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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow Commissioner Rehn+EUParliament ECON Chair Bowles to EF: 1999-2001 Political context=Greek Debt cause

Commissioner Rehn+EUParliament ECON Chair Bowles to EF: 1999-2001 Political context=Greek Debt cause

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Monday, 07 March 2011

    The realization of the fact that the real cause for the recent financial problems unveiled in Greece might be not €uroZone itself, despite some gaps currently filled, but mainly the Political Context of a period of the Past extending during the years 1999-2001, probably involving also shady deals related to Turkey's controversial EU bid, (See previous "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReports), came several steps closer, after some interesting Statements by EU Commissioner Oli Rehn, and of EU Parliament's Economic and Monetary Committee's Chairwoman, British Liberal MEP of the new Governing Coalition, Sharon Bowles, to "EuroFora", as well as from other MEPs, during  a  long "Exchange of Views" until late Monday Evening.

    The crossed moves were topically made in Strasbourg shortly before Greece's Prime Minister for Greece, Georges Papandreou (Soc) exceptionally meets on Thursday in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, at the eve of €uroZone's and EU's composite Summit in Brussels next Friday, due to deal with all EU's Strategy in front of on-going dramatic Changes in most Mediterranean Countries, as well as with €uroZone's further Integration focusing on the adoption of a "Competitivity Pact", (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the latest, February 4, EU Summit in Brussels).

    The 1st iteresting point was a specific, critical Observation by Rehn to a question raised by a German "Green" MEP who "claimed to be always in favor of Monetary Discipline"


    - But, In fact "The "Green" Party in Germany was, in the Past, part of the Coalition Government of Schroeder (B : 2002-2005), and, therefore, it bears at least a part of Responsibility for the Watering down" of Monetary discipline which characterized that period, of "Socialist-Green" power, denounced EU Commissioner in charge of Economy and Monetary affairs, Oli Rehn, (a Finnish Liberal).

    The former leader of the then "Green" Party in Germany, former Foreign Minister Joshka Fischer, famous for having politically eliminated most among the Historical Founding members of that Party, has notoriously been hired, recently, by an Economic Lobby serving the interests of the controversial, too long, expensive, and risky Gas Pipeline old project "Nabbuco", which zig-zagz far away from Europe, throughout Turkey..

    Another relevant figure of the same period, former EU Commissioner for EU Enlargement, Gunter Verheugen, a "Socialist" also confirmed by the same "Shroeder B" former Coalition Government criticized by Oli Rehn, has just been hired in 2010 also by a Turkish lobby aiming to promote Ankara's Foreign Trade and Exports towards the EU...


    - "I remember that, during that early period", when the famous "hiding" of the Debt of the former "Socialist" Government in Greece took place, notoriously allowing it to enter €uroZone earlier than normal, and without the necessary Reforms, they (i.e. those Governments in power throughout the EU, mainly "Socialists") had made some serious Critical remarks for some other Countries, pushing them to make needed Changes, but,  on the contrary, they didn't say practically anything for other Countries, apparently moving according to Political, and not Economic criteria then, criticized also the President of EU Parliament's Economic and Monetary Committee, Brittish MEP from the currently Governing Liberals-Conservatives coalition, Sharon Bowles, from Oxford, speaking to "EuroFora".

    It's a Fact that, shortly after the then "Socialist" Government of the Past in Greece (since 10/1999) closed its eyes on Turkey's threats at the Aegean, on the persisting Military Occupation of Cyprus and totall disrespect of Refugees and Missing persons' Families' rights, on Ankara's persisting refusal to recognize the Armenian Genocide, on the serious violations of Human Rights which continued to be committed in Turkey, etc., suddenly, as if in exchange, several "Socialist" Governments and/or EU Officials started also to.. close their own eyes on the huge Debt provoked by notorious Nepotism, Corruption, Discriminations and Arbitrariness, etc, (including even several strange "Deaths" of key persons in suspect circonstances, such as, f.ex. Investigators in grosse corruption cases, and other potential critics, etc.) since the massive recruitments of supporters of that regime mainly during the years 1980, giving the False Impression that Greece would have been ready to enter immediately the €uroZone, already at the eve of April 2001 National Elections, thus won by a former "Socialist" Government..

    * The Political Consequence was Turkey's controversial  EU "Candidacy" and even the opening of "Accession Negotiations" back on 2004, which notoriously provoked the most serious Institutional Crisis in EU's History, with 3 "No" to EuroReferenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland (2005-2007), blocking EU's new Constitutional draft for many years, until the French President Sarkozy was brillantly elected with the Electoral commitment to stop Turkey's unpopular EU bid, in agreement with German Chancelor Merkel and a growing number of various other EU Countries' Top Politicians winning National Elections between 2009-2011, so that, at least, as "Simplified" version of EU's New Institutions managed to enter into force since December 2009. (I.e. with almost 5 Years of Delay, plus several diminutions/restrictions of the original plan...

    * The Economic Consequence was to risk to undermine €uroZone's stability, by inciting the then "Socialist"' Government of Greece to enter precociously and unprepared inside the €uroZone, so that it exploited that in order to usurpate April 2001 National Elections. On 2009, one of its "Socialist" party successors suddenly said that he discovered for the 1st time the huge Debt provoked by his predecessors since 1980, and, accused of Excessive Alarmism, presents a Tragic Situation obliging the EU to start moving and taking Measures in order to ensure Stability inside €uroZone, at a crucial juncture for Global Competition, in the aftermath of the Global Crisis, when every Region in the World is focusing on how to become faster and more Competitive than others...

    Thus, EU paid ..Twice, even until Today (2009-2011) an unacceptable Political Blunder apparently committed during  that period of the Past : 1999 -2002, which has not yet been fully investigated, nor Justice yet done vis a vis all those who were Responsible for what really happened.


    - Such kind of events clearly indicate that the main, real Cause which provoked the current Financial Problems in Greece may have nothing to do with €uroZone itself, but is due to absolutely Differend, Other Factors, specific to the particular situation of Greece then, stressed in conclusion to "EuroFora" the experienced EU Parliament's Rapporteur on several Monetary issues, mainstream French MEP Jean-Paul Gaugés, from the Governing Party UMP (ChristianDemocrats/EPP Group).

    It's well known that in that context of the Past, there were not adequate Tools, and sometimes not even a Political contraint, nor real wish to keep an effective Monetary discipline, while now, EU has recently decided to adopt an important "Monitoring Mechanism" and to "reinforce its Economic Governance", added earlier Rhen, in reply to a question raised by Gaugés.

    At present, "the most important" task is "to restore the Competitivity" particularly of Countries who are more exposed to risks, (f.ex. Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, etc), Rehn added later in Conclusion.

    - Now "the €uroZone will have a completely New Architecture", and sufficient means to ensure that Financial "Speculation won't be profitable", he underlined.

    EU Parliament's Constitutional affairs Committee, has just adopted, indeed, this Monday Evening in Strasbourg, the package of €uroZone's Permanent "Stability Mechanism", already agreed by Heads of State and Government at EU's December 2010 Summit, (Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReport from Brussels then), after a long Vote of several "Compromise Amendments" among .. 130 in all, at the Report drafted by Italian Socialist MEP Roberto Gualtieri and experienced German ChristianDemocrat MEP Elmar Brok.

    + Meanwhile, "the Real Economy in the EU is Recovering, and it becomes Strong and Sustainable", while even "unemployment figures recently were, for the 1st time, much "better" than in the Past of the latest Global Crisis, Rehn concluded optimistically, speaking for the entire €uroZone/EU area.


european sme week (since 2009)


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ECHR's President to "EuroFora" on Journalists Gongadze and Adali murders : Principles must apply to all States, without discrimination.

+ ECHR's Statistics on Freedom of Expression (See below).

 European Court of Human Rights' President, Jean-Paul Costa, questioned by "EuroFora" on Journalists' murders, as in Gongadze and Adali's cases etc., strongly stressed all CoE Member States' obligation to make efficient Investigations to find and punish those responsible, and underlined that ECHR's case-law's principles must apply to all without any discrimination.

His call was clearly supported by various Top MEPs who denounced a risk of "Double Standards" if some Journalists' murders are investigated, while others don't.

To avoid such risks, CoE's Parliamentary Assembly adopted a Resolution, on the occasion of Ukranian Journalist Gongadze's murder, "stressing", as a matter of general Principle, "the importance it attaches to the safety of Journalists and political activists, especially those linked to opposition groups, in ALL member states of the CoE". All "crimes against journalists and political activists must be investigated ... as a matter of priority, without political interference".

Costa was replying to "EuroFora"s question on the fact that, after CoE's Committee of Ministers, also CoE's Assembly had just adopted a Resolution on Gongadze murder case, based on an ECHR's judgement of 2005, asking a full Investigation from Ukraine, who has found and condemned  in 10 years of jail 2 executants, but not yet the instigators.

While nothing similar was yet done for dissident Turkish Cypriot Kutlu Adali's murder, with 5 bullets shot at his head out of his Family's home in the territories of Cyprus occupied by Ankara's army, despite another ECHR's judgement of the same year 2005, and despite Turkey's claim that nobody was found among those responsible for the murder, and that there was nothing more to do..

In order to be credible and efficient, CoE's mechanisms shouldn't find a way to at least ask for full investigations of all Journalists' murders anywhere they might be committed, without exceptions ?


- "On the larger question that you raised, I'd like to say, since we are in a period of stock-taking on ECHR's 50 Years, that the Court's case-law developed certain concepts ....such as the Positive obligations of States, part of which are also the procedural obligations", started to reply ECHR's President.

 - "Whenever Journalists, Lawyers, Defenders of Human Rights, or even simple Citizens are murdered, the States are held responsible, not only if its their own security forces' agents who committed these murders, but also if they didn't make sufficiently substantial and efficient Investigations", he stressed.

- "I want to strongly underline that we (ECHR) have found in many cases numerous violations of Articles 2 and 3 against States, ....(about) murders or torture, ...because they didn't make enough Investigations in order to try to find and punish those responsible".

- "We (ECHR) do that vis-a-vis all 47 (CoE) Member States, without any discrimination".

"Naturally, the circumstances in each particular case may be differend, and we can't ommit to apply the rules of proof, or the rules of criminal procedure".

"But we try, by all means, to apply these principles of our case-law, to all States", he concluded.


      Costa's call was strongly supported by several Top CoE MEPs, from various Political areas

- "To investigate the murder of one Journalist, and not of another, looks like Double Standards", denounced the President of EuroLeft Group in CoE's Assembly, Dutch MEP Tiny Cox.  

- "What is the reason ? Politics or specificity of a case ? Of course, if Cyprus and Turkey are involved, it's always a Political case"..

- "Murders of Journalists should always be fully investigated, because killing Journalists is not only killing persons, but also killing Free Press".  "We (CoE's Assembly) should do our outmost to help People who are working on Free Press and they are under threat or murdered".

Because for Free Politics, Free Press is a pre-requisitive : Parliamentarians  cannot  function without a Free Press. Not investigating, is not protecting ourselves".

So we should investigate all Journalists' murders : We are talking about Gongadze, about the Cypriot man (Adali), about the Journalist murdered in Moscow one week ago, etc", Cox concluded

- "CoE can' look at these cases differently. CoE can't wear Blinckers  !".
- "If the one is investigated, so has to be also the other. Why there wasn't full investigation ? Why's that ?", wondered British  Socialist MEP, Alan Meale.

- "A good idea" would be to "make a Motion for Resolution", and "join all Journalists' murders. Adali and Gongadze etc", said to "EuroFora" EU Parliament Political affairs Committee's President, Goran Lindbland, ChristianDemocrat MEP from Sweden.

(See also earlier News at "EuroFora" on similar issues).

ECHR's Statistics on Freedom of Expression :

    Almost Half of condemnations by ECHR for violations of Freedom of Expression in 2008, concern Turkey : 20 out of a total of 48 for all CoE's Member States.

    Russia, Poland, France and Moldova were condemned only 3 times. Romania, Greece, Portugal, 2 times, and the other CoE Member States only 1 time, or none.
    During the last Decade : 1998 - 2008, Turkey was condemned for violating Freedom of Expression in ..169 cases, while Austria only in 24.

    France and Moldova in 14 and 13, respectively, closely followed by Russia and Poland with 11 and 10, respectively. The rest of CoE Member States had less than ten condemnations.    


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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