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Home arrow newsitems arrow NAZI Camp Memorials' Heads to Eurofora on EU Future while CoE checks ECHR respect on MISSING People+

NAZI Camp Memorials' Heads to Eurofora on EU Future while CoE checks ECHR respect on MISSING People+

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 04 June 2013



*Strasbourg/University palace/Angelo Marcopolo/- The Heads of some among the most important Memorials for Crimes against Humanity committed by the NAZI, gathered exceptionaly in Strasbourg at the eve of a crucial CoE's Committee of Ministers session due to control the implementation, or not, of ECHR's judgements by condemned States, including on "MISSING" People f.ex. of Cyprus, etc., launched a vibrant warning on Europe's Future, practically calling to fight Negationism of all Genocides and/or grave War Crimes of the 20th Century, from the Jewish Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide up to the Rwanda massacers, etc., without any exclusion throughout Europe and beyond, as a "must" in order to become really able to ensure a better Future for all European People.


The move came also in the run up of the 70th Anniversary of the infamous  "Night and Fog" NAZI secret decree, which had ordered the Extermination of targetted Dissident People in a way that Nobody (not even their Family) wouldn't ever learn what happened to them. I.e. a systematically organized Crime of "Enforced Disappearances" for People due to go (and always remain) "MISSING", so that all those Responsible for Horrible Crimes against the Victims would remain for ever totally Unpunished, and their Families and Friends, as well as the Society at large, would be condemned to Anxiety and Fear, in an attempt to break their Resistance and oblige them to passively Obey to Authoritarian Rulers, NAZI/Fascist and/or Foreign Occupation oppressive regimes, etc.


Something which has been repeatedly condemned by ECHR as a series of blatant and Continuing Violations of the Human Rights to Life, to protection against Torture and/or Inhuman/Degrading Treatments,  (including  for the Victims' Families, etc), to Personal Liberty, Deprivation from any Fair Trial, lack of any Efficient Remedies, etc), initialy in the cases concerning more than a Thousand of Greek Cypriot People (including also Civilians, Children, and/or Soldiers taken Prisoners by the Turkish Army, etc) who've gone "MISSING" since the 1974 Mlitary Invasion and Occupation at the Northern part of the Island by Ankara's Foreign Troops, where CoE's Committee of Ministers has vainly been asking Turkey at least to open its Military and other relevant Archives in order to help find the Truth, search and punish those Responsible for eventual Crimes against defenseless People, that Recent excavations with Macabre Findings (f.ex. of POWs killed by bullets shot at close range on their Heads, their bodies having been thrown to wells, or hidden in Mass Graves, kidnaped Children and entire Families' bones dispersed apparently by their Murderers, etc), have lately started to bring into broad daylight for the 1st time in History, but still remain without any convincing reply by Ankara's Authorities to CoE's Questions..


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Co-Organized by the European Center of Restistants-Deported people, located at the former NAZI Concentration Camp of Struthof, at Strasbourg's nearby Mountains, and the Memorial of the Shoa (Paris), this exceptional event gathered in Strasbourg's Historic University palace also the Directors of Neckarelz Death Camp at nearby Germany, as well as of the Memorial of the most famous NAZI Extermination Camp of Auschwitz, in Poland, in cooperation with the CoE and the Franco-German Radio-TV ARTE (Headquartered in Strasbourg, near EU Parliament's premisses), together with several representatives of Survivants, Ambassadors, Experts, etc., for a 3 Hours long Debate which attracted a large Popular interest, precisely on the Question whether the "NAZI Camps" are a key part of "the Memory of Europe" for the people of today.


The Historic study of the Past is meaningless unless it serves now in order to prepare a Better Future, in particular by avoiding to repeat some tragic errors : F.ex. if you have been burn by a flame when you were just a kid, then, you'll always remember, during all your life as an adult, to never touch a flame again. In that sense, Memory of the NAZI Holocaust is important for Europe's present and Future, stressed to "EuroFora" the Director of the Auschwitz Memorial, Piotr Cywinski, from Poland.

Cywinski reminded also to "EuroFora" that the main particulariy of the World-famous Auschwitz NAZI Camp was that it had been the main "Extermination Camp" of the 20th Century, where many Prisoners were massively killed even before really entering the Camp, i.e. thrown directly from the Deportation Trains into the Gaz chambers, etc., while, in addition, the notorious NAZI "Dr. Mengele", infamous for ordering Atrocious and often Deadly "Tests" on Human persons abused as Guinea pigs, "could do whatever he liked" on anyone among the Prisoners, (even if "he preferred particularly Twins, in order to distinguish their Genetic characteristics from their Acquired aspects, before killing and dissecting them in a frenetic Bio-Medical Research for the causes of their innate features), as he told us.

Several NAZI criminals, including Dr. Mengele, were among the few main Responsible for Atrocities and Crimes against Humanity who managed to escape from Justice later on, traveling to Latin America, and particularly in Brazil, (where some Media had been astopnished inter alia also for a sudden emergence of an abnormaly excessive number of Twins suddenly born in a small Village of Southern Brazil in the 1970ies, often attributed to "Dr. Mengele"'s supposed influence on the spoit, even if such hypothesis are discarded as rather unfounded by Cywinski, who believes that "Mengele was, in fact, a more Mediocre Doctor than some People believe", as he told us), i.e. close to Chile and particularly Argentina's well known but still partly non-elucidated Tragedies of many People gone  "MISSING" from the 1960-1970ies, followed more recently by another wave of massive "Enforced Disappearances"  at Mexico's borders up to USA's Luisiana, (denounced by CoE Assembly's Reports since 2005, and by a 2009 masterpiece of famous Film Director Betrand Tavernier : "In the Electric Mist", etc).


- It's true that there are, indeed, several Links between the Armenian Genocide (of 1899-1915/1922) and the NAZI Holocaust (of 1933-1945), particularly since the Shoah was facilitated also by the fact that the Armenian Genocide had been somewhat "Forgotten" during Hitler's rise to power, and it had remained almost totally Unpunished, while the Holocaust was the 1st Genocide whose instigators and executants started facing at least a partial Punishment and Justice for the first time in History, agreed with "EuroFora" the experienced Director of the Shoa Memorial of Paris, Jacques Fredj.


Among many other common aspects, it is, f.ex., well known that a great number among the Armenians' killed by the Ottoman-Turks during the 1st Genocide of the 20th Century, had been, in fact, submitted to atrocious, Deadly "Tests" (f.ex. by inoculating them with Tyfus, throwing them Warfare Gas, etc) by some unscrupulous Turkish Bio-Medical Torturers, (some of whom, even visited Berlin shortly afterwards !),  whose impunity inspired, some Years later, the NAZI Camps' infamous "Dr. Mengele"'s horrible "Tests" on Jewish and other jailed People.

Fredj also pointed out to "EuroFora" that, since the 2005 creation of the Paris' Memorial for the Shoa, "we are organizing, each Year, joint meetings and events with representatives of the Memory of the Armenian Genocide, of the Holocaust and even of the Rwanda massacer, etc, as he had already started, earlier, to reply to another question by an African-origin participant to the debate, concerning also the Past of the Slavery, etc., (which have, as it's well known, their own Memorials f.ex. in Paris and elsewhere in the World).

Thus, f.ex., "it's not by pure chance" that European Center on Deported Resistants' Director, Miss Frederique Neau-Dufour, was personaly motivated by action opposed to "Crimes against Humanity", since she had been "born at Burundi", wher her "Parents had seen with their own eyes many Bodies of Killed People being carried away", during the successive Ethnic classes which had notoriously opposed Hutus and Tutsis from 1959 throughout the 1960ies, 1970ies and 1980ies, apparently pushing towards the 1990ies' new Genocide, which obviously exploited a dangerous "Impunity" of those who had grossly violated Human Rights in the Past, from one and/or another side, until UNO was obliged to step in, also by documenting various successive "Genocides" in a 2002 Report, in an ultimate attempt to put an End to Negationism and total Impunity in order to establish at least an elementary but sustainable Peace since then.  

+ Also another central feature in all Genocides : the fact that it must be systematically organized by a State, an Institution's Bureaucracy affecting many similar cases, instead of being a mere "coincidence" of isolated Crimes (f.ex. by thugs) committed only in a few, unrelated and isolated incidents, was added and highlighted by the main participants to this landmark Strasbourg's May 2013 debate with the Heads of key Memorials of NAZI camps throughout Europe.

 In fact, serious Crimes such as those committed on Refugees/Displaced persons and "MISSING" People are often intewoven together in various ways, either in an attempt for "Ethnic Cleansing" and "Remplacement" of the ancestral inhabitants of an Occupied area, systematically organized f.ex. by an AUthoritarian regime like NAZI, or by a Foreign, Occupying Power, etc., observed another participant, who cited, f.ex. a case in Mittel-Europa, during the implosion of the NAZI regimes, when a group of Refugees/Displaced persons trying to rush fast back to their ancestral Homes and private properties, was reportedly aggresed and even massacrated by those who had, in the meantime, usurpated ther Victims' Homes and Properties,... Burundu-Rwanda ethnic clashes between 1960-1990, but already the Armenian Genocide back in Ottoman Turkey of 1915, Cyprus "ethnic-cleansed" Occupied Territories since the 1974 Military Invasion by Ankara's Foreign Army, which made 20% of the Country's Population Refugees/Displaced People and provoked Thousands of "MISSING"persons, the massive expulsion of Kurdish Populations at nowadays Turkey (as resumed in ECHR's landmark judgement at the "Akdivar" case of 1995-1996), followed by certain parts of the former Yugoslavia's 1990-2000 conflict, etc, offer various such concrete examples.



But in the case of the Enforced Disappearances all over Europe during the NAZI era, ordered by the "Night and Fog" decreet, the "MISSING" Persons, targetted Political Dissidents were systematically kidnapped, gathered and send in full Secrecy mainly to the Struthof Concentration Camp, at the top of a Mountain near Strasbourg, where they were put apart and killed in various ways, including by  being submitted to extreme hardships, at particularly adverse circumstances, in executing some unbearable work tasks far beyond their physical capacities, resulting in a first wave of more than 2.500 "MISSING" Persons of differend Nationalities, reminded to "EuroFora" the active Director of the European Centre of Deported Resistants, (established and inaugurated by former French President Jacques Chirac on 2005, at the eve of the official visit of the then President of Cyprus to the Elysee Palace in Paris, where New Presidents of Cyprus and Francen, Anastassiades and Hollande, are due to meet also in a few days time), Mss Frederique Neau-Dufour, who stressed her will to develop further the European dimension of the ECDR, including by signing a relevant Agreement of Cooperation with the CoE.

Perhaps independent from that, but by a strange coincidence at the same place, at almost the same time, stood also another, even more Macabre reality concerning many Victims of Deportation at the Struthof Camp : Those who were also selected and gathered from various other areas throughout Europe, in order to serve as "Guinea pigs" sacrificed in a series of Atrocious, Deadly Bio-Mecical "Tests", mainly at the Anatomic Institute of Strasbourg's Hospital during the NAZI Military Occupation, Neau-Dufour added later to "EuroFora".              

A Horrible spectre, which has been added to various other Fears inevitably Haunting also the Families of Cyprus' "MISSING" Persons since 1974, several times victims of Shocks felt  in front of various scandalous Claims by different sources, at one moment or another. (As, f.ex. in the case of an American News Magazine which claimed to publish some so-called "revelations" on 2006-2007 about a part of "MISSING" Greek Cypriots being transported to Turkish Prisons and submitted to atrocious, Deadly Tests of Biological Warfare after having been kept for a long time as Prisoners up to the 1980ies : An hypothesis which was neither confirmed, nor refuted until now).


Something that is obviously still further Worsening today by Turkish Government's persisting, scandalous and worrying Incapacity to really explain, in a serious and convincing manner, what really happened, and who was responsible, for the "Enforced Disappearances" of more than a Thousand of Greek Cypriot "MISSING" Persons, and particularly for those who were recently found to have been atrociously Murdered long after having been arrested and taken Prisoners or Kidnaped by the Turks after the 1974 Military Invasion and Occupation of the Northern part of the island by Ankara's Army : A growing "Mystery" which risks to become an even bigger Scandal now, since the Turkish Government's "reply" to CoE's Committee of Ministers demand, since last March 2013, to explain what really happened at least to those "MISSING" Persons who were recently found to have been Brutaly Murdered after having been taken Prisoners, apparently doesn't give any convincing explanation, not even the slightest, (while even Ankara's long-time Failure to open any Access to its Military and/or other Archives particularly on a series of Prisons and Concentration Camps located not only in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, but even in the Turkish mainland, still persists, despite many vain CoE Committee of Ministers calls, based on the need to implement ECHR's judgements which hve repeatedly condemned Turkey for grossly violating the Cyprus' MISSING Persons'  and their Families' Human Rights).


In fact, already NAZI Camps, even those which were exceptionaly located in the middle of some small/medium villages or Towns, as f.ex. that of Neckarelz, at nearby Germany, which was astonishingly hidden inside a former ... School building, among many Inhabited Houses, as the Head of its Memorial, Dorothée Roos described to "EuroFora", didn't reveal to uninformed observers the real purpose for which were gahered there several Thousands of Prisoners, most of them towards the End of the 2nd World War : 

- Many of them were just "Forced Workers", obliged to work for an UnterGround Factory of Airplanes, hidden there after many Bombardings of the surface by the Aviation of the Allies, but an important number of other Prisoners were kept apart and destinated to differend;, exhausting work tasks, mainly on heavy infrastructures, where they were systematically pushed up to Death, and this concerned Targetted mainly Political Dissidents, most recognizable by a "Red" star put at their clothes, as explained Neckarelz Memorial's President Roos to "EuroFora".

Meanwhile, the recent 2011 Findings, by the World-famous COE Assembly's Rapporteur, (and experienced former President of the PänEuropean Organization's Legal and Human Rights' Committee), Swiss Attorney and MEP Dick Marty, on "MISSING" Persons at Kosovo, in the Balkans, where UNO's International Criminal Court's Attorney, Carla del Ponte's 2007 denunciations that former Albanian Rebels had kidnapped Serbian a.o. People and killed them in Secrecy in order to Harvest their Body's Organs and sell them to at least a Hospital located in the Albanian mainland and linked with a Turkish doctor involved in the Trafficking of Human Organs, was apparently confirmed after a first Investigation, obviously doesn't alleviate fears of similar atrocious events having taken eventually place also in various other still outstanding cases of "MISSING" Persons, including Cyprus', etc....






(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s subscribers/donors. A more accurate, complete Final Version may be published asap).



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    EU-educated charming young Chinese presence started to be felt in Council of Europe's corridors in Strasbourg at the aftermath of an Historic Resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly in favor of opening the possibility to give China a special "Status" in the PanEuropean Organization.

    - "My proposal to offer to China an official status as "Observer", in short term, under conditions, was welcomed" by the CoE : "The road to Dialogue between China and the CoE has now been opened", declared after Strasbourg's debates and votes the Head of France's delegation, MEP Jean-Claude Mignon.


    "Neither complacency, nor a mere condamnation of China", but a "wise approach of a political issue of great importance", advised Mignon to all those who'd either overload claims on Democracy, Human Rights or Minorities, or close their eyes to anything, there as elsewhere... A balance which was not exactly followed during debates, contrary to Mignon's personal stance, which appeared rather even-handed.

    China is the only UNO Security Council permanent member which has not yet any status at the CoE, being still obliged to be represented in Strasbourg by a General Consul : USA and Canada, even Japan and .. Mexico, have already got a special Status at the CoE, following Strasbourg's decision, back in 1995, to counter-balance the accession of Russia (1996) by creating special links to traditional "Western-world" allies.


    All former "Socialist" Eastern European countries started to have relations whith the CoE through its former sector on Culture and Education, before becoming full Members of Strasbourg's paneuropean organization. Speculations were unfolding recently about establishing a probable concrete link with China through the topical issue of anti-doping in Sport, on the occasion of the 2008 Olympic games.

    More spectacular, a meeting co-organized a few years ago in Strasbourg, by EuroFora and the International Space University between EU Parliament's long-time Rapporteur for EU's Satellite Navigation system "GALILEO", German MEP Brigitte Langenhagen, and a group of postgraduate students, attracted special interest from Chinese experts, and was followed, in less than a month, by the anouncement of China's intention to support EU's GALILEO project with a participation of 200 million €.

    Compared to that, revendications of .. "Turkish" Minorities, by Turkish MEPs, this week in Strasbourg, spreading through a wide area extended ...from Greece up to China, appeared less worrying, than pittoresque...

    Meanwhile, France's political will to start involving China and other important countries in European and Global affairs was due to be raised also at the forthcoming G-8 Summit in Japan by President Nicolas SARKOZY, (NDLR  : confirmed on July 5)


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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