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Home arrow newsitems arrow Macron : Citizens' Debates on EU's Future = crucial from Summer 2018

Macron : Citizens' Debates on EU's Future = crucial from Summer 2018

Written by ACM
Friday, 20 October 2017
*Brussels/EU Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- It's around Summer 2018 that EU Citizens' potential Role in PanEuropean Public Debates on the Future of Europe, is due to arrive at a Crucial Stage, before Final Decisions up to the forthcoming EU Parliament's Elections on May 2019, revealed in substance the New French President, Emmanuel Macron, speaking to Journalists, including "Eurofora", at his concluding Press Conference, at the End of the October 2017 EU Heads of State/Governments' Summit, Today in Brussels.

On this occasion, he practically resumed his 2 successive landmark Speeches, recently at the Highly Symbolic locations of the eye-catching Acropolis Hill of Athens, where Democracy had been born in Ancient Greece, followed by the prestigious Sorbonne University in Paris, (See : ...)

The overall move obviously heads at a Direction in Harmony also with "Eurofora"s 1997-2017 initial Project to Boost EU Citizens' Public Debates on European Decisions seriously affecting their Lives and/or Society at large, (See, f.ex. : ... + ..., etc). So that it's probably not a pure Coincidence if, while leaving, President Macron kindly saluted "Eurofora", asking if things went well enough (in order to be Ready ?)... 


 - "We should Hold our (Popular) Democratic Conventions Before the Electoral Campaign" for the May 2019 Vote of a new EU Parliament+, in order to have, after the National, "also European (Public) Debates", he stressed.

 - "That's why, I wish (for the EU Heads of State/Government) to have Finalized our Discussions until the Summer 2018", the French President noted, precisely.

 - "So that we can have a(n EU Leaders') Road-Map on the Main Challenges for the Future of Europe" at that juncture, he invited.

 - Because, "that's anOther (Alternative) way to Launch a European Debate", he explained, (apparently in order for some eventually reluctant parties, not to block everythinng, but allow to Advance Forward : See Infra).


 - In this regard, at any case, "We (EU Council) shall have a relevant Debate since the very Beginning of Next Year" (2018), Macron highlighted.

 - In fact, "there is Not any Technical Difficulty" on that Issue : - "It's just a matter of Collective Political Will", he observed.  

  - Such a kind of EU Council's Debate "is due, at any case, to take place also on the occasion of the EU Leaders' Agenda" (just Drafted by Donald Tusk, EU Council's President, on the Basis, mainly, of the "Bratislava Roadmap", already Agreed since September 2016 at EU 27's Summit in Slovakia, (Comp. "Eurofora"'s relevant NewsReports from that Brtatilava EU event, f.ex. at: ....), and many have already accepted that, Macron noted.

 - "That's why, the positions of Some Parties which appear Reluctant to move on that, seem Incomprehensible", he Criticized. A fortori, "since they should", on the Contrary, "be among the First to Push towards a European Democracy ! And, it's Better for them, Not to be just an Aggregate of National Parties, But to become Real European Parties", he rightfully urged.

- Thus, f.ex., EU Parliament's "President Antonio Tajani, ensured me of his wish to push forward such Debates"

+ And, in parallel, "at any case, I intend to Push Forward the matter of the Creation of European Lists" for Candifdate MEPs from various Political Parties, Macron promised.

  - On the Substance of the Issues at Stake, the new French President insisted on "an Overall View of the European Project", withOut Limiting the main Debate only on one or another Specific Point, independently of is eventual Importance.

    => In this regard, Macron pointed at his landmark, but quite Long, recent "Speech at Sorbonne" University in Paris, where he had developed a Plan described as a Threefold "Triptych", that he usefully Resumed Today in a few words :

-  (1) "Sovereignity", (2) "Unity", and (3) "Democracy", he reiterated, Observing also that he "find(s) that kind of Triptych also in the Proposals made by (EU Council's) President Tusk", mutatis-mutandis, (Comp. Supra).

(1) "Sovereignity, means that we must Agree on 6 Elements : Migration, Defence, Energy and Environment, Digitalisation, our (EU's) Neighbourhood and Development policy", as well as "our Economic, Financial and Fiscak Strength : the Economic and Monetary Union" : "These 6 Elements compose what we call "Sovereignity", he explained.

 + This includes also some so-called "Technical Problems", as, f.ex., that of "a Common Budget for €uroArea", etc., since, "if we work well on them, then, we'll practically have such a Common Budget, de facto !", Macron Highighted.

- Concrning "Migration", (which became a "Hard" Issue after the 2015-2016 Giant Tsunami pf more than 1,5 Millions of People through Turkey, and was "further Complicated by those Relocatio. ), "we (EU) have to Develop relevant Policies with the Countries of Origin and Transit", as well as to "Protect our (EU's External) Borders", "and Unify our Asylum Systems", as well as "Coordinate the Influx", he stressed.

- "If we manage to achieve that, it will Help Desescalate the overall Debate", the New French President ensured.

 - In fact, all that "is going to be Discussed, by EU Leaders, During the Next Few Weeks'

(2) "After, it's about Unity : i.e. what Keeps Europe Together".
- "It's the Social and Fiscal Cohesion", "it's Culture and Education", Macron added.

 - "We (EU Leaders) are going to Discuss about that on November" 2017, "and Take Decisions asap", he optimistically highlighted, referring anew to Tusk's Draft "Agenda".

(3) "Democracy", is about "Institutional Innovations", such as, f.ex., "Democratic Innovations, our Trade Policy, and the Creation of Democratic Conventions", where everyone might adapt his tune accordingly, etc.

+ Afterwards, it will, naturally, be necessary to Better Coordinate our Approaches, but, at least for the Time being, I hope that We (EU Heads of State/Government) can Start to Advance Ahead", Macron concluded for now.







(NDLR: "DraftNews", already send to "Eurofora"'s Donors/Subscribers earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap.)





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*Paris/ACM/12 October 2008/-

When Europeans really feel a vital need to urgently launch common replies to challenging World Crisis, as the present Financial turmoil of Global Markets, they forge new decision-making tools and new dynamics :

The 1st in History EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, organized in Paris at the invitation of French President, and current EU chair, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the participation of 15 national leaders and EU institutions' chairmen, partly enlarged to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, after a highly symbolic duo with German Chancelor Angie Merkel, at General De Gaulle's birth-village, 50 Years after he welcomed there former German chancellor Adenauer (1958-2008), may have not one, but two results :

- The first, and more urgent, was to launch an "ambitious", "coherent", and "efficient" common European movement, able to stimulate "solutions" to the World Economic Crisis, as Sarkozy anounced from the outset : State Garantees (to new Bank debts up to 5 years), fresh Capital input (f.ex. by buying shares), support to distressed banks, (while also restructuring them), incite the European Central Bank to facilitate commerial bills europe-wide, etc.

"Acting swiftly", from tomorrow, national measures will quantify all these targets, with coordinated actions from all EuroZone's Governments : France, Germany, Italy and others, decided to anounce, at the same time, such concrete measures, according to agreements that we have already made all together, revealed Sarkozy at the final Press Conference, flanked by EuroZone's chairmen : EuroGroup's Jean-Claude Juncker, and Central European Bank's Jean-Claude Truchet, as well as EU Commission's Jose Baroso, to solemnly stress the will to find common European solutions.

- "United and Determined, all EuroZone's Countries will act to prove that Citizens can Trust" the Economy, Sarkozy concluded. If we attract also all EU's 27 countries, Wednesday in Brussels, then we can coordinate action with our American Friends at a Global level, he anounced.


- "With this new Toolbox, we do not want to serve Bankers, but to work for Europe and its Citizens' interests", added Juncker.

- "For the moment, we want to act urgently to regulate the Crisis. But the time will come when those responsible for this, will have to account for their actions. Yes to real Capitalism, No to Speculators. Those who abused, will face sanctions, Sarkozy warned.

Need stimulates activities which create new organs, say biologists, and Gordon Brown, compatriot of Spencer, the famous bio-Historian, would certainly not deny that, after his surprise visit to EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which attracted him one hour more than scheduled...


Decisions include also the creation of a Crisis-management European mechanism, which "requires constant Monitoring", as well as strengthening Economic policy cooperation between EuroZone's countries.

Sarkozy will be judged by History not just by the immediate Economic results, expected at the end of this week's decision-making proces at National and EU level, but also by the more far-reaching consequences at the aftermath of this Historic EuroZone 1st Summit : Will it succeed to become a precursor forging a New era in European institution's revitalization ?

Significantly, the French President sat, during discussions, between German Chancelor Merkel, and British Prime Minister Brown, facing the chairmen of EuroGroup, Juncker, ECB : Truchet, and EU Commission, Baroso, with Prime Ministers of Spain, Zapatero (a hot partisan of EuroZone's Summit) at his right side, and Italy's Berlusconi, at his left, surrounded by Austrian, Belgian, Cyprus', Finland's, Greece's, and Ireland's leaders, as well as Slovakia's, Slovenia's, Portugal's, Netherlands', Malta's and Luxembourg's leaders.


Meanwhile, those who tabled for a rift between French and German positions were faced with a smiling Merkel at De Gaulle-Adenauer's meeting place, a sunny Saturday morning, and a particularly active-looking Merkel inside the French Presidential Palace at Elysee's gardens on Sunday, (as happy few photographers discovered)..

- "De Gaulle's hilltop, at Colombey-les-2-Eglises, gave an astonishing overview to a huge landscape, entirely surrounded by splendid Nature, as far as eyes could see", said to EuroFora an obviously charmed German Journalist.


She was describing Saturday's inauguration of a High-Tech Memorial close to the Historic Giant Double Lorraine's Cross, built by famous Novelist Andre Malraux, to perpetuate the Memory of his famous call for "Resistance" to NAZI, and his vision for the creation of New Institutions and Franco-German reconciliation, to foster Europe's role in the World, also for the Future.


Children playing at Elysee's gardens before the Historic 1st EuroZone's Summit : What Europe's Future will look like ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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