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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow EUParliament Troika Rapporteurs to EuroFora: 1st Socialist Attack v. EPP Candidate Juncker Backfires

EUParliament Troika Rapporteurs to EuroFora: 1st Socialist Attack v. EPP Candidate Juncker Backfires

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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- The 1st Attack by Socialist politicians against the ChristianDemocrat/EPP leading Candidate for the Top Job of New EU Commission's President in the forthcoming EU Elections of May 2014, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Juncker, ...backfired, as it results from an exchange of Questions/Replies between 2 EU Parliament's co-Rapporteurs on the controversial issue of the EU/ECB/IMF "Troika" and "EuroFora", at the conclusion of a widely attended Press Conference at the eve of the vote of their Draft by EU Parliament's Plenary Tomorrow, Thursday in Strasbourg.


French Sociaiist MEP Liem Hoang-Ngoc, from the Governing party in Paris, speaking together with Spanish Socialist MEP Alejandro Cercas, in the absence of the other Co-Rapporteur from the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, Othmar Karas, suddenly took the Initiative to kick-off what clearly is the 1st Attack by the Socialist party against Jean-Claude Juncker, freshly elected as the European People Party's Top Candidate at a special Congress organized in Dublin (Ireland) on March (Comp. EPP's President, French ChristianDemocrat MEP from Strasbourg, Joseph Daul's relevant Statements to "EuroFora" at the eve of that event : ....) :


- In fact, the EPP made an "error" by chosing Juncker who is "a very Bad (sic !) Candidate" because, as former long time President of EuroGroup, he iwould be -responsible for most "Austerity" policies inflicted to various Countries in the EU by the "Troikas", from which still suffer many People f.ex. in Greece, in Portugal, and elsewhere, he claimed in substance.


=> - But, "EuroFora", asking to speak anew the end of that Press Conference, reacted by observing "on what .. was said about €uroGroup : We mustn't forget that one of the Hardest Decisions, that which had surprized and radically Shaken Cyprus, all out of a sudden, (i.e. the Unprecedented general "Freeze" and afterwards "HairCut" in all Bank accounts Higher from a Minimum level), had not been taken by Juncker at all, but, on the contrary, by a so-called "Socialist" Minister from the Netherlands, (the young former Agriculture Minister, Jeroen Dijsselbloem). "So, as you see, some Technocratic problems can be found at a different place" than the one that you named, we kindly pointed out, as a matter of fact, smiling.


It was interesting to note that, despite the careful attention that both Socialist MEPs apparently gave to "EuroFora"s spontaneous reaction, nevertheless, except from an embarsassed smile (as if they acknowledged that this was True, particularly the Spanish MEP), nobody among them didn't deny, neither found anything to reply to our factual counter-argument in defense of Juncker...



+ Moreover, raising Earlier another Question, "EuroFora" observed that, while usually Critics complain that the "Troikas" would generaly  treat "too Hard" the EU Countries needing Financial Help, nevertheless, sometimes, others might complaint for the Contrary :



- I.e. that a "Troika" did Not push Hard enough an EU Member State (that we don't name here) concerning one particularly important issue (that a MEP has just evoked, earlier Today, during the EU Parliament's Plenary Debate, as we noted : See Infra) :
>>> F.ex., the notoriously excessive "Clientelist" dimension of a State in the Past (even "before the introduction of the €uro"), that a "Troika", instead of trying to press hard in order to diminish its consequences, on the contrary, it apparently left it almost as it was, inevitably focusing, instead, mainly into lifting Taxes on the Productive Sector of the Economy, including on SMEs and even on Poor People, and/or Cutting Social Welfare Services for the Poor.

=> So that, now, this has reportedly already started to provoke some "Dramatic" situations, f.ex. to the detriment of Young and Old Poor People without Job, nor enough Money, but only with a Few insufficient Economies and/or some shaky part time jobs, etc., who are now Threatened even to lose their Family Homes and be thrown to the Streets, and/or have No Health Care coverage, risking to fall seriously Ill and/or even to Die, as some cases reported by the Media reveal, while, at the same moment, the same State continues to pay, for more than 30 Years, full Salaries and other advantages to several cushy job holders hired in the Past by one or another Clientelist former Government, without deserving that, so that the States' Debt persists, "EuroFora" denounced, asking the  co-Rapporteurs' views about that issue.

(Something for which f.ex. both the Greek Prime Minister Samaras has repeatedly stressed, in Statements in Brussels to the Press, including "EuroFora", that he the only thing that he regrets is some "InJustices" that he wants to rectify and redress, while Juncker, more recently, reportedly declared that it was "an Error" to Stop the Free Health Care for Poor People in Greece, as the former PASOK Government had reportedly done since 2010-2011, .. i.e. while it continued to pay a lot of Money to numerous cushy jog holders and/or Political Lackeys that former, mainly PASOK, Governments had scandalously appointed at various counter-productive State jobs).


 - In Reply to "EuroFora"s Question, one among EU Parliament's co-Rapporteurs on the "Troika", Spanish MEP Alejandro Cercas,  acknowledged the fact that, in such cases, there is "an Inefficient Use of Money", and that, sometimes, by adopting a more "Human" attitude, States can "also be more Efficient" in Economy : F.ex.,  - "I don't think that by Cutting an Ambulance that might really help absorb a State's Deficit", particularly while "Millions of €uros go to some Banks", he replied.
But, curiously avoiding to go further and name the direction where all that Money, that he spoke of, is really going, in the case of a formerly long-time "Clientelist State", as in our example (Comp. Supra), I.e. at the pockets of too many Counter-productive Cushy Job holders and/or Political Lackeys, scandalously appointed at State Jobs without deserving that, nor being the most qualified at all, by former Clientelist and/or Nepotist Governments in the Past, and whose Salaries, Summer Holidays, Pensions, etc, paid during Decades, have notoriously provoked Huge Debts, that now push some Governments to overTax even Poor People, (most of the times, "without really improving the Deficit" situation, as he also admitted). It would have been" better for that money to go to the Hospitals, to the Schools, to the People  who are in the Streets"


+ More concise, the other EU Parliament's co-Rapporteur on the "Troika", French Socialist MEP Liem Hoang-Ngoc, reacted later-on to "EuroFora"s above-mentioned Question, merely by noting the fact that, in the Future, with the Changes proposed by the Resolution tabled together with Austrian ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Othmar Karas, Karas and due to be adopted by EU Parliament's Plenary Tomorrow, such "issues as that about the Clientelist State, that ("EuroFora") has raised, would have been Discussed in Public. Because, according to the advised procedure, (which should include also a key role for EU Parliament, until now excluded), "we'd have that Debate held in Public", as he simply accepted, only for the Future. I.e. .. carefuly avoiding to really reply to the main thrust of "EuroFora"s question, which obviously focused on the Need to Redress, at last, some Big Blunders committed in the Past, punish those really Responsible (f.ex. for Corruption, Abuses, and/or other Crimes), and do Justice to the Victims, while, at the same time, ipso facto benefiting also the much needed Economic Efficiency of a State.

[NDLR : The MEP that "EuroFora" mentioned Supra was Liberal -former ChristianDemocrat/EPP - MEP Skylakakis, from Greece, who has created a New Party called "Drasis" ("Action"), and the main thrust of his sayings was also echoed recently by the President of the Liberal Group in EU Parliament, former Prime Minister of Belgium, Guy Verhofstadt. "EuroFora" had earlier spoke a lot with MEP Skylakakis, apparently convincing him about the above mentioned ideas, (that we have Published since the 2009 EPP Congress at Bonn, Germany).


But it's Important to note that we had done so, only in relation with an Anti-Corruption, Anti-Scandal and Anti-Crime drastic Policy, which, in our view, is Indispensable in such cases in order to ensure both an elementary Justice (notoriously asked by many People) and Economic Efficiency by stimulating and guiding the way that the above-mentioned counter-productive Cushy Job Holders and/or Political Lackeys, scandalously appointed by former, mainly "Socialist" Governments in the Past, should be fired and/or condemned to pay Financial Sanctions for the Money wasted for Decades to abusively Fund them. Something that, curiously, MEP Skylakakis skiped Today, while, on the contrary, what had led us to initialy meet him, was, precisely, the fact that an Italian MEP collegue of him, Chairwoman of EU Parliament's ad hoc Committee to fight Corruption and Organized Crime, daughter of a Murdered Journalist, had previously advised us to do so, just because he had been appointed then as Rapporteur on Corruption issues : An issue obviously with a Double importance.]






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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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