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Home arrow newsitems arrow Merkel v. Islamist Terror, for Safety,Freedom+Live Well Together,Strong EU, eve of 9/11, in hit City

Merkel v. Islamist Terror, for Safety,Freedom+Live Well Together,Strong EU, eve of 9/11, in hit City

Written by ACM
Saturday, 09 September 2017

*Reutlingen (Germany)/Angelo Marcopolo/- It's at the Eve of 9/11's Anniversary, (for the 1st time with an US President having expressed Doubts on New York WTC's Collapse after 2 Hi-Jacked Planes hit it on 2001), and Speaking at a German City earlier struck by Deadly Attacks with a Manchette by a Muslim Alien hired at a Turkish "Kebab" Shop linked with Islamist Networks (See Infra),  that Chancellor Angie Merkel Strongly Denounced, at least 3 times, "Islamist Terrorism", promising to Applauding People to care for their "Safety" as a "Priority Aim", while also Protecting their Peaceful "Living Together" and basic Democratic "Freedoms".



She would probably not have found a Better Symbolic Place than Reutlingen, Eve of 9/11, for People's Vital Need to Ensure, precisely, that "Stability", "Security", "Good and Happy Life", that Merkel Promised them Today in her Speech (See Infra)... Briefly saluting "Eurofora" a.o. with a Bright Direct Smile from the outset of her entry, she Succeeded to Electrify the People gathered here, who lively welcomed her as their leader.


While Many converging Polls, (both in Germany and Other Big European Countries), clearly reveal that the Recent Irregular Mass Migration, (mainly through Turkey, but also, partly, through Libya, etc), reached  an undisputed 1st Rank among People's Concerns Nowadays, (f.ex. 48%, compared with Only 18%-20%  for Social Justice/Education alone, etc), Merkel reiterated that an initial acceptance of Mass Asylum Seekers "from Syria and Iraq" on 2015 through Turkey had been motivated mainly by "Humanitarian" considerations, But Fustigated those "Mafiosi Structures" of Smuggling and Human Trafficking operating there, as she Denounced.



 - And she firmly Promised to "Protect People against Criminals", as she stressed, widely Applauded.

Indeed, various Critics (both in Germany and the rest of Continental Europe, as well as in the UK, etc) have Complained for Manifold, more or less Harsh Consequences to the Detriment of mainly Poor or Middle-Class Citizens' living conditions allegedly provoked by that UnPrecedented, Sudden Massive influx of Non-European and Heavily Islamized 1,5 Million of Aliens through Turkey etc., (f.ex. not only on Security, but also on Schools, Health services, Housing, every-day life, Socio-Cultural Cohesion, etc), Scandalously Exploited particularly by some "Illegal Structures" as Merkel denounced repeatedly.

(CDU BW -  Hannes Griepentrog for "Eurofora)

As long as massively Displaced People are obliged to live f.ex. with "Less than 1$ per Day", f.ex. "in Lebanon, Jordany or Turkey", Europe should help them there, as well as "Provide Help to Economic Development in Africa" etc., pointed out the German Chancellor, while, at the same time, acting to "Replace Illegal Structures" of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants, with "Legal structures", in Cooperation with International Organisations such as "the UNHCR, the OMI", etc., Merkel proposed, obviously referring also to a Recent big EU - African Countries' Migration Summit held in Paris, (Comp., f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euafricamigrationsummitandturkey.html).


+ In parallel, German JHA Minister, De Maiziere (CDU), a Merkel's-Faithfull, has just Criticized the Delays and/or Obstacles put by Courts to Expulsions of Irregular Migrants whose Asylum Demand has been Rejected, while also Calling to rapproach Germany's Social Aid to Asylum Seekers with the Level of what is provided also in Other EU Countries, in order to Prevent attracting Mass Migrants motivated by Money etc., according to Press Reports.

Concluding, Merkel promised mainly "Stability and Security" in the foreseable "Future" to Applauding People, speaking at the City of Reutlingen, which was hit on 2016 by a Bloody Attack with a Long Knive ("Manchette") brandissed by a bearded Syrian Asylum Seeker who Brutaly Killed at the Street a Poor Woman, European Immigrant from Poland, that worked in the same Turkish "Kebap" Shop as he did, (apparently linked to more or less Radical Networks, f.ex. by being Cited in Islamist Web Sites, by proposing ..."Religious" Discussions, Hiring Staff with unusually Long Beards and other Islamic Look, making open Propaganda for Turkey, etc), and Attacked with that Long Knife about 5 more People at random, (including an Old Couple, even a ...Police Car !), before being arrested.(See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/forum/index.php/topic,804.msg1074.html#msg1074 , etc).


The Tragedy was followed by Reactions from the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Poland, as well as by a Demonstration led by the Polish Community in Germany at the Location of that Brutal Murder, (a Narrow Street near the Main Bus Station, still full of Fishy-looking, Shady Individuals, even Today, as "Eurofora" Witnessed personaly on the spot), added to a "Storm" of "Tweets" and Other Social Medias' various Publications at the Web, (Astonishingly Harassed by Systematic Trolls obviously seeking to Grossly Disrupt any serious Public Debate on those Bloody Knife Attacks, as Many Documents clearly indicate : A Similar phenomenon to that Later witnessed even to anOther, apparently Islamist Terror Deadly Attack by a Bearded and Knifed Individual, curiously running from one Turkish "Kebab" Shop to another, at nearby Heidelberg earlier this year : 2/2017. Comp. f.ex. https://twitter.com/angemarc3/status/836247770738614278 ).



++ Such Tragic Incidents were Not Isolated at all, including at this Baden-Wurttemberg's region Länder, as attested, Last Week at nearby Friburg City, the Opening of the Trial of the Killer of Young Student Maria Ladenburger (19 y.o.), who was cowardly Attacked, Brutalized, Raped and atrociously Murdered by a Mass "Asylum Seeker" Thug from the Middle East, (precisely the kind of People that both Herself and her Father, an EU Commission Staffer in Brussels, used to Help !). Scandalously, the Killer was a Persistent Offender : He had already Aggressed, vainly attempted to Rape, and Brutaly Thrown over an 8 Meter High Fence, Down to an adjacent beach, another Young Girl, at Corfu Island, in Greece, Wounding her Seriously, just Before arriving in Germany. For this 1st Crime he had been Arrested, Judged and Condemned to Prison, where he served in Jail for a Few Years, before being curiously let Free, Earlier than normal, and even Allowed to Enter Germany withOut ever Informing the Berlin Authorities about his Criminal Record, so that he Cheated, Pretending to be an ...Underage "Child" of only 16 Years old, Receiving special Financial and Social Benefits while, in fact, he was Aged "at least 22 Years", according to 2 subsequent Medical Tests. His private Social Medias at the Web revealed a Horrible, Atrocious Personality, typical of Too Many petty Thugs Massively Imported in Europe by Turkish Smugglers from 2015-2016, as  had Revealed from the outset several mainstream American and British Newspapers' Investigations, with original Interviews on the spot, at the Turkish Coast of the Aegan Sea facing the Greek Islands at EU's External  Borders, followed by a Damning Secret Report of EU Institutions in Brussels, leaked to the German Press by "Die Welt" etc., which Denounced the Fact that the Turkish Authorities had Systematically chosen to send to Europe the Worst and more Dangerous Elements, very Difficult or Impossible to really Integrate in European Culture and Society, while, at the same time, Hindering  Qualified, Educated People, and/or Real Political Refugees from joining the EU, (in Addition to Christian Minorities, who, Terrorized by the "Heavy Islamist Agenda" brutaly Imposed at the Turkish "Camps", and Seeking to find Refuge Elsewhere : f.ex. in Lebanon, Jordany, and even at far-away .. Armenia !).   

 + In Addition to those Facts, Recent Revelations about Turkish Government's alleged Support to various Islamist Armed Groups, (including even some "Al-Queda"-like, as well as "ISIS" Atrocious Deadly Terrorists, cowardly Targetting Innocent Civilian People, including inside Europe, the USA and various Other Countries), were Strongly made, on the Base of Documented Proof, Both by the Government of Russia, (using also Satellite Images, etc), and by fugitive Dissident Journalist Dundar (former Editor of "Cumhurriyet" Newspaper), in Statements made to "Eurofora" already from 2016, but also in a New, Original Video-Reportage, Published for the 1st Time earlir this Year (2017) at a special event in Strasbourg's Socio-Cultural Cinema "Odyssee", where he Criticized the Blatant Contradictions of the current Turkish Government's Claims, desperately attempting to Cover-up f.ex. the Expedition of Lorries full of Hidden Missiles towards the ISIS' Occupied Territories of Syria.



- Angie Merkel pointed out that when she had been pushed to broker a Controversial Deal with Turkey on Irregular Mass Migration, Back on 2015, (during a quasi-Deserted Brussels' Sunday, where, Exceptionally, all Public Transports had been Suspended, after a Series of Deadly Islamist Terrorist Attacks), it was also with the main Intention to Stop Turkish and other Smugglers from Extending even further their sordid (and often Deadly) Mass Trafficking of Migrants from Islamized areas of Asia or Africa into Europe. Nevertheless, Official UNHCR and OMI Data clearly Reveal that: - (A) - The 1st real "Stop" to that Massive Influx from Turkey was realized thanks to an Earlier Closure of Borders at the Western Balkans' Route towards Central Europe, by a series of European Countries, (Hungary, followed by Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, FYROM, etc. See : ...). - (B) - Recently, the Influx of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants through Turkey towards Europe, has again re-Started to Sharply Grow, quite Fast, anew, even on August 2017, (See: ...).

It's in this Context, that, according to the Latest Polls, published just 2 Days Earlier (7/9/2017) by mainstream ARD-TV, more than 77% of the German People want to Stop EU Funding to Turkey, and 84% believe that Turkey should Never enter into the EU at all. A clear Absolute Majority of 61% also asks to Drop EU Accession Negotiations with Turkey, according to ZDF-
tv, while the wish for Economic Sanctions on Ankara grows up to 80%.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           => EU Parliament's experienced President of Budget Control Committee (COCOBU), German ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Dr. Ingeborg Graessle, speaking to "Eurofora" on this Topical Issue, observed that Germany would have to speak also with Other EU Member Countries in order to definitively ensure a possible End to Turkey's Controversial and UnPopular EU Accession Claims, as Chancellor Merkel recently declared in a TV Debate with her Socialist competitor Martin Schultz, former EU Parliament's President, (Comp. latest Schultz's Reply to an "Eurofora" Question at EU27 Summit's Press Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, on September 2016, at : ...). Meanwhile, for the Time being, what could and should be done is, most probably, to Stop the EU Funding, not of the Controversial EU - Turkey Deal on Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants (3 Billions € per Year in Grants, until 2018 included), but rather of Ankara's UnPopular EU "Accession" Claim, (i.e. about 1 Billion € Each Year, in full Grants), she pointed out.

A Debate is, indeed, scheduled in EU Parliament about Turkey Next Week in Strasbourg, but the relevant Resolution has been, Curiously, Postponed for ...October 2017, i.e. After the crucial forthcoming German Elections !

Meanwhile, Socialist SPD Party's leader Martin Schultz made an UnExpected, sudden "U-Turn" on Turkey, during a Recent TV Debate with German Chancellor Angie Merkel, where he practically Droped his own Party's Electoral Program (Adopted last June 2017), traditionally in Favor of Turkey's controversial EU bid, as well as of Socialist Foreign Minister Gabriel, etc., in order to suddenly Claim to "Stop" the UnPopular EU - Turkey "Accession" Negotiations.

This appeared immediately acceptable to Merkel, since such a Move met her own initial Position, with which she had Brillantly Won the 2005 Election and Became, Since then, Chancellor of Germany for 12 Years (2005 - 2017). However, she also said that such a move would need a Wider Agreement also by many Other EU Member States, promising to Raise that Issue asap, i.e. at the forthcoming EU Heads of State/Government Summit in Brussels, on October (too... Comp. Supra).  The German Chancellor does not seem to want to Block EU "Dialogue" possibilities with Turkey, as she said, preferring, rather, to try to impose Financial Sanctions, (See above).  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               As for SPD's Schultz's own Real Stance, it doesn't seem so clear as it looks at first sight : Indeed, (as some Medias noted) he might, eventualy, refer simply to a Clause existing in all EU Contracts with any Candidate to EU Accession, practicaly Warning that Serious and Widespread Violations of Human Rights, Democratic Principles and Freedoms, could Trigger a kind of Provisionary "Halt" of EU - Turkey Negotations, so that the Pre-Accession process might, eventually, Resume at Any Moment in the Future again...

Moreover, recently, various, more or less obviously "Bogus" Attempts to attract People's Votes to some UnPopular Mainstream Parties and/or Politicians, against Rightist Parties' strong Criticism of Turkey's controversial and UnPopular EU bid, by Pretending that even those Mainstream Parties of the Establishment (particularly "Sociaists", etc) would have become ...suddenly  Critical on Turkey, were Repeatedly made f.ex. in the Austrian Presidential Elections of December 2016, in the Dutch Parliamentary Election of Spring 2017, etc., as well as Nowadays, at the German Presidential Election of September 2017, (Comp. Supra),  

+ Resolution against Turkish "DITIB" Islamist Network, Adopted by CDU's 2017 Annual Congress for the Federated State ("Länder") of Baden-Württemberg :

+ However, the situation at the Grassroots, among EU Citizens and at the Base of Political Parties, including Mainstream Parties, (as, f.ex., that of CDU at Baden-Württemberg's Region), looks more and more "Hot", as far as the Turkish regime is concerned, and this is reflected not only in the above-mentioned Polls in favor of putting an End to Turkey's Controversial and UnPopular EU bid, (Comp. Supra), but Also on various Other Important matters :

F.ex., after the Recent Scandal on Turkish Networks of "Imams" allegedly "Spying" on People (including Journalists, etc) systematically even inside Europe, in Addition to a Similar task by Turkish "Consulates", etc., a Strong Draft Resolution had been Tabled at this CDU's Annual Congress 2017 :

 - Prepared by the ChristianDemocratic/EPP Party's Section of the Capital (and Biggest) City of Baden-Wurttemberg's Federated State (Länder) : Stuttgart, that Draft Resolution, First of all, Revealed and/or made clearly Known, the Scandalous Fact that, under a Previous, "Socialist"-led Regional Administration, (Ousted by German People's Votes at the Latest Regional Elections), the Controversial and UnPopular Turkish "DITIB" Association, (notoriously Chosen and Appointed by a Turkish Minister abroad, had been entrusted with the Responsibility to ..."Teach" even at Public "Schools" of "Baden-Wurttemberg's" State !      

Obviously it "Teached" Only "Islam", observed that Draft Resolution, tabled by CDU Party's section at Stuttgart, which "Call(ed) upon the Government of the Länder to rule Out (Outlaw) the (Turkish) DITIB Association from Teaching ... at Baden-Wurttemberg's (Public) Schools".

>>> It's in order to make it Clear that there "canNot be any 5th Column of Ankara inside the German State !", Warned the Suttgart Section of the CDU Party.

- This is "in view of the (Recent) Findings about DITIB, (Comp. Supra), and the current Situation in Turkey", the Final Version of that Draft Resolution Explained, reminding the Turkish Network's role to "Spy" on Dissident People or Critics in Europe, in Addition to the Brutal Mass Violations of Human Rights in many Hundreds of Dismissals, Arrests, Prosecutions, etc, inside Turkey itself.

However, an Obscure Bureaucratic "Request Commission"'s attempt to Water-Down that Draft Resolution, by Amending it in a way which Erased the crystal-Clear demand to Exclude the Turkish "DITIB" from Teaching in German Public Schools, Remplacing it with a Vague "call for a fundamental critical Review (sic !) of the cooperation with ..DITIB", apparently Provoked a Confusion among CDU's Members during Today's Votes. But that did Not Hinder, finally, its Adoption by this CDU's Annual Congress here.

Such a Topical Move (to practically Free German Public Schools from any attempt of Foreign Interference by the Turkish Government), apparently Helped also to Boost the Popularity of CDU's New Minister of Education and Culture in Baden-Wurttemberg, Suzanne Eisenmann, who received, soon Afterwards, a Record-High Support for her Election to the Party's Collective "Presidency", with more than "91%" of the Votes : the Best score of all !...

This wasn't also without any relation vis a vis Islamist Terrorism, since the Recent Deadly Attacks Targetting innocent Civilian People f.ex. in Berlin, last Winter 2017, and/or more Recently at Barcelona, on August 2017, (etc), clearly Revealed the Existence of Dangerous Links between sly Networks of "Radicalized Mosques" and Brutal Killings, etc, (Comp., f.ex., at : ..., etc).

+ Merkel on Post-BREXIT Europe : Strong enough to Protect People from Islamist Terrorism + International Crisis


 - And German Chancellor Angie Merkel's Speech at CDU's ParteiTag in Rutlingen Today, clearly Stressed that, in Fact, "our Struggle Against the Islamist Terrorism" Needs a "Strong Europe".

  - Because "Islamist Terrorism" is an "International" phenomenon, "as we've (recently) seen f.ex., also in Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, London, and Germany", she reminded.



 + And we need also a Europe Able to Protect us vis a vis various Regional or International Crisis currently multiplying around us, such as, f.ex., the Russian-Ukranian Conflict, the Clashes in Syria and Iraq, as well as the Libyan Conflict, etc., she reminded, while also Calling for "Solidarity" with "our European Partners".

 - Merkel added that she "Regrets" UK's Decision for "BREXIT", but "respects it". However, the EU's other 27 Member States are Able to boost a "Strong" and "Important" Europe in the World, Both in Political and Economic terms, at the foreseable Future, the German Chancellor ambitiously Highlighted.



 - For that purpose, it's Nowadays of crucial importance for "Europeans to be United Together", she urged.

+ CDU/CSU Head at EU Parliament, MEP Caspary to "Eurofora"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


=> Summing up Chancellor Merkel's main point, the New Head of the German Governing Party CDU/CSU's MEPs at EU Parliament, ChristianDemocrat MEP Daniel Caspary, from nearby Karslruhe, stressed to "Eurofora", particularly, that: - "The Time for InFight has Gone !"

- I.e. "Europeans" should now Stick Together", and, "United", Advance Forward, he reiterated.

- In particular, "We have, First, to Win this Fight !", Caspary urged, pointing at the Crucial, forthcoming German Election of September 24, 2017. And then, Start Preparing the May 2019 European Elections; he Agreed with "Eurofora".


 - Merkel had, earlier Today, pointed from the outset to the Fact that, just "15 Days before the Vote", these 2017 German Elections, Crucial for all Europe, are Now on the "Final Sprint", as Baden-Wurtemberg's just re-elected CDU Head, Thomas Strobl warned. Prospects are Good for her Governing ChristianDemocrat/EPP "CDU/CSU" Party of the Center-Right, but Nothing is Decided before the Voting Day of September 24, she Warned. (Reportedy observing, later-on, her intention to plant those Seeds of Flowers which were distributed as a Symbolic Gift at the Local CDU's Congress Today, only After the forthcoming Elections)...



   - Thus, Merkel, who is expected to play an Historic role, both for Gemany in itself, and for all Europe, even the World, if she Wins also these 2017 Buntestag Elections, (the 4rth in a Row, since she Started, back on 2005), appeared, in fact, rather Careful, when she evoked the foreseable "Future".

- "No Experiments with the Future !", she advised in conciusion. F.ex., leave it all to an eventual "Red-Red-Green" coalition, (i.e. Leftist and Ecologists), would be very "Bad", she Warned.

  - On the Contrary, it's mainy on "Stability and Security" that Merkel Focused for a Future which could be ensured much Better "with the ChristianDemocrats" (CDU/CSU), as she promised in fine.

   - She had earlier Opened her Speech by Pointing to "Stability, Security, Continuity, and a Future where People can live Well and Happy", according to the "Moto" chosen for these 2017 Parliamentary Elections.

     - In this regard, Angie Merkel boasted that more than "5 Millions Workplaces (Jobs)" had been Created "during 12 Years" of her Chancellorship (2005 - 2017), withOut raising more Taxes, (Contrary to "Socialists"'while, previously, her mentor, the Historic German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, had ensured the "ReUnification" of Germany and, subsequently, of Europe.



  - And this was done with a Modern "Germany Respecting basic Human Rights and Democratic Freedoms", while also saveguarding an elementary "Social Justice", she highlighted.

   => Nowadays, it's mainly "Digitization", from Industry and Telecoms, or Schools, up to Social Networks and Expression of Opinions, etc., which should attract most "Investments" and "Research" allowing to "Think the Future", and eyeing "New Hights" of "Innovation", particularly via "Europe", Angie Merkel underlined.

    + Another "Strong Point" are "Families", she stressed, including also "Family Values", as, f.ex., Solidarity between Elders and Children, Together Both "in Good, and in Bad Times", as she said, Widely Applauded by the People.

    Promising also more "Social Justice", f.ex., with a "Minimum for Existence", more Financial Support to Families and Children", as well as "Childrens' Rights", more "Kindergarden" places, "Social Security", etc., so as to Help boost "Equal Chances" and "the Future of Families", in the context of a "Social Market Economy", Angie Merkel warmed a motivated Audience here, which had placed a poster on "Respect for Family Values" at the Most Visible place of that Meeting, and symbolicaly offered to Members, Journalists and Guests, Flower Seeds to plant and cultivate for the foreseable Future...


BW = a "Special" German Lânder for Europe ?

    Strasbourg's 1st "Neighbour", Baden-Württemberg Federated State's main Original Characteristics, apparently Fit well several among Merkel's remarks, (f.ex. on Digitization, Europe, Families, Economy, ST. Research, etc)-


It's true that also Bavaria currently holds the Presidency of EU Parliament's Biggest Political Group, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, with Manfred Weber, (comp. f.ex. one among many Weber's Replies to "Eurofora"s Questions, recently at : ...). And Lower Saxony hosts former EU Parliament's President, currently Adenauer Foundation's Chairman, Hans Gert Poettering, (comp. various Poettering's statements to "Eurofora", f.ex. : ..., etc), as well as David McAllister, new Chairman of EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, etc. While at neighbouring Rhineland-Palatinate, the Lânder's CDU Chief, Julia Clockner, twice elected as the Most Popular Vice-President of the Party Nation-wide, and possible Successor to her Friend and Ally Angie Merkel Further in the Future, according to developments. (Etc).

But it's a Fact that Baden-Wurttemberg currently has the German EU Commissioner in Brussels, Gunter Oettinger, (See Oettinger's various Statements to "Eurofora", f.ex., at : ...); EU Parliament's 1st vice-President Wieland (ibid) ; PanEuropean CoE Assembly's ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group of MEPs' President, Axel Fisher ; the Chairwoman of EU Parliament's Comittee on Budget's Control, Ingeborg Graessle ; the Head of Governing Party CDU/CSU MEPs at EU Parliament, Daniel Caspary ; etc.

CDU's President in Baden-Wurtemberg, and JHA Minister at the Länder, Thomas Strobl, twice Stressed, speaking, just after his Re-Election, at a Press-point for Journalists, including "Eurofora", that - "We are Working on European Issues in a very Good Cooperation with MEPs such as, f.ex., Caspary and Wieland, as well as others".




    + Strobl also observed, in his Speech to CDU Congress, that BW "Exports into the EU More than Any Other Länder" throughout all Germany : F.ex., "out of 5 Cars produced here, 4 are Exported into the EU, and Only 1 is sold inside Germany !", he pointed out.

Is it, perhaps, only a pure "Coincidence" that also its Neighbouring French "Alsace"/"Great East" Region, at the Other Side of Rhine river, is too an exceptional Number 1 Exporting area in France ? (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchministerdriandigitalaftergermanelecton.html)

    ++ Concerning "Digitization", Strobl, (who is also BW's Minister in charge in that area), Boasted that this Länder "has More Invested for the Internet, Than Any Other" in the Country, Adding recently also 1 Billion €  more. From "Electric Machines", through "Industry", up to "Internet" in a "Digital  World", BW's "Digitization Strategy" has boosted that "Issue as No 1", and aims, f.ex., to Spread Internet throughout All the Black Forest area, until the Last Village, as he promised.

     BW's Universities, such as Heidelberg, Tubingen, Freiburg and Karlsruhe, as well as Stuttgart's etc., are among the Best, while, concerning Schools, its New Minister of Education and Culture, Suzanne Eisenmann, is among the Most Popular Figures (Comp. Supra).  

    Both Germany's powerful Federal Constitutional Court, and its prestigiou Highest Administrative Court, are located in BW's Karlsruhe city. (I.e. between Strasbourg's ECHR, and Luxembourg's ECJ)...

    Last, but not least,  BW's "Black Forest" Natural landscapes are so valuable that they had been selected, when Germany was holding EU's rotating Chairmanship, back on 2007, as Number 1 Natural Sight-seeing publicized at Berlin's Official EU Presidency Website.  Near the Black Forest is also Europe's Biggest Lake of "Constance", (shared with Switzerland), as well as Europe's 2 most Important Rivers : Rhine and Danube.                                                                                                                                         
Schäuble Energy



 Practically Concluding the 2017 Annual Congress of BW's CDU Party, the experienced German Minister of Finance, Wolfgang Shäuble, focused mainly on the "Policies for the Next Years" (2017-2021), in a context of "Stability, Democracy and Rule of Law", "at a Globalized World", as he stressed.

- Despite some's "Scepticism" about that unavoidable "RDV with Globalisation", which is "a Reality", Schâuble called to Focus mainly on "New Technologies".

(W.Schäuble at the ParteiTag of CDU BW  - H.Griepentrog for Eurofora)

Citting from ..."Pope Francis", up to... the Turkish President "Erdogan", (whose controversial Claims against Europe he Criticized as "Unacceptable"), Schauble also stressed the Need to find adequate Solutions to the issues of Mass "Immigration and Integration".


Shäuble Welcomed at the CDU BW ParteiTag 2017 by its leaders +MME (Eurofora)


- Pointing towards more "Growth in €uroZone", he noted that it's with ChristianDemocrat Policies in Europe that Greek, Portuguese and Spanish, Economies are recently heading out of the red, (after Ireland and Cyprus), largely applauded.

He characteristically Chose for Final Words : - "European Commitment", Together with a Call to Struggle, during the "Next  Years", against "the Demagogues", as he called his political adversaries.

Having succeeded to make also People smile, several times, with a keen sense of Humour, Schäuble appeared very Energetic, and received an Apotheose from a Standing Ovation by his Faithful fans.










("DraftNews", as already send to "Eurofora" Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap). 





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    EU-educated charming young Chinese presence started to be felt in Council of Europe's corridors in Strasbourg at the aftermath of an Historic Resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly in favor of opening the possibility to give China a special "Status" in the PanEuropean Organization.

    - "My proposal to offer to China an official status as "Observer", in short term, under conditions, was welcomed" by the CoE : "The road to Dialogue between China and the CoE has now been opened", declared after Strasbourg's debates and votes the Head of France's delegation, MEP Jean-Claude Mignon.


    "Neither complacency, nor a mere condamnation of China", but a "wise approach of a political issue of great importance", advised Mignon to all those who'd either overload claims on Democracy, Human Rights or Minorities, or close their eyes to anything, there as elsewhere... A balance which was not exactly followed during debates, contrary to Mignon's personal stance, which appeared rather even-handed.

    China is the only UNO Security Council permanent member which has not yet any status at the CoE, being still obliged to be represented in Strasbourg by a General Consul : USA and Canada, even Japan and .. Mexico, have already got a special Status at the CoE, following Strasbourg's decision, back in 1995, to counter-balance the accession of Russia (1996) by creating special links to traditional "Western-world" allies.


    All former "Socialist" Eastern European countries started to have relations whith the CoE through its former sector on Culture and Education, before becoming full Members of Strasbourg's paneuropean organization. Speculations were unfolding recently about establishing a probable concrete link with China through the topical issue of anti-doping in Sport, on the occasion of the 2008 Olympic games.

    More spectacular, a meeting co-organized a few years ago in Strasbourg, by EuroFora and the International Space University between EU Parliament's long-time Rapporteur for EU's Satellite Navigation system "GALILEO", German MEP Brigitte Langenhagen, and a group of postgraduate students, attracted special interest from Chinese experts, and was followed, in less than a month, by the anouncement of China's intention to support EU's GALILEO project with a participation of 200 million €.

    Compared to that, revendications of .. "Turkish" Minorities, by Turkish MEPs, this week in Strasbourg, spreading through a wide area extended ...from Greece up to China, appeared less worrying, than pittoresque...

    Meanwhile, France's political will to start involving China and other important countries in European and Global affairs was due to be raised also at the forthcoming G-8 Summit in Japan by President Nicolas SARKOZY, (NDLR  : confirmed on July 5)


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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