French President Macron to Eurofora at G20 Summit: Protect Cyprus-Israel-Egypt+ Energy EU links
*Hamburg/G20 Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- France and the EU should and could Protect the evolving Oil-Gas Findings at EU-Member Cyprus, and accelerating Plans for Direct Energy Transport to Europe, in cooperation with Israel, Egypt, Greece, Italy, etc., according to New French President Emmanouel Macron, speaking to "Eurofora" on the sidelines of his Press Conference at the Conclusion of the 2017 "G-20" Summit in Hamburg (Germany).
The move came here while controversial Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Erdogan, whose Government just Blocked the recent UN Efforts for a peaceful ReUnification of Cyprus, at Switzerland's Crans Montana, by insisting to Claim an Unilateral Right for even More Military Invasions and Occupations also in the Future, in Addition to a Prolonged presence of Turkish Troops already occupying the Northern Part of the island, on Pretexts of "Security", Threatend the Island with "a Plan B or C" if it doesn't "behave", (i.e. apparently an even Worse Partition), at his own Press Conference, this Same Day in Hamburg, that "Eurofora" attended.
Meanwhile, UNO's Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, who came here (Hamburg/G20 Summit) directly from Switzerland's Crans Montana, where Cyprus' UN Sponsored Talks had just been Stalled, did not make any Press Conference in Hamburg, and was urgently in the process of "Leaving for Ukraine", as UNO's Press Director and Spokesman, Stephane Dujarric told "Eurofora" by phone.
Recent Oil-Gas Findings at Cyprus exclusive Economic Zone, located inside EU's External Borders, and several other Neighouring Countries, such as Israel, Egypt, partly Lebanon, and eventualy Greece, etc, incited the experienced EU Commissioner for Energy, Maros Sefcovic to speak about "a possible 2nd Norway" at the Northern Sea, (i.e. Europe's Biggest Gas Resources, but recently Declining), as he characteristicaly said in reply to a relevant "Eurofora"s Question, on April 2017 in Brussels, (See : )
- "It's a Big Chance for All", had stressed, in this regard, already as early as since 2015, Emmanouel Macron, (then Minister of Economy, Before becoming President of the Republic), replying to a relevant "Eurofora"'s Question on Cyprus, Israel and Egypt Oil - Gas Findings and the East-MED Pipeline project for Direct Transport into the EU, while he Inaugurated the European/International Fair of Strasbourg, (See: )
=> In consequence, "Would, France and Europe, Protect, now, those New Energy Resources' Exploration and Findings, due to be Directly Transported in Europe, by EU Member Cyprus, in Cooperation with Israel, Egypt, Greece, etc. ?", "Eurofora" asked Today Macron, shortly after concluding his Press Conference at the "G20" Summit in Hamburg (Germany).
- After carefuly, and repeatedly Hearing "Eurofora"s Question, President Macron confirmed that he Remembered our above-mentioned 1st Press Exchange, on September 2015, (Comp. Supra), After which he had immediately Decided to Change his Draft Agenda for an imminent Visit to Israel and Palestinian Authority, by Adding there also a meeting with the Israeli Minister of Energy, (See : .....)
- "Yes !", the New French President replied Positively to "Eurofora"'s Query.
- "I do Think that We (France and the EU) Should act accordingly !", Macron clearly added, in this regard.
- His Reply came precisely when "Eurofora" reminded the Fact that "EU Member Cyprus" (in Association with Greece and italy, etc) plays a Strategic role in those Explorations and Transport Plans for New Energy Findings, Directly to Europe.
- Macron was accompagnied by New Finance/Economy Minister, and former EU Affairs Minister, Bruno Le Maire, who Nodded positively, in Confirmation of "Eurofora"s supplementary Observation about the Fact that such New Energy Resources in Europe's area, could Help Boost much needed Economic Growth. (Comp. various Le Maire's Replies to Different "Eurofora" Questions in the Past, f.ex. when he was EU Minister, etc).
- The New French President appeared also spontaneously Interested to the Fact that, as "Eurofora" had Noted, French Oil-Gas Company "TOTAL" was now Firmly and Clearly Involved in that Project. Former Long-Time TOTAL's CEO, Christophe de Marjorie, had First Spoken with "Eurofora", in the Presidential Elysée Palace in Paris, back on 2011, about EU Member Cyprus' Gas Resources, and Anounced then his Intention to Take Part in the on-going Searches, (See relevant "Eurofora"'s NewsReport from Elysée Palace, then, at : ...). This was, indeed, Confirmed on 2012, but on 2014 TOTAL's CEO was Surprisingly Killed at an ill-elucidated Accident in a big Airport in Russia, attributed to some "Maintenance/Logistics" blunders, (See : ....), and the Cyprus' Energy issue was indirectly somewhat Postponed, until Recently.
>>> The most Important Fact Now is that "TOTAL" Giant Company, from France, together with Italian "ENI", are due to Start Drilling at Cyprus' territorial waters' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) slot Number 11, i.e. Adjacent to Egypt's, already succesful, "ZOR" slot, (for 2,5 Months), in just a Few Days : From Next Wednesday, July 12 !...
USA's "Noble Energy" (a Texas Company specialized in Deep Sea drilling) and recently "EXXON-Mobil", (for a Long Time Directed by Rex Tillerson as CEO, recently picked by US President Trump as New USA's Secretary of State), are also icluded among the interested Energy Companies which have already entered in concrete Agreements signed with Cyprus.
Cyprus' and Israel's already Discovered Gas Fields total about 1,2 Trilion metric cubes, but much More are Expected to be Found soon, to which should be Added also those of Egypt's, around River Nile's Delta at South Mediterranean Sea, without excluding, later-on also Lebanon's part (Comp. Supra).
The East-MED Gas Pipeline is expected to Cost about 6 Billions €, and be definitively completed in 8 Years, i.e. before 2.025, with a support by EU Funds. The Electricity Cable, nicknamed "Europe-Asia InterConnector", costs about 3 Billions €, and it could embed also an Optic Fiber cable for Telecom Data Transfert only for 10% more only. Meanwhile, 1,5 Billion € have been reportedly earmarked by the EU to Fund that second project.
But, already, Before all that, Energy naturaly could be Send to Europe from nowadays, especialy with LNG Containers by Ships, (as, f.ex., Egypt seems to prefer, until now).
The most probably Huge Total Potential of Energy that this Key South-Eastern Mediterranean are encloses, had been already made Public, as Early as Since, at least, 2001 (See relevant "Eurofora" co-Founder's 3 NewsReports from a PanEuropean "Geo-Science" Mega-Conference in Strasbourg and other Experts, published then at "The Cyprus Weekly", and about which we had spoken with twice-elected former President of Cyprus, Glafkos Clerides, by phone, just before he visits former Egyptian President Mubarak in Cairo, precisely for an Agreed Delimitation of those Neihbouring Countries respective EEZ).
+ It's also since 2001 that Experienced long-time EU Parliament's Rapporteur on Science/Technology Research, German f. MEP Rolf Linkohr, in an INTW with "Eurofora"s co-Founder, had already supported the Idea of developing a Middle-East region outreach for EU Maritime Technologies related to Modern Oil/Gas Exploration, Exploitation, and Transpots based in Cyprus, if the prospects for such Energy Resources' Findings were confirmed, (something which was done, meanwhile).
>>> Moreover, Linkohr had already advanced the view, in Our Encounter of 2001, that Cyprus' Oil-Gas Findings would Fit well EU's "Key Strategic" Need to "develop New Energy Sources inside Europe", in order to Help Free the EU from External Dependency, (See our relevant Publication, then, at "TCW", copy attached herewith).
For that Delay of more than 16 Years in the Past (2001-2017), the main Responsible is Turkey's persistent Reluctance to really Solve the Political Cypus' Issue, as Ankara's Politicians have again shown, just a Few Days ago, at Crans-Montana, this July 2017 (Comp. Supra).
But Turkey, (and/or whoever might, eventualy, be Hidden behind it), does Not have any Right to Delay even more Europe's Direct Energy supplies.
Thus, the Leaders of 3 directly involved Countries : Cyprus' President Anastassiades, Greece's Prime Minister Tsipras, and Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahou, recently met anew at a Trilateral Summit in Greece's Economic Capital : Thessaloniki, on June 2017, Focusing, inter alia, also on the Acceleration of "East-MED" Pipeline project, supported by the EU.
A Parallel Project to build also an UnderSea Cable for Electricity Transmission, liking Israel to Cyprus and Greece (via the Island of Creta) towards the rest of the EU, came also anew on the Limelight, (while Greece pushed even a Fiber Optic, Telecommunication cable project, on this Same Occasion, with a comparatively low cost. Cyprus, already Host of Many Off-shore Foreign/International Companies, is a Telecom. Hub between Europe and the Middle East area).
=> The Next such Trilateral Summit of Cyprus-Greece-Israel is expected on Autumn 2017, at the Island of Cyprus, where the 3 Leaders are due to fully Sign a concrete Deal on EU-Supported "East-MED" future strategic Pipeline.
+ Egypt's recently augmented Gas Findings (also by Italian ENI, etc), adjacent to those of Cyprus and Israel, have also been Associated at another Series of Greece-Cyprus-Egypt Trilateral Summits, with President Al-Sisi, where Energy and Security naturaly play Primary roles. France has recently sold 2 "Mistral" High-Tech Military super-Ships (able to Transport Soldiers, Tanks, Helicopters, etc, and Equiped with a Hospital, as well as Modern Telecom and Electronic surveillance tools), in Agreement with Russia, (whose Initial bid, signed with former President Sarkozy, had got stalled by controversial Sanctions after the 2014 Ukraine conflict, under his successor, Hollande, whose mandate ended this year).
++ Even Neighbouring Lebanon, (which claims a part of a Giant Gas Field discovered at Israel's territorial waters, and might have also Other such Energy Resources nearby, f.ex. as Experienced Geology Experts had already told to "Eurofora"'s co-Founder, as Early as since Spring 2001), was Recently Visited by Top Political Officials from EU-Member Cyprus on Energy Findings and Transport means, (including, on May 2017, by the Cypriot Foreign Minister Casulides, who met also with Lebanese Minister of Energy Cesar Khalil, on the occasion of an International Oil and Gas Conference, offering also a 1,5 Millions € Defence Aid against Extremist Islamist ISIS' Attacks, as Energy and Security often go Together)...
+ By a coincidence, Macron, who was Last Saturday in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, for a special Heads of State/Government Ceremony in honor of Helmut Kohl, the Historic German Chancellor of the ReUnification of Europe, has just met and warmly saluted, there, the former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was invited as a Guest and placed, during the Official Ceremony, side by side with Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, (See relevant "Eurofora"s Newsreport from the spot, at : .... + 2 specific Photos). Afterwards, Macron reportedly Invited Sarkozy with his Wife (a Singer of Italian origine) for a Diner at Elysée Palace, together with his own Wife, New 1st Lady of France (a former Teacher), precisely at the Eve of this "G20" Summit, on July 5.
Today's move Timely comes also in a quite Positive Context for Europe's Energy Links, in cooperation with Key and trusted Partners in the World, of Both New US President Trump's visits to Poland, for the "3 Seas" Initiative, and in Germany, for the "G20" Summit.
Part of the "3 Seas" Plan are LNG Terminals of Poland, at the Baltic Sea, and Croatia's, at the Krk Island, due to conclude on 2019, as well as Highway Links betwen Lithuania's and Greece's Seaports, at Thessaloniki, in the Aegean Sea, (a 2.000 Years Historic stronghold of Jewish presence in Europe, which was Harshly oppressed during the NAZI Invasion/Occupation at the 2nd World War, but Revived Recently, as a Memorial, inaugurated during the above-mentioned 2017 Trilateral Israel-Greece-Cyprus' Summit of June 2017 : Comp. Supra).
- Meanwhile, Trump Anounced there, that USA can Contribute to the Diversification of Energy Sources, Supplies and Routes, to ensure Europe's Energy.
The "G20" Summit's Conclusions, presented Today in Hamburg by the 2017 Chair, German Chancellor Angie Merkel, inter alia, Point at "Energy Collaboration", particularly on "Energy Security":
"G20" officialy "Welcome(s) International Cooperation on the Development, Deployment and Commercialisation of sustainable and clean Energy Technologies", (f.ex. CO2-Free Gas, LNG Terminals, etc).
In this regard, the New US Administration of President Don Trump marked "its Strong Commitment in an approach which Lowers (CO2) Emmisions, while Supporting Economic Growth, and improving Energy Security Needs".
+ The Forthcoming Franco-German Inter-Governemental meeting, Next Week in Paris, with Macron and Merkel on July 13, almost at the Same Time that New US President Don Trump is exceptionaly Invited there on the occasion of the French National Day of July 14, followed even by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's venue in France, on the occasion of the commemoration of Massive Persecution of Jews during the 2nd World War, on July 16, (etc), can, obviously, Timely facilitate Top Level Contacts also in relation of the Topical Issue described at this Paper, (i.e. Ensure the Security of Oil-Gas Energy Exploration and Transport Directly to Europe from any eventual interference : Comp. Supra).
("DraftNews", as already send, Earlier, to "Eurofora" Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap).
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EU-educated charming young Chinese presence started to be felt in Council of Europe's corridors in Strasbourg at the aftermath of an Historic Resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly in favor of opening the possibility to give China a special "Status" in the PanEuropean Organization.
- "My proposal to offer to China an official status as "Observer", in short term, under conditions, was welcomed" by the CoE : "The road to Dialogue between China and the CoE has now been opened", declared after Strasbourg's debates and votes the Head of France's delegation, MEP Jean-Claude Mignon.
"Neither complacency, nor a mere condamnation of China", but a "wise approach of a political issue of great importance", advised Mignon to all those who'd either overload claims on Democracy, Human Rights or Minorities, or close their eyes to anything, there as elsewhere... A balance which was not exactly followed during debates, contrary to Mignon's personal stance, which appeared rather even-handed.
China is the only UNO Security Council permanent member which has not yet any status at the CoE, being still obliged to be represented in Strasbourg by a General Consul : USA and Canada, even Japan and .. Mexico, have already got a special Status at the CoE, following Strasbourg's decision, back in 1995, to counter-balance the accession of Russia (1996) by creating special links to traditional "Western-world" allies.
All former "Socialist" Eastern European countries started to have relations whith the CoE through its former sector on Culture and Education, before becoming full Members of Strasbourg's paneuropean organization. Speculations were unfolding recently about establishing a probable concrete link with China through the topical issue of anti-doping in Sport, on the occasion of the 2008 Olympic games.
More spectacular, a meeting co-organized a few years ago in Strasbourg, by EuroFora and the International Space University between EU Parliament's long-time Rapporteur for EU's Satellite Navigation system "GALILEO", German MEP Brigitte Langenhagen, and a group of postgraduate students, attracted special interest from Chinese experts, and was followed, in less than a month, by the anouncement of China's intention to support EU's GALILEO project with a participation of 200 million €.
Compared to that, revendications of .. "Turkish" Minorities, by Turkish MEPs, this week in Strasbourg, spreading through a wide area extended ...from Greece up to China, appeared less worrying, than pittoresque...
Meanwhile, France's political will to start involving China and other important countries in European and Global affairs was due to be raised also at the forthcoming G-8 Summit in Japan by President Nicolas SARKOZY, (NDLR : confirmed on July 5)