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Pagina principale arrow newsitems arrow Moroco Parliament Speaker Ghellab to EuroFora:High Speed Train Bridge Africa-Europe +Democracy links

Moroco Parliament Speaker Ghellab to EuroFora:High Speed Train Bridge Africa-Europe +Democracy links

Scritto da ACM
martedì, 25 giugno 2013


 *Strasbourg/Council of Europe/Angelo Marcopolo/- Morocco, which is the 1st South Mediterranean Country to be linked to CoE with a "Partnership for Democracy" status, has the Ambition to develop both its Economic/High Tech. and its Democratic/Human Rights Values' links with Europe, replied, in substance, to "EuroFora"s questions the Speaker of Morocco Parliament, Karim Ghellab.


Significantly, during an earlier Debate in CoE's Parliamentary Assembly's Plenary on the 1st Evaluation Report of this New Status, drafted by the President of the biggest political Group, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Italian MEP Luca Volonté, several mainstream MEPs from various EU Countries pointed at the  obvious "Strategic" importance of Morocco, (which is also the only Arab Country to have succeeded to keep direct links to the Arab Civilisation, since it fought hard for its Liberty and Independence  was never Occupied by the Ottoman-Turk Empire, which destroyed it everywhere else, also its famous Architectrual Heritage reminds.


Replying positively to an "EuroFora" Question about an eventual prospect for a  High Speed Train link between the South Mediteranean coast and Europe, (as UK and France, as well as Denmark and Sweden, already have). which could serve along S. Mediterranean Coasts and/or towards a series of Capital Cities accross Africa's Atlantic coasts,

President Ghellab stressed that, indeed, such a Project Exists already, i.e. to build a Modern Bridge between Morocco and Spain, for a High Speed Train link, but this is a very big, Pharaonic project, and it requires, in addition to the necessary Funds, also a careful preparation, so that it could became a Reality in the Future.


But for the Speaker of the Morocco Parliament, the most important point, Today, obviously was the fact that CoE's Assembly, chaired by its President, French MEP Jean-Claude Mignon, quasi-"Unanimously" adopted Volonté's Report, which mainly witnessed Morocco's genuine efforts to advance towards even stronger links and shared Values with Europe on Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, so that, while encouraging the Country to go on and fullfil also some more CoE's Expectations on some issues, (including f.ex.to ensure a bette treatment for Prisoners, etc), the PanEuropean Assembly, nevertheless, already found sufficient positive developments in order to comment the "Dynamic" character of that New Status of "Partnership for Democracy", and express the wish to extend it Succesful application to Morocco also towards other Neighboring Countries, from the Suther Coast of the Medierranean, up to Kazakhstan, etc.



(Fast Translation from the Original in French).


("DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).


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