CoE Rapporteur on Missing People organs Kosovo traffic, Marty to EF: Check also Cyprus, Argentina+
![dick_marty_400 dick_marty_400](http://www.eurofora.net/images/dick_marty_400.jpg)
In particular, Forensic Examinations to find out whether MISSING persons were not only killed, but even submitted to brutal Organ removal and Trafficking, and/or any other Inhuman Treatments or "Tests" as Cobays, are certainly needed whenever Victims' remains are found and exhumated, be it on Cyprus', Argentina's or other MISSING persons' cases, replied in substance to an "EuroFora"s questions Dick Marty, (an Experienced former long-time Attorney, and CoE's Human Rights Rapporteur in the most thorny issues requiring delicate Investigations, including f.ex. also the infamous so-called "Secret Prisons" and "CIA Reddition Flights" for various individuals Suspected for Terrorism after 9/11, Tchechnya and now Balkan's conflicts, etc), whose recent findings are due to be debated by the PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly in public, together with a final vote on a relevant draft Resolution, in Strasbourg next week.
- "When "Missing" People's remains are found and Exhumated, in order to be able to exclude the possibility that they were Murdered and submitted to some "Tests" and/or Organ Trafficking, do you think, according to your Experience, and your recent Findings (in Kosovo-related Mass Killings of "Missing" People from Serbia, in order to be reportedly sumbitted to brutal Organ removal and traffic by organized Thugs with Political backing, according to CoE's Rapporteur), as a matter of General Principle, your advise would be to make Forensic Examinations, and not just take and give Victims' bodies for reburrial without any such Investigation of possible Crimes, risking to destroy Evidence for ever ? This Question, which obviously goes also for Argentina and other cases of "Missing" persons in the World, has become now Urgent, because massive Exhumations of remains reportedly belonging to many "Missing" People in (EU Member) Cyprus, have been going on recently, and much more have just been anounced this week, speaking for an "acceleration" in 2011", "EuroFora" said to Dick Marty.
- Even if, "concerning the specific question of Organ Removals" on "Missing" People "it's difficult to see many years later f.ex. if 1 or 2 kidneys were taken, because the bodies have been decomposed and you have only their Skeleton left", (as also in the case of Kosovo's "Organ Trafficking" on "Missing" Serbian prisoners, from the 1990-2000 Conflicts),"nevertheless, Yes, there are some other Possibilities" to find out the Truth, "f.ex., if there are some Witnesses", and/or "if any relevant Photographic or Medical etc. Material Evidence might exist", i.e. thanks to required (according to ECHR's well established case-law) full Investigations searhcing and taking into account all various Human and/or Facts, Circonstances and other possible Traces which might help to reveal what really happened, he replied in substance to "EuroFora".
- Therefore, CoE's Rapporteur, Dick Marty, concluded with a crystal-clear : - "Yes !", to the the subsequent "EuroFora"s query to explicitly confirm if, "in other words, whenever there is a Suspicion", f.ex. of Organs' Removal and/or other atrocious "Tests", etc on "Missing" People, after exhumation "a full Forensic Investigation must be immediately done, and Not just Drop it", (i.e. contrary to CMP's controversial and dangerous restrictions in Cyprus : See supra + infra). This obviously goes even more after recent reports that a shady Turkish "Doctor" would have been personally mixed up with illegal Human Organ's trafficking via Kosovo..
![echr echr](http://www.eurofora.net/images/echr.jpg)
ECHR's cases give many concrete Examples on how exactly, the eventual Lack of a Full Forensic Investigation at the moment of a Victim's body's Exhumation, might risk to Destroy precious Material Evidence of possible Crimes : F.ex., a recent 2010 ECHR Judgement strongly condemned the Turkish Authorities also because they didn't make a Chemical Examination of the Shirt that was wearing a killed Young Man at the moment of his death by bullets fired by Turkish Soldiers, in order to find out if these Bullets were fired from a Long Distance, as it would be normal during a "Clash" with "armed Terrorists", according to the Turkish Army's claims, or, if, on the contrary, these fatal Bullets had been shot from Close range, f.ex. by a Gun pressing the Victim's body, in this case, it would simply be a cold-blood Murder... By Failing not only to Timely do that crucial Examination, but also to protect the Victim's Shirt from being given away and subsequently washed and/or re-burried so that all available Material Evidence of a possible Crime was Destroyed by their Fault, Turkish Authorities had grossly violated their Duty to respect the Victim's Right to Life, ECHR concluded.
- "But, you know, even before the issue of Human Organs' Removal, what is more Serious and grave is that those ("Missing") People were Murdered".- "That's why, I don't want for Media to speak just about the Organs"' removal, "and forget to highlight the fact that these ("Missing") People were murdered!", Dick Marty went on to stress to "EuroFora", pointing at what is the most Important.
(Fast Translation from the Original in French).
Marty's findings are of particularly Topical, even urgent interest now on the more than 1.600 Cyprus' MISSING People, where a controversial method, limited only to exhumation and identification, without even raising the question of what really happened to the victims and who was responsible, contrary to what ECHR's well established case-law always asks to do, has been imposed, mainly under a Turkish lobby's pressure and manipulation, through a 3 Member Committee, composed by a Greek and a Turkish Cypriot as well as an Humanitarian worker, CMP, which has been totally unable, for more than 35 Years, to ever find and punish at least one among those responsible for the enforced disappearances, eventual ill-treatments and/or killings of so many innocent People, who suddenly vanished mainly since the 1974 Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation, simply because its controversial current statute strictly excludes any attempt to make a really full investigation..
Initially conceived during the former "Socialist" British EU Chairmanship by controversial former Prime Minister Blair, back on 2005, created in 2006 and having started to operate since 2007, CMP's controversial project is today "accelerating" its operations from the end of 2010 and January 2011, with many more Teams in the Turkish Occcupied Territories of Cyprus, but also some in the free areas, which systematically pursue exhumations and identifications of Human remains without evers doing any full investigation to establish the Truth on what really happened to the Victims, nor to search to find and punish those responsible for their disappearance, but merely return all or part of the remains to Victims' Families for reburial, threatening to destroy crucial Evidence of Serious Crimes.
This Risk was denounced initially by an experienced CoE Expert on Human Rights, who had alerted "EuroFora"s co-founder that, by systematically excluding Full Investigations, contrary to ECHR's well established case-law (See supra), CMP's controversial "new" method, could, after Decades of doing practically nothing (1974-2007), threatened, now, (2007-2011) to "Destroy material Evidence" and hide for ever the Truth.
When we first revealed and published this "Whistle-blower's" Warning Interview on the tragedy of Cyprus' MISSING People and their Families (submitted by the Turkish AUthorities to "Inhuman/Degrading Treatments by refusing them to find Truth and Justice on their beloved ones), a sudden Harassment, with Slandering and sly Defamation behind the back (f.ex.letters hidden to the victim for more than .. 2 Months !, etc), Threats against Freedom, even submission to official Enquiries, summoned and questioned, on our Journalistic "Sources", on the way we wrote and publisqhed our Articles, the Words chosen, (often grossly distorted by a Chief Editor who changed our original NewsReports on delicate Human Rights and/or Political issues without asking our permission), etc., suddenly bursted out against the Journalist who had dared to simply accomplish his Duty by faithfully revealing the Urgent Warning made since March 2008 by a CoE Official, as well as some earlier and subsequent Press Publications that we had made on related serious Human Rights abuses then.
Precisely, some of these denunciations were among our Press Reports on MISSING People, particularly those we published around 2006 and 2007-2008, with various Data, such as Interviews, statements, etc. ( f.ex.by UNO's officers, Rapporteurs, Experts, International Humanitarian Organisations' replies to our questions on such issues, etc), as well as other People's related Publications and/of findings, which did not exclude, and even found necessary to investigate whether the victims had been, or not, even submitted to some kind of atrocious "Experiments" or other Inhuman Treatments, perhaps as it had notoriously been already done by some Turkish Doctors against man Armenian Prisoners during the 1915 Genocide, followed by the notorious "Dr.Mengele" in come NAZI Concentration Camps after 1940, in order to "Test Biological Weapons" (as an U.S.A. publication had recently suggested for some 1974 Cyprus' MISSING Prisoners, on 2006), or for "Organ Trafficking", (as CoE's Rapporteur Dick Marty has just revealed in 2010/2011 for many Serbians kidnaped in Kosovo 10 or 15 Years in the Past).
Then, shortly after publishing some among our most Critical and Investigative Articles on such issues concerning MISSING People in Cyprus, we were astonished to unexpectedly meet, during an unanounced ceremony inside the ECHR in Strasbourg, the famous Prosecutor of UNO's International Criminal Court for former Yugoslavia, the Swiss Attorney Carla DEL PONTE, who had exceptionnaly visited Strasbourg on 2007, almost at the same period that she reportedly had started to denounce her suspicions about the possibility for Serbian a.o. Prisoners during the Kosovo conflict to have been Killed by a Criminal Network with Political backing in order to serve for an atrocious Trafficking of Human Organs, inspiring, thus, some Years later, a 2009 Resolution signed by numerous and various MEPs asking to investigate this issue, which, precisely, led to CoE Rapporteur, Dick MARTY's present Report's cruel Kosovo Findings, now (2010-2011).
- Del Ponte, speaking then to "EuroFora"s co-founder, at a special event organized inside ECHR's building, stressed that "without (respect for) Human Rights and (relevant) EU Principles, Long-standing Peace cannot prevail".
- Such an exceptional factual context, (See supra), gives greater importance to CoE Rapporteur on ECHR Judgements' Execution, Christos Pourgourides (Chairman of CoE Assembly's Legal/Human Rights Committee) denunciation of Turkey, that, "as regards the issue of "Missing" persons, additional Measures are required to ensure effective Investigations into the Fate of Missing persons" since the 1974 Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of the northern part of the Country, which meanwhile became also EU Member. That said, "No answer has been given so far by the Turkish authorities to the Committee of Ministers’ request for information on the concrete Measures envisaged ......with a view to the effective investigations required by the judgment" issued by ECHR since 2001, which strongly condemned Ankara's Government for refusing, all this time, to search, find and punish all those responsible for possible crimes agains helpless people, and not even inform victims' Families on what really happened to their beloved ones, (Violations of Articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10 of ECHR).
But, at the same time, the issue appears, in fact, spreading out all over the World, as Argentina, in Latin America, effective moves to make Accountable vis a vis victims' Families perpetrators of Crimes against "Missing" persons grew considerably during recent years (2008-2010), leading to more revelations, prosecutions and convictions on the period of Massive "Disappearances" of Thousands of People during the 1960ies-1970ies, among hard struggles which arrived up to the brutal death and to an open cold-blood Murder of key Witnesses, followed by the sudden, premature death of the popular Political Leader and former President of Argentina, Kirchner, (10/2010), whose wife, the current President of the country, has just hailed, together with France's new Foreign Minister Michelle Alliot-Marie, the recent entry into force of UNO's brand New International Treaty against Enforced Disappearances (12/2010-1/2011) which adds, for the 1st time in History at a Global level, also many more, larger perspectives for efficient search of the Truth and in order to end Criminals' Impunity, which, otherwise, provokes Dangers even for the Present and in the Future.
CoE Rapporteur, Dick Marty's 2010-2011 Report's revelations on the 1990-2000 Kosovo-driven mass kidnapping and killing of "Missing" Serbs atrociously exploited for Human Organs' Trafficking, inevitably sheds new light to the Fact that both Cyprus and Argentina's "Missing" People's tragedies of the 1970ies occured, by a striking Historic Coincidence, shortly after South Africa's Dr. Barnard performed the 1st succesful Transplantation of Human Organs, back in the 1960ies, and, more precisely, while Technicians were Testing during the 1970ies, how to develop New Technlogies of "Remote" Human Organs' transfert for Transplantation, moving from one Country or even Continent to another....
Marty, who has also stressed, (in line with Del Ponte's earlier Statements to "EuroFora"s co-Founder : See supra) that real and credible Reconciliation and stable Peace can only be genuinily achieved and consolidated by an at least elementary Truth and Justice vis a vis he worst possible Crimes of the Past, as a Guarantee that such Horrors will never happen again in the Future, recently added that key Witnesses' protection is a "must" in order to succeed to find the Truth on what really hapened to "Missing" persons, and this issue is also due to be debated in Public at CoE's Parliamentary Assembly next week in Strasbourg, where MEPs will definitively adopt a Draft Resolution "on protection of Witnesses as a cornerstone for Justice and Reconciliation", starting from the example of the "Balkans" Wars back in the 1990-2000's Past, drafted by ChristianDemocrat MEP from Monaco, Jean-Charles Gardetto.
+ Significantly, the "Obligation of CoE's Member States to cooperate in the Prosecution of War Crimes", (f.ex. as such which may have been committed in the Balkans, in Cyprus, and/or elsewhere), is scheduled to be debated in public and definitively adopted by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg during that Same Day, while his Rapporteur, experienced Croatian Liberal MEP Miljenko Doric, (who has often spoken to "EuroFora" on such issues during the preparation of his Report), also stresses that "Justice and Accountability for War Crimes committed in the Conflicts that occured" in the Past f.ex. in the Balkans, etc., "are Essential to ... Reconciliation".
Meanwhile, UNO's Human Rights Experts who are currently preparing at Geneva the March 2011 Plenary Session of the International Human Rights' Council, (a New Global Body, whose creation was decided at the 2005 UNO's Heads of State and Government's New York Summit, in the larger framework of an Historic UNO Reform decided at its 60th Anniversary : Comp. "EuroFora"s co-Founder's NewsReports from UNO's New York Headquarters then), have just adopted 2 landmark Reports in parallel, presicely on "Missing" People (setting General Standards requiring effective Investigations and Prosecutions against those Responsible for "War Crimes" and/or "Crimes against Humanity"), and on "the Human Right to Peace", (considered as necessary for respect of "Human Dignity"', and of People's Freedom to "Develop" their personal and collective, physical, health, moral, professional, intellectual a.o. Human "Capacities", otherwise crippled by Wars and Conflicts).
It's interesting to note that both these recent moves, Timely came at the same moment and place, shortly before a UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's idea to host High Level intercommunal Talks for a ReUnification and Peace Solution on Cyprus' issue, bringing together the Leaders of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Communities, Cyprus' President Christophias and Leader of the Turkish Cypriot Community in the Territories Occupied by Ankara's Military, Derbis Eroglou (comp. f.ex. Christofias' and Eroglou's statements to "EuroFora"s co-Founder, back on 2004 at Burgenstock, Switzerland and 2008 at PACE in Strasbourg, as well as on 2003 at the CoE in Strasbourg, respectivel) next week at UNO's European Headquarters in Geneva :
Indeed, an elementary Truth and Justice on some of the worst Crimes committed in the Past, by ending Total Impunity of perpetrators as a Guarantee that this will never happen again in the Future, may also strongly denounce some among those who are routinely opposed, more or less from both sides of such conflicts, to any real Reconciliation among the People and stable ReUnification based on building Common Intersts and Human Rights' respect, opening New Horizons for Sustainable Peace.
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