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Home arrow newsitems arrow CoE Assembly Head Mignon to EuroFora: MEPs responsible for ECHR Judgements DisRespect (Turkey=No 1)

CoE Assembly Head Mignon to EuroFora: MEPs responsible for ECHR Judgements DisRespect (Turkey=No 1)

Written by ACM
Monday, 23 April 2012



MEPs from each CoE Member State, and particularly from those who commit the worst Violations of Human Rights, must become aware of their responsibilities if the Governments that they support persist into not implementing ECHR's Judgements condemning it since many years, (as f.ex. Turkey does, according to CoE's latest data), because such a situation might lead even into affecting the renewal of their credentials, and/or other possible consequences vis a vis those MEPs, as it results in substance from the reply of CoE Assembly's new President, French ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jean-Claude Mignon, to an "EuroFora"'s question at a Press Conference in Strasbourg marking the opening of April 2012's plenary session :

- "Concerning Brighton's (Ministerial) conference (in the UK, for the on-going ECHR's Reform) and ECHR Judgements  Implementation, +as you know, there are several CoE Reports on ECHR Judgements' Execution, a non-controversial issue that UK's Chairmanship highlights and the final Declaration mentions, where recently emerged the idea to try to raise the Responsibility of National Delegations,  whenever exceptionaly serious Violations persist since long", "EuroFora" observed, in a Question to Mignon.


- "This could, eventually, affect f.ex. the renewal of MEP's Credentials, and/or act otherwise. Do you think that CoE's Assembly might advance in this direction, in the foreseable future ?", we asked its President.

- "It is, indeed, important that each National Parliament becomes Aware of its Responsibility in order to ensure the Implementation of a certain number of ECHR's Judgements" by the Government of its Country", Mignon clearly declared in reply.


=> That's why, in this regard, "I intend to have a meeting with all National Delegations' Heads on Wednesday, April 25. This hasn't been done since a long time. The aim is to make a number of precise points on several issues, including that one", (raised by "EuroFora"s Question), the new PACE President anounced.

PACE's "Presidential Committee has just been extended, for the 1st time earlier this morning, also to all Commissions' Chairmen", (i.e. including of those which are competent on Legal/Human Rights' issues and MEPs' credentials), he topically added. 


The  possibility for the credentials of MEPs from Countries who commit many gross violations of Human Rights ignoring ECHR's judgements for too long periods of time, if they do practically nothing to really change the behavior of Governments they support, was characterized by CoE Assembly's Director General, Wojciech Sawicki from Poland, as "an Idea to be Explored" in Future, as he said, earlier in Strasbourg, in reply to another "EuroFora"s Question.

The idea was, originaly, highlighted by the experienced, log-time CoE's Rapporteur on ECHR Judgements' execution, former CoE Assembly's Legal/Human Rights Committee, former Cyprus' ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP, Christos Purgurides, as he had previously told "EuroFora", already a long time before Mignon decides to honour him with a special Award for his long-standing and exceptional contribution to CoE Assembly's work between 2002-2011, together with other important former MEPs from Finland, the UK, etc. in a special ceremony later this week.


- "Each (CoE's) State Party has undertaken to abide by the final judgments of the Court in any case to which they are a party". In consequence, CoE "should be able to take effective measures in respect of a State Party that fails to comply with its obligations .... (and it)...  should pay particular attention to violations disclosing a systemic issue at national level, and should ensure that States Parties quickly and effectively implement pilot judgments", stresses the Final Declaration adopted by CoE's Ministerial Conference in Brighton (UK) on ECHR's on-going Reform, last week.
+ But, while CoE "is supervising the execution of an ever-Increasing Number of (ECHR's) Judgments", "the volume of (this) Work ....can be expected to increase further", Brighton's April 2012 Declaration warns.

=> That's why, CoE's 2012 PanEuropean Ministerial Conference on that issue, "invited" CoE's "Committee of Ministers to consider how .. to ensure Effective supervision of the Execution of Judgements, in particular through : ".... Stronger Publicity about its meetings, (and) ... more Effective Measures ...in respect of States that Fail to Implement Judgements of the Court in a Timely manner", while also "welcom(ing) the (CoE's) Parliamentary Assembly's ..Reports and Debates on the execution of judgements", and "envisaging ... a comprehensive analysis of Potential Options for the Future,,,, including ... more Profound Changes".
Meanwhile, CoE's Committee of Ministers' latest Data and Statistics on ECHR Judgements' execution, published in Srasbourg 1 week before Brighton's Conference, clearly reveal that, even after more than a Decade with a lucrative (+ 850 Millions €  each Year in full Grants, i.e. equivalent to some 42 Billions € each year in Loans), but notoriously Controversial and Unpopular "EU Candidfate" Status given to Turkey (1999-2011), nevertheless, Ankara still remains, by far, the No 1, Record breaking culprit, among Paneuropean CoE's 47 Member States, with a Record-High Number of cases of still Non-implemented ECHR's Judgements condemning the Turkish AUthorities for the most Grave -and enen more Growing - Violations of Human Rights, revealing the most Serious, Systemic/Structural Problems which provoke Numerous Repetitive new cases of more and more Violations, while also being Responsible of the Oldest and still persisting, Biggest Long-standing Failure to implement ECHR's judgements condemning Turkey in the most Numerous Serious cases of Violations still Pending for execution for the Longest Period of Time, without result until today..

Thus, among many such Facts, CoE's most recent, 2012 Report reveals also that :


- Turkey's "Pending Cases" for failure to execute ECHR's judgements condeming Ankara, is still Growing Today, from 1.647 Cases back on 2010 up to 1.780 cases on 2011, and even more for  Serious, specific Violations in "Leading cases", which grow from 148 back on 2010 up to 164 in 2011, (compared to 682 - 819 and 62 - 85 for Ukraine, or 67 - 40 and 45 - 25 for the UK, etc).


- Meanwhile, an incredibly awful period of Time has been already destroyed, with a Record - High Number of Serious Violations in "Leading Cases" which are still "Pending", vainly awaiting for execution of ECHR's judgements "More than 5 Years", in 33 cases for Turkey back on 2010, which grew to 54 such Leading cases Pending for more than five years on 2011, compared to 14 and 26 for Russia,  13 and 20 for Romania, 9 and 16 for Ukraine, 6 and 5 for the UK, and only 1 and 2 for Spain, respectively...


- The Gravity of the real situation concerning Turkey is so more serious that most "Main groups of Pending Cases" of condemnations by the ECHR not yet implemented, which "involve Important Structural or Complex Problems" in the country, according to the CoE, concern some among the Worst Violations of Human Rights, such as Torture and Inhuman/Degrading Treatments, Arbitrary Criminal Prosecutions to Oppress Freedom of Expression, Arbitrary deprivations of personal Liberty (imprisonments), etc.

=> Thus, even after more than a Decade of controversial and unpopular, but lucrative for Ankara's Authorities : (Comp. Supra) Turkey's EU bid (1999-2011),


Ankara still remains the No 1 (among CoE's 47 Member States) "Main State with Cases under Enhanced Supervision" by the CoE for more than 13%, compared to Russia's lesser, 12% share (for a Population almost Three times bigger !!!), 9% for Bulgaria, 8% for Ukraine, 7% for Italy, Moldova and Poland, 5% for Romania, 4% for Albania and Azerbaitzan., etc., according to CoE's Graphics.


In consequence, the possible introduction, by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, of a kind of threat of Sanctions vis a vis MEPs who persistently Fail to convince the Government that they support back home, to at last comply with ECHR's judgements condemning it for serious Violations of Human Rights (comp. supra), might help to solve, at last, Turkey's grave Problem which obviously threatens to undermine CoE's credibility on Human Rights, given Ankara's blatant, huge and long refusal to respect ECHR's rulings, which risks to remain, otherwise, still Unresolved ... "even after I get Retired" (sic !), as an experienced, High Standing CoE Official just told to "EuroFora", with Black Humour, Despar and Bitterness.. , as even Statistical Facts prove (comp. supra)... 


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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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