Russian MFA Lavrov to EuroFora on Sarkozy-Medvedev G8 deal: EU-Russia, Libya(Margelov), 4 Ships,WTO+

*Deauville/G8 Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- Experienced Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov, speaking to "EuroFora" on the sidelines of the G8 Summit here, appeared particularly glad about 2011 G8/G20 President Sarkozy's declarations in favor of EU-Russia's closer strategic Partnership, after a series of deals with Russian President Medvedev on Libya, High-Tech Ships, WTO or Syria, etc., including by sending as personal Envoy the Top Politician Margelov to try to "mediate" about Libyan colonel Gaddafi's departure from power, as it was agreed in the official G-8 Summit's "Declaration" issued today, which focuses on "commitment to Freedom and Democracy", with particular mentions mainly to the Arab World as well as African Countries' democratic and socio-economic development, the Internet, etc.(See relevant"EuroFora"s Draft-News, already sent to Subscribers/Donors).

Lavrov spoke to "EuroFora", while we were both waiting for Russian President Medvedev's Press Conference at the conclusion of the G8 Summit in Deauville (France), allmost at the eve of an EU - Russia Summit scheduled in a few Days (June 9-10) at Nizhny Novgorod (Russia's Historic ReNaissance Stronghold and current "IT" HighTech. pole), due to take crucial decisions on Visas, WTC accession, as well as EU-Russia's "Strategic Partnership" for the foreseable Future, and shortly before a June 21 visit in Paris of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to finalize bilateral issues (such as a High-Tech Ships' 2X2 deal, etc). .
- "Yes, yes. I was there (at Sarkozy's 1st Press Conference), and I heard it all", revealed the usually austere Lavrov, arboring an exceptionally large smile, in reply to "EuroFora"s question.

Surprisingly, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, came initially alone, to sit at a bloc of chairs on the Right side of "EuroFora" (who were earlier informed by Russian Officials on the Time and Place of Medvedev's G8 Press point), in front of the experienced Russian Ambassador to France, and former Chairman-in-office of the 1st Russian Presidency of CoE's Committee of Ministers, back in 2008 in Strasbourg, Alexander Orlov, already met anew in Paris, f.ex. in 2009, (See Orlov's replies to "EuroFora"s questions on French President Sarkozy's proposal for a "Common Space" to include EU and Russia, probably with EFTA, Turkey, etc, already published previously, at the eve of French Prime Minister Francois Fillon's visit to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin).
And, (by what could be an astonishing coincidence or a logical move), it's precisely to a Top former CoE Assembly's MEP, well known in Strasbourg and particularly by "EuroFora"s co-Founder, that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev anounced in Deauville that he decided, in the framework of an agreement with French President Sarkozy, to choose as his personal Envoy in order to try to "mediate" on the Libyan issue : Michael Margelov, the current Chairman of Russian Senate's Foreign affairs Committee, experienced former President of the PanEuropean CoE Assembly's EDG Group, (Comp. Margelov's statements to "EuroFora"s co-founder, given and published as early as since 2004 and 2005, already).

Margelov was generally considered, by mainstream CoE's Officials, as a potential, would-be President of its Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), already since 2005, according also to traditional agreements for a Rotation between Political Groups, but was, at the last minute, hindered to take over PACE's Chair, following a GeoPolitical Competitors' plot (mainly by a former "Socialist" UK Government+), which surprisingly violated CoE's established Principles and, after some manoeuvering, finally resulted into giving PACE's chair, for the 1st time in CoE's 65 Years of History, to a ...Turkish MEP (classic GeoPolitical competitor of Russia, whose mainly Asiatic State had exceptionally been given a PanEuropean CoE's controversial membership in the remote Past of former "Cold War" period, against the former USSR (mainly current Russia).

>>> - "The Partnership between Russia and France, Russia and Europe, will become much more Closer and Strengthened, in the Months and Years to come", clearly stressed French President Nicolas Sakozy, 2011 Chairman of G8/G20, "speaking", as a matter of "general" principle, at the conclusion of the Deauville G8 Heads of State/Governments' Summit, shortly before the forthcoming, June 9-10, EU - Russia Summit.

The move will go on and enlarge wider, "as long as Russia does its part in resolving the major international issues, as it is already doing", he explained.
- One of the concrete consequences is that "there is no reason for us to put off in any way addressing the Russia’s request to be part of the free market economy or to join the WTO", he observed. Even if "there are still a few problems to work out, nevertheless, ...regarding the objective, we are in favour of Russia being able to join the WTO", he declared.
+ Another one, is the conclusion of the agreement to sell 4 High-Tech "Mistral" French Ships to Russia, which is natural, now, after the end of the old Cold War Past era, (as US President Obama himself had recently observed at Lisbon's NATO Summit), "if we Friends, if we are Partners and if we are Allies" now with Russia, with doesn't really threaten to invade anyone else, and with which "we (EU) have everything to build together", as Sarkozy highlighted (See details infra).
Moves on LIBYA, (including "Mediation" envoy Margelov)

On the G8 Summit Declarations including Libya, Sarkozy was questioned in his concluding Press Conference, about the official text's main point, that "Qadhafi and the Libyan Government have Failed to fulfil their Responsibility to Protect the Libyan Population and ..lost all Legitimacy". Therefore, the controversial Colonel Qadhafi "has No future in a free, democratic Libya", and "he MUST GO".
- "But Gaddafi refuses to go. So what happens now?", the 1st Question raised to Sarkozy wondered from the outset.
- "We (i.e. all G8 Leaders) largely agree on this goal. The terms used with regard to Mr Gaddafi are particularly clear, and very tough, and they have been accepted by all the G8 member countries, including Russia. In addition, all of our African partners stand very much with us on the decisions regarding Libya", the French President observed.
- "So, Mr Gaddafi has a choice: Either he goes and stops a great deal of Libyan suffering, or he persists and pays the price himself".
- If he refuses, we shall have to "Step Up the Military Intervention to Protect the Populations, according to (UNO SC's) Resolution 1973", Sarkozy warned, (while Brittish and French Military HJigh-Tech Helicopters were reportedly arriving at the Libyan Coasts, ready to extend the original idea of Air-strikes against Offensive Army assets which could be used to attack the Libyan dissident populations, while still keeping away from putting any soldiers on any Libyan ground (Comp. previous "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the start : I.e. since the March 19 International Paris' Summit EU-USA/Canada-Arab Ligue-UNO).
G8 Summit's Declaration also "take(s) note of actions undertaken by UN Member States to implement fully UNSCRs 1970 and 1973", particularly "in regard" to "the immediate cessation of the use of Force against Civilians by the Libyan Regime forces".
The Deauville Summit's official text also "stress(es) the need to hold to account those Responsible for Attacks on Civilians" since the beginning of Popular protests. "These Criminal actions will Not go Unpunished", G8 Leaders stress, while also "welcom(ing) the work of the International Criminal Court in investigating (such) crimes".
+ "Recall(ing G8's) strong commitment to the ...Territorial Integrity and national Unity of Libya", G8's Leaders declare "committed to supporting a Political Transition that reflects the will of the Libyan People", and "welcome the Interim National Council's (the Benghazi'-based Leadership of the Popular uprising) "Road Map on Libya" as an important contribution to the transition process, which has to be Libyan-led", as they point out.
- However, for that purpose, the G8 Leaders "stress the central role of the (UNO's) Secretary-General's Envoy to Libya, Mr Al-Khatib, in facilitating an inclusive and lasting political solution, based on the legitimate demands of the Libyan people and taking into account the role of regional organisations, the League of Arab States and the African Union", while also "reiterat(ing) the central role of the UNO's Security Council, in accordance with the UN Charter", and "recognis(ing) the initiatives undertaken by the members of the Contact Group".

+ Meanwhile, Sarkozy had discussed from the outset Libya's issue with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, i.e. since their preliminary Bilateral meeting, as he already anounced yesterday (See "EuroFora"s previous NewsReport) :
- The French President expressed his "Gratitude" to Russian President Medvedev, for "a great Convergence of views" with a country that France considers as "a Strategic Partner and a Friend", as he stressed already yesterday (Comp. "EuroFora"s previous Publication). :
- First of all, for the "Abstention of Russia during the Vote of the Resolution 1973 at UNO's Security Council", "without which", the "No Fly Zone" Intervention in Libya" would have become "impossible", since, "if Russians had blocked, this might have incited also other partners" (f.ex. China, etc)... I.e., "to be honest and just, independently of any other eventual difference of appreciation that we might have had with the Russians, they allowed the adoption of that UNO Resolution" on Libya, Sarkozy reminded, adding that, in Deauville's Bilateral Talks, they "explained, in detail, what we want" :
- "UNO gave us a Mandate to Protect a Population, and that's what we are doing", added in 2 Press Conferences the 2011 G8/G20 President, (whose troops haven't yet even tried to touch on Libya's land, contrary to other, classical invasions/occupations, as, f.ex. that of Turkey's Army, which still occupies the northern part of Cyprus, etc).

- "It's not for us to Build the Future and Choose Libya's Future... It's for the Libyan People to decide how to Build their Future and to Prepare their Future". We defend Libyan People's "Freedom and the Right to Dream their Future", as he said. - "Our Idea is always to apply (UNO SC's) 1973 Resolution with one Aim : Obtain Peace and the Right to Democracy for Libyan" People, Sarkozy stressed.
- He didn't deny that "the intervention that we (the International Coalition EU/USA-Canada/Arab Ligue/UNO) have done might eventually raise questions,.. and (that) it wasn't an easy decision to engage our Soldiers".
- But, "if we hadn't intervened" at all, then, "Benghazi would have been erased from the Map, by the Deadly Madness of a Man (controversial Colonel Kadhafi) who had promissed an unprecedented Oppression". -"If we hadn't done so, it was just a question of Hours, (and) Benghazi is a city of more than 1 Million inhabitants : When we see what Mr. Kadhafi did to the Population of Misrata (a Bombarded and Emptied from its inhabitants, embattled City at Western Libya), everybody can imagine what was the Fate reserved to Benghazi's inhabitants", Sarkozy reminded...
=> - "The Solution is in Mr. Kadhafi's hands : If he asks his Soldiers to return back into their barracks, and announces, after 41 Years of Dictatorship, that he steps out, (then), from that moment, the Libyan People will find anew the Freedom and the Right to imagine their Future, including with Members of the Current Regime, on condition that they don't have Blood in their hands", Sarkozy said earlier to Medvedev.
- "Someone who sent Tanks and Military Aviation to strike even against disarmed and defenseless People, cannot remain in power, he added on the controversial Libyan Colonel Kadhafi. And "his Soldiers must return back into their Baracks, stopping to martyrize the People, including in Tripoli, where Snipers are on the roofs, while Meetings of more than 3 Persons are Prohibited, People are Afraid, Massacers go on", Sarkozy denounced.
- "I think that" the Russian President "Mr. Medvedev understood that the Error was committed by Mr. Kadhafi, and he clearly told us so", even if there is a traditional diplomacy" and a "concern on where this might lead", to which we replied that, "the real situation on the spot" is that "the Opposition's forces advance forward", (Headquartered in Benghazi, but active also on Libya's Western part).
>>> MARGELOV's MEDIATION on the Libyan issue :
* In Public Statements on Russia's "Mediation" in the Libyan issue, Sarkozy, after clarifying that this concerns the ways to realize in practice G-8 Summit's Declaration (See supra), warmly "Welcomed" President Medvedev's "force of Persuasion", which is generally needed also whenever UN SC Resolutions pass through, as it was already done with the 1973 Text on Libya, and concluded that "Russia is a Great Partner", both in this (Libyan) issue, as also in others, f.ex. Iran, etc, (as he had even said, earlier, on the UN Copenhagen 12/2009 Summit on Climate Change, where EU and Russia had also joined forces, together with other countries) :
- In particular, questioned by an Italian journalist "if there was" indeed "an idea for a Russian proposal to mediate on the Libyan issue", and "what he thinks" about it, the French President made a clear Distinction :
- "Concerning (Russia's) President Medvedev, words have meaning : - What does "Mediation" mean?", Sarkozy wondered. -"There is no possible mediation with Mr Gaddafi", himself, at least Not on the above-mentioned principle that "the Soldiers of Mr Gaddafi must return back to their barracks, and (that) Mr Gaddafi must go", he reiterated, according also to the 2011 G8 Summit's official Declaration (See supra).
- But, "we can discuss the Details of that (Gaddafi's) departure, with due Respect, in which Country,…", etc. - "All of that can certainly be discussed", he pointed out.
+ Earlier, Sarkozy had already observed that -"We (G8) are not saying that "Kadhafi must be Exiled", it's not our problem. We are (simply) saying that he must go, i.e. that he must quit Power". And "the Sooner he makes it, the Larger a Choice he will have". But, "the Later he does so, the more the Destinations will be reduced", he had warned, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReports for Yesterday).
- Thus, "If (Kadhafi) asks his Soldiers to return back into their barracks, and announces ...that he steps out, (then), from that moment, the Libyan People will find anew the Freedom ...to imagine their Future, including with Members of the Current Regime, on condition that they don't have Blood in their hands", proposed Sarkozy earlier to Medvedev, (See "EuroFora"s NewsReport for yesterday).
- In practice, "let's agree, first, on the Principle, before to agree on the Direction", Sarkozy replied to another journalist's question about if he has any suggestion on where Gaddafi should go.
-"It's for Mr Kadhafi to say that he Quits power, and, afterwards, all Discussion is possible", he characteristically added. - "That''s the 1st issue. Let his Soldiers return back to their Barracks.... That's the (real) issue. And afterwards we will deal with the Direction, the Airplane Ticket, and even the Class of the Airplane's seat", he had distinguished.
- "And as regards (the Russian President) Mr Medvedev (himself), why should we deprive ourselves from Persuasion powers, since, on Russia’s behalf, he agrees to condemn what's going on in Libya and to condemn Mister Gaddafi’s acts ? So, yes, we need President Medvedev’s help, and, already, this allowed us, at the UN Security Council, to pass Resolution 1973" (which allowed effective Action to protect Libyan People from attacks of Colonel Gaddafi regime's Military), Sarkozy observed. "So, yes, this (Russia's) Help is Welcome, on this issue as on others : (F.ex.) As it has been useful in all the matters that are still ongoing with Iran", etc. - "Russia is a great Partner", Sarkozy concluded.
+ Among the various practical issues that Margelov might, eventually,have to mediate, could be also, f.ex., "what Gaddafi can take with him, or what he should loose" , as Russian President Medvedev noted (See infra).
- Thus, questioned f.ex. by a journalst on the "complicated issue" of "considerable Libyan funds that have been Frozen throughout the world, ...as part of a UN decision", and whether he believed that they should be "unfreezed" in order "to help the (Libyan Opposition's) National Council, i.e. the Council in Benghazi, with all its implications of increased recognition of this same Council", Sarkozy stressed that his pesonal "opinion is that I would like everything to move faster because the National Transition Council needs resources".
- These Funds "are assets illegally held abroad by a number of Libyan personalities associated with those who are currently in power", while, "of course the National Transition Council needs money", he denounced.
- "But", unfreezing them for Benghazi's NTC, "raises legal problems because we are States based on the rule of law, and in such States the end doesn’t necessarily justify the means. That’s why it’s a bit difficult. It’s one of the problems" on which Diplomacy "has been actively working on most", since, in order to face CNT's needs, "that money which is blocked exists, but the proces (of selectively unfreezing it) isn’t moving swiftly enough", regretted Sarkozy.
- "UNO gave us a Mandate to Protect a Population, and that's what we are doing", added the 2011 G8/G20 President, (whose troops haven't yet even tried to touch on Libya's land, contrary to other, classical invasions/occupations, as, f.ex. that of Turkey's Army, which still occupies the northern part of Cyprus, etc).
Meanwhile, the French President, replying to another question, confirmed his intention to visit Libya, and in particular CNT at Benghazi, anouncing that he intends to do so together with the new Brittish Prime Minister David Cameroon, but only later-on, "when the time is right" for "a working trip (to) meet all those who want to build the Democratic Libya of Tomorrow", as he said.

- "Let him go wherever he wants to !". Russia "will not " take in Gaddafi, he anounced, "but (other) such Countries can be found", he noted.
- However, "if he (al-Gaddafi) takes this responsible decision for himself", this "would be Good for his Country and the Libyan People", the Russian President pointed out.
- Because the Procedure may count for the several practical Matters on which Margelov will have to Mediate : F.ex., in that case, "it would be possible to Discuss How this could be carried out, what Country might take him in, and on what Terms, what he could Save and what he should Lose", as he evoked. (See also supra).
- On this occasion, the Russian President revealed, "about Libya", that he "decided to send (his) special Representative to Africa, Mr Margelov, there" :

- The move aims "to better use our opportunities and existing Contacts, between Russia and Benghazi, on the one hand, and Tripoli, on the other", he initially explained.
- But, concluding his Press Conference, he made it clear, in reply to "a Question about Mr. Margelov" being "not sent to Tripoli, but to Benghazi", that the G8-backed Russian Mediator "should Go to Benghazi. With regards to Tripoli, the situation is more complicated", he noted.

- "In any case, I hope he (Margelov) will have the opportunity to Communicate with Both sides, namely the rebels, the New political forces (currently headquartered at Benghazzi), and the representatives of the Former leadership" (currently headquartered in Tripoli), making an obvious Distinction between "Going" and "Communicating"...
- As for the Future, he agreed with the well-known official position of the Benghazi-headquartered National Transition Council, as well as French President Sarkozy, that "Libya" should be "preserv(ed) ..as an independent, free, sovereign state, a state that does not fall apart or become lifeless, but one that will secure the interests of all citizens of Libya".
- A main point about the Russian "Mediation", Medvedev observed, is that "we have Contacts with Both Sides : ...Russia has not severed diplomatic relations with Libya and we remain in close contact". But also "Representatives of the Opposition Forces stationed in Benghazi have visited Russia", while "we have also held consultations with representatives of political forces in Tripoli, the political team which supports the current leader". Because Russia's "Consultations" already include "the Widest possible scope of Participants, involving those who are Dissatisfied with the situation and advocated Change in the political system from the start, as well as adherents of the existing System and Gaddafi’s supporters".
- "We have always advocated a Peaceful Solution to this Problem: through Negotiations", and "we are trying to combine our approaches and remove the causes for the escalation of violence, which, unfortunately, continues to this day. The sooner the Armed conflict Ends, the sooner the Military Operation ends, the Better it will be for Everyone who lives in Libya", Medvedev noted.
- That's why, after "suggesting" that "in the course of my Consultations with my Counterparts in the Group of Eight" most powerful Countries in the World, "in general, Everyone agreed that it would be Helpful", he revealed.

World Trade Organization, OECD, +
Questioned on the on-going "Conversations about Russia possibly joining the WTO", (which will be also discussed in a few Days by EU Parliament in Strasbourg, in view of a Report and Vote on the June 9-10 EU-Russia Summit : Comp. Supra), Sarkozy appeared mainly Upbeat :
- "We said that, regarding the objective, we are in Favour of Russia being able to join the WTO", even if "there are still a few isues to work out", the French President, and 2011 G8/G20 Chairman, declared.

- "As long as Russia gives its share for the Solution of Major International Issues, as it's really doing, there isn't any reason at all for us to delay, in one way or another, addressing Russia’s requests, as that on free market economy or of accession into the WTO", he stressed.
=> According to Deauville G8 Summit's official Declaration : - "Russia's Partners in the G8 Welcome the considerable Progress made by Russia to complete its Accession to WTO, and reaffirm their Commitments to working closely with Russia, with the intention to Finalise this process in 2011".
+ Meanwhile, marking another concrete step, Russia already ratified, earlier this week in Paris the Legal instrument for ist Accession to OECD's Convention for the fight against Corruption, which is generally consdered as a Door towards Full Membership, and this event was considered as important enough as to deserve to be the main concrete move Symbolically promoted at the same moment with the Official Ceremony for the Celebration of the International Economic Cooperation's Organization's 50th Anniversary, in the presence of USA Foreign Minister Hillary Clinton, together with the Japanese, Hungarian, Greek and other Prime Ministers, as well as many Economy/Finance Ministers from numerous other Countries all over the World,(Comp. "EuroFora"s earlier NewsReport from OECD's Headquarters).
- More "Generally speaking, the Partnership between Russia and France, Russia and Europe, is going to move much Closer, and become much Stronger in the Months and Years to come", Sarkozy positively predicted.
On "MISTRAL", Helicopter-Carrier, Control-Command, High-Tech Ships :
The French President made it clear that the final agreement on the sale of 4 "Mistral" High-Tech Helicopter-Carrier Ships from France to Russia, implementing a deal already brokered one Year ago, (See "EuroFora"'s relevant 2010 publication), had "no connection" with the 2011 issue of Libya, and shouldn't provoke any legitimate concerns to anyone else :
- "You don’t exchange a projection and command Ship (BPC : i.e. the "Mistral") with a Political position of a Huge country like Russia", which is "46 times bigger than France" and "has an area double that of the USA", he pointed out.
- "There is no hidden agreement; there is no need for that. Moreover, when we made the deal (in 2010), the Libyan crisis (of 2011) hadn’t begun" yet : ... I was at the Saint Nazaire Shipyards at the time and we weren’t yet engaged in Libya. So there is no connection between the two". And "when President Medvedev decided to abstain on (UN SC) Resolution 1973 (allowing action to protect Libyan People from attacks by the regime of Colonel Kadhafi), we hadn't yet finished our negotiation on the contracts".
+ In addition, "Russia is home to between 130 and 140 Millions Inhabitants and looses 600,000 to 700,000 people every year", while "Russia’s entire surface area (X 200% that of USA, which has more than, 300 Millions Inhabitants) is not inhabited". Thus, "presenting Russia as a country that would desire to invade its neighbours and as a threat to the EU is an extremely outdated and ..wrong way of seeing things !", Sarkozy criticized.
- "Second, Russia is a huge country with raw materials. Europe has a great deal of technology. We have everything to build together", he added.
- "Finally, the Berlin Wall has fallen, the Cold War is over”, Sarkozy stressed, revealing that this was clearly said when "we met with U.S. President (Obama) and the President of Russia (Medvedev) in Lisbon at the NATO Summit", recently. "If the EU's only enemy is Russia, frankly, the situation is very stable...", he ironized.
- "If we are Friends, if we are Partners and if we are Allies", with Russia today, "I really don’t see why we can’t have projects together", Sarkozy wondered. - "If the Russians are our Allies, why shouldn’t we sell them Ships? ... We’re either Friends or we aren’t".

- "You tell me that there was a very considerable transfer of Technology, a transfer of technology"'. But, "whenever we sell them something, All the Countries in the world ask for technology, whatever the area and whatever the country".... And, for "sure, if we hadn’t build the BPCs, other countries, including in Europe, would have been happy to build them, such as our Spanish friends", f.ex., he observed.
- "And you think that it’s with 4 projection and command Ships that they’re going to invade another country?", he wondered. "As for my many friends in Georgia, I think" that "they have made major progress on the issue of the 2008 (Peece) agreement. They are well aware that it’s because France was at EU's chairmanship (then) that Georgia is ...free from Russia today. The tanks had to be stopped 40 kilometres from Tbilisi. And ...President Medvedev kept his word", Sarkozy reminded, (Comp. "EuroFora"s short but timely 8/2008 NewsReport from Italy, at Brixen/Bressanone, close to where German Chancellor Merkel and Pope Benedict XVI were then, focusing on a Strong Moral Appeal by the Religious father to Political Leaders stop the War, just 1 Day before Sarkozy flies to Moscow and Tbilizi, seeking and succeding to stop the conflict at its most Crucial moment for Europe's Unity and World Peace)..
- Meanwhile, questioned yesterday on "whether there was an agreement on the Prices and the Technology transferts" concerning the 4 French "Mistral" Ships due to be bought by Russia, Sarkozy already revealed that "we have agreed on everything : Prices, Agenda, Technology transfert, Localisations,...", etc.
- "Wait for the Contacts to be signed... The only thing which remains to be known is the Moment that we'll sign the contract : Between today and, I think, June 21, (i.e.) the Date of (Russian) Prime Minister Poutine's venue in Paris. That's the Time Deadline", he anounced.
- "But", already, "we have agreed that the Negociation has finished.... Genegal Puga, my personal Head of (military) Staff, has just returned from Moscow, and I can tell you that everything has been settled, and will be (formally) anounced at that moment", he concluded.
* Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, speaking shortly afterwards to Journalists including "EuroFora" at Deauville, confirmed, indeed, that "we have reached Final Agreement, which President Sarkozy".

- Reiterating the practical points he had anounced earlier, he replied to a Question on whether "Russia will gain access to Western Military Technology, and (if) it could interfere with the development of Russian military technology in the construction of new ships", by repeating, word by word, simply that: - "Russia will purchase (from France) 2 Mistral-class Helicopter Carriers, and 2 more such Carriers will be built in our country in Cooperation with French Shipyards. All it means, is that Russia will have Modern New Ships we are interested in".
- " We have No Helicopter Carriers in our country, and we are interested in purchasing them. We held a Tender, (carefully repeated twice : NDLR), looked at who is building what, and eventually settled on the French Technology. It is Modern and Interesting, and we are ready to use it", clearly explained the Russian President.
+ "In fact, Nicolas Sarkozy rightly said .... that it reflects the New approaches ... between Russia and NATO Countries. I am very Pleased because this is a New Reality", Medvedev also observed (Comp. supra).
- "It does not mean that our (Russian-made) ships are bad, but we have to tackle all-round development of technology, including military technology"... "However, we must certainly work on improving our own Shipyards, and our Shipbuilding Technology. I believe such orders can only have a Positive effect on them, because our shipbuilders should not work in sterile conditions. They must have an Understanding of how such projects Evolve Today in other Countries. That is particularly true" in the case of "Mistral", "since 50% of this order will be fulfilled at Russian shipyards. So that's a Positive Step", he concluded in reply..
- Questioned "on Syria", and if he thinks that "the EU draft .. will pass" at UNO's SC, while "demonstrators are still killed in Syria", the French President clearly denounced an "Unacceptable situation", and a "Shocking attitude from the Authorities" of the Bashar Assad regime.
- Sarkozy also pointed at the G8 Summit's Final Declaration adopted today at Deauville, observing that "its wording is crystal-clear on the Condemnation (by all the G8) of the action of Syrian Authorities against peaceful demonstrators". "'This (Deauville, G8) Text was even more strengthened overnight, and our Russian Friends accepted and endorsed it. Who might imagine that what proved possible to say and write inside the G8 at Deauville might face a differend position inside the UN ?", he wondered.
Indeed, according to the 2011 G-8 Summit's official Declaration, the 8 most Powerful Countries in the World clearly "call on the Syrian Leadership to immediately Stop using Force and Intimidation against the Syrian People", because they are "appalled by the Deaths of many peaceful Protesters, as a result of the sweeping use of Violence in Syria, as well as by repeated and serious Violations of Human Rights".
Instead, Damas' Authorities should "engage in Dialogue and Fundamental Reforms in response to the Legitimate ... Demands of the Syrian People", particularly "for Freedom of Expression and universal rights and aspirations". the G8's Heads of State/Government stressed at Deauville's 2011 Summit, also calling for "the Release of all Political Prisoners in Syria", "convinced that only by implementing meaningful reforms will a Democratic Syria be able to play a positive role in the region" in the Future.
=> "Should the Syrian authorities not heed this call, we will consider Further Measures" vis a vis the Bashar Assad regime, the G8 Leaders warned.
Questioned about US President Obama's reported "message" to Syrian "President Bashar al-Assad", "in his speech to the Arab world, i.e. to say to him, “Either you ensure now a real Democratic Transition, or you quit power”, Sarkozy clearly agreed :
- Obama "has already said it, and he was Right to do so. I believe that (Foreign Minister) Alain Juppé and I have both already said it, but if you want me to say that we are following President Obama’s good example, listen, I have no problem with that", he replied.
=> Indeed, "France ...withdraws its trust, and denounces what needs to be denounced". Because, "unfortunately, I regret to say that Syrian leaders are making a Big Move Backwards !", he criticized.
- "We (France) have done everything in our power to bring Syria back into the concert of nations, everything", reminded Sarkozy, who had invited Assad to the 2008 Paris' Summit on the creation of the "Union for the Mediterranean", as well as bilaterally at Elysee Palace, (where Bashar Assad had curiously repeated calls for ... Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid !). - "We have discussed with them, we have spoken with them, we have tried to help them, we have tried to understand them. We have also been able to make progress in Lebanon on the basis of this entente", he reminded.
- But, "President Bashar al-Assad knew full well that France would do that, from the moment this Unacceptable democratic Regression occured".
- Pointing earlier to the Tragic developments currently going on at Turkey's Asiatic borders, Sarkozy observed that, "already, the question to Reinforce Sanctions against Syrian Leaders is raised, because the Violence abused in Syria against Demonstrators is Unacceptable", as he denounced, (See yesterday's "EuroFora's publication).
* Questioned by a journalist if "it's true that Russia is the only G8 country to oppose new sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad", Russian President Medvedev rather minimized the issue, by saying that "we discussed Syria, although it was Not the dominant or most important topic. It was Part of our consultations" in Deauville.
- Agreeing with all other G8 Countries on at least one Key Principle, Medvedev stressed that -"We (Russia) believe that President al-Assad must Change from words to action and introduce Truly Democratic Reforms in his country"... In particular, among others, he "must ... ensure the Opposition's Right to Vote, change the Electoral Law, and prevent Violence during the opposition's speeches".
- "Regarding Sanctions: it is important to remember that (already) there are currently Sanctions against (the) Syria(n Regime), which have been imposed by the USA and the EU". However, as a rule, the Outcome of sanctions is Not directly linked to their Number, and so for that reason, to speak frankly, No one has eagerly suggested imposing Sanctions overseen by the (UNO's) Security Council", he observed.
- "But Sanctions are Far from being the most Effective Method, especially as, say, the events in Libya have recently shown", the Russian President believed. That's why - "We (Russia) are Not advocates of Sanctions", at least as far as the Syrian regime is concerned for the time being, he reiterated.
- Nevertheless, "just 2 Days ago I spoke over the Phone with (Syrian) President Bashar al-Assad", and "I spoke about all these Things", Medvedev revealed, concerning the above mentioned Need for "Truly Democratic Reforms", "Opposition's Rights" and "preventing Violence", as he already said (Comp. Supra), apparently Warning that all that must convince Bashar al-Assad's regime to at least prevent more innocent Victims of Violence during the forthcoming Popular Demonstrations of this and the following Fridays/Saturdays, etc..
+ But, meanwhile, the most loud opposal to a UNO Draft Resolution criticizing brutal and deadly Human Rights' Violations in Syria against political dissidents, reportedly came from a .. Turkish representative of the OIC (International Islamic Conference, headquartered in Turkey), against a mainly EU Draft text which started to circulate at New York at the eve if the G8 Summit at Deauville (France). :
- Mr. "Ufuk Gokcen", "OIC's UN envoy", "has sent a letter ....complaining about the draft (UN) resolution" that "Germany, France, Britain and Portugal" have circulated ... to the 15-nation (UNO) council", mainstream Media as Reuters reported.
Turkey is, indeed, in silent but real Competition vis a vis Syria as candidates of possible Western powers-controlled Pipelines, (Syria being obviously much better placed for Iraq and/or Iran, etc. links to the Mediterranean, where EU Ships can take over), so that Ankara has an objective interest to keep Damas practically cut off from, and politically unreliable to the International Community...
But recent rumours about even Children being reportedly arrested, tortured and/or killled dring violent clashes between political dissidents and Syrian Security Forces have started to point at possibly grave responsibilities of the Bashar Assad's regime, from which several former Governing Party Baas' long-standing Members have already resigned protesting against Police and Army Brutalities, similar to that abused by Turkish Authorities for a long time against their own political dissidents...
(NDLR : DraftNews, as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more complete and accurate, Fnal Public version is due asap).
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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.
Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).
French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.

Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.
According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.
For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".