. Movements of "Swoboda" and "Right Sector", etc, reportedly Threatens to "Liquidate" all "Terrorists", as it calls the Popular Demonstrations currently multiplying at Eastern Ukraine, risking to apparently give an  excessively "Bitter" flavor to a Draft Resolution currently prepared to be voted by the Out-Going EU Parliament at its Last Session before the forthcoming May 2014 EU Elections, on Thursday.

However, it's also a Fact that, at least in CoE's PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), all the French MEPs of Sarkozy's fomer Governing Party "UMP", (which has just largely Won March 2014 Local Elections), including an experienced former PACE President, Jean-Claude Mignon, Voted AGAINST any Sanctions to Russia, (idea to which also  ALL Presidents of Political Groups in CoE's Assembly were Opposed, with the Only Exceptio of the President of the "Socialist" Group), while, on the contrary, the French "Socialist" MEPs voted in favour of Sanctions.

+ Moreover, recently, both the Far Right and the Leftist Political Parties f.ex. in France, (which are notoriously expected to get much more MEPs than ever at the forthcoming, May 2014 EU Elections, due to determine both a New EU Parliament, and, for the 1st time, the New EU Commission's President for the period of 2014 - 2019), reportedly pronounced themselves against Sanctions on Russia and War-mongering on the pretext of the recent Controversial developments around Ukraine.

Certainly, contrary to a Timely Warning by Sarkozy, (speaking exceptionaly in Public, for the 1st time since 2012, on European policy, at the invitation of the prestigious Germany's Adenauer Foundation, on the 28th of February 2014 in Berlin), who has notoriously launched an Appeal to Prevent "a Confrontation with Russia" which would be "Catastrophic" for Europe, as he stressed, "Socialist" USA President Obama's Administration (which was notoriously accused, by ousted Ukranian President Yanukovich, as well as various MEPs, f.ex. from Hungary etc, for constant "Interferences" in the Internal affairs of Ukraine), reportedly Pushes towards even more and more "Sanctions" against Russia, and has already sent at Kiev his Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasian affairs, Ms Nyland (where she was reportedly caught red-handed in a very "Interventionist" Phone Call with her Ambassador to Ukraine, famous for her ... "Fuck the EU" Statement : See http://www.eurofora.net/forum/index.php?PHP&topic=652.0 ), as well as even ...CIA's Chief, and 2 Big Air-Carrier Ships to cross the Dardanelles Straights into the Black Sea, while Northern America is naturally more concerned about how to boost its Foreign Trade particularly at this Crucial stage of Global Competition, towards the End of a World-wide Financial Crisis, where Europe also needs Stability, Investment and Innovation (possibly also in Cooperation with High-Tech producing Countries, (as, f.ex., neighbouring Russia)...




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Co-Founders/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version may be published asap. + For a more Extensive Press coverage of Juncker's visit in Strasbourg, See another "EuroFora"s Newsreport, already sent to Subscribers/Donors, due to be Publised soon in Extenso].




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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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