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Home arrow newsitems arrow EUChair,Greek PM Samaras: ProEuropeans Win May Election! Minister Stournaras to EuroFora: Truchet=OK

EUChair,Greek PM Samaras: ProEuropeans Win May Election! Minister Stournaras to EuroFora: Truchet=OK

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- "Pro-Europeans are going to  Win the 2014 Elections !", stressed with voluntarist optimism the incoming EU President-in-office, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, speaking to Strasbourg Journalists, including "EuroFora", after a landmark Speech in EU Parliament's Plenary on EU Priorities during this Crucial for the Future period of January - June 2014, due to shape the entire EU's Political landscape and Leadership for more than the next 5 Years, which took an unexpectedly strong direction in favor of EU Citizens, Values and Identity, Timely backed even by Statements of ECOFIN's new Head, Greek Minister for Economy, Yanis Stournaras (a close Samaras' faithful) to "EuroFora" on a concrete, Key issue of Hard Facts and Principles, directly affecting many People's lives, raised yesterday here by the experienced former ECB's President Truchet, (See : ....), on the essential importance to find ways to join Justice and Efficiency in the current Hard Struggle against the Global Crisis which includes also to redress relevant Errors of the Past, in order to create a really New and prosperous Future for all Europeans.


 Barroso's call(s) :

In fact, Samara's move wasn 't just a Reply to a Leftist Greek Journalist's Question about the latest Polls in Athens, but also to EU Commission's President Barroso's larger Warning, ( during a Plenary Debate with MEPs, earlier Today, on the incoming Greek EU Presidency's priorities for the period of January - June 2014), for "what is going to be possibly a Tense Election", with "often .. Unpredictable" "Political Mindset in the Months to come", while "we are seeing .. a Rise of Extremism (both) from the Extreme Right and from the Extreme Left", so that "we must .. make sure this Campaign is an Opportunity for more Genuine Debate about Europe, Not a festival of Unfounded Reproaches against Europe", as he said.

- "2014 will see the 1st European Elections since the entry into force of the Lisbon" Treaty (2010) that have fundamentaly Changed the EU Institutions, not least in terms of Power and Prestige of this EU Parliament", at the same time that "2014 will also be the Year to commemorate the Centenary of the 1st World War" : "While in the Past (2 Centuries : between 1870-1990), Young Europeans were Killing each other, in Colossal Wars", on the Contrary, "Now, thanks to the European Integration, they will Vote Together to Decide on their Common Future", Barroso observed, launching a Call  to "Mainstream Political Forces" to "be able to Leave their zone of Comfort", Stop "considering, no  longer, the European Unification as a Given, by Implicit consent", and, instead, "have the Courage to Explain, with Rational Arguments and Passion, why, more than ever, we Need a Strong Europe".

- So that we can "make this Vote for EU Parliament, an.. important moment to Reinforce a True European Democracy", as EU Commission's President concluded, noting also the fact that even these are "two Greek Words : <<Europe>> and >>Democracy>>, ....that we (Europeans) owe to our (Ancient) Greek Ancestors", timely associated in 2014 with the "Pragmatic" ("another Greek word") approach (of) the Greek Presidency",  reminding that "without Ancient and Classic Greece, European Civilisation would simply Not Exist as such these days", while also expecting Today that "we (EU) are going to owe a lot" even "to Modern Greece, for the great example of Courage, Determination and Commitment to Europe that .... the Greek People are giving these days", through hard Deprivations and/or Sacrifices in order to definitively overcome the Global Crisis and Errors of the Past which had notoriously aggravated its consequences. For that purpose, "let us (Europeans) also Remembe what is at Stake" and "what the real Foundations of European Integration are", as well as "what the Dangers of (EU's) DesIntegration could be", as Barroso said. 

* Plenary Speech :


 - "Today, I'm addressing you, who incarnate the common Conscience of EU Citizens, and the common Will of our Peoples, to Advance forward in the European Integration, as President of EU Council, the Institution which expresses the Sovereign Will of Member States to advance Europe's Unification", Prime Minister Samaras significantly stressed from the outset, speaking to MEPs in EU Parliament's Plenary session, while also saluting "the EU Commission, the body which incarnated and follows daily the European Integration in all its aspects and all its concrete details". I.e., "we have here, the Conscience of the European Union, that you (MEPs) are. The Sovereign Will and the Basic Planning of European Integration, which is the (EU) Council.  And the implementation Mechanism, which is the (EU) Commission" : The Soul, the Brain and the Muscles of the European Idea", as he resumed. "You, its elected representatives, are Europe’s Heart and Soul", Samaras reiterated to MEPs.

 - Therefore, "EU Parliament must be strengthened", "be able to Monitor Decisions, and to promote at the core of those Decisions the Needs and Interests of EU Citizens", the incoming EU Chairman-in-office promissed to MEPs. - "Complementarity and Balance" between "those 3 Pillars", which "have found a way to Cooperate and equilibrate each other", as "a great Achievement of Europe", is the aim of "my 1st Commitment in front of you", to "work for them, and strengthen them".  But also, "as someone who was one among You (MEPs) a few Years earlier, I know your Concerns : They had been also my own concerns : ". So, "Greece, as a Country which supported EU Parliament for Years", "is convinced that it will use its enhanced Competences in the Best way to bring United Europe's ideals Closer to EU Citizens".

- "I'm also speaking to you at a very Crucial Moment : United Europe faced Challenges during these last Years. It's Cohesion faced Challenges, its Resilience faced challenges, even all the Building of its Common Currency (the €uro) faced challenges", which "revealed serious construction gaps". "'But now, we (EU) are Starting to overcome this (Global) Crisis". "Not by itself, Not automaticaly", but "because Europe started to overcome its weaknesses, saw its errors, and started to Rectify them". "Now, these Changes, that we put under way during the last 2 Years, must be completed. And we must Advance even further". "We have proven, thus, during this (Global) Crisis, and because of it, that United Europe works !"

=> "In the coming period we (EU) must Advance even more Decisively, even Further, so that at the EU Elections of next May (2014), which are near the end of the Greek (EU) Presidency, EU Citizens won't Vote with the Bitter Taste of the (Global) Crisis, but with the Feeling, the Hope that the Crisis is being surmounted and Europe gets out of it, Stronger and Better" : "Because "the (Global) Crisis revealed that, precisely, we Need "More Europe, and a Better Europe" ! And that's what we are doing : That's my next Commitment in front of you", Samaras undertook.


- "I Trust the ....People (in Greece, as well as in all Europe), he reacted later-on to a question about some Negative Polls recently. Because "I believe they love their Children and they are discussing and have discussed in the past, and they will always be discussing the way Europe is progressing. They are not questioning whether they want Europe or not. .....they are questioning what type of Europe they want. And this is what we are all struggling to Change to the Better. But they want to stay in Europe. And this is very important".

- "And I believe, also, that the hardest part is behind us. Recovery is ahead of us". People "do not want to go back to the crisis. They want to Exit the crisis for good". They "do not want the Uncertainties of some form of .. Exit from the €uro to return". Other Politicians "do not offer any alternative. Nor about the present, nor about the future. I believe they are walking a thin line between unmasked Populism and disguised Extremism. They want to provoke Fear to society. They do Not provide Solutions or Hope for the People", Samaras denounced later-on, during a Press Conference.

=> - "Most of all, we (EU) need  2 things" : - (A) "Make EU Citizen to have Self-esteem and to be Proud of our (European) Union. + (B) "And to become a Lighting-House of Stablity and Growth, Competitiveness and Democracy, Civilisation  and Prosperity". I.e. "To strengthen Europeans' Pride for their Union, and to reinforce the appeal of the European example Worldwide".

- "In fact, that's what all the rest of the World also asks from us", he added, (f.ex. shortly after the official declarations of the Chinese leadership for 2014 pointed anew towards "a Multi-Polar World" , i.e.  something which notoriously implies a Strong Europe),  "Naturally, this won't be done just by the Greek (EU) Presidency during the next 6 Months", but "we (28 EU Member Countries) have to do that All Together, during the Next Years", (i.e. jiust after the May 2014 EU Elections).

2014 Greek EU Presidency' Priorities for Jan. - June :

    Speaking of "the 1st Priority" of the 2014 Greek EU Presidency, Prime Minister Samaras focused on the need to "Stimulate Development and Employment" :

    - Unemployment undermines Social Cohesion", particularly of the Countries which are hit most of all, "but it also Threatens the Cohesion of the entire Europe !", he warned.

     - Because "Recession Dissolves" (Cohesion), "it does not Unite". "Since when Countries are stagnating, they are misled to believe that each one might be saved on its own : That's precisely what we (real ProEuropeans) must Fight against". In fact, "All Together, we can succeed much more, and Faster. And in order to be "All Together", it's necessary to get Out of any logic of Prolonged Stagnation", Samaras denounced.

    - "Europe can remain both a Competiive Economy and with Social Cohesion, only" by "finding a Balance between Stabilisation and sustainable Development. Between the necessary Financial Stability and the desired Growth". Because, - "In the Long Term, Development is Not Contrary to Financial Discipline (Rigor)". On the contrary, "one is a Condition for the other". As well as ,"in the Long Term, Competitiveness is not an adversary of Social Justice", since "one cannot exist without the other", Samaras stressed.

    - For this purpose, he described "the Concrete Context for supporting Development, Employment, but also Cohesion", as "composed of" : - "the Mid-Term Review of the Strategy "Europe 2020", which will Start a the 1st Trimestre of 2014", "the Pact for Development and Jobs", whixh had been adopted on June 2012's EU Summit", "the Deepening of the Single Market", "the New Multi-Annual Financial Framework", and "the Coordination of Economic Policies, in the framework of the "European Semester", where EU Parliament's as well as National Parliament's role is rightfully extended".  This includes also "the Fight against Tax Evasion and Fraud, the progress of Innovation, the amelioration of the Regulatory framework and the strenghening of Foreign Trade", that "the Greek Presidency will support". + "At the same time, the Debate on the Long-Term Funding of EU's Economy, which has started on March 2013 with EU Commission's "Green Book",  should continue".

    + But "what has a Primordial Importance for us (the Greek 2014 EU Presidency), is to boost the Funding of Real Economy, with a emphasis on SMEs". That's why "the joint Initiative of EU Commission and of European Investment Bank, with concrete alternatives for the Funding of SMEs, has the Full Support of the Greek (EU) Presidency" : "We shall help, by any possible means, for the Success of this Initiative, aiming at a Better Development momentum, and at Works of intensified Labor, in areas such as Transports, Energy, Shipping and Tourism", he anounced.

    - The "2nd Priority", which is "to support our Common Currency" (the €uro), but also to strengthen Trust in European Economy", "means to Deepen further the Economic and Monetary Union, with main immediate step to Complete the Banking Union".

    - For that purpose, "we (EU Council) shall work intensively with you (EU Parliament), in the context of Trialogue, in order to reach the Adoption of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM), so that the Vicious Circle between Banks and Sovereign Debt will be broken, without affecting the unified and European character of the Mechanism", in order to "Protect Efficiently the European Lending System". In this regard, "I'm Glad to anounce that Yesterday, we had a 1st Success", since "just a few Hours Earlier, a Political Agreement in principle was reached, both on the (relevant) Regulation and on the (EU) Directive for the very important Financial means Market (known as "MiFiD-II"), he revealed.

    - "Naturally, we mustn't forget also the Social Dimension of the EMU", and that "a Stable Banking System is not only about "Bankers", but concerns also Depositors, Investors, the Liquidity required by any Economy, but also the Trust which is necessary in order to have Liquidity".

    + "Concerning Competitiveness and Employment, these are Not Differend (targets), Nor Competing between them", but just "various Aspects of what we call "More and Better Europe", Europe of Stability, Trust and Development", Samaras stressed.


    + On the "3rd Priority", "the Reply that we (EU) owe to give to the Problem of (mass) Migration, whose Tragic Dimension is revealed almost everyday at EU's Sea and Land Borders : Here is needed a Comprehensive Management of this purely European issue", which "might affect (initially) more some among us", i.e. "the Countries which are located at EU's Geographical External Borders, but (in fact) it Concerns us All", he observed, (given also the illegal immigrants and asylum seekers' well known trend to Enter the EU mainly via a Southern EU Member Country, but just in order to Cross afterwards towards the Central and Northern EU Countries, where there is currently more Growth).

    - "Our (EU's) approach should respect the Principles of Solidarity between Partners, of Co-Responsibility for the Protection of our Common European (external) Borders, and Proportionality in burden-Sharing", and, "naturally, the Involvement of 3rd (Non-EU) Countries, (f.ex. Turkey, Northern Africa, etc), from which originate or pass the Migratory Flows in order to reach us (EU). Because this phenomenon must be faced Efficiently at its Source". Something which "includes also Measures of Repatriation of Illegal Migrants, (I.e.) those who don't come from areas suffering from Wars and don't have a Right to Asylum. But here we (EU) have also another Humanitarian Duty : To strike against those Criminal Networks which move displaced People from various areas of the World towards the EU, ass if they were Objects : That's the most Tragic aspect of this case", he concluded.

    ++ "Finaly, Greece wishes to give a New Boost to EU's Maritime Policies", which "need to be redefined and reviewed, in order to respond, in the best possible way, to the Needs of (EU) Citizens, as well as to the Challenges of the Future", the incoming 2014 EU President stressed.

    - In this regard, "we shall move accrose 2 Axis : Development (including also Energy), and Security, (including the Definition and Management of European Sea Areas", Samaras anounced officially.

    - "Because we must not forget that the Undersea Richnesses, hidden under the Sea, could provide, in the Foreseable Future, the Response to the Big Problems of our (EU's) Energy Supplies", "and I remind you what was heard everywhere in our (Meeting) Rooms, since 2004, when I was too a MEP, is that "at last, Europe must Reply to this Problem of Energy Insecurity", he concluded, (obviously pointing at the Oil/Gas Resources notoriously existing between the Greek Islands of Aegean Sea and/or in Cyprus territorial waters facing Israel and/or Egypt, which are naturally also EU's Sea areas, particularly precious at a period when Nuclear Energy was limited after the Fukusima Disaster in Japan, while Foreign Oil/Gas supplies which have to Cross several 3rd Countries before arriving to Europe, often through Dangerous Pathways, full of various Conflicts, Political Blackmails, Earthquake-striken areas, etc, are comparatively much more Long, Expensive, Uncertain and Unsafe)...

    +  Meanwhile, "a New Momentum must be given to our (EU's) Economic Relations... with our Big Strategic Partners ..., both Westwards, beyond the Atlantic (USA), and Eastwards (Russia), as well as in the Far-East" (China, Japan, India). Because "this is required not only in order to Fight against Recession,  but also by Europe's duty to play a leading role in International developments by contributing to shape together the Global trends", Samaras added.

     - "Moreover,  on our influence at our Neighborhood. We (EU) need Stable Surroundings, with Peace and Growth. Where we (EU) will shine with our Values and Principles, ... offer our Help to those who need it, ...and Enjoy, Together with our Neighbours, the benefits of Stability and Peace", he pointed out.

    + Speaking of "EU Enlargement : something which is permanently a Central Issue of European Policy", he said that the Greek EU Presidency, "which as already worked a lot to support the European orientation of Enlargement Countries, and particularly of the Western Balkans", "are interested to be Practical and Efficient" :

    - "The Accession Process of the Countries of that area has acquired, during the last  2 Yeas, a clear Dynamism, thanks to the (EU) Entry of Croatia, the Beginning of Accession Negotiations with Montonegro,  and the attribution of a Candidate Country Status to Serbia", which "shows that (EU) Enlargement advances even in a mainly Transitory Period for Europe" out of the Global Crisis, as he observed.

-     "Therefore, the Greek (EU) Presidency will approach Enlargement dynamically and case by case, aiming to promote the Accession process of each one among the interested Countries, according to their achievements and particularities", while "the basic Principles and Mechanisms of the "Thessaloniki Agenda" (agreed there by the EU since 2003) continue to regulate the area's road towards European Integration", the Greek Prime Minister reminded.


    - -"As a Political Union, as a single Market, even as an Aid donor, Europe is a SuperPower of a Global Vision", Samaras stressed in Conclusion of his Speech. "Small states and Big states alike, we all know that in the contemporary World we can achieve much More and must faster, if we are United". Because "All of us together, we can unlock our Economic depth and our Geopolitical Weight, and play the Leading World-wide role Europe deserves. .... we can better Safeguard our security; ....Protect our Democracy; ...advance the Prosperity of our Peoples; (and) ...project our Cultural Values to the rest of the world. Our Union is not a “luxury”! It is a vital necessity for all of us".

    - "Our (EU's) everyday problems or disputes" must not "consume us" to the point to "lose both the “big picture” and our optimism", but, on the contrary, we must "discern the Essential from the trivial", as he said.

    - In the Past, "Europeans ... often ended up in Bloody Wars among themselves", he reminded, obviously pointing at the period of 1870-1980. "Two generations ago, the Dream of a United Europe seemed Unthinkable. One generation ago, this dream still seemed Difficult and Distant"

    - "Yet it has Now been Realized More than anybody ever expected". Because, "in the Last Decades, we (Europeans) undertook the most Ambitious endeavor in human History: To have so many and so different Peoples Converge, on their own Free will, with Freedom and Democracy".


     - "Around us, we (EU) see Turmoil emerging and major Challenges appearing, almost everywhere!... "Separated, we will only Import Insecurity and Destabilization from the rest of the World to our own House", he warned.

    =>  - On the Contrary, "we can better Respond to such challenges, if we are United.  We can better stand in the face of World Turmoil, if we grow even more United". Because, "United, we can Export Stability and Security from Europe to the rest of the World". No matter which way we see it, no matter where we look at for guidance and inspiration - ....back in our History or ahead of us in the Future – what we Need", and "the Best Response", as well us what "the rest of the World also expects from us",  is “More Europe and Better Europe”!


    - But, "a “United Europe” is not just some .... institutions, Not the Bureaucratic procedures and the Technically Complicated Regulations", "not just a common institutional framework for all its countries", Warned the incoming EU President for the Crucial period of January - June 2014.

    - That's particularly true "Now", that "Europe is being Transformed ...to a Common Identity and... Conscience for all its Peoples", Samaras stressed in Conclusion. Because, in fact, "primarily, “Europe” is Us! All of us: Everybody in this chamber (EU Parliament) ; All European citizens who Voted for us and sent us here. All of us, Debating and sometimes disagreeing; all of us Working hard for Europe and enjoying the fruits of our Union".+  Moreover, -“Europe” is the heavy Historical Heritage we all, collectively, carry on our shoulders. “Europe” is the Common Cultural Root and expression of our societies, the Values of Freedom, Human Dignity, Social Justice and Compassion for all, Progress and Democracy across the borders". "Europe started as a Legend about a Beautiful Princess, seduced and kidnapped by an Ancient Greek God, who fell in Love with her and Transformed himself to a White Bull to approach her", he reminded. "Then this legend, evolved to an Epic story, full with Glory as well as full of Drama. And then, Europe evolved as the cradle of Human History; as the spring of Culture and Civilization across the continents". And "Now it is Transforming itself yet once more, through Inspiration and Innovation". Because Europe also "is the Future of the Generations to come; of our Children and the ones that will come after them. It is precisely this Common Future, that we are Shaping up today. And it is this Future that Unites us, perhaps more than anything else",

     - "We (EU) are Moving ahead, Step by step. Sometimes we are making Mistakes, we pause, we Correct them and take it from there on., .. , through Trial and Error, through successes and failures – as it is always the case in History. Not without problems, not without obstacles to jump over"..

    - "But we have gone Far enough, we have Progressed More than any of the previous generations could imagine", and, now, "by Overcoming (the) recent (Global) Crisis, we are Moving even more Decisively.. So, ...our United Europe moves ahead !", he concluded, with both Optimism and Voluntarism.

Developments in Greece
  - In this regard, "Greece", which takes over EU Council's Chairmanship from January 2014, "one and a half Year Before, it was the Weakest point of the (European) Union", while, on the Contrary, "Today, Greece becomes the Symbol that Europe resists, Europe advances, Europe works, Europe can !", he stressed as a Key issue of his speech. Pointing at "the Example of Greece", he observed that "Greece Suffered and still suffers. But we are Now standing on our feet, we are Proud, we are holding our ground, we are Returning to Normality and by doing so, we Prove to everyone that Europe works, that Europe can make it. By Defending our destiny as a Nation, we also Defended the Future of Europe, in every step of the way".

 - "I'm speaking to you also as the Prime Minister of Greece, the Country which suffered most from this (Global) Crisis. My Country suffered during these last years, perhaps, more than any other EU Member has ever suffered" until now. "It suffered becaus of its own Errors, which had Persisted for Decades", he criticized, apparently pointing at the scandalous appointments of too many counter-productive Cushy Job Holders and/or abusive/Corrupted Political Lackeys at the Public Sector, by former Clientelist/Nepotist Governments of the Past 30 Years (1981-2011), mainly PASOK+, which provoked a growing Debt, hidden when EU leaders, back on 1999-2001 (then, mainly Socialists) allowed Greece's precocious and unprepared Entry into €urozone earlier than normal, i.e. even before doing the necessary Reforms, in exchange of accepting Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid : The Turkish blunder provoking, shortly afterwards, 3 "No" to EuroReferenda on EU Constitutional Reforms, in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, so that the EU Delayed its own necessary Reforms, and was cought Unprepared during the 2008-2013 Global Crisis, without an Economic Governance. While the Blunder c ommitted in the case of Greece, (Comp. Supra), notoriously threatened €uroZone's reputation and resililence, while also provoking Hard Sufferings even among innocent Poor People until now.

- "It (Greece) also suffered even because of some Construction Errors in the Common Currency, and even because of Errors which had been committed during the Planning of the 1st Program (of EU Aid, negotiated with former PASOK Prime Minister G.Papandreou), as, f.ex. the Error with the "Multiplyer", which underestimated the Impact of the 1st Program on the Recession which followed it, and who proved to be much bigger" than scheduled, he denounced.

- "Greece suffered, but Resisted ! And now it's radically Changing, it overcomes its problems, and enters in a course of purification and Recovery". ... In other words : We delivered !" My Personal Experience" is that "Failure, my Friends is not to Fall down. Failure is no to get Up again ! If you fall, but then get up stubbornly, with Faith and keeping your Head up, this is a distinguished Success. And I'm Proud that my Country, through the incredibly Painful Sacrifices of our People, Today it's anew standing up on its feet", he boasted.

>>>  - "Indeed, during the latest period of time, Greece accomplished the Biggest Financial Redress ever done, and in a Record-Short Timeframe : It Succeeded, in just 4 Years, to Reduce its Deficit for - 13% of its current GDP ! But, in order to do that, it faced a GDP Reduction for - 25% : i.e. the Biggest GDP Reduction that ever happened in the World since the Great Recession of the Decade of the 1930ies ! During 6 consecutive Years of Recession, the average Greek lost almost 38% of its Living Standards compared to 2007. Unemployment, from 7%  has become Higher than 27%, and among Young People under 25 it reached up to 60% ! I really hope that not any other Country will ever face such a Tragedy".

+  At the same time, Replying to some MEPs' Questions "in relation to GDP about the 4 % Defence Spending which we still have", Samaras not only observed that "the figure has indeed fallen", but also diplomatically explained the fact that "each country has its own Difficulties", which "sometimes they have to do with Geography", as he said, obviously pointing at Turkey's notorious War Threats and Revendications at the Aegean Sea against Greece, in addition to the "40 years of Unlawful Partition and Foreign (Military) Occupation" of the Northern coasts of Cyprus by Ankara's 1974 Invasion/Occupation Army, as he denounced, while also noting that, nevertheless, "both governments are trying to keep bilateral relations as Calm as possible"...

- "But,... in the middle of such circumstances (and) of prolonged Recession, Greece started one of the most ambitious and sweeping Reform and Structural Changes' Program", so that "in the International Rating of OECD, Greece is already classified at the 1st Place Worldwide in implementing Structural Changes", he claimed;

     - "And this started to yield Resullts : According to all enquiries, Greece won back all its lost Competitiveness since 2002, while it also Nullified the Deficit at is Trade Balance. On 2013, for the 1st time, Greece got a Primary Surplus in its Public finances. For the 1st time, it even got a Surplus in its Current Accounts after many years. While it's also predicted that in 2014, the Country will also mark for the first time a Recovery, after 6 Years of Recession", Samaras pointed out.

    - "We (Greeks) have not false expectations", since we know that "we've crossed a Long Distance, but have Still a Long Way to go. We have still to do Many things. But we Succeeded to Stabilize our Country, its Economy and its Society".

    => To the point that, "Today, Greece has the Biggest Structural Primary Surplus in €uroArea and in all Europe ! This means that, if Greece realized its Economic Potential, it could not only Cover all its Current Needs (that it already started to cover), but also to Cover  the Interests of its Loans, while even more Spare Money would Remain each Year, in order to Diminish its Debt", he explained.

    - "What we are trying to do Now is to Accelerate a Sustainable Development, from now on, so that we (Greece) can get rid from any need for (EU) support. And in order to become able to succesfully Complete all the Structural Changes", (See also Infra).

    - "All this became possible, naturally, thanks to the unprecedented Sacrifices and the maturity of the Greek People. But we Succeeded that also thanks to the Support of our (EU) Partners". That's why "I want to Thank the Peoples of Europe for the Solidarity that they've shown to Greece", and "particularly to Thank the EU Parliamenbt", as well as EU Commission's "President Barroso, with whom we were constantly in touch during the most Difficult Moments of this endeavour". Because "in this way, Greece avoided a Disorderly Bankruptcy and obtained the biggest Reduction of Debt ever done, without ever becoming bankrupt meanwhile. That's an Achievement of Europe, and nobody should underestimate it".

    - "One and a half Year before, my Country was at the edge of a Catastrophe, and many thought possible -while some believed certain- that it would quit the €uro. Some even took for granted that this would lead also to €uroZone's Dissolution. Some went as far as to proclame that even the EU was going to be Dissolved !", he reminded. - But "we (EU) bellied all those Kassandres (Bad Wishers) !

    - "Errors were made, indeed, in the 1st stage of the Aid Program (2010-2011). I denounced these errros, then from the standpoint of the Opposition. But, already since then, I was working to Rectify those Errors. And then, as a Government (2012-2013+), we rectified them, at a great level. Thus, while the (EU) Program, during its First Years, gave indications of Failure", on the contrary, "now, its Main Aims are not only Achieved, but, sometimes we even go Beyond" them.  - "As it was done ,f.ex. with the (State Budget's) Primary Surplus, which was scheduled for 2014, but we have already achieved that from 2013", he observed.

    => Thus, "Today there is an entirely Differend Picture : Greece proved that Europe works ! That Europe Can. That our Union is Strong. And we prove that with the most Credible way : By overcoming Crisis and getting out of them Stronger", the Greek Prime Minister optimistically stressed.

REPLIES TO MEPS : 0n"Troika", "Unemployment/Growth", etc.

  - "I am here to work for Europe, not against it", Samaras stressed, Replying to MEPs' observations, while avoiding, (in the "5 Minutes" that he had been given all in all), to comment on provocations from what he called "remarks which stem from an inflexible or isolationist view of Europe".

 -" Some may not be happy that Greece did Not give in to the Exit scenario – that Greece indeed Delivered. I am sorry about this, but I honestly did not want to damage anybody’s Anti-European agenda...", he only pointed out in this regard...

    - But "on Growth, Jobs and Cohesion, everybody understands that the current level of Unemployment in Europe is Politically Unsustainable. We must explore ways to Restore Normal Lending to the Real Economy: that is among the most ambitious Priorities of our Presidency. We have to remain focused on all the parameters that affect lending to business, and especially financing for Small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). As we see it, easing Liquidity for Europe’s SMEs, especially at the periphery and including young Innovative companies, will help to Boost employment for our Youth and to create the conditions for sustainable and competitive Growth".

    - Therefore, "I appreciate what has been said about the initiative to reduce Interest-rate Differences, which Joseph Daul talked of, and about the need to avoid Social Dumping, as highlighted by Mr Swoboda", he observed, pointing to the Presidents of respectively the ChristianDemocat/EPP Group (the Biggest) and of the SocialDemocrat Group in EU Parliament.

    :- In addition to "Family Solidarity that I saw among the Greek People", "the Europe of Solidarity exists" too, had stressed Daul (EPP) from the outset."It's a pitty not to have just 1 Year more before the (EU) Elections". But "Numbers show that you (Greece) are advancing on the Right Path". "However, that's not enough : Now, a 2nd Action must be Launched. This goes also for all Europe, concerning Young People's Unemployment, Businesses, SMEs : We (EU) have now the Duty to show that we are able to act also there". "F.ex., ..I'm a peasnt, and we (in France),  are currently negotiating the Prices. At the end we have Interest Rates of almost Zero per cent, with 0,9%, while the Greek peasants and SMEs are faced with Interest Rates of 10%" at the same time ! "We (EU) must act on this point immediately, in the case of Greece", but also "for the European Economy to have Solidarity also on Interest Rates' level concerning Jobs". "European Solidarity must act to safeguard Jobs, and this goes through more Social and Fiscal Harmonisation at EU level", he concluded.

    + "What is even more Important, .. is to prevent Social Dumping .. in Europe", when "some Companies Misuse Workers in order to undercut Salaries and to Undermine Standards and working Conditions. Here we need Change. We want an EU Directive ...  to Fight Social Dumping and to see the Rules being Implemented. .. We need the Greek Presidency to Help", had added the President of the SocialDemocrat Group of MEPs, Johanes Swoboda from Austria.



    - About the (IMF/EUC/ECB) "Troika" current controversy in EU Parliament, Samaras acknowledged that , indeed, : - "I was very Critical of some of the Mistakes that were made at the Beginning, during the 1st programme while I was in opposition, but even in opposition I was always trying to Improve the Programme, and to push for Reforms and (State) Deficit-Cutting. I wish that I had that type of opposition in Greece today... Until now, "We’ve been working with the Troika now for a long period,(and) ....we have negotiated on almost anything. We have discussed and impressive spectrum of issues ranging from Fiscal to Structural Changes that were necessary and it’s an undisputable fact that Greece has made extraordinary improvements and progress, in meeting the targets and in meeting the implementation".

    - Since then, we have Corrected a series of Mistakes and Shortcomings, and now the programme has Begun to yield Results. As to how to deal with these problems in the Future, we need to debate that seriously. ... But, significantly, the Fiscal problems we faced in Greece are now in the Past. We have already taken care of them. We are trying to Conclude all these efforts in my country successfully ....We are doing what we can. ....we are implementing what we have undertaken to implement and we are honouring our signature. We are delivering fruitful results,

     => "We hope that Greece, together with all the other European Nations, will enter the Next Phase, which will be a phase Not simply of Recovery, but of real Growth, so that Unemployment – our biggest concern – will Fall in each one of our Countries.

ECOFIN Chair Greek Minister STOURNARAS  to "EuroFora" :  - Truchet was Right !


+ Meanwhile, in a 1st official reaction to experienced former ECB's President Jean-Claude Truchet's astonishing Advise for the Greek Economy, in conclusion of his Hearing by EU Parliament's Economic Committee, Yesterday in Strasbourg (See relevant "EuroFora"'s NewsReport at : .... ), the incoming ECOFIN's Chairman, Greek Minister of Finances, Yanis Stournaras, replying to a Question raised by "EuroFora", agreed in substance :

- "I know quite well President Truchet", he told us at first, showing a vivid Interest to learn what he had said in Strasbourg.

After "EuroFora" informed him that Truchet's conclusion on Greece was that he found "Essential" that Poor People shouldn't pay for those who were much better off, while, indirectly but surely pointing at "Structural Reforms" needed mainly  on the Greek State's "Civil Service", (See : ...........),  Stournaras smiled positively :

- "Well, that's what we too (the current Greek Government) are Trying to do", the Finance Minister (a close Faithful to Prime Minister Samaras) replied to "EuroFora", apparently Accepting willingly at least the Principle of Truchet's key, concluding observation.

+ To Truchet's and Stournara's various statements, was added Today, at EU Parliament's Plenary, also a Critical Observation by the President of the Liberal Group of MEPs, former Prime Minister of Belgium, Guy Verhofstadt : - "The Greek Crisis is, in a way, the Quintessence of the European Crisis", agreed Verhofstadt with Samaras (Comp. Supra). "There is a Collective Responsibility here for what hes happened in Greece" and "in all Europe". F.ex., "Reforms were undertaken too Late. Greece still has a Clientelist System, (and) an OverSized Civil Service, Huge State Ownership, and professions that are closed to newcomers". But, "instead of carrying out Reforms in these areas, the only Measures taken - .. in the Beginning (i.e. mainly during the Former PASOK Government of Giorgos Papandreou, etc.- were the Moderation of Lower Wages (i.e. mainly of Poor Workers in the Private Sector), and Tax Increases for Small and Medium-sized Companies" in the Productive Sector. "So, now, I hope that the Necessary Reforms can go Forward, and that you will Not Revert to the Failed Recipes of the Past", he advised.

However, it's notorious that "New Democracy"s (Samara's Center-Right Party's) Minor Coalition Partners,  earlier the "DHMAR" Leftist party (which left recently, disagreing on a similar issue, but was punished by the Greek People who practicaly dropped any support for this Party, currently threatened not to have any MP elected if a Vote was organized soon), and mainly the remnants of "PASOK", (which, even if they have reportedly Fallen Down to only 4% according to the latest Polls, nevertheless, still exploit the fact that the Right side of the Political Spectrum is currently Divided in  various sharply Disagreeing Parties in Greece, so that their participation to the Coalition Government dating since a 2011 Compromise, still remains mathematically necessary), are largely Opposing a real Structural Reform on the notoriously overstaffed Public Sector.

Probably that's one of the reasons for which, Prime Minister Samaras, (who, notoriously, faces also coalition partner PASOK's reluctance to advance in this direction), observed, while in EU Parliament  this same day, mainly the fact that it would certainly be much easier to achieve such a result when the economy will no more be in a recession, but would have started to grow :

 - "(Structural) Reforms can be done much Easier during a context of Recovery and Growth, instead of a context of a prolonged Recession, that we are just going to overcome now (in 2014 : Comp. Supra)", he observed in this regard in EU Parliament's Plenary, obviously pointing also at the possibility for eventually dismissed former State Agents to hope find some new jobs in the Private Sector, particularly when it's growing. This would naturally facilitate the necessary "Completion of the Structural Reforms", which remainst still to be done. Something which could be done "Successfully", particularly if Greece managed, meanwhile, to "Accelerate a Sustainable Development, so that to get rid from any need of Help" from the EU/IMF, as Samaras noted earlier (Comp. Supra).

But the assurance of some Compensation and at least of a Vital Minimum Revenue for all involved, during a certain pediod of time, might allow to Start implementing immediately, at First, the required conditions, particularly on much needed Structiral Reforms, and afterwards, i.e. when this will have drastically Reduced the State's Expenses and, therefore, the need for Loans, while also Augmenting the Primary Surplus much further, (Comp. Supra), it will even become Easier for the State to Help itself the Productive Sector's Investments, starting a Virtuous circle...

+ Meanwhile, Samaras, who has repeatedly stressed recently, both in Athens and in Brussels that his main Concern are "the Jobless People" and "to Redress Injustices",  also confirmed his recent call for 70% of the Primary Surplus to be distributed in Priority for Poor People's basic Needs : 


- "It has been arranged with the Troika that if we have a Primary Surplus, (and we are going to have a primary surplus in 2013), 70% of that primary surplus .....is going to go Back to the People. Who are we going to give it back to? Obviously, those who are in Greatest Need : Pensioners, people who really have Problems. So, what we are trying to do is we are trying to allow for Social Cohesion  to exist, and for Progress to be felt Tangibly. Because we have to Prove to the People that, once you have Progres, they are going to be in a Better situation that they are now", the Greek Prime Minister stressed in his joint Press Conference with EU Parliament's President Schulz.

+ Moreover, speaking of the controversial IMF/EUC/ECB "Troika", Samaras added also that "obviously, there are certain Limits to everything you can negotiate and I’ll give you one : You canNot negotiate anymore on issues that have to do with More Taxes, or Less Pensions, because this level is the Minimum acceptable level that allows for Social Cohesion. It’s Not Acceptable to me. We had to do it", and shall try to "change it somehow", f.ex. through a re-distribution of a part of the Primary Surplus (Comp. Supra).

Many Peuple had thought that if Samaras kept alive the Spirit of his succesful entry in Top Politics back on 2010, when he revendicated and won "New Democracy"s leadership by a Popular Vote, (by an astonishing coincidence at the same place where the 2014 Greek EU Presidency started officially a few days ago in Athens : Zapeion, close to Acropolis : Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReport : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/samaras.html ), he would have  the Best available Chance to solve the Debt problem, by daring bring the main necessary Economic Changes via a real Political Change, in an Efficient and Popular way.  And when "EuroFora", later-on, while Samaras was then pushed by all Polls to win the Elections for a new Government, during the crucial days of November 2011, Phoned to Samaras' closer Aid then in Athens, and Published from the sidelines of the G-20 Global Summit at Cannes, (precisely when €uroArea was threatened to lose Greece), a Proposal (just discussed with a  G-20 Chairman, then French President Sarkozy's Counselor on the spot, while an Urgent meeting witgh German Chancelor Merkel was prepared on Greece) to accept the Numbers of the overall Financial commitments in the EU - Greece Memorandum (initially negotiated by controversial former Prime Minister Giorgos Papandreou of PASOK previously), but to keep the fundamental Freedom to chose and decide on the Economic Strategy through which these could be obtained in real practice, (f.ex., to put it in a nutshell : Reduce drastically the number of State Agents,  by dismissing selectively the unpopular counter-productive Cushy Job Holders and/or abusive/corrupted Political Lackeys scandalously appointed by former Clientelist/Nepotist Governments of the Past 30 Years : 1981-2011 mainly of PASOK+, while investing, as much as possible, to support Productive Businesses, and helping innocent Poor People to survive against the Crisis : Comp., f.ex. + : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/sarkozyhailsformulaendorsementbysamaras.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/sarkozycounselorformulaongreece.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/gpapandreouhijacksg20.html ), obviously this also implied to find a way to join Economic Efficiency and Moral Justice, (f.ex. via an adequate Anti-Corruption purge, which still remains very Popular, etc).


Last but not least : Samaras' ambition for "Victory" to the forthcoming EU Elections was highlighted even by experienced MEP Marieta Gianakou's (Head of the Greek Delegation to the EU Parliament, and former Minister) choice of the Historic  ..."Restaurant à la Victoire"  in Strasbourg for his scheduled Diner with New Democracy party's MEPs...




("DraftNews", as already send to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, Full Final Version, might be published asap).




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Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, speaking  to "EuroFora", denied rumors on Turkey's attempts to avoid an EU check of its obligations on Cyprus on December 2009 by blackmailing Nicosia to either accept any deal with intransigeant Turkish claims contrary to EU values on the island's political issue, or face threats against the territorial integriy of the EU island, semi-occupied by Ankara's army.

On the contrary, the incoming EU President-in-office, speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", promissed that he will act for EU Council's decisions on December 2009 assessment of Turkey's commitments on Cyprus to be kept.

    Bildt was asked to react to Cyprus' President Christofias' denunciation, earlier this week, that some want to exert "pressure" on Cyprus in order for Turkey to escape from its obligations.

    Avoiding to mention any precise Deadline, Bildt, however, warned about "Consequences" in case of "failure" to reunite Cyprus, but without saying whose responsibility an eventual deadlock might be.  

 Asked by "EuroFora" if there is a risk for "Turkey's commitments to "be forgotten or downgraded", "despite crystal-clear EU Council decisions and EU Parliament's latest Resolution on the assessment to make at the end of this year on Turkey's obligations", according to rumours that, instead of pressing Turkey, on the contrary, there might be "pressure on Cyprus", even "blackmail", as Media reported and President Christofias denounced this week, Bildt denied :

- "No ! ", he clearly replied.

- On the contrary, invited by "EuroFora", to "reassure that the Swedish EU Presidency (7-12/2009) will keep a fair stance, based on principles",  Bildt promised that "we (Swedish EU Presidency) will be very clear on all of the decisions taken by the (EU) Council".

He added, however, that "we have very numerous decisions that have been taken" by EU Council, as if he warned, also, on something else.

- "'I am not aware of any sort of statements coming out today''", Bildt started to say, on our reference to Cyprus' President Christofias" denunciation of Turkish lobby's manoeuvers this week, replying earlier to 'another"EuroFora"'s question during a Press Conference at EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

 - '"I know the issues that you' are concerned with'", he added, remembering  the statements he gave us when Sweden was chairing the PanEuropean CoE on 2008.

- "But, obviously, .. I think that Cyprus' Peace negotiations are extremenly important".

- And "'I think that we are at a unique moment in History, in the sens that both (Cyprus') President Christofias and Mr. Talat (the Turkish Cypriot leader), are personally convinced of the need to overcome the division".

 - "It's 20 Years since the fall of Berlin Wal, but we still have a Capital in Europe (Nicosia) that's divided". ,

- 'I don't that we should loose any time in overcoming that"..

 - ''We should be aware of the fact that success will bring great benefits, but failure, will also have major consequences. There will not be Status Quo' " It's a question of seeking a solution, or entering another situation, which is somewhat difficult to see exactly how that could evolve", he warned.

- "That being said, this is a negotiation for Cyprus itself", Bildt admitted.

 - ''We (EU) can support, the (EU) Commission primarily, be technically helpful, and then, of course, there is a specific role for the UN, when it comes to the Cyprus' situation".  

- "At least so far. It might not be for ever'. Certainly not for ever, but for this period of time", Bildt added, skiping now any reference to concrete threats on UNO's Peace keeping force in face of more than 40.000 Ankara's soldiers, contrary to some Press claims, (See previous NewsReports).

     Replying to another "EuroFora"'s Question,  if anyone might attempt to "impose a Deadline for the conclusion" of Cyprus' Talks on December 2009, Bildt avoided to speak of any precise Time-frame, and indirectly evoked the fact that  35 Years of Turkish Invasion/Occupation obviously durated too long :

'- "If I was from Cyprus, I would say that the Deadline was Yesterday ! '",
Bildt concluded.

Cyprus' Government Spokesman, Stephanou, reportedly pointed out that "a settlement is possible on December if Turkey changes its stance", accepting a solution for the reunification of the island based on UNO resolutiona and EU principles.


Earlier, EU Chair, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeld, highlighted an "historic opportunity" to "re-Unite" Cyprus according to EU's "basic Values"' (i.e. Human Rights) and 'Rules'", in a last-minute change of his draft speech to EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

    The initial Draft spoke only about "healing" the island.

    Significantly, Reinfeldt linked Cyprus' reunification with Turkey's obligations to respect EU's "Values" and "follow" EU's "common Rules" :

    - What is "called Membership Negotiations" should lead, "at- the end of the day", into "sharing a set of common Basic Values (i.e. Human Rights, Democracy, etc), and following common Rules", stressed Reinfeld from the outset.
    - "This is something that those on the Outside (of the EU), are now  contemplating", up "to Ankara", for "a solution" on "Cyprus", observed the EU Chairman, immediately afterwards..  

    - "Both sides of Cyprus have been granted a historic opportunity to together reach an agreement on a solution to re-Unite the island, that has been divided for far too long", said Reinfeldt, modifying his draft text.

-  "The Swedish Presidency will act ...in accordance with Commitments EU has made, on the basis of Criteria that apply", "as a Honest Broker", he promised.    

- "To those on the inside (of the EU), allowing the membership process to become an opportunity to solve protracted disputes, can be tempting", he added.

    "In such cases, we must find solutions that can benefit both sides, and open up a way forward. Otherwise, it would jeopardize the progress we have made towards EU integration", Reinfeldt said.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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