Merkel points at EF Query for Different Vaccines (Not Only Genetic Manip) that EMA didN't Clear yet
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In a Surprizing but Interesting Move on a More Crucial Issue that it seems at First Sight, Experienced 17 Years German Chancelor Angie Merkel (2005-2021), pointed Today at the Direction of "Eurofora"s recent Query on Various Other, Different Vaccines, against the Deadly Virus' Pandemic, that EU Medical Experts' Body "EMA" has Not Yet Authorized (Neither Rejected), by Curiously Avoiding, until now, to Officialy Pronounce itself, leaving 500 Millions of European People to Depend Only from 1, Genetic Manip., Novel and UnTested Yet, Controversial (See Infra) Technology Vaccines, whose Limits, Question Marks, and/or Flaws are just Starting to be Revealed Recently...
- "Eurofora" had mainly Asked, during the EU Council's Video-Press Briefing at the Eve of the current EU Heads of State/Government's Summit in Brussels (24-25/6/2021), why, in order to Boost Vaccinations, the EU does Not Authorize Any Other, Different Vaccine among the Many and Various Already Existing accross the World, which might Alleviate Fears among some People in Europe and elsewhere.
Among several Possible Examples, we had mentioned also that of reportedly "4 Vaccines Authorized by the Government" in China, according to Recent Official Annuncemnts by the competent Authorities of that Key Country, (as well as 2 from Russia, etc).
=> The main thrust of a Top EU Council's Official's Reply to our Question was to practicaly consider as inconceivable that EU's competent Experts' Group EMA would ever Deprive EU Citizens from Any Efficient Vaccine which meets the required Conditions, in order to Save threatened Human Lives, (See :, etc).
>>> But, apparently in order to seriously Clarify the real Situation regarding this kind of "Hot" Issues, just 2 Days Later, Chancelor Merkel, in her Concluding Press Conference at the End of this EU Summit, took the Initiative to Evoke such a Matter :
-"We (EU Leaders) have dealt with the question: what about the Vaccines for which there is No Authorisation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) ? Here, too, we have asked the (EU) Commission to make a coordinated Proposal, so that it can be implemented Equally in the internal Market", she announced.
And, these Same Days, f.ex., even Italian Prime Minister Dragi was cited trying to Compare the Efficacy of a Chinese Vaccine with that of the Few Vaccines already Authorized by EMA...
However, Chinese Authorities Published, Twice, these Days Too, that Beijing has authorized (and already Uses in real Practice) not 1, But 4 Vaccines, among which, 3 are of the Classical Technology, (i.e. that Invented by Pasteur, and Tested during several Generations), which, as they Claim, uses a Method of Fabrication Easily Adapted to Various, eventual, "Mutations" of the Virus...
This was Added also to a Recent Suggestion, by the German Minister of Healh, Jens Spahn (CDU), to eventualy Authorize in the EU at least Some "Classic" Technology Vaccines against that Virus, in order to Convince several People, who are still Hesitating, to Accept to be vaccinated.
China Also took the Initiative to Just Publish an Interesting Overview of All the Different Kinds of Technologies used for the Currently Existing Vaccines against this Pandemic's Virus, Already Invented and Produced by Various Countries throughout the World Nowadays, (Even if, "Eurofora" observed that, probably, there might be some More than that coming, sooner or later, f.ex. in Russia, France, Cuba, etc).
+ Meanwhile, Various Recent Incidents about the Few Vaccines already Authorized by EMA in the EU, have Notoriously Affected, more or less, their Reputation :
- F.ex., "Astrazeneka" seems quite Discredited, by some (even Deadly) UnExpected Dangerous Side-Effects, the point that several Countries had even to Donate their UnUsed Doses to more Poor Nations, (f.ex. Serbia to Other Western Balkan States, etc) !
- As for the Turkish-USA BNT-"Pfizer" (and partialy Armenian-USA "Moderna"), a real "Shock" surfaced These Days, when it was Revealed that Even The Most Vaccinated European Country : the UK, as well as Israel, (probably the Most Vaccinated in the World), have Suddenly Faced serious Setbacks, by a "Sharp Augmentation of the Number of Infections..., (an Astonishing Fact that Merkel also Pointed out Today). In the Case of Israel it's, reportedly, even the ...50% of New Infcctions which, Astonishingly, affected People Already Vaccinated by BNT-Pfizer !
+ Meanwhile, in Addition to an, already, quite Long List of "Side Effects" (eventualy including "Allergy", particularly for the 2nd Dose), those 2 "mRNA" Novel Vaccines were Recently Criticized Also for Risks to Provoke Blood "Thrombosis", "Dermatic" Problems, and Now (June 2021) even "Heart" Problems (in 2% of the recipients)...
++ Probably the Most Dangerous : Already Since they were Authorized, Curiously, there was Not Any Guarantee at all that Such a Kind of Novel "Vaccines" (See Infra) might Ensure, or Not, that the Individual recipients would Stop Infecting Other People, (Otherwise Inevitably acting like Jombie-"Silent Killers", Infecting UnAware and UnProtected Victims, Lured by their False Appearance as "Vaccinated"...), with Obvious Grave Risks for the Entire Society ! Contrary to All "Classic" Vaccines, indeed, this Crucial Function was, Astonishingly, Not Even Checked when those Novel Medical Tools were Presented for Authorisation by USA and EU Experts, and Still Nowadays, Despite some Misleading and Inaccurate Recent Clumsy Attempts to Claim the Contrary, in Fact, the 1st serious Study, due to be Peer-Revised, duly Controled, and Integraly Published, is Expected to eventualy arrive Only some ...Months' Later from now ! ("Eurofora" had Already Warned about such a Big and Exceptional Lacuna, as Early as Since 2020, at the Eve of the 1st Authorisations by the FDA and EMA, and anew Afterwards, including by Raising Questions at Key EU Video-Press Briefings, competent Top Press Spokesmen for Healh, Publishing relevant Articles, etc., and this UnPrecedented Novel Problem was, Afterwards, Acknowledged Even by Top EU Officials, etc. : See, inter alia, Also, f.ex.: + + +, etc).
Last, but Not Least, ...All those 3 or 4 "Vaccines", which are the Only to be Available to 500 Millions of European People, in Face of the Threat to be Killed by that Virus Otherwise, Curiously use some "Novel" Technologies, Never Seen Before in Human History, and Affecting the Human "Genome" (by DNA and/or RNA Manipulations),, as it's Obvious, and Clearly Reminded, inter alia, also by that interesting Global Overall Review of All Kinds of Currently Available "Vaccines", just Published by China's Public Health Authorities, (Comp. Supra). This Inevitably Excludes, as things stand Nowadays, Any Previous Chance to Thoroughly Verify any Eventualy Negative Side-Effect on Human Health, which Might Appear Only After several Months or Years. (Including, f.ex., perhaps, Cancer-provoking, or Not, which, in Many Cases of various Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos Artificialy Fabricated in Labos, Notoriously Appear Only quite Late, Long Afterwards, as Even Supporters of Artificially Fabricated Babies have Acknowledged, also in Recent Important Collective Studies, Published f.ex. on 2020, etc).
Such Facts have Already provoked several Concerns, among the People, Both in USA and the EU, as well as Elsewhere in the World. But Moreover, to this is Added also a Fear of some Critics that Such Novel Technologies Affecting the Human Genome might, Eventualy, be Abused by some Maveric Technocrats or Bio-Terrorists, Bio-War Weapons, etc., in order to Alter the Genomes of one or more Persons, perhaps Groups of People, and/or of All or Different Parts of an Overall Population, (including perhaps Exploiting Frequent so-called "Vaccine-UPDATES", etc), for Dark Aims of Manipulation of those Persons and/or of a whole Society... That's, f.ex., one of the Main Reasons for which, inter alia, Also French Professor Christian Perronne, Long-Time Director of Infectiology Departments in Paris' Hospitals, and Connaisseur on Vaccines in general, Refused Even to Name such Novel Medical Tools as "Vaccines", Simply Because, all Normal, Classic, Real Vaccines, All the Way from their Inventor : Pasteur, (Researcher and University Professor in Strasbourg on the 19th Century), Always Protected the Society Against Infections by those who had Received a Real Vaccine. But Professor Perronne was Brutaly Attacked and ...Fired from his Job, shortly After Denouncing such Genetic Manipulation Risks by those mRNA Pseudo-"Vaccines", also in a substantial Critical Article Published on December 2020 at a Marginal but Serious Global Media, (See: However, Replace a necessary Democratic Scientific Dialogue, by Brutal Oppression, does Not Convince Anyone ! On the Contrary...
Certainly, European Science should Have the Capacity required in order to Not Abandon Half a Billion of European People to the Risk of an Eventual Blackmail to "Choose" Between being Killed or Geneticaly Manipulated by Foreign gadgets !
Unless Europeans Succeed, Despite everything, to Find a Way to Survive, Inspired from their Ancient Heroe, Ulysse's World-Famous Legend of "Skyla-Haribdi"...
Among various Other Possibilities, f.ex., small Hungary's Successful, Last-Minute Diversification of Vaccines, and/or Big Australia's Brillant Achievement, already During more than 10 Months now, (from September 2020 up to June 2021, included), to Jump from just another Banal Error in too Hasty DeConfinement, as Most Other Countries, to a Rare Freedom from Both Infections and Deaths, (almost Disappeared), imply by Following China's Succesful Example of Public Health Protection Measures, are Rock-Solid Facts.-
As for French President Macron's initial Dream for a real European Cure and/or Vaccine against the Pandemic, it may Always Inspire People...
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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.
Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).
French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.
Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.
According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.
For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".