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Home arrow newsitems arrow Green German Leader (Länder PM) Kretschmann to EuroFora: Pope Benedict Bundestag call = Fundamental

Green German Leader (Länder PM) Kretschmann to EuroFora: Pope Benedict Bundestag call = Fundamental

Written by ACM
sábado, 24 septiembre 2011

*Freiburg(Germany)/Angelo Marcopolo/- The only "Green" politician elected as Head of a German Laender, new Prime Minister of Baden-Wurtemberg's Federated State, Winfried Kretschmann, replying to an "EuroFora" question, strongly supported Pope Benedict's call, at his landmark speech at the Bundestag, to start debating issues such as the need to respect also Human Natural Life's Dignity, in order to protect it from growing risks of Genetic and other Manipulation, (See previous "EuroFora"s NewsReport) :

- "In the Bundestag, Pope Benedict referred to the Ecologic Movement, making an appeal for a Debate to start, including not only the protection and the respect of Nature alone, but also for the respect of Human Nature also.  And you had told us something interesting about that, yourself, just before your (recent) election", "EuroFora" reminded to Kretschmann, (See relevant NewsReport of 2010).

=> ' "Do you think that there is something, there, which might develop, in Germany and all Europe, in this Direction, in the Future ?", we asked the only "Green" politician to have succeeded until now to head a German Federated State.
- The Pope spoke about "very Fundamental issues" for all Mankind, stressed from the outset the experienced, long-time German "Green" leader, in reply  to "EuroFora"s question.
- In fact, the Pope denounced Dangers that Human beings may be Manipulated, genetically or otherwise, and/or that Humans may (re)produce other Humans, by risks of abuses from Molecular Biology, etc., Kretschmann observed.

- The Bundestag (German Parliament) has already shown that it considers very Carefully such delicate issues, as it was seen f.ex. during the recent debate on the Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnostics, and other concrete cases,  the "Green" Leader estimated.

- On this occasion, we (Greens) are delighted that the Pope endorsed even explicitly the Ecological Movements.

- However, Protection of the Natural Environment and debates on Human Dignity  are not an exclusive play-field only for the "Greens" alone, but also for many others, observed from the outset Kretschmann in reply to "EuroFora"s question, already pointing, indirectly but obviously, towards links thus created f.ex. with ChristianDemocrats, independent politicians inside various other parties.  

+ Moreover, every MP is free to think, speek and vote, on such Bioethical issues, according to his/her beliefs and conscience, without being obliged to obey to his/her Party's orders, he added, extending further-on the circle of like-minded independent politicians, (as, f.ex. also the Socialist MEP Jo Leinen, President of EU Parliament's Environment Committee, who had confirmed to "EuroFora" the fact that, in a very controversial EU Draft Legislation, he had personally voted against any risk of Genetic Eugenism, contrary to the majority of his "Socialist" party).

 - "I think that the Bundestag is normally considering such issues "very carefully", and that a Majority of MEPs agrees with such a (critical) line, Kretschmann also found, (apparently adding most CDU/CSU and Green MPs together with independent-minded MPs from various other Political Groups).

+ Moreover,  what that Pope said in his Speech (at the Bundestag) is, more or less, supported by a Majority of German People, Kretschmann added.

=> In consequence, the Bundestag is due to behave in a very Responsible manner when deciding on such Crucial debates raising serious BioEthical issues, the "Green" leader optimistically concluded for the foreseeable Future.


=> To sum up the overall impression, Kretschmann appeared this time, (i.e. after Pope Benedict's landmark Speech at the Bundestag), much more Optimist than he was in previous statements to "EuroFora" (See f.ex. 2010 NewsReport, etc), about the possibility for most, if not all, "Greens" to find anew their initial sensitivity on BioEthical issues, which had traditionaly marked their movement, even at EU Parliament, (f.ex. with former mainstream MEP Hiltrud Breyer, etc), as close to ChristianDemocrats and others in such crucial issues for all Humankind.
+ For his part, young Greeen politician Solomon, Mayor of Freiburg, questioned by "EuroFora" also on Pope Benedict's Bundestag speech in Berlin, prefered to focus on the "Philosophical", as he pointed out, aspects :

 I.e.. mainly at EU's Historic Cultural foundations, inspired particularly from the Jewish MonoTheism, the Greek Philosophy, and the Roman Law", as Freiburg's Mayor observed.




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A complete, more accurate Final Version is due asap).

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Speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", the New EU Parliament's President, former Polish Prime Minister, ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jerzy Busek, welcomed proposals by EuroFora about innovative ways for EU Citizens to attend EU debates before important final decisions which affect people's lives.

- "We (EU Parliament) must be transparent", Buzek stressed from the outset.  "We must have clear answers also for delicate questions. If we don't touch a problem, you must know why, and when shall we decide in the nearest future".. "Because "we (EU) must think about Europeans, first of all : They don't understand well what is going on in the EU. So, it's our duty to inform them, to make discussions here more interesting".

"EuroFora" congratulated President Buzek for the anouncement he made, from the 1st day of his election in Strasbourg (on Tuesday, 14 July 2009), on his intention to make  transparent debates, exchanges of views, etc. before the final adoption of decisions in EU Parliament's Plenary, when issues are evolving inside Committees, (See earlier publication).

And we reminded, in this regard, that "EuroFora" has been advocating a project for EU Citizens' active involvement in pluralist EU debates before important EU decisions, since more than a Decade : 1997-2007+

- "Thank you. We (EU Parliament), indeed, have exciting debates", Buzek replied. But, in practice, "without a possibility for our Citizens to see them, not even by the Press, the Radio or TV, etc., because it is in Committees", he regreted.

- "But, they (i.e. Media, Citizens, etc) might interact with you, with MEPs, etc, May be we can imagine something", "EuroFora" proposed.

- "Yes, (but) it needs, a quite new idea", Buzed observed.

- "Why not through some innovations ?", "EuroFora" suggested.

- "Innovation ? That's it. Fantastic  New Information Technologies !", Buzek realized.

- "Precisely, "EuroFora" has such a project, since more than a Decade (1997-2009), to use new technologies for public debates before major EU decisions are taken", we reminded.

- "If you have such proposals, please come to us, come to us. We must" do something, agreed the new EU Parliamen's President.


    This fits with Buzek's main stance, expressed at EU Parliament's plenary earlier this week in Strasbourg, that the European Union must succeed to overcome a "Crisis of Trust" vis a vis EU Citizens. (See previous EuroFora publication).

    For that purpose, obviously information and debates are valuable, but purely instrumental, procedural means which can help focus on, and highlight a substantial content, attractive to EU Citizens, which needs to be determined by other, political, and not mediatic factors.  

    Buzek spoke about the urgent need to overcome the Global Economic Crisis,  the struggle for Human and Civic Rights, Democracy, etc., the Eastern Partnership, links with Russia, strategic partnership with USA and emerging countries, etc.

    But he also used (while speaking both to "EuroFora" and other Media) the expression : "The Europeans", for EU Citizens. This points right towards what several important EU leaders (including French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Merkel, etc) have started to highlight particularly during the recent years : That there is a vital need, and an historic opportunity, for the development of a European Conscience, to stimulate e renaissance of a European Identity able to attract Popular support, for the EU to become a strong player in a Multopolar World : In other words, the revitalisation of a project for a "Political Europe".

    By a coincidence, this was indirectly but surely reminded, earlier in Strasbourg, by another ... Busek (this time with a "s") : 


    Speaking to more than 650 participants from CoE's member countries, at the conclusion of the 2009 Summer University of its Political Schools, Erhard Busek, (with an "s"), former vice-Chancellor of Austria and EU Coordinator for South-Eastern Europe, pointed at the current need to revitalize Europe's "Identity", forged by Greek philosophy and Roman Law, Christian values and Enlightment's ideas, etc. through the ages.     

- "We have almost the same name with Jerzy Buzek (EU Parliament's new President, who is a former Polish Prime Minister), because both our Families come ...from  the same village, located at the Heart of Europe, which was often shared between Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. But my family emmigrated a long time ago to Austria, while Jerzy Buzek's family remained in Poland", explained f. vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek to "EuroFora".   

 An astonishingly concrete and simple example of European Integration from the grassroots : Starting by EU Citizens, i.e. those "Europeans", that EU Parliament's new President, Jerzy Buzek (this time with a "z"), wants to bring alongside MEP's decision-making proces, (according to "EuroFora"'s main idea : Comp. supra)...



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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