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Home arrow newsitems arrow European Infrastructures,Values+Identity stakes in French Regional Election at Strasbourg EU/CE area

European Infrastructures,Values+Identity stakes in French Regional Election at Strasbourg EU/CE area

Written by ACM
Monday, 15 March 2010


A great surprise strongly emerging from the 1st round of 2010 French Regional Elections at Strasbourg's EU and CoE city is the higher than ever importance of European stakes of which the local population to be, for the moment, more conscious than elsewhere :

From key High-Speed Rail and/or River transport Networks with Strategic European potential, BioEthic and Environmental Values and Climate, up to Europe's Identity and even EU Parliament's siege, etc. , an astonishingly long list of topical EU issues apparently figured high in these Regional Election at Alsace Region, headquartered in Strasbourg, instead of the ordinary Country-side Rural and/or Urban, usually strictly Local issues.


Participation droped at the lowest ever level in History, Nationwide, reaching only a Minority of some 48% for the 1st time in 2010, while it was always up to a clear Majority of 58% to 78% between 1986 and 2004, noted Home affairs Minister Brice Hortefeux, pointing anew at the need to proceed to an important Reform of Local Authorities, scheduled for 2014, while Prime Minister Fillon launched an appeal to stimulate abstentionists' interest to come back to the voting ballot in the 2nd round.

Nationwide, the 1st round's vote brought the Governing Majority of UMP almost neck to neck with the main Opposition Socialist Party, which got a slight edge (of 3% more votes : 26 % to 29% according to estimations), but was also defeated by a Secessionist old Politician in one former Socialist Region. However, the Rightist "National Front" re-appeared, after years of eclipse, with almost 12%.

It was the only vote since the 2007 Presidential and Legislative Elections, confirmed by the 2009 European Election, without any direct intervention of President Sarkozy, who had brillantly won both earlier votes, largely by adopting a Popular stance clearly opposed to Turkey's controversial EU bid, but favorable to a strong, Political Europe, which wasn't immediately linked to a Regional election.

But the SP hopes to form a Controversial Coalition with most "Greens", who got some 13% Nationwide, despite growing Contradictions between their policies and possibilities for some "Greens" to be attracted by the Governing Majority UMP (See infra), which might also add the remnants of a Center Party (MODEM : some 3,4 % Nationwide), a few smaller Center/Right candidates, and the greatest part of Abstentonists.

However, in Strasbourg's Alsace Region, the results were astonishingly differend :


Governing Majority UMP's candidate, the experienced Senator Philippe Richert (former President of Strasbourg's Department) succeeded to arrive largely 1st, winning some 35% of the votes Alsace-wide, while his Socialist competitor, the Chairman of Strasbourg's Urban Community, Jacques Bigot, only got some 19%.

"Greens"'s Fernique got 15,6%. But he was closely followed by Rightist "National Front"'s Binder with some 13,5%, added to some 5% for another Rightist (Cordonnier), and 4,5% to the former-"Green" Centrist (MODEM) Woehrling, who seems closer to Richert.

Richert's advantage is even bigger in the area closer to Strasbourg : Lower Rhine's Department, where the Governing Majority UMP and allies win almost 39 % of the votes, while Socialist Party's Bigot gets roughly 20%, (i.e. only about ..Half of Richert's votes !).

"Greens" are slightly lower : 14,8%. But so is also the "National Front" : 11,8%, as well as other Rightists (Cordonier) and Centrists (Woehrling/MODEM), who get nearly 4,5% and 4,2% respectively.

Unexpectedly, Richert (Governing UMP and allies) arrives 1st even inside .. Strasbourg City , despite the fact that it has recently got a Socialist Mayor.

How can be explained so differend, specific results in Alsace ?

It's a fact that stakes of European interest figure particularly High in this 2010 Electoral debate in Strasbourg's region :

It's not only because Alsace is, currently, the only Region in France to manege itself many EU Financial Aids to Businesses, Individuals, Associations, etc., according to a special Agreement with the French State.


EU Transport Infrastructures


- The Governing UMP Majority and its allies denounced a risk, in case of an eventual "Socialist - Green" coalition, to practically "freeze" some among the Region's most important Infrastructural Projects. threatening to provoke a period of "Glaciation" in its Economic development, according to Richert's word.

The move points mainly to "Greens"'s reluctance to admit the scheduled extension of High Speed Train networks, linking better Strasbourg with Paris and Germany, as well as towards Lyon-Marseille, close to Swiss and Italian borders.

But this could make Strasbourg an important "Crossroads" in High Speed Rail linked also to Germany and other EU Countries, strategically located at EU's Heart.


Even more, the planned Strasbourg - Budapest extension of the High Speed Train Network called "Magistrale", including France, Germany, Austria and Hungary (2011 EU Chairman), could be easily linked to the biggest Russian Rail Network : the "Trans-Siberian", which crosses all Siberia up to the Pacific Ocean...


Such grandiose prospects obviously fit well French High Speed Rail's Industrial productor, Alsthom's decision to recently take a 25% participation in Russia's biggest Train Manufacturer, in a deal officially signed at the sidelines of French and Russian Presidents' Sarkozy and Medvedev's Summit, at the beginning of this Month (March 2, 2010 : See relevant "EuroFora"'s publication).

Socialist candidate Bigot reportedly replied that such an opposal to High Speed Train networks wasn't mentioned in any "Green"'s Electoral Manifesto by the "Greens" in this Regional Election, and promised to enlarge further the already substantial Local train links. 


But Justice Minister Bockel, a former Socialist Mayor of Mulhouse and current member of the Governing Party UMP's coalition, earlier denounced in Strasbourg also the fact that an eminent "Green" politician, former Environment Minister and current Senator Voynet, had reportedly decided, together with former Socialist Prime Minister Jospin, back in 1997, to block also another important Project : That of Rhine - Rhone Rivers Channel's enlargement to big gabarit Boats : A particularly "Ecological" means of Transport, he regretted.

The issue has become recently of Strategic PanEuropean importance, particularly after the 2001 enlargement of Rhine - Danube Rivers' connexion to big Ships, near Strasbourg, and Romania and Bulgaria's 2007 Accesion into the EU, which gave it an outlet up to the Black Sea, through the Danube River : Added to the New Technology of Liquefied Gas, River Boats could, indeed, realise Energy Transport links from the Mediterranean and/or from the Black Sea towards EU's Industrial Heartland, between France and Germany, up to the Northern Sea (and even the Baltic Sea, thanks to a 3rd, German River link project), all through a Strategic Rhone-Rhine-Danube+ Rivers' Crossroads located close to Strasbourg,


In addition to linking 4 Seas (Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and Northern) via Rivers crossing EU's Industrial centre, this could also open, for the 1st time in History, a direct outlet for Germany and other Central EU Member States towards the Mediterranean, thanks to the French Rhone-Rhine link.


Recent EU Decisions to include Sea and River "Highways" among the EU-funded TransEuropean Transport Networks, added to an EU Parliament's Resolution, voted on 2009 in Strasbourg, calling to boost EU funding for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminals, storage and transport vehicles in EU Member Countries, have obviously given an even greater European importance to the Rhone-Rhine Channel's project, as a key part of a larger PanEuropean Network.


Any risk to block for ever such Historically Important Pan-European projects would obviously threaten to provoke a huge loss of big opportunities both for Alsace Region, and for all Europe, which would be particularly regretable during the present period when EU notoriously seaches to find the ways out of the Global Financial Crises and to boost Europe's Economy.

But the debate took also another Political dimension, after the Governing Party UMP's frontrunner candidate for Alsace Region's Presidency, Philippe Richert, added a denunciation of risks to restrict the attention and facilities provided to EU Parliament's Plenary Sessions every Month in Strasbourg, which would even be threatened to loose EU Parliament at all, since some leaders of the SP - "Greens" probable coalition were reportedly against the EU Parliament's sessions in Strasbourg, preferring to keep it always in Brussels.

Senator Richert, questioned by "EuroFora", explained that he referred to the co-Chairman of EU Parliament's "Green" Group, Cohn-Bendit's reported criticism and negative vote against EU Parliament's sessions in Strasbourg.


Something which is not only notoriously contrary to EU Treaties, but also in obvious GeoPolitical Contradiction with EU's recent 2004 and 2007 Enlargements' towards many Central and Eastern European Countries, closer to Strasbourg than Brussels, but also contrary to the greater influence that EU Parliament may acquire in Strasbourg, as the most important EU body in the City, (contrary to Brussels, where it's minimized, compared to EU Commission and EU Council, NATO, etc),

- "We are trying to invest in key Infrastructures and facilitate EU Parliament's work, but they are threatening to block the Rhine-Rhone Chanel, the extension of the "TGV East" and the Rhine-Rhone High Speed Train, etc., while Cohn Bendit has even voted against EU Parliament's stay in Strasbourg !", denounced the President of Lower Rhine's Department, headquartered in Strasbourg, Guy-Dominique Kennel (UMP), to "EuroFora".

A similar, and more recent point, emerged objectively after the recent anouncement, by German Chancelor Merkel and French President Sarkozy, February 2010 in Paris (See "EuroFora"'s NewsReports from the spot), that they decided to establish, between Strasbourg and Stuttgard, a unique in Europe and the World demonstration of the advantages of modern, High-Tech. and Environment-Friendly "Eco-Mobility", (with E-Cars, special new vehicles, etc), added to parallel projects for Scientific Research - University studies "Poles of Excellence", etc.


Both the French Alsace Region's and the German Baden-Wurtenberg Laender's Political Leaderships being from ChristianDemocrat/EPP Parties, as well as France and Germany's Governments, it's obviously an UMP/allies, instead of a SP leadership that would be better suited in Strasbourg's region in order to develop such kind of Projects in hartmonious Cooperation with Stuttgard.

- "Naturally, and People are very much interested in this kind of things !", replied Senior MP , member of CoE's Assembly, Andre Schneider (UMP), to "EuroFora"'s question on that precise issue.


"Counter-Nature" Socialist - "Greens" contradictory deal ?


Nenertheless, 1st Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg, Robert Herrmann (Socialist), speaking earlier today to "EuroFora", confirmed SP's hope to "win the 2nd round (of Regional Elections in Alsace) together with our Coalition Partners from the "Greens"", as he said.

But such a "Red - Green" prospect was criticized by President Kennel as a..."counter Nature (unnatural) coalition".

Indeed, many serious and Topical Isssues appear to separate the "Greens" from the "Socialists" in several key areas :

F. ex., EU Parliament "Green" Group's co-President, MEP Rebecca Harms, strongly denounced, earlier this week in Strasbourg, the fact that the President of the Socialist Group, Martin Schulz, raised his voice against "Greens"' demand to hold an Unrgency Debate on EU Commission's decision to authorize a "highly Controversial Potatoe GMO, which is Resistant against Antibiotics", abusing of a Fast-track "written procedure without Discussion" inside EU Commission, which risks to be also employed soon for "many other GMOs in the pipeline" : F.ex. "for a Highly Controversial variation of Mais, and also for the Import of GMO Rice, etc", as she told "EuroFora".


- "So, it would have been important to have this Debate now, (in EU Parliament), to decide how to pursue" "But What Mr Schulz (Chairman of the Socialist Group)proposed ..was to put things off", the co-President of the "Green" Group denounced in a Press Conference.


Even Greek "Green" MEP Tremopoulos criticized Greek EU Commissioner Damanaki for having "voted to authorize GMOs", as he said to "EuroFora".


In addition to this new GMO incident between "Greens" and Socialists, another big forthcoming Contradiction is obviously on BioEthics, which risks to come soon at the spotlight because of France's decision to review its 2004 BioEthics Law on 2010 :


"Greens" all over Europe are traditionally opposed to Genetic Manipulations of Human Beings, while fex. UK's Labour (Socialist) Government is notoriously in favor of the so-called "therapeutic Cloning" and has already authorized Genetic Experiments over Human Embryos (inbcluding by the Rosslin Instituite famous for Cloning the Sheep "Dolly" who died atrociously after its Ageing process was perturbated.

Moreover, contrary to most of the "Greens"; the French Socialist Party has rejected President Sarkozy's proposal to establish a "Carbon Tax" or a Financial Adjustment both inside the Country and at EU's External borders, against CO2 Pollution and/or Environmentzal "Dumping" by Imports from 3rd Countries who don't respect similar Rules for the protection of Natural Environment, putting at Risk Human Health and Climate.


GMOs, BioEthics and Genetic Manipulation, Carbon Tax and Climate, etc. : Concrete examples of Contradictions between "Greens" and "Socialists" could be extended further.

Paradoxically, what is common between all those examples is also that real "Greens"' genuine Ecological beliefs seem, in practice, much more closer to the ..ChristianDemocrats/EPP (as fex. of the Governing Majority UMP in France), than with Socialists, against whom "Greens" are obviously Opposed in several crucial points.

Given also that these Elections are not National, but Regional, i.e. local, it cannot be excluded a priori, and would be natural, to see emerging, at least here or there, some original UMP - "Greens" Cooperation schemas, as. f.ex.it has already started to happen in Austria's Graz, where the Majority ChristianDemocrat Party governs the Historic City together with the "Green" Party, who's got a Deputy Major....


EU Identity ?


But this doesn't explain the surprising revival of Rightist "National Front", which gets more in Alsace (13,5%) than Nationwide (11,2%), and is even followed here by another Rightist movement ("Alsace first") which gets almost 5% more :

In total, the two former NF members (before a recent separation), Binder and Cordonier, gather almost 19%, i.e. much more than Jacques Fernique's "Greens" (only about 16%) !

The only original aspect of their pre-electoral campaign was that they stressed, much more than anybody else, the issue of Strasbourg Region's cultural and historic Identity, and, in particular, loudly opposed the building of several Muslim Mosquees, some with controversial Minarets, denouncing a risk of "Islamization" with the help of Public Administration's Funds.


Particularly strong Christian traditions in Alsace region, added to an historically important Jewish community, as well as the recent succes of a Popular Referendum against the construction of Minarets in Switzerland, (57% of Citizens' votes, even if it was criticized by the CoE afterwards), don't seem enough in order to explain this NF's exceptional revival, (despite a Local Court's ruling to outlaw NF's placards against "Islamisation" picturing Minarets at a Southern Region).

Indeed, the relevant situation (concerning Mosquees, etc) doesn't seem considerably modified since the June 2009 European Elections, where NF failed and was largely outnumbered by the Governing Majority UMP.

Moreover, paradoxically, it's not in the Southern Regions (more exposed to traditional African and Arab immigration) that NF gathers more votes, but particularly at France's Northern and Eastern Regions.


Taken together, all these and other relevant Facts seem to indicate a much more recent concern about mainly Turkish immigration's well-known problems of socio-cultural integration in Europe, to which have been particularly exposed the North-Eastern French Regions mostly from groups arriving through Germany during the last years.


(Most Turkish immigration focuses on French Regions bordering Germany or Switzerland : +"30% in Lorraine, Alsace, Franche-Comté", according to Turkish sources : "Ataturquie").

     It's on Borderline Regions close to Germany, as Alsace (i.e. Strasbourg's area), that have recently focused most  imports of Turkish and other late immigrants, many of whom seem to be monitored by the Turkish Government itself, according to Turkish sources  : - "We didn't know France. We came here in the dark. My Sister is in Germany, but the (Ankara Government's) Immigration Office decided for me (sic !)", reportedly said a Turkish immigrant, (Ataturquie : See Graphic Data %).

    - Moreover, "Turks are employed in Sectors needing many working hands without qualifications, where are used more or less Obsolete (Outdated) Technologies, such as Forestry, Wood, Metallurgy, and mainly Buildings and Public Works, or Textile", acccording to Turkish sources (Ataturquie, 2009), indicating  Problematic sectors of Low-level Technologies and Economic Decline, where popular insatisfaction may have multiple causes.

    Added to the fact that a traditional and comparatively more integrated Arab presence from Southern Neighbouring French-speaking Countries, as Algeria, etc., for Decades, hadn't ever pressured the French Authorities so loudly as recent Turkish immigrants to impose controversial Islamic Symbols in Public areas,  -  f.ex. in the Saglamer affair which attacked France's Government to the Courts asking to impose the controversial Islamic Scurf inside Public Schools, or in the case of a Turkish agent of an NGO pushing CoE to impose "Mosquees with Minarets, as in Istanbul (sic !)", as he recently said to "EuroFora" in Strasbourg, etc. - it's obvious that such issues are related to Turkey's controversial EU bid.

President Nicolas Sarkozy had precisely found in the Past that kind of Negative situation (Abstention + Vote for the Far Right + slight relative Majority for declining Socialist Parties), which resulted to the notorious "NO" in the 2005 French and Dutch Euro-Referenda, blocking EU's institutional developments for many Years, before he started to exert his influence into French and EU politics, by succeeding to attract People's interest in "Hot" pre-electoral Debates resulting, on the contrary, into a Record-High Partcipation (fex. in May 2007 Presidential Elections), and a massive Integration of Citizens formely deviated by the NF, into Mainstream Democratic Parties, changing their former Anti-European Opposition, into a Popular adherence in favor of a strong Political, more Democratic and less Bueaucratic Europe, dissipating any Fear that some would impose them the notoriously Impopular Turkey's demand to enter into the EU.

But, this time, without Sarkozy's active intervention in the Regional 2010 pre-electoral campaign, a return back to the previous kind of Negative situations (Comp. supra) proved to be inevitable..

Therefore, such developments naturaly concern Europe, given its recent Past Problems (See supra), and are inevitably linked with a forthcoming EU Debate on "Europe's Future" and Identity, due to start after the imminent Publication of a "Wisemen Group"'s Report, probably on June 2010 (See relevant "EuroFora"'s earlier publication :..)

A striking Fact, in this regard, is also that, during this pre-electoral Campaign, "EuroFora" was surprised to find that not only Simple, Poor or Middle-Class People of comparatively low/middle Education level, as usually thought, but even well-Educated, calm and socialy integrated persons, in charge of High-standing socio-economic responsibilities in Alsace, spontaneously expressed their critical astonishment in front of concrete cases of some Groups of mainly Turkish recent immigrants who reportedly refuse to integrate the regional French Society's Culture and way of life, preferring to set up a kind of Separate Cultural "Ghettoes" : - "F.ex. they are living massed all together inside one and the same collective building, whose proprietor doesn't mind, as long as rents are paid. However, if you have a look on how it's organized inside, you don't feel to be in France, but it's as if you were inside a Turkish territory, including with a "Chief", etc. !", complained a French Executive at a recent dialogue between EU Citizens..

It's also a fact that, contrary to most other Immigrants from various other Countries of origin, who use to participate in several Associations of General, Non-Nationalistic character, (F.ex. "Association of Immigrant Workers", etc.), on the contrary, many Turkish immigrants set up their own, separate, Nationalistic Association, (f.ex. "Association of Turkish Workers", even ... "Turkish local Football club", etc.), too often cut off and separate from all other people.

Risks to multiply such kind of Socio-Cultural "Ghettos" (who often hinder or delay also the Educational Integration of young Children, making them lose a chance to grow in better conditions of Socio-Economic Integration in the EU Country in which they live or were even born), had been already denounced a long time ago, by Experts from Northern EU Countries, as Denmark, Sweden, etc., speaking at CoE's meetings in Strasbourg, who had even described in long Reports certain Immigrant Communities tendency to stay away from others, with its own Media, Trade, etc., even electing its own "Ethnic" Representatives and acting as a kind of "Foreign Lobby", (sometimes also dangerously "Controled" and Monitored by a Foreign State's Consulates, etc).

More recently, relevant Debates on how to overcome the problems of Turkish immigrant's integration, were held in Germany, (particularly at the nearby Baden-Wurtenberg's Laender, as well as in Bavaria), and stirred considerable Political Controversies, despite German Authorities' effots to help, even financially, the learning of German Language, History and Social Organisation.

France was famous for his Past succes, since the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th Century, to integrate Algerian, Italian, Spanish or Polish and other former Immigrants, most of whom became, later-on, full French Citizens, not only on paper, but also by culture and conscience, and often played important roles in the country's History.

But it notoriously started to face delicate Problems more recently, particularly when it started to meet refusals to integrate, opposed by multiplying Cultural "Ghettos" with their own f.ex. "Turkish TV Chanels", Turkish Language, Turkish Associations, even "Turkish Buildings", as other inhabitants often call such kind of Grouped Habitations practicing a Segregation of People of the same Ethnic origin, Separated from others, etc. An astonishing example was described recently by an Alsacian Newspaper's Reporter who had visited a Turkish Community living near Mulhouse (Upper Rhine), where several Young Persons angrily replied that they "don't see why you bother us with the learning of French Language and History, since we already have all the <<Papers>> (sic !)", as they called the Formal acquisition of French Nationality, after only a few years of stay, simply if a few taxes are paid for a while, f.ex. by well known Networks in the Building sector or Kebbab' s trade, etc.

The recent Projects to build more Mosquees with Public Funds from Local Authorities, (at least 2 are currently planned in Strasbourg only, followed by Mulhouse, Colmar,etc), even Huge, (sometimes close to the size of Cathedrals, which took more than a Thousand Years for Christians to start building in European soil since 1100-1200 AC), controversial demands to add Foreign Funding from 3rd Countries, and the latest Controversy, after Switzerland also in Southern Germany (fex. Koeln, etc), and now also in Strasbourg, etc. on plans to add, for the 1st time so openly in France (contrary, f.ex. to the traditional Paris' Mosquee), also many high and loud "Minarets", (that Turkish Prime Minster Erdogan had notoriously assimilated to .. "Weapons", in a famous text for which he had been condemned in the Past even in his own Country, whete the Millenary Christian Church of Saint-Sophie remains desecrated and forbiden to Religious use, surrounded by Turkish Minarets added after the Military Invasion and Occupation of the former Byzantine Empire's capital, Constantinople, whose Historic name was even erased, imposing that of "Istanbul"), seem to be only the Tip of an Iceberg.


Even a mainstream Estonian MEP Tunne Kelam, Bureau Member of the largest Group in EU Parliament (ChristianDemocrats/EPP), recently observed, ironically, in Strasbourg that he "could feel comfortable with Turkey's (controversial) accession (only) when it will be as easy to build a Christian Church in Ankara, as it is to erect a Mosquee in Brussels !"..

While, when Russian MEP Fomenko at CoE's PanEuropean Assembly, earlier asked Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, since he claimed to "respect Freedom of Religion", to tell him "when will it be allowed for Christians to pray anew in their Millenary Church of Saint-Sophie", at Constantinople/Istanbul, (where even Praying is strictly Forbidden by the Turkish Authorities), he naturally didn't get any clear reply...

In that context, and during these times of Economic Crisis, (where Simple People may sometimes feel unjustly deprived of their usual Jobs as well as of their village's traditional Identity), it was obviously easy for the far Right of the "NF" and others (See supra) to exploit in the 2010 Regional Elections the fact that some Local Authorities had given not only the Land, but also Public Funds in order to pay the Cost of a big Mosquee's construction in Strasbourg and elsewhere, as the Alsacian candidate of the "NF", Binder, criticized here. Particularly when even French Christian Protestant Churches' Leaders recently denounced in Strasbourg the fact that they had been hindered, by local Courts and Legislation, to fund some Christian Religious Monuments at nearby Lyon, close to the Swiss border, reportedly because some opposed Associations had attacked in the Courts a decision of Local Authorities to help with Public Money a Christian Religious community in violation of the principle of a "Secular State", as they claimed.

However, in Strasbourg, where the Local Society has done many efforts to try to build an interesting and peaceful Inter-Religious Dialogue, and has a Good Quality's University staff on Religious Studies, even Grand Rabbi Rene Gutman, head of an Historically strong Jewish Community, recently told "EuroFora" that he "had signed for the creation of a grand Mosquee".

But, reacting to the recent controversy about the "Minarets" (See supra), Gutman carefully advised that, in his personal view, "while respecting Urbanism's rules, it may be better to try to build the Mosquee in an intelligent way, avoiding, at least for the time being, certain external symbols which might eventually provoke misunderstandings or frustrations to some local People". As a matter of General Principle, any "Religious Appeal should better arrive to the People from inside, instead of coming from outside", Strasbourg's Grand Rabbi Gutman added on this occasion to "EuroFora".


Abstention Enigma ?


What will vote on the 2nd round those who abstained at the 1st ?

The final outcome, in Alsace' as well as in many other French Regions in France obviously depends now on whether and how will move the huge mass of the Majority of Citizens who abtained at the 1st round : some 53%.

Frontrunner Philippe Richert, from the Governing Majority UMP and its allies, stressed that, according to his services' analysis, "the greatest Number of Abstentions are located there where we (UMP) are usually strong, but got less votes now. While there where we got much more votes now, the Abstentionists' Number is smaller" : Facts which would show that, logically, most Abstentionists are from the pro-Governemental side, and should vote for it in the 2nd round.

The exceptional 2010 Abstention's level being almost 15% more than at the latest, 2004 Regional Elections, Prime Minister Fillon also found that "anything is still Possible for the 2nd round", if the Majority mass of Abstentionists is mobilised to vote next Sunday (21st of March).

Moreover, Fillon rightfully warned that, even in case of a controversial "SP - Greens" deal, "Voters don't belong to anyone", as he said about probable Disagreements by "Green" voters to blindly obey to orders to vote for any other, "Socialist" candidate, even if the manifold Contradictions between real Ecologists and Socialists (See supra) are not yet lift.

However, it seems also true that, as observed the Socialist vice-President of Strasbourg's Urban Community, Jean-Marie Beutel, even "the Abstentionists don't belong to anyone"...

Candidates have now only a Week to finalise the Test of Strasbourg Region Citizens' real Consciousness and sensitivity for unexpectedly complex but important issues of European Interest, which seem to be at stake here (See supra).



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    UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brownn's promise to French President Sarkozy that Great Britain will proceed to Lisbon Treaty's ratification was certainly fuelled further by MEPs' warning, meanwhile in Strasbourg, that all Enlargement stops until EU can have efficient Institutions for more than 27 member Countries.    

    EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, formally announced this position, after consulting all Political Groups' Chairmen, Monday in Strasbourg, and most MEPs made the point crystal clear during Plenary Debates on Wednesday.   

     Thus, from Thursday, UK's House of Commons, at Westminster, gave its "Green Light" to Lisbon Treaty's ratification, which was completed later-on, after ovecoming some last minute attempts to block the process.

    - In only 3 other Member Countries we feel some "hesitations" : Poland, Czech Republic and Cyprus", said, meanwhile, EU Chairman-in-office, Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dr. Dimitri Ruppel, speaking to EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in Strasbourg, However, "I didn't hear any explicit refusal", he carefully added.

    Rupel's fears were later bellied in Cyprus' case, where a wide majority of political parties confirmed their support to the EU Treaty, but fears were confirmed in Poland's case, while Czechs said they waited for their Constitutional Court to pronounce itself.

    A paradox is that the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, who reportedly expressed concerns about Lisbon Treaty, had personally signed himself its blueprint, while, on the contrary, Cyprus' new President, Christofias, despite its own party's opposal, declared that he'll respect the signature of his precedessor, former President Tassos Papadopoulos, in favor of EU Treaty.

    But, "all that noise is a misinterpretations by some Western Media : Poland will ratify the EU Treaty, and even earlier than some other Member Countries", declared to "EuroFora", in a surprisingly optimistic tone, the Polish Chairman of EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Jacek Saryuswolski...


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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