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Home arrow newsitems arrow Paris' Deadly Islamist Terrorist attack on Civilians = Crossroads (Chechnya, Merah, Italy, World+) ?

Paris' Deadly Islamist Terrorist attack on Civilians = Crossroads (Chechnya, Merah, Italy, World+) ?

Written by ACM
Saturday, 12 May 2018

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(UPDATED)- Grown at Cultural Ghettos in Strasbourg, where he received Shelter, Refugee status, Education +French Citizenship, a Chechen-Origin Islamist Terrorist Cowardly Targetted with a 10 cm-Long Knife Defenceless Peaceful Civilian People, murdering a Youngster, gravely Wounding a 54 Years Old Woman in a Life-Threatening situation, and making 7 More various Victims, during a 20 Minutes Horror Stroll at Central Paris' Opera cosy Streets, (where even French President Macron and his Wife made a Private Visit recently), while ISIS rapidly Revendicated the Attack and posted a Video of "Allegeance" from the "Allah Akbar"-crying Bloody Killer of Civilians.

He seems, in Fact, to stand at a Multi-Facet "CrossRoads" of very Serious Questions with Wide, Topical Importance, both in France and in the rest of Europe, including Russia, but even in nowadays World :



- First of all, How is it possible for a Chechen whose Family seeked and Found Asylum and Refugee Status in France, already as Early as since the Beginning of the 2.000s, Shelter, National Citizenship and Education, (up to his "Bac" National Diploma, giving a Right to eventually enter for studies in University), as well as a fair possibility to Practice its "Religious" Muslim Beliefs,



to Suddenly, Reveal personal Links to a Jihadist who droped a Job offered by a Municipality on Digital Technologies, in order to Join ISIS in Syria, from where he Threatened France with even Worse Massacres after the 2015 Bloody Mass Killings which Targetted many Civilian People in Paris at the "Bataclan" and elsewhere on Late Autumn 2015, (a 1st "Friend"),



as well as with anOther Controversial Pal, just Arrested by French Police with a T-Shirt Inscription "Defend Grozny !", and Pictures of "Kalashnikof" Guns everywhere, as a Locacious Photo clearly shows when he is taken away from his Appartment at the "Cosy" University Quarter of Strasbourg's "London Street" (a 2nd "Friend"),


before becoming even Himself an Official "Suspect" of Violent Extremist Islamism Marked by an "S" Card, and Finishing by Cowardly Targetting Defenseless Civilian People, including an Old Woman, with a Bloody Knife of a Brutal Street Killer at the Heart of Paris ?         



Is it just another Recent "Failure" of the Traditional French Socio-Cultural "Integration", (which used to be Famous, Back on the First Half of the 20th Century, with a Different kind of Migrants), or something Else, even More Worrying ?

Head of Russia’s North Caucasian republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, placed Responsibility for the Upbringing and Education of the Paris' Stabber on the Society he found in some Local Cultural Ghettos in France : - "Chechnya is Only is Birth place, But he Grew up in a Society in France, where his Personality, with his Views and Principles, was Molded", he observed, speaking of Khamzat Azimov, who arrived here as a Kid of about 4 years of Age, since the Beginning of the 2000s, before getting French Citizenship on 2010 (at the Age of 13 y.o.), and leaving for Paris on 2017. 


During his Strasbourg area stay, (the Longest in France), Khamzat Azimov co-existed with Both an Important Chechen Community of about 10.000, and with an Islamist Extremists' Network linked to Terrorism, whose Most Networked Member seems to be (according to Local "DNA" Newspaper's Data), Foued Mohamed-Aggad, a Violent Jihadist who went to Syria from nearby Wissembourg, and served as one of the 3 Deadly Gunmen who Killed many Dozens of innocent Civilian People at the "Bataclan" Massacre of November 2015 in Paris. He used frequently the Turkish Mosque "Eyyub Sultan" with the Turkish Culturall Center of Strasbourg's suburb Meinau, supported by the controversial Turkish lobbyists group of "Mili Gorus", which revendicates a Network of more than "500 Mosqees throughout Europe", that some compare to "Muslim Brothers", (outlawed in Egypt and elsewhere), etc. (See: http://www.eurofora.net/brief/brief/strasbourgturkishmosquenetworkforparisdeadlyterrorist.html).




Between, approximately, 2012-2015 at the latest, most of the areas inhabited by such Chechen-Origin Communities, (including Suburbs of Elsau, Koenigshoffen and Haute-Pierre) Rapidly moved, more or less, towards an Unprecedented Transformation into Cultural Ghettos. And it's precisely on 2016 that Ramzan Kadyrov was Marked by an "S" Card allegedly because of personal "Contacts" with Other Islamist Extremists.


=> At any case, this New Paris' Islamist Terrorist Massacre, apparently had an almost Immediate Political Effect, ...elsewhere in Europe :  



- Indeed, just After these Horrible "Hot" News hit Spectacularly the Top Headlines of all Mainstream Newspapers also at Neighbouring Italy, as News Item "Number 1", suddenly, the "Anti-Establishment" Parties of "5 Stars" and "Lega" (Head of a New Unity of the Right which Won the Most Votes in the Latest Elections : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/italianelectionresultsanalysis.html), which had been Laboriously Trying to Negotiate a Thorny Compromise between a rather "Center-Left" and a quite "Rightist" Party, in Addition to an Improbable "Political" Prime Minister Mutually Acceptable to Both, during Heavy "Tensions" around them, according to most Medias, Suddenly, (perhaps Becoming Conscious of the Gravity of the real Danger Threatening European Countries Nowadays), they ...Changed "Look" almost Magically :  

- They immediately issued a 1st Original Photo showing them in a Busy Collective Working Session on "Pirelli"'s Skyscraper at nearby Milano, published at the FrontPags of all Italian Medias, as "Number 2" News Item, Following the New Islamist Terrorism Paris' Attacks, and Started ... Smiling, Claiming that almost Everything was "Advancing Well", (Basically founded on a Common Opposition to UnControlled Massive Non-European Immigration, added to a Basic EU Citizens' Income, etc), that they were "Writting History", and that Solid basic "Agreement" existed almost Everywhere along their reported "22 Points" for a Draft New Government Program, as well as that a Deal would be imminent for the Name of a "Political" Prime Minister on Monday, (where, by the way, they also Added some Topical Issues about Desirable Changes to EU Policies,  as well as "Safety" matters, to be Urgently Reviewed and Finalized shortly After Saturday Evening's Knife Attack at Neighbouring France)...         

[Meawhile, some Medias aired the possibility for the New Italian Prime Minister chosen by "5 Stars" and "Lega" as a "3rd Person" and a "Politician", (according to Di Majo's statements, after a Special 3,5 Hours-long meeting with Matteo Salvini), to eventualy be, perhaps, Giulio Tremonti : An Experienced former Long-Time Minister of Center-Right and Unity of the Right Governements, mostly led by Silvio Berlusconi, (a Key Ally of Salvini), with an Aquired Expertise on Economy and a Realistic pro-European (as "Eurofora" has witnessed, judging by his Replies to our Questions on the sidelines of an International Conference previously in Paris : Comp., f.ex. : ....). Tremonti, who has had also an Earlier Experience with a Center-Left Government in a remote Past, may Bring Both a useful EU Credibility, as well as a Sympathy from Berlusconi's "Forza Italia" and Meloni's "Frateli di Italia" Parties of the Right, is also Critical on recent Mass Migration abuses, and has Recentl Created a New Political Movement named "Renaissance", so that he could, indeed,  be a Good Choice "Fitting" what is Needed in order to Equilibrate such a New Coalition Government].


Even if Rome is not so actively involved in Syria, as France, the USA and some other Western Countries, Neither has any Similar Turkish and/or Arab Traditional Migrant Population, nevertheless, Last Year's Arrival to Milano of Berlin's Christmas Market's Lorry Mass Murderer, and a Recent Horrible Atrocity revealed in the Awfully Brutal and Sadic Murder of a Young Italian Girl by 2 Nigerian Immigrants, added to a notoriously Growing Demographic Pressure from Subsaharian Africa, arriving more and more, Recently, through a Worsened situation at Neighbouring Libya, (full of Islamist Extremist Armed Gangs, after even Sub-Saharian "Boko Haram"'s allegeance to "ISIS"), seem to have Augmented those Italian Political Leaders' sensibility to the Need to Protect Europe and its People from Islamist Terrorist Attacks, such as those in Paris.

In Additon, the joint "5 Stars Movement"s and "Lega"'s known preference for Better Relations with Russia inside a Greater PanEuropean area, was naturally conforted after that Latest Horrible Chechen Extremist coward's Brutal Targetting of innocent Civilian People in France, reminding the Fact that Both EU (and USA, etc) as well as Russian People have to Face a Same Deadly Ennemy : Inhuman Islamist Terrorism.


But, is Fact, this is Not so New, contrary to what it Seems at First Sight, in Mainstream NewsPapers' FrontPages :  

- Indeed, already, as Early as since the 1st Bloody Attacks against innocent Civilian People in France (including, then a Father and his 2 Small Kids, inside their School, etc), in the infamous "Merah" case, Back on March 2012, there was a Strange "Coincidence" between the Killer's notorious Revelation that he had only found an Opportunity to Launch his Deadly Attacks when some Mysterious Contacts had Given him the Material Means to do so,

and an almost Synchronous Strange Trip by 2 Chechen Extremists, all the way from Afghanistan-Pakistan to France, through Turkey, etc., up to Neighbouring Spain, where they were Arrested by the Police, when they Found them, (equiped with "Explosives" and a "Drone"), etc, Curiously Hidden at a Secret Place inside the Villa of a Turk hired during Controversal Blair's former "Socialist" UK Government at a Shipyard of Gibraltar Rock, in Spain's southern region of "Andalusia" : i.e. Synonymous to that Obscure "Andalusian Group" which had, precisely, just Revendicated the Bloody Murders committed in France by Merah ! (See : http://www.eurofora.net/brief/brief/turksandchechenarrestedforterrorisminspainandbulgaria.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/turcettchetchenesterroristesfranceespagne.html , etc).         

However, when "Eurofora" later raised a Question to then JHA Minister Manuel Valls, a Franco-Spanish politician (a priori ideal for such an affair involving France and Spain), on the occasion of one of his Official Visits to Strasbourg, we were Astonished to find out that, apparently he hadn't even been Informed about those Events at Neighbouring Spain, ...


++ Such Trans-National Networks among Deadly Islamist Terrorists' Groups Exploiting Civil Society's Lacunas are, indeed, on the Rise, recently, as attested, inter alia, also the almost Simultaneous Horrible Massive Attacks Targetting mainly Civilian People even these Same Days at so Various Locations accross the World as at Burundi, Yesterday, where an Armed Gang reportedly from another African Country (Congo) Burned down several Family Homes Killing their Inhabitants, while just 1 Day later another Group Attacked 3 Christian Churches at Indonesia with Exposives, Killing Dozens of innocent Victims (Revendicated by ISIS), added to another Deadly Attack at Afghanistan, etc., in parallel with Paris' above-mentioned Attentat.

The "Modus Operandi" of most among those (as well as several Other, in the Recent Past)  "Islamist" Terrorist Attacks cowardsly Targetting Civilian People clearly shows that there is Less a Territoral, and more a kind of "Ideological" Link between them. Apparently, its Material Means cannot be only the Internet, but also some Other Networked Means to Influence some Persons' Minds.

In the case of the Latest Paris' Attack, the Aggressor notoriously did Not react to a Policeman's Electronic "Taser" Gun, continuing to Make Threats to "Kill" even the Policemen, so that they had to use their Bullet's Guns and shoot in order to Neutralize the Killer.

According to Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime Expert, David Otto, cited by Russian "SputnikNews" Press Agency, such a Strange Apathy vis a vis a "Taser" Pistol might have been Provoked by the use of "Drugs", (such as "synthetic opiate Tramadol", often abused by ISIS, etc). Otto also pointed at EU's "Open-Door policy and ...a huge number of Terrorist Supporters and Financiers who are actually Based in France and have very strong Links with countries like Turkey", that "the French Government has Identified".

Meanwhile, the Strange Case also of a Porto-Rico origin Inhabitant of USA's Alaska, who Killed several Civilians at Florida's Airport on 2017, after having previously Warned on 2016 in vain the FBI that he felt being pushed and Manipulated in order to Watch ISIS' propaganda Videos and Kill People, giving them even his Gun, (which was, Curiously, Later Returned Back to him), obviously adds even more Question Marks.

Are "Islamist" Terrorist Killers Manipulated, in one way or another, by some Obscure Networks, and with a Scandalous Inaction, if not a Complicity, from some National Authorities, who could and should Prevent such Horrible Crimes ?          



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      + - "France Pays anew the price of Blood, but will Not Yield at all to the Ennemis of Freedom !", French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted, shortly after the latest deadly attack by a knife-armed coward targetting defenceless and peaceful, innocent Civilian People.

 And, on Sunday, USA's  White House press secretary Sarah Sanders added: -"We stand in Solidarity with the French People and their Government against this Vicious act of Terrorism, and pledge any assistance needed. Acts like this only Strengthen the Resolve of the global Coalition to Defeat ISIS and drive it out of existence.”



+=> Among the Repercussions of AFRIN's Turkish Military Invasion/Occupation ? 


What they didn't yet say in public is the Obvious, now, Fact, that (as many had rightfully prognosticated and/or Warned, including USA's Defense Secretary Jim Mathis himself : See f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/syriamkurdswarnvislamistterrorism.html, etc), After the Recent Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of the (until then exceptionally Peaceful) Syrian Kurdish Canton of Afrin on 1-3/2018, which provoked, inter alia, a Distraction, and at least a partial Disruption, if not Division, between the latest International Coalition of Forces succesfully Fighting against ISIS' Deadly Islamist Terrorists who used to cowardly Target Civilian People, and even fabricated aslo anOther Area where such Armed Gangs of Islamist Extremists may gather, one of the Consequences was for Bloody Islamist Terrorist Attacks against Civilians (which had, Meanwhile, almost entirely Ceased, as ISIS had Lost the conflict in Syria/Iraq) to suddenly re-Start again to make more and more Victims in Europe, (as we saw, f.ex., recently in the Netherlands/Hague, Germany/Munster, Russia, 2 times in France, etc), but also elsewhere in the World (f.ex. Indonesia, etc). 

Such Recent Facts, (and various other, often banalized or otherwise silenced/censored by some local Public Authorities and/or Establishment's Medias) obviously threaten a Resumption of Bloody Islamist Terrorism Attacks Cowardly Targetting Peaceful, innocent Civilian People in Europe and elsewhere in the World, particularly in this "Post-Afrin" Period (Comp. Supra), unless Adequate, Credible and Efficient Measures are taken On Time.







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Sarkozy stimulated by Irish "No" challenge : - "It's a call to change and build Europe otherwise. Not later, but now. It won't be easy, but it's fascinating !"


* Paris, Elysee, June 14, 2008.

Forthcoming EU Chairman, French President Nikolas Sarkozy, created a surprise by declaring that the challenge of the Irish "No" to the EU Treaty, stimulates his belief that we must immediately change the way Europe is built.

A difficult but fascinating task, that he intends to accomplish in the next 6 Months, during which he will analyse developments 3 times to EU Parliament in Strasbourg, on July, October and December 2008.

But Agenda obliged to give a first reply to Questions raised by the Irish Referendum, on the sidelines of a Press Conference with USA President GWBush, in Paris' Elysee palace, Saturday :


Sarkozy's reply was twofold :

First, the Franco-German position is that EU must make sure "that the Irish Incident does not become a Crisis". Ratification must continue, after 18 EU Member States, also to the rest, as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown promised.

But, pointing at deeper causes, Sarkozy also criticized bureaucratic "sabotage" of Europe's "founding fathers" original dream. The move reminded his Historic February and July 2007 speaches in Strasbourg on Europe's future, joining criticism to a call for EU's Renaissance, which now became urgent :



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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