Paris-Berlin-Rome: Big 3, Merkel-Sarkozy-Monti, start building €uroArea's Governance from Jan. 2012
*Paris/Elysée Palace/Angelo Marcopolo/- An intensified series of Top Political meetings between the 3 Biggest €uroArea Countries' Leaders, Germany's-France's-Italy's Merkel-Sarkozy-Monti, following the inauguration of the 1st Tripartite Summit formula last November 2011 in Strasbourg (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the spot), are due to start using the €uroArea Governance, whose creation was decided last December 2011 in EU's December 2011 Summit in Brussels, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from there), in order to launch new and accelerated Measures for Competitivity and mainly Growth :
After a preliminary meeting, here in Paris, between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, on the occasion of an Annual Colloquium on the "New World" Economico-political order this Friday, all eyes are naturally focused on Monday's Top Summit of EU's Franco-German "motor" with Chancellor Angie Merkel in Berlin, who shall also meet with Monti on Wednesday, before a 2nd Tripartite Summit in Rome anounced for January 20, i.e. shortly before the first EU/€uroArea Summit for 2012.
The ambiant impression at an International Colloquy in Paris was that €uroArea is due to fix most Medium-Long term problems with the important and far reaching Changes decided at the latest EU Brussels' Summit, at the beginning of December 2011, in the meantime, act stronger on the Short-Medium term;
This was pointed out also by French Economy and Finance Minister Francois Baroin, who also expressed his belief that the measures recently decided can avoid in Future any risk similar to some "Erroqs of the Past", (as f.ex. that that which was notoriously committed back on 1999-, with mainly "Socialist" Governments in the EU, by attributing a controversia "Candidate" Status to Tutkey's Unpopular EU bid, in exchange of an unprepared, Earlier than normal, entry of Greece to €urozone, even without accomplishing yet the necessary reforms : See relevant "EuroFora"s analysis in various other NewsReports).
IMF reportedly warned recently that the Greek Economy's recovery needed No more Taxes, (which have notoriously provoked a Recession to the Productive sector), nor more Restrictions on Poor People's basic needs, (because that had gone so far that unprecedented, huge Popular Demonstrations and Revolts, were provoked particularly when Poor People were threatened also with Electricity power' cuts at their Family Homes, if they didn't pay taxes , even if their Annual Revenues were less than 5.000 € per Year (!), just in order to fund an excessive mass of counterproductive cushy job holders and/or abusive, often corrupted political lackeys, appointed by clientelism and/or Nepotism mainly of PASOK Governments during the last 30 Years (1980-2010), provoking a growing Debt.
On the contrary, IMF's Experts reportedly became aware recently of the fact that the only solution would be to focus on serious Structural Reforms, such as Privatisations and massive lay-offs in the disproportionate State-controlled sector, but they would face Difficulties and obstacles (even a risk to seem "unjust", etc) in this endeavour, unless they seized a unique Opportunity :
That of joining Economic Efficiency with Justice, and other Moral, Ideological/Socio-Political considerations, if they succeeded to meet the well-known aspiration of a large Majority of Greek People to get rid of Incompetence and mainly Corruption, abuses, sometimes even Deadly Crimes, etc. committed by cushy job holders and/or political lackeys appointed by 30 Years of Clientelism and/or Nepotism (1980-2010) in the State-controlled sector, in a kind of Salutary "Epuration", (F.ex. by abolishing Hypocritical "Time Deadlines", and generally easing formal bureaucratic obstacles behind which are still hiding not only more or less corrupted officials, but even sly criminals who risk to become shyless by Impunity) . At the same time, such a move could also, ipso-facto, be the only one to make soon disappear the main cause of an, otherwise inevitable, Public Debt.
Such kind of issues might be one among the "extremely heavy, and extremely difficult" issues on which "we have to take decisions, during the following Days and Weeks", as Sarkozy warned this Friday in his speech concluding the International Conference,
The French President made it clear that he referred not only to EU/€uroArea Member States, but "also to all European Institutions, which must measure today the Crisis, because Europe is the Best Human invention to serve Peace, and nobody has the righ to let €uro be destroyed, because it would break down all Europe, so that Peace in our contibnent would, sooner or later, be affected", as Sarkozy warned.
To prevent any such risk, the focus in the 2012 version of the "New World" International Conference, naturally was towards "Growth".
A fortiori when, as experienced, and UKUSA educated Polish Minister of Economy, as Jacek Rostowsksi, was recently poiinting, during the 2012 International Paris' Conference, to the fact that "even the very concept of excessive Debt is counted in terms of GDP : That's why, f.ex. Poland, is still able to support a rather High Debt, as long as it manages to keep also an even Higher Growth"..
=> But, as things stand, "Today, we can no more sweep the question of Growth under the carpet", concluded Rostowski, who is also outgoing EU Chairman-in-office.
Something that German Chancellor Angie Merkel, together with her natural care for Financial Stability, certainly understands well, since she had focused her inaugural Speech for the 2009-2013 Policy Strategy mainly on "Growth" ("Wachstum" in Deutsch), as "EuroFora" had noticed at the 2009 Bundestag Debates while in Berlin, and really succeeded, for a period, to almost lead the Western World with the Best Record High Growth, shortly after the Global Crisis, while now Germany also shows one of the Best Records in High Employment rate compared to other Countries, even if recession threats loom recently from almost everywhere in the World, while Anglo-Saxon UK-USA Rating Agencies have notoriously put the whole €uroArea, big countries included, under observation, after recentky downgrading even USA's own rating, (given, it's true, the Record High current American Public Debt)...
Long-time EU Commission's former vice-President, new Italian Prime Minister Monti, joined Sarkozy, earlier this afternoon, when he initially stressed in Public the call for "all European Institutions to take their Responsibilities, as every €urozone Member State was obliged to do. ... Now, everyone involved must take the necessary Decisions", as the French President reiterated.
Speaking earlier at the International Colloquium's premisses at Bercy, Monti stressed, inter alia, also his favorite item about "Growth generated by (EU/€uroarea) Integration", (as he had already highlighted in his landmark 2009 Report on EU's Internal Market perspectives, where the experienced long-time former EU Commission's vice-President had also added Specific mentions to "New Sources of Growth", including the galoping develoipment of the Internet and Digital Economy in general, as he had underlined in Reply to "EuroFora"s Question at EU Parliament in Strasbourg (See relevant, 2009, "EuroFora"'s NewsReport).
In fact, "EU looks both Fragile and Strong", observed Monti. €uroArea's Fiscal Balance is not as bad, particularly compared to that of UK-USA, Japan, etc., he noted. Even the Debt/GDP ratio is not as dramatic as in other Countries. (etc). EU as a whole keeps in track, but differences loom, he observed, referring to what IMF Experts had already warned as early as since the 10th Anniversary of the €uro, at a special ECB Summit in Frankfurt on 2008, where "EuroFora"s co-Founder had been impressed by IMF Europe Head Expert's calls to boost "EU Cohesion", even before the current Global Crisis...
So that there is, indeed, today a Challenge for ECB, but Governments of EU Member States should ensure that EU Parliament's decisions are implemented, so that errors of the Past are no more exploited by Speculators base in Dubai or even further away, as he said, calling EU Institutions to assume their responsibilities, as Sarkozy also did (See supra).
Europe must become able to put its "kind of Multi-lateral Governance" at the Right Placez inside the World Balance of Power, Monti concluded.
+ Meanwile, Sarkozy also proposed, in his concluding speech to the "New World" Colloquy, a series of Ideas in order to concretely safeguard and/or develop EU's potential (according to the proclaimed aim of €uroArea's regular Summits, due to start from January 2012, as it was decided at the EU Brussel's December 2011 Summit : See "EuroFora"s NewsReport from the spot) :
F.ex. :
- In a World which shall soon reach more than 9 Billions People, it becomes meaningless to dismantle a common (EU) Agricultural policy, which has "extraordinary perspectives", since World's need for Food becomes endless, the French President observed.
+ "Social Dumping is not a solution. Monetary Dumping is Unacceptable. Environmental Dumoing is Unacceptable : The Law of the Jungle is unacceptable : ... What we want is a Regulated Globalisation and a Fair Competition, as everyone must understand that "there is no Liberty without Rule, as Sarkozy stressed.
- "IMF should become World's supreme Regulator in Economy", after "DeRegulation without limits pushed the World in the situation in where it is now", he reminded. F.ex., the fact that huge Sums are consentrated in one Country because it doesn't have a Rule on the circulation of Capitals, creates there Speculative Baloons, which finally "explode", provoking sufferings, It's unacceptable", Sarjkozy reiterated. Observing also that Financial transactions are the only ones which don't have to pay any tax, the French President stressed that he was largely in favor of establishing a Financial Transactions' tax,
"because I believe that a World Public Opinion will, sooner or later, questiuon Governments for what they did, or not, as he said,
Last but not least, Sarkozy concluded by stressing the need to respect at least a minimum of Social and Human Rights for Countries which want to have Trade with the EU ;
- "Is it normal that basic Social Rights, such as the Prohibition of Childrens' work, and/or to oblige a Prisoner to work ?", he wondered. Liberty must be loyal, and Trade must be just, Competition Fair : Something which sould be controlled by the International Organization of Trade (OMC).
Finally, EU Law should allow European Businesses to grow, measuring them only at EU level. Otherwise, it's difficult to imagine how could we could create real panEtropean, big Corporations, able to face the challenge of Global Competition, the French President concluded, observing that he's "in favour of a New Europe".
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. Watch out for a more accuate and complete Final version, asap).
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(Απαντήσεις σ ερωτήσεις μας, στη Διάσκεψη Τύπου ΣτΕ)
* Στρασβούργο/ΑΚΜ/+30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008/-
Σταθερός σε θέσεις αρχών Διεθνούς Δικαίου κι Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, εκφράζοντας ταυτόχρονα έντονη θέληση για επανένωση της Κύπρου κι ειλικρινή συμφιλίωση όλου του Λαού της, ΕΚων και ΤΚων, αλλά και συνεχώς αντιμέτωπος με πολυσχιδείς συγκεκριμένες συνέπειες της Τουρκικής αδιαλλαξίας κυριως για τα Κατοχικά στρατεύματα εμφανίστηκε ο Πρόεδρος Χριστόφιας στην ΚΣΣΕ, μετά από λόγο του στην Ολομέλεια κι απαντήσεις σ ερωτήσεις ευρωβουλευτών, όπως φάνηκε κι απ όσα δήλωσε κατόπιν σ απάντηση ερωτήσεών μας :
- "Δεν δέχομαι κόκκκνες γραμμές" για διατηρηση Τουρκικών Στρατευματων κι "εγγυήσεων" στην Κύπρο στο μέλλον, εφόσον κι οπως είδαμε μέχρι τώρα, τις μονομερεις εγγυήσεις της Συνθήκης του Λονδίνου τις εκμεταλλεύτηκε η Τουρκία για να εισβάλει στην Κύπρο όπου διατηρεί κατοχικό στρατό πάνω από 30 χρόνια μετά την αποκατάσταση της δημοκρατικής τάξης αφ ότου επανήλθε ο Μακάριος, τόνισε ο Προεδρος Χριστόφιας, όσον αφορά την άρνηση της Τουρκικής πλευράς να συζητήσει καν αρση Στρατιωτικής "εγγύησης" και κηδεμονίας Αγκυρας. Ελπίζω η Τουρκια ν αρχίσει να σκέπτεται και την Ασφάλεια του Κυπριακου Λαού, ΕΚων και ΤΚων, πρόσθεσε,
Συπληρώνοντας δε απάντησή του σ ερώτηση Σ για την πρόσφατη προβολή Διεθνών Ειρηνευτικών Δυνάμεων ΟΗΕ απ τον Γάλλο Πρόεδρο Σαρκόζη, προεδρεύοντα της ΕΕ, με συμμετοχη ΓΓ ΟΗΕ Μπαν Κι Μοον κι εκπροσώπων δυνάμεων ΟΗΕ σε Κύπρο, Λίβανοι και Μέση Ανατολή στη Συνάντηση Αρχηγών Κρατών Μεσογείου τον Ιούλιο στο Παρίσι, πρόσθεσε ότι η Κύπρος ειναι ευγνώμων στον ΟΗΕ και την αναγκαια ειρηνευτική συμβολη του, αλλ ελπίζει να βρεί λύση στο Κυπριακό που θ απαλλάξει ΕΕ, ΣτΕ κι ΟΗΕ απ την ανάγκη ν ασχολειται πάντα με την Κύπρο ΅: Οι ΕΚοι κι οι ΤΚοι έχουν εμπειρία τόσων τραγωδιών αλλά κι ειρηνικής συνύπαρξης που πιστεύω ότι είναι αρκετά ώριμοι για ν αναλάβουν οι ίδιοι, ΕΚοι και ΤΚοι μαζ'ι, την προστασία της κοινής πατριδας μας, κατέληξε.
Ο Πρόεδρος Χριστόφιας προτίμησε, σ άλλη απάντηση του σ ερώτηση της Σ, να τονίσει οτι η ΚΣΣΕ και το ΣτΕ γενικότερα, με το ΕΔΑΔ, μπορεί και πρέπει να παίξει μεγάλο ρόλο και στο Κυπριακό για τον σεβασμο, σε κοινό όφελος ΕΚων και ΤΚωνμ τωβν Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων και του Διεθνοούς Δικαίου, που είναι οι κύριοι τομείς αρμοδιότητάς του, στους οποίους προσβλέπουν κι εκατομύρια Ευρωπαίων πολιτών.
Αλλά τα Τουρκικά Κατοχικά Στρατεύματα ξαναβρέθηκαν αντιμέτωπα και με πολλές άλλες παρατηρήσεις του Προέδρου Χριστόφια, πχ, για τα λιμάνια των Κατεχομενων, για την ολοκλήρωση της συμφωνίας για τη οδο Λήδρα, για τη δυνατότητα ανοίγματος της Αμμοχώστου σ ΕΚους και ΤΚους μ επάνοδο προσφύγων και κοινή διαχείριση διεθνών ανταλλαγών, κπα, ακόμα και σ επάνοδο προσφύγων :
- Στο παρελθόν ΤΚοι είχαν μάταια παρακαλεσει τον Τουρκικό Στρατό ν άρει απαγόρευση να ξαναδώ το οικογενειακό μου σπίτι στην κατεχόμενη περιοχή Κυρήνειας, που είχε κηρυχθεί στρατιωτική περιοχή Μετά από πολλά ΟΧΙ, τελικά μπόρεσα τουλάχιστοιν να περάσω από μια δίοδο, αλλά λυπήθηκ όταν είδα το χωριό μισοκατεστραμένο, αγνώριστο, σπίτια κατηλημένα κπα. Αλλά, αν χρειαζόταν για ειρηνική επανένωση, της Κύπρου, θα ήμουν έτοιμος να επιστρέψω, έστω και κάτω από ΤΚή Διοίκηση, κατέληξε, σ απάντηση ξένου δημοσιθογράφου, υπερασπίζοιντας το δικαίωμα προσφύγων για ελεύθερη επιλογή επιστροφής, αποζημίωσης ή άνταλλαγής σπιτιών και περιουσιών τους χωρίς εξαναγκασμό.
Ελπίζω αύριο ο κ, Ταλάτ να θυμηθεί τις κοινές θέσεις που είχαμε μαζί εδώ και 10 χρόνια, τώρα που η Κύπρος χρειάζεται να ξαναβρέι κοινή γλώσσα που είναι το κοινο συμφέρον του λαο'υ της, Εκων και Τκων, κατέληξε ο Πρόεδρος Χριστόφιας, ανακοινώνοντας δε ότι μπορεί και να τις καταθέσει στις συνομιλιες για το Κυπριακό...