French President Macron compares his Election to that of EU Parliament's Winner Top-Candidate Weber

*Brussels/EU Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- The Mystery (See: ..., and Infra) about the real reasons of a curiously Delayed, Last-Minute Opposition, with too Harsh Words by some, versus the Winner EU Parliament's "SpitzenKandidate" for the job of EU Commission's President, ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Manfred Weber, Chairman of EPP's Group of MEPs, became even Deeper, after Fresh Statements by the embattled French President, Emmanuel Macron Today, in Reply to a Question raised by a German Journalist, during his Concludig Press Conference in Brussels, where "Eurofora" was present, just after the End of the 20-21 June 2019 Heads of State/Governnment Summit here.
+ Significantly, Macron had already spoted "Eurorofa"s presence in France's PressRoom Today, since he Saluted us with a bright Smile and a few Words, already while Entering a fully packed room, (where we Exceptionaly had accepted a kind proposal to sit near "Elysée" Palace's staff, at a Special Row), and appeared to be Aware also of our relevant Publications of OverNight (Dated from Yesterday), with First News about the Controversy on the choice of the New EU Commission's President and EU Summit's well known Decision to Postpone the issue for Consultations with EU Parliament until June 30 - July 1st, as well as an Initial appraisal of German Chancellor Angie Merkel and the French President's respective Positions, as they had presented them in Brief Statements to Journalists who were present at that Late Hour, including "Eurofora", OverNight, (Comp.: ...+ ..., etc).
++ In the MeanTime, "Eurofora" had just Crossed, also, Chancellor Merkel, while she was walking towards her adjacent German PressRoom, traditionally aside the French, and we were Surprized by her spontaneous reaction to suddenly start Smiling while Looking towards us and speaking to her numerous Counsellors about something apparently related to "Eurofora", which, as we found out Later-on, most probably was that strange suggestion by Macron, Last Night, that EU Commission's Chair could, eventually, be offered to Merkel herself, (something that she had, in fact, already Declined previously twice, but had to refuse again anew Today, since another Journalist raised that Question, particularly after our Publcation too)...
- "You became President of the Republic while still being very Young, without having a long Experience at a Top Political level. Why wouldn'it be possible for you to give Manfred Weber a Chance to become EU Commission's President ?", a German Journalist from "DPAgency" questioned Macron Today, in a straightforward way, which obviously Targetted one of his Repeated "Conditions" for a New EU Commission's President : to be "Experienced" and/or "Competent" enough in such kind of Top Jobs, as he had said earlier, (apparently in order to Contest that in the case of Weber).
- "Indeed, I had just a Short Political Experience, compared to Manfred Weber", acknowledged Macron.
- "But, at least, I had managed, meanwhile, to become Minister !", he immediately added.
Naturaly an Interesting and true point, But apparently irrelevant here : When the Aim is to get the Top Job of a President of European/International, MultiLateral Organisation, (as EU Commission here, etc.), Obviously, it's the Experience of having been Elected, previously, as Chairman of a Political Group of MEPs from 28 EU Member Countries, (and even of the Biggest in EU Parliament: that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP) that Counts Most, as Useful in real practice...
+ Building even Further in such various concrete ways to Compare Macron's pathWay to that of Weber,
the embattled French Président reminded also the fact that, as he put it :
-"I was Elected after having presented myself in front of the French People. And the French People are the Judge".
- So, "if Manfred Weber presented himself in front of the European People, saying that he wants to become EU Commission's President, there would be No Problem", he reasoned.
- "But", instead, "he presented himself, at the Top of a List, in Germany, making a big fuss about it ! But it's Not enough"...., Macron criticized.
- "For a quite Simple Reason :
- "I know how much Germans are rightfully attached to their Constitution. We have Texts in France, a Constitution, which says that President of the Republic is he who is elected by the French People".
- So, I presented myself in front of the French People. And the French Peuple Decided. With Sovereignity", he anew returned back to the Comparative format.
+ But, "we have also European Texts, and a(n EU) Constitution", which say that EU Commission's President, and others, are chosen by EU Council's leadership, and Endorsed by EU Parliament".
- "Like Germans do, ... I love Constitutions !"..., Macron concluded.
=> - In Consequence, "If, one Day, the European People decide to build a Constitution which says that the EU Commission's President is Elected by the European People, in European Elections, then, we shall make Real European Elections !", he proposed for the foreseable Future.
>>> "In that case ANYONE (who wins), could directly become EU Commission's President", Highlighted Macron : That is to say, if and when such an EU Reform might be accomplished, then, the Conditions concerning the Candidates' Profile (Comp. Supra)
- "But that's not our (EU's) current situation", Regretted Macron, as things stand Nowadays.
This is an Interesting and Topical Exchange, because Macron seems to have been led to practically Drop or Downplay his Previous sine qua non Requirement for a special "Experience" and/or "Competence" of Candidates to EU Commission's Presidency (Comp. Supra),
>>> preferring to Focus, Now, on a general Demand for what he named as : "Real European Elections" (Comp. Supra).
+ And, (to "return" also his previous suggestion about Merkel : Comp. Supra), observers may easily guess, by carefully following this latest Macron's overall reasoning, (Comp. Supra), that he even ...Dreams for such an Opportunity to eventually be given to himself too, perhaps on 2024...
After all, why not ?
>>> However, even if it's like that, i.e. if the real reason for his Opposal to Weber's Election might, eventually, be the lack, until now, of an Authentic, fully-fledged, "Real European Election" as he said now (Comp. Supra),
=> then, WHY didN't he (and those "Socialists" who reportedly Changed stance, and Now Back that position), clearly WARN the People long BEFORE the May 2019 VOTES ?
Indeed, Where were all those Late "Critics" of the "SpitzenKandidat" Method in EU Parliament's May 2019 during all Public Events, Officially Organized by EU Parliament, EU Commission, and other various European Bodies, including Ebs TV, EuroVision, etc, under the Crystal-Clear Heading f.ex. "Candidates for EU Commission's Presidency" that EU Citizens were Called to Vote ? (See several relevant Pamphlets, Photos, Videos, etc)...
=> - This is "a Fraud on Voters !", denounces an Artice at Mainstream German Newspaper "Die Welt". Indeed, haven't EU Citizens been Deceived ?
There is a Strong EU Parliament's Resolution for that "SpitzenKandidat" Method, to which the EU Councl had given a quite Positive Response, and all that Practice systematically Followed by All related Public Actors, Both in the 2014 and in the 2019 EU Elections. All this canNot, normaly "Disappear", Suddenly, withOut any Warning, neither any serious explanation, just like Smoke...
Why even the Experienced current EU Commission's President, Jean-Claude Juncker, expressed now the view that "we have Not seen the End of the Spitzen-Kandidat procedure", "Not yet its Autopsy", (sic) ?
>>> All this, inevitably Augments the already ambiant Impression that a "Paradox", or even a "Mystery", might be Hidden in many converging Strange Facts concerning the Latest EU Elections of May 2019, (Comp. Supra: ..., etc), and their Aftermath.
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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.
Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).
French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.

Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.
According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.
For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".