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Home arrow newsitems arrow Sarkozy-Merkel-Monti summit: Stability+Solidarity Political Synthesis for €urozone deep Integration

Sarkozy-Merkel-Monti summit: Stability+Solidarity Political Synthesis for €urozone deep Integration

Written by ACM
Thursday, 24 November 2011


*Strasbourg/Tripartite Summit France-Germany-Italy/Angelo Marcopolo/- The exceptional Tripartite Summit of the 3 Biggest €urozone Countries, revealed, today in Strasbourg, a Strong Will to resolutely advance towards the creation of a both Economic and Political core in EU's Eurozone, with important Changes, able to boost Financial Discipline and Solidarity, by much more Integration and Convergence, Sooner than expected, but without enslaving the move to ephemeral, sometimes superficial and/or speculative Markets' upside-downs, on the contrary decided to definitively rectify Errors committed in the Past by some of their predecessors so that Europe never again faces such crucial challenges, since the leaders appeared conscious of the fact that they are called to build something New and sustainable "for the Long-term", and of "Historic" importance, for which they took a Rendez-vous with the Public Opinion in the following days/weeks, apparently well-decided to give together "a New Dynamics in EU's Integration", (according to Monti's landmark reply to an "EuroFora" founder's question earlier at EU Parliament, at another occasion : Comp. : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/merkelsarkozymontitripartitesummitinstrasbourg.html )    


- "We are, all three of us, the 3 Biggest Economies of €uroZone, determined to work in the same direction in order to support €uro". A main "reason for this (Tripartite) Summit is to mark the Determination of the 3 Biggest €uroZone Economies, to do anything in order to support and guarantee €uro's sustainability", declared from the outset French President Nicolas Sarkozy.  


- Speaking to German chancellor Merkel, he stressed that, "in this complicated period, the Strength of our Alliance is an essential element for the Stability of Europe and of the €uro".

- "We are all three fully Aware of the Seriousness of the situation., and we consider the Same Remedies", Sarkozy revealed, but without going now into concrete details. -------------

"Traditionally, Italy was one of the European Integration's Motors, and it intends to be even more in this Stage, which is anounced as very problematic for all, and particularly for €urozone, but which is also a situation Full of Promisses", Mario Monti surprised his audience.


- "As you know, during its (Millenary) History, Europe has often reacted in a Positive way to Crisis", the new Italian Prime Minister reminded with ambitious optimism.

- "We had a very Intense dialogue between us three, we discussed Possible Solutions for the crisis in €urozone, we shared our concern and we expressed, all three, with a great Convergence of views, the importance that our 3 Countries attach to the Priority Aim of a Good Health for €urozone", Monti observed, (See also infra).
-- This "is an important discussion between the 3 Biggest Economies in €uroarea, here in Strasbourg", stressed from he outset German Chancellor Angie Merkel.

- "SInce it's a serious situation" (for everybody involved), "we must clearly confirm, all  of us three Biggest Economies of the area, that we Want to keep a stable and Strong €uro : Inside the International Community of Currencies, €uro must be respected", Merkel anounced firmly.

-  "It's not simple, because we've lost so much Trust. Confidence is something that we have to find anew and restore, both for our Countries and among us, by emmitting a Signal of Closer Cooperation inside €urozone in the Future", according to the German Chancellor.


+"POLITICAL" dimension in Future ?!
+ At any case, "it is Fundamental that €uro stands firm, (because) It's a fundamental element for the Economic and Political integration of Europe !", went on to add the experienced, twice EU Commisioner Monti.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - "€uro is also a Political project, and we are going to defend it with all our forces", agreed Merkel.

=> Thus, "we are also going to make Proposals for a closer Political cooperation, since the Political trust in Europe backtracked, and it's in order to re-build this confidence that we had a very Hamonious discussion, ...as the (French) President Sarkozy also said", she observed, pointing to Sarkozy, (whose personal commitment for a "Political" Europe is well known and expressed in a cystal-clear way, repeatedly, since at least 2007).
On Concrete Measures examined :
=> That's why, "during the forthcoming Days, France and Germany will make joint Proposals to Modify the EU Treaties, in order to (A) ameliorate €uroZone's Management, and to (B) have more Integration and Convergence of Economic Policies. We'll naturally inform Mario Monti, hoping that Italy would like to be associated to that", Sarkozy anounced from the outset.


"Indeed, France and Germany work on Proposals to Modify the EU Treaty, because (A) we must advance in the direction of a Fiscal Union, and we are here also in order to say that (B) we must further Coordinate Together our Policies, if we want to have a Single, Common and Stable Currency", the German Chancellor explained.

- "We also discussed today the fact that the Decisions taken (by €urozone) on October 26 must be fully applied : ReCapitalisation of Banks, Negotiations with Greece,  with the Banks, and the (EU) Directive for the Lever effect and for the FSF. So, Ministers of Finance in EuroGroup and EcoFin must take the required Decisions, and during the December (EU) Summit, the Italian Prime Minister will naturally be informed about the advancement of our work", Merkel briefly sumed up for the rest.

+ Nevertheless, speaking to Journalists in Strasbourg, including "EuroFora", the 3 Leaders didn't reveal now much about their main intentions, preferring to do it later-on, when they will feel really well prepared for such a Serious endeavour, even if they already gave some interesting indications allowing some intellectual hypothesis, (see infra)..

 - "Responsible Governments, .. try to do a Serious Work, to set up Policies, Strategies, and to keep on track, until we find anew the road to Growth, as the (German) Chancellor (Merkel) said, and of the Trust, as the (Italian) President (Monti) said", observed, indeed, Sarkozy.

- "And not to run to look, from one Minute to another, what some say, what others reply, Markets' variations, Market's vibrations", etc..


- Because, "we (responsible and serious Governments) have a Duty to Protect our Citizens, in the long-term, and not only at the end of a Day, or just during half an Hour, which comes and goes : A much more difficult job", he concluded.

The French President was also replying to a Journalist who claimed that a Rating Agency, Fitch, would have threatened France's excellent, AAA current rating : -  "Perhaps, some of our friends didn't get an accurate Translation of what Finch (Rating Agency) said. In that case, I'd be glad to offer a translation : - "Finch said : The France's AAA Rating (that even USA lost recently) has a "Stable Perspective".

- "Naturally, if the Crisis of Sovereign Debts in €uroZone continued to be aggravated, this could pose a Problem for Everybody, and not simply for France", as Sarkozy said just one Day after Financial Markets astonishingly started even to attack ... Germany's own Bonds'emmissions, the latest one remaining partly uncovered, as it was reported even from the Economically most Performant big Country in the World).. . And that's why we are, precisely, in the process of currently working on that", he reminded, noding towards the German Chancellor Merkel and their on-going cooperation to modify the (EU) Treaties, (comp. Supra).


Questions by journalists focused mainly on continuing debates about whether ECB should, or not, intervene in order to help some €uroZone Countries, and, if yes, under which conditions, as well as about the so-called "EuroBonds" or "Stability Bonds", as those recently proposed also by EU Commission, etc.

On both these points, Sarkozy didn't reveal the current state of Negotiations between France, Germany and others, confirming, simply, that it still goes on, even if they are approaching to conclude an agreement soon.

+ For the time being, "we indicated, all three of us, in a common Agreement, our trust to the ECB and to its leaders. And, all three of us, indicated that, in order to respect the independence of this essential Instritution, all should abstain from making any demands, positifs or negatifs", the French President declared from the start, as fas as speculations and recent debates about the role of €urozone's Central Bank, headquartered at nearby Frankfurt, is concerned.

- "It's a position that we adopted all together, which is adapted to the situation", and "has its Meaning", Sarkozy later underlined :

- "When we say that we Trust the ECB, and that we'll abstain from any Remark, positive or negative, this has a Meaning  : It's called a "Positive Compromise, where everyone tries to understand eachother's situation", he significantly said, evoking a Main Points that he had presented from the start among the outcomes of Strasbourg's Tripartite Summit, Germany - France - Italy, (See supra).

For the rest, the French President just stressed that, in view of the importance of what is at stake, serious and far-looking decisions have to be taken in order to definitively settle these issues :

- "in order to find an agreement, and, mainly, in order to arrive to  the conclusions of a very Serious Crisis, we doN't want to experience again this kind of events that Europe is currently facing !".  - "It's in this spirit that we are working", he simply indicated.  
But for the rest, he stayed rather Tight-lipped, at least for the moment, only revealing that some "Proposals have Advanced" :

-  As  "I told you ...we are working on some Proposals, which have advanced a lot, (and) that we'll present before Brussels' meeting of December 9. I've nothing more to add on ECB to what I said from the start, and on which there is an agreement between President Monti, Chancellor Merkel, and myself", French President Sarkozy replied.

"As for the Details of those proposals, well, when we'll present them, we'll give them to you", he promissed. "It wasn't the aim of this meeting, today", he explained. "Concerning the (EU) Treaty Modifications, it's a work on which we are working almost everyday together, our teams (of Experts), the (German) Chancellor and myself. It's practically all the days that we exchange views", he revealed carefully.


- "The French President is absolutely Right for what he said. He explained that the ECB is Independent....So, the eventual Modifications of the (EU)Treaty do not concern the ECB, which deals with Monetary Policy and the Monetary Stability. In the Modifications of the Treaty, as we'll show later-on, we are dealing with the Fiscal policy and, so, with a Deeper Cooperation on Political issues", the German Chancellor clarified.

- "So, it's a differend issue, on which there will be Proposals, but this has Nothing to do with the ECB", she said, replying a priori negatively to a Journalist's question whether ECB's role will be included among the desired EU Treaty Modifications on December 9.

- It's true that "f.ex., on Institutions such as the ECB, we (France and Germany) don't have the same History. It's a Reality. It's worthless to deny it", Sarkozy honestly admitted, But, we must try to understand, and find a Common Point", the French President wisely stressed.

"F.ex., Germany has a Tradition, a History, a Culture. France has another one. And we try to understand eachother, and Converge towards the Same Point. In order to find anew the Trust that €uroZone must  inspire" to People. And "we have now, thanks to President Monti, the Chance to have together with as (even) EU's 3rd Economy, in order to create the more Stable Pole" of all, Sarkozy pointed, realistically but positively, towards €urozone's huge Potential.


+ On another Journalist's Question, if Germany's current redusal of €uroBonds might change, or not, when Berlin would have obtained satisfaction as far as the EU Treaty Modifications are concerned (See supra), so that "a knd of Compromise" between these two issues might be made, Merkel initially refused such a deal as inadequate :

-  "No, it's not about giving something, and taking something else in exchange. When we have Weaknesses in the Construction of €uroZone, we must (all) try to overcome them"
- "And these weaknesses (on €uroZone) might be due, precisely, to the lack of a Political Deepening" of €urozone's integration, the German Chancellor pointed out.

- "So, my position, compared to yesterday (at the Bundestag), hasn't changed", she said.

+ "If we make certain steps towards a Fiscal Union, mainly to Strengthen the Stability and Growth Pact, this might be another Stage, but it isn't a precondition for me to change the position that I explained yesterday to the Bundestag. So, I think that we are far away from looking at all the Revenue and Expenditure Policies, in order to have them together : No, each country has its own Budget", Merkel concluded on that point.

+ "But we can make legally Accountable, in the Future, those who do not respect the Stability and Growth Pact, because we have experienced many Violations of the Stability and Growth Pact, even from the side of Germany, and there wasn't any way to lodge a Complaint, to impose a Sanction, so that Today we pay a Heavy Price", for some Errors of the Past. - "So, we must prevent such kind of situations from being repeated again" in the Future.

-"This has Nothing to do with my position on EuroBonds or EuroObligations. I don't think that the are necessary, (and) the preconditions are not yet there, so I don't change my position", she sharply distinguished, without going into details.

+ Later on, the German Chancellor added that, in her view, even if EU Commission's recent "Proposals for Budget Discipline.... are all Welcome", nevertheless, concerning "the Stability Bonds, or EuroBonds, whatever name one might give them, (they) will do just one thing : Rates' Difference would be probably Nivelled. And, in my opinion, this wouldn't be the right signal. Because we mustn't put between brackets the Rates' Differences, since they clearly indicate where we must act and/or contiue to act", she criticized.

- "So, we must win back Trust, in order to find anew the situation which existed before the Crisis : I.e. when the Rates were all the same for whatever Country in Europe, according to Markets' appreciation. To speak roughly, I don't think that it's the good solution. That's why I expressed that  position yesterday at the Bundestag", Merkel explained.

But, apparently, this wasn't her last word on this matter, since she later added something interesting after a relevant observation made, meanwhile by Monti :
+ However, new Italian Prime Minister, and twice EU Commissioner, Professor Mario Monti, replying later to a similar question, preferred to place it in another Context, from a somehow differend point of view, particularly on recurrent and limited on Time, Economic Production "Cycles"  :  

- "I think that this Question also raised a more General Issue, which goes for all the Economy of the World, and not only for the European Economy :

- "You ask me what might happen, whether we  might have a more Serious Recession than initially scheduled, (and) whether the Financial Aims should be revised in order to take into account the effects of the (production's) cycle".

- "It's a very well known Question, that the entire EU may raise to itself", Monti observed ! - "How could we adjust the Economic Policy Programs of European Countries by taking into account this (Economic) Cycle ?".

- "It's In this regard, that "you ask me my (current) position on EuroBonds or EuroObligations (See supra) :  

- "I want to underline what has been said by Mrs Merkel : We (€urozone Countries) must orientate ourselves towards a Fiscal Union, if we want to give a greater Stability to "€urozone". For that purpose, we must have reliant Mechanisms for the implementation of Rules that we'll adopt. In this framework, there is also the issue of Treaties' Modification, etc.", he reminded (See supra).

=>  But, what is important is that, according to Professor Monti's opinion, "In this context, ... there are several matters which can be un-dramatized  : F.ex., the "Stability Bonds", as EU Commission names them, could, indeed, bring a contribution, in the framework of a Fiscal Union", he declared.

- However, "we must be careful, because several things which coud be useful, wouldn't work if we [€urozone Countries) don't arrive into a REAL Fiscal Union", warned Monti, apparently suggesting that Merkel's wish for Fiscal convergence, Sanctions against violations of the Stability Pact, etc., advance deeply enough (comp. supra).

+ In this regard, Monti also chose to reply to an adjacent question on "Automatic Sanctions" against those who violate €urozone's Stability Pact, by expressing his ardent wish to establish such a Mechanism, in order to efficiently convince all Member States' Governments to respect the Rules, by placing them under a threat to be, otherwise, attacked by a complaint to EU's Court of Justice, (See other "EuroFora"s NewStory from this Trilateral Summit, attached hereby).

Nevertheless, Monti, who is also founder of the prestigious "Bruegel" Economic Think Tank in Brussels, (named after the Historic Flamish painters and created in 2005 after a Franco-German initiative), and President of the famous Bocconi University at Milan, and had made various statements to "EuroFora"s founder in the Past, when he was EU Commissioner initially for Market/Trade and afterwards of Competition, between 1994 and 2004, (i.e. with a precious 10 Years EU Commission experience), didn't explain further this apparently interesting point, through which a compromise might be eventually possible.
=> Reacting on this point made by Monti, who added an "Automaticity of Sanctions", German Chancellor Angie Merkel, observed that "we are not already there with the Stability and Growth Pact", as it currently stands, but "I think that we must work through a Modification of the (EU) Treaty, in order to achieve that".

- "Mario Monti was earlier (EU) Commissioner on Competition. And Competition (EU) Rules are much more strict than those of the Stability and Growth Pact. Everybody knows, that; concerning Competition you'd better keep the rules, otherwise there is a Complaint (to EU Court of Justice), without any "Mercy" in this case. When Monti was (EU) Commissioner, we had spoken about that, and it's something which applied also to Germany : We weren't always satisfied about the decisions taken by EU Commission on Competition, but we knew that we were going to most probably loose before the (EU) Court (of Justice), and  we immediately respected the Rules", she reminded.

>>> Therefore, in order to obtain a similar Mechanism of Sanctions also for violations of €urozone's Stability Pact, we "need a Group of (€urozone Member) Countries .... to work in that direction, first, with utmost Determination in order to reach that stage", probably "via such Treaty modifications", and/or in any other way legally possible, the German Chancellor concluded, while significantly leaving open, in that case, the related question about whether she might accept some kind of "EuroBonds" or ECB action, etc. in exchange.... (See infra and supra).
=> - "All such Proposals are part of an overall Synthesis : It isn't useful, it might even be dangerous, if someone proposes EuroBonds without speaking about Governance. Or, speak about Governance and Sanctions, without speaking about the other side. This is a coherent whole, that we shall present in the following Days, and it's this entire entity,  which will povide Trust", Sarkozy concluded, at this crucial point, by giving a Rendez-vous...


However, it's worth noting that Merkel, while clearly refusing any link between a scheduled EU Treaty Modification in order to strengthen Discipline for €urozone's Stability, from one side, and ECB's interventions, on the other side, on the contrary, even if she reiterated her refusal also for EuroBonds in exchange of EU Commission's welcome but limited Proposals to strengthen the Stability Pact, nevertheless, the German Chancellor, speaking in conclusion, didn't say anything at all on the possibility to establish, or not, some kind of link between €urozone Governance which could achieve "a Real Fiscal Union", (as Monti stressed), including even "Automaticity of Sanctions", etc. (See supra), and/or other Integration advances, eventually with an adequate formula close to EuroBonds or equivalent.

The fact that, unlike ECB's eventual role in exchange of more Discipline with the Treaty Modification measures currently drafted, and EU Commision's welcome but insufficient proposals to stregthen the Stability Pact, in exchange of EuroBonds, where she explicitly rejected it, on the contrary, here, Merkel didn't say anything of that sort, (See supra), apparentlly leaves an open window for on-going negotiations to find the horizon of a breakthrough.

Monti earlier, had carefully warned that f.ex. EuroBonds might even be dangerous, unless if, at the same time, €urozone succeeded to reach a kind of what he called as "Real Fiscal Union".

Sarkozy also, speaking at the very end of the Tripartite Summit's Press Conference conclusion, significantly focused into possibe linking the Discipline/Integration issues to some kind of more Financial solidarity or union between €urozone Member Countries in the context of an "overall Synthesis", where could be crafted a winning formula.

+ Moreover, an important point in practice obviously is the factor Time : Any formula requiring EU Treaty's Modification may take too much time in order to be concluded, ratifications included, while Financial Markets move fast. Moreover, it might not have the agreement of all 27 EU Countries, (even with a UK etc. opt-out, f.ex.).

Probably that's why both Sarkozy and Merkel, at differend moments, but during this same Strasbourg's Tripartite Summit between the 3 Biggest €uroZone Counties, apparently evoked an Alternative possibility for a Pioneer "Group" of €urozone Members to resolutely advance ahead towards considerably more Integration, including more Discipline and Solidarity :


=> F.ex. by starting to use Lisbon Treaty's potential for "Reinforced Cooperations" between a certain number of Countries, which have the practical advantage not to oblige to wait necessarily until a full modification of the Treaty might be concluded, at least for certain Urgent issues :

- "in order to Change, we must propose (certain) Modifications to the Treaties, so that eveybody (among the currently  17 €urozone Member States+) can be associated. But, "if there were any Refusals, then, we migh have anOther Strategy to (EU) Treaties' Modifications, which could, then, be, an InterGovernemental Treaty. We are working on that", Sarkozy revealed.

- Speaking later on the "automaticity of Sanctions" for serious violations of the "Stability and Growth Pact", Merkel also stressed that  : - "We (€urozone) are not already there ...

=> - "This needs a Group of Countries, which have a Common Currency, to work in that direction first, with utmost Determination, in order to reach that Stage via such modifications of the agreements", as she said, just before Sarkozy concludes the Press Conference by speaking about "an overall Synthesis" of Proposals due to be made Soon, (Comp. supra).

+ Franco-German support  to Mario Monti's ITALY :


+ Meanwhile, concerning in particular Italy itself, French President Nicolas Sarkozy stressed from the outset that "the 1st aim of this (Trilateral, Franco-Germano-Italian Summit of the 3 biggest €urozone Countries in Strasbourg) is to mark and underline our will to support and help the New Italian Government, chaired by President Mario Monti. Both France and Germany, we want to mark our Trust to the Italian Government", as he clearly said.

- "We (France and Germany) were happy to meet anew with Mario Monti, after having worked together some years ago, whom we fully trust in front of the important task that he assumed, and that we feel as a personal Friend", Sarkozy added.

- "For all of us it was, naturally, interesting to know, at first hand, what is the Agenda of the New Italian Government. Of course it's about Financial Stablisaton, but also about Structural Reforms, which, I'm convinced, will bring back Growth, that is necessary for Jobs and for fighting against Unemployment. President Monti has all our support for his work, which is not easy, and we thank him also for his invitation  to Rome", added German Chancellor Angie Merkel.

-  "We had very intensive discussions", where "I stressed Italy's interest for strict Financial Stabilisation in the shortest term, and I confirmed the aim of a balanced Budget for 2013. This must be made in a Sustainable way. I had also a profound and interesting Discussion with the Chancellor and the President. This also implies an Economic Growth, ensuring a good Sustainability of the (current) Budget's imbalances, a growth which mustn't be Inflationist, and that requires Structural Reforms. So, I presented to my two interlocutors the pathway of Reforms I intend to adopt, and I indicated the scheduled Dates for their realization, for which we (the New Italian Government) will associate all Political and Social partners, as we already started to do", the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti Monti revealed, (but without entering into concrete details yet).

+ "As you know, Italy (currently) has a considerable Budget Surplus, due to be almost + 5,7% in 2014", Monti surprised by revealing such a Positive, but widely ignored, interesting fact...

 - However, Italy has also to make great efforts in he Future, because of an important Public Debt, which is a "Heritage of the Past", he denounced.

- "There are Targets which have been fixed for each (€urozone Member) Country. In the case of Italy, it's about returning back to a Budgetary Equilibrium on 2013". Thus, "in order for that aim to Return to a balanced Budget on 2014 not to be droped", "Italy has to determine certain Ambitious Targets", Monti confirmed.


Finally, to put it in a nutshell, in €uroZone, the problem is not the "€uro" itself, but the .. "Zone" !

I.e., if we had more of a well-integrated Down-Town residential, administrative and/or business sector, with well-designed public areas, and a coherent, overall structure, able to bring real Cohesion to inhabitants etc., instead of a lot of neglected and/or more or less isolated, sometimes chaotic or turbulant suburbs, with some kind of "Ghettos" often dangerously abandoned even to foreign interferences, manipulation, pressures, etc., then, €urozone's great potential could be really developed !.. 


Anyway, it's a fact that this exceptional Tripartite Summit of the 3 Biggest €urozone Countries attracted much more Journalists, particularly among those regularly following EU issues, than the organizers had initially thought, so that even Strasbourg Opera's superbe 3rd Floor reception room appeared too "small" for the event..

Was it, perhaps, for such reasons, related to €urozone's potential, that Journalists, including "EuroFora", were surprised to hear German chancellor Angie Merkel to denounce to Sarkozy a kind of technical Sabotage of her Airplane to Strasbourg because something or someone had "broken" its machine at a Berlin's maintenance hangar ?... - "We sat and waited, but nothing happened, until someone found that the Plane's machine had been broken, and had to be repaired in order to work well, she was heard to (symbolically) explain...


A busy-looking Sarkozy had arrived a little-bit earlier than scheduled, welcomed Monti, and patiently waited for Merkel, who succeeded to overcome that unprecedented incident  just a few minutes later.

However, the Joint Tripartite session, with a working Lunch, etc, took longer than expected, postponing the meeting with Journalists, including "EuroFora", for quite later in the afternoon. 



(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors earlier. A complete and more accurate, Final Version, could follow asap. + See also another "EuroFora" NewsReport from that event, regarding a more Specific but Topical issue).




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     La Turquie, test-clé d'Independance de l'Europe face aux USA, les aménant de chercher en commun des nouvelles idées pour se mettre d'accord ?  

 Le débat, amical mais clair, entre les Présidents Américain et Français, Obama et Sarkozy,  la veille des elections européennes du 7 juin 2009, a montré que la question controversée sur la démande de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'Europe est actuellement le point central et le test le plus pertinent de l' indépendance de la France et de l'Europe par rapport aux Etats Unis.   

 Les electeurs européens, aussi bien en France qu'ailleurs en l'UE, auront une seule chance à trancher, ce dimanche 7 juin 2009, en choisisant leurs eurodéputés pour la période 2009 - 2014, car après ca risque d'être trop tard, vu que tous ceux qui suivent les affaires européennes dépuis des décennies savent qu'en réalité, le moment des décisions sur la Turquie viendra au plus tard en 2013, date rétenue dépuis longtemps pour une importante révision des "Perspectives Financières" de l'UE qui reflètent des choix Politiques fondamentaux.

    Le Président français, (récement encore représentant de l'UE, dans laquelle il joue un rôle important, ensemble avec la chancelière allemande Merkel, et autres leaders européens, ayant une influence notable auprès des Citoyens Européens, comme les derniers sondages montrent), réagissant à la repétition, par le nouveau Président Américain de la vieille position traditionelle de l'Washington poushant toujours vers la démande de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'Europe :

     - "Je ne peut pas laisser détruire l'Europe, (qui) est un élément de stabilisation du Monde", réponda Sarkozy. "J'ai dit au Président Obama que pour moi il était très important que l’Europe ait des Frontières", a-t-il souligné, confirmant la position Franco-Allemande commune, récemment rappellée ensemble avec la Chancellière Merkel.

    - "Il y a une différence (entre France/EU et les USA)...  sur les modalités. La position traditionnelle des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, c’est l’intégration" de la Turquie au sein de l'UE. "C’était la position du Président Bush, du Président Clinton, de tous les présidents américains".     

- "La mienne vous la connaissez : Ce n’est pas l’intégration dans l’Union Européenne. Mais j’ai proposé que nous réfléchissions, l’Europe, la Russie, la Turquie à la création d’un Espace Economique et de Sécurité en commun", a ajout Sarkozy rappelant son invitation de créer quelque chose de neuf et mieux adapté.

    Mais, "cela ne veut pas dire qu’il faut repousser la Turquie dans les ténèbres. La Turquie est un allié dans l’OTAN, (et) une Passerelle entre 2 Mondes, voilà quelle est la meilleure modalité. C’est cela dont nous avons parlé", revela-t-il. Si "nous avons une Différence sur les Modalités, nous n’avons pas une différence sur l’Objectif : Faire de la Turquie un élément de Pont entre l’Orient et l’Occident", Sarkozy assura Obama.

    - "Laissez-nous au moins une légère divergence sur un sujet, cela vous permettra de bien réfléchir pour les prochaines échéances", ajouta Sarkozy en réponse à un journaliste de l'opposition Socialiste qui avait soulevé la question de la Turquie, en la melant (comme un lobby turc notoirement essaie de faire pour exploiter la manipulation de quelques Arabes, la Civilisation Historique desquels fût pourtant detruite par l'ex-empire Ottoman-Turc) avec une question tout à fait différente : celle de la voile islamique (!), avec laquelle elle n'a rien à voir.

    - "Sur la Turquie, Monsieur, vous appartenez à un journal ...qui a appelé à voter, au moment de la présidentielle, pour mon adversaire.... Quel était votre argument à ce moment-là ? Vous disiez : « Attention, Nicolas Sarkozy va trop s’aligner sur les Etats-Unis d’Amérique », et je vois que deux ans après vous dites : « Ah, il y a un sujet sur lequel le Président Obama et le Président Sarkozy ne sont pas d’accord » Cela devrait vous rassurer, Monsieur" , réponda-t-il, en faisant sourire même le président américain, (et laissant entendre que trancher définitivemen la controverse sur la Turquie pourrait être au coeur de l' Elections Présidentielle  en France pour 2012 )
    - "Ce que les Etats-Unis peuvent faire, c’est encourager ....TOUT PROCESSUS qui permettra à la Turquie d’être convaincue qu’elle a des amis, que ce soit la France, les Etats-Unis ou l’Europe", réponda Obama, apparamment n'excluant pas, a priori, le point de Sarkozy sur la création d'un espace commun d' économie et sécurité entre l' UE, la Turquie et la Russie (v. supra).

    "Les Etats-Unis ne sont pas membres de l’Union Européenne, nous ne pouvons pas dicter si un pays quelconque adhère ou n’adhère pas à l’UE"; Obama a admis, parlant de la "Turquie, (sur laquelle) le Président Sarkozy et moi nous sommes entretenus sur ce dossier avant".  "Maintenant le Président Sarkozy représente un Etat membre de l’Union Européenne et il a une position différente", opposée à démande turque d' entrée dans l'UE.    

 "La Turquie par contre est un allié de l’OTAN très important. ...La Turquie a fait connaître son intérêt à une intégration croissante avec l’Europe et nous (USA) encourageons cette attitude. J’ai souvent dit que l’adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union européenne serait importante".     

"Mais, (en tout cas) je crois qu’il est important de noter que le Président Sarkozy appuie fortement le travail que la Turquie fait au sein de l’OTAN et je crois qu’il s’intéresse à une intégration économique plus intense avec la Turquie". (Ce qui pourrait se faire, justement, avec un "parténariat privilegié" adéquat et/ou l'idée de créer un espace commun EU - Turquie - Russie  : V. supra).     


Est-ce que l'effort du Président de la France, soutenu par la chancelière Allemande et l'opinion publique de la plupart des Citoyens Européens la-dessus, de trouver un accord entre l' Europe et l' Amérique sur la Turquie, en proposant de sortir des chemins battus et créer du neuf, en etablissant "un Espace Commun d' Economie et Sécurité" (v. supra), suffira de calmer un lobby traditionaliste à quelques bureaucrates de Washington DC, datant dès l'époque de l' ex-"Guerre Froide", beaucoup plus ancien que le nouveau Président vénu de l' oxygen des "grands lacs" près de Quebec du Canada : Chicago, connu comme "la ville du vent" nouveau ?
Le Prémier Ministre Fillon appele à "faire vivre le Rève Européen"


 Seul l'avenir le dira. Mais, entre-temps, l' Europe ne peut plus attendre et perdre encore plus du temps et d'energie vitale sur la démande controversée de la Turquie, qui a notoirement menacé d'arrêter l'édification européenne dépuis 1999-2005 :

    Comme le Premier Ministre François Fillon a clairement dit, un peu plus tôt cette semaine, dans un discours éloquent sur les enjeux de l' Election Européenne de ce juin 2009 (V. résumé envoyé aux adhérents d'"EuroFora"),


    - "S' abstentir, c'est laisser à la Technocratie le pouvoir de dominer" la vie des Citoyens européens, qui devraient prendre l' Europe en branle le corps", et commencer d'agir par toutes les voies politiques démocratiques, prennant conscience que "l' Europe c'est Nous, (i.e. les Citoyens), et "Pas eux !" (i.e. les Technocrates), selon une image symbolique.

    - "Je me souviens de l' Europe obligée de faire Silence, (au Passé), quand "les Grands" décidaient de son sort", rappela Fillon.  "Je me souviens de l'Europe divisée, de l' Europe dominée" par d'autres, '"de l'Europe appauvrie""Je me souviens de Berlin occupé, muré, divisé comme un butin qu'on tire aux dès. Je me souviens du Silence de Varsovie. Je me souviens du Silence de Prague"..   

 - "Nous, les Européens, nous avons bien failli sortir de l' Histoire, et dévenir, pour du bon, les dès d'un jeu joué par d'autres".     

- "C'est pourquoi je ne peux pas concevoir une Europe qui ne serait pas Souveraine, une Europe qui ne serait pas Maitresse d'êlle-même", aujourd'hui et démain, martella-t-il. "Le Monde s'est habitué trop longtemps à une Europe faible, que l'on pouvait traiter avec condescendence".  

 - "Le moment est venu de rélever le défi : Le moment est vénu de montrer que, nous les Européens, avons décidé d'être débout, et d"être nous-mêmes".     

"Dépuis 2 ans (i.e. dès les Elections Présidentielles de 2007), avec Nicolas Sarkozy, nous avons oeuvrer pour relever notre Identité Nationale (de la France), dont nous sommes fiers. Et bien, l'' Identité Européenne mérite tout autant, elle qui prolonge les Génies de nos Nations".


    - "Je crois à la présence d'une Civilisation Européenne", déclara Fillon, largement applaudi par des milliers de personnes ayant entendu une série des Musiques entremelées characteristiques de differents pays européens, et des images lumineuses géantes avec des extraits symboliques de Goethe, de Victor Hugo, de Shakespeare, et d'autres auteurs italiens, espagnols etc celebres à travers l'histoire.

    - "L' Humanisme, la tolerance, la Liberté de la Conscience. La Solidarité. L' Etat de Droit. La confiance placée dans la Science, l' Innovation, le progrès. Toutes ces Valeurs, elles disent clairement où commence et où s'épanuit cette Europe" que nous voulons, observa-t-il.

    En harmonie avec les positions soutenues par le Président du Parlement Européen, eurodéputé allemand, Hans Gert Poettering, et la Chancelière allemande, Angie Merkel, sur la "Dignité Humaine" au coeur des "Valeurs de l' Europe" moderne. Ce qui fait qu'" avec un Elargissement sans fin", même vers la Turquie, c.a.d. "sans Frontières, l' Europe Politique, l' Europe des Valeurs et l' Identité européenne" ne peuvent pas exister, comme a dit aussi le Président francais, Nicolas Sarkozy, recemment à Berlin.

    Fait important : Cette observation de Fillon a été faite le jour-même que le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe à Strasbourg concluait une semaine de réunion semestrielle sur les Droits de l'Homme, qui a examiné un grand nombre d'affaires des pires Violations (pex. Tuéries scandaleusement non elucidées, Persecutions et privations arbitraires de Liberté, personnes portées "Disparues", Tortures et "traitements inhumains et degradants", Usurpations illégales des Maisons et Patrimoines privées de Réfugiés, etc., pour lesquelles la Cour Européenne a condamné la Turquie dans plusieurs jugements, dont on attend toujours l' application)...

    - "C'est pourquoi un Elargissement sans fin de l' Europe ne peu pas être un objectif en soi. Parce qu'il ne peut que diluer l' élan européen, et detruire l' Idéntité Européenne"

    -" Voilà pourquoi nous disons, très sereinement, que nous ne sommes pas favorables à l' adhésion de la Turquie dans l'UE", conclua le Premier Ministre de la France; largement applaudi par des gens qui soulevaient le drapeau européen.


       "Ce n'est pas un Slogan de meetings. Ce n'est pas la marque une "Hostilité" au régard de cette grande Nation (i.e. la Turquie), qui doit être étroitement associée à l' UE", pex. par un partenariat priviliegié, ou une autre formule adaptée.

    - "Mais il lui faut des Frontères à l' Europe, il lui faut des Frontières stables, qui lui permettent de renforcer son Unité et son Identité", a-t-il expliqué.

    - "Alors, c'est au nom de cette Europe charnelle, que je m'engage avec vous. Mais, cette Europe-là, ne peut avancer qu' à une seule Condition : celle de l' Europe Politique".

    "Nous avons longtemps douté qu'elle soit possible : Aux années 1970, Henri Kissinger (le notoire ex- Secretaire d'Etat Américain aux affaires etrangères, consideré, à tort ou à raison, comme chef d'orchestre du renversement du Président Allende en Chili, de l' invasion militaire de la Turquie à Chypre, etc), disait, avec une ironie blaissante : - "Ah, l' Europe ? : Quel numero de Télephone ?..." Pendant les 6 mois de la présidence française de l'UE, (7-12/2008), Henri Kissinger n'aurait aucune difficulté de rejoindre l' Europe !", observa-t-il en suscitant des nouveaux applaudissements nourris.


    "J'au vu l' Europe Politique se dresser, et prendre ses responsabilités : L' Europe Politique c'est celle qui agit sans délai, et avant les Etats-Unis, pour stopper des faillites Bancaires qui s'enchaînent, qui nous auraint plongés dans une Depression pire que celles des années 1929. L' Europe Politique est celle qui, maintenant, doit mettre un fin à un Capitalisme Financier, qui a perdu sa boussole. L' Europe Politique est celle qui a réussi d'etablir le règles les plus ambitieuses au Monde dans la lutte contre le rechaufement Climatique. Samedi, nous celebrons l' anniversaire du debarquement de la Normandie, où nos amis Américains ont pris une part décisive à nôtre libération. Mais, en décembre 2009, à la Conference (Mondialle) de Copenhague, c'est nous les Européens, qui allons leur montrer le chemin vers cet avénir commun" pour la sauvegarde de l'Environement naturel. L' Europe Politique c'est celle qui, en août 2008, lorsque la Guerre faisait rase entre la Russie et la Géorgie, s'est interposée pour imposer la Paix. Et c'est elle qui doit, maintenant, se doter des moyens Militaires de se défendre par elle-même, pour elle-même", ajouta-t-il en évoquant clairement la création d'une Défense Européenn Autonome.


    "L' Europe Politique c'est celle qui doit bâtir des grands champions Industriels Européens, comme nous avons fait, auparavant, pour (l'avion) Airbus ou (la fusée) Ariadne. C'est celle qui doit exiger la Reciprocité dans les rlations Commerciale avec nos grands partenaires", sans Dumping Social ou Environmental, ni autre Concurrence Deloyale. "C'est celle qui doit se doter comme objectif d'être "le Continent de l'Esprit", réunissant les plus grandes Universités du Monde, en multipliant les Connexions, entre Scientifiques et étudiants."

    "Nous respecterons nos engagements, jusqu'au dernier", souligna le Premier Ministre de la France, peu après que les candidats-eurodéputés de la coalition Gouvernementale (UMP : Mouvement pour la Majorité Présidentielle) ont signé solennement, devant plusieurs milliers des Citoyens, une spectaculaire pancarte-géante avec "7 engagements" pour les Elections Européennes du 7 juin, auxquels figure aussi l'engagement de "s'opposer à l' adhésion de la Turquie dans l'UE".

     - "Parcque ce respet des engagements est une exigence si nous voulons rétablir la Confiance entre les Responsables Politiques et les Citoyens", conclua Fillon, la veille de ces Elections Européennes de juin 2009, après les Abstentions Majoritaires de 1999 et 2004, suivies de 3 "NON" à 3 Euro-Réferenda dépuis 2005, (dates auxquelles, quelques gouvernements du Passé, avaient donné le statut d'un "Candidat" et commencé des "Négotiationa d'adhésion" avec la Turquie, suivies d'un blocage sans précedent de l' édification européenne)..


"Nore Europe n'est pas n' importe quelle Europe : L' UE Technocratique n'est pas la nôtre. ... L' UE sans Frontières n'est pas la notre. L' UE desincarnée n'est pas la notre". "Nous portons une idée de l'Europe" qui "n'est pas celle des Statistiques et des Bureaux(crates). L'Europe ce n'est pas qu'une Monnaie. Ce n'est pas qu'un Marché. économique".

- "L' Europe c'est d'abord une Culture. L'Europe c'est une Histoire", a-t-il dit, largement applaudi.


       "L'Europe c'est une rencontre entre des Nations qui sont Millénaires et qui sont Brillantes. L'Europe c'est Paris. C''est Madrid. C'est Prague. C'est Londres. C'est Rome. C'est Varsovie. C'est Berlin. C'est Vienne. C'est Athènes : Quant on énonce ces Villes, alors on "sent" nos Héritages et nos Cultures entremelées qui circulent dans nos veines".

    - "Je suis Européen, parcque profondément Français, je sais ce que je dois aux influences de l' Atlantique et de la Méditerannée. J'aime ces Traditions qui offrent à chacun des nos Nations leur éclat. .. J'aime ses saveurs, ses paysages divers. Ils sont également miens, ou, plus précisement, je suis également fait d'eux. Je suis Européen, car, Français, j'aime l' Europe ouverte vers l' Amérique, vers l'Orient, vers l' Maghreb. J'aime les quais de Vénise, ceux d'Amsterdam. J'aime les quais de Thamise où sont vénues pendant des siècles s'amasser les richesses et les nouveautés du Monde. J'aime l' Europe curieuse. L'Europe qui rêve des lointains : L' Europe de Vasco de Gama, de Magelan. de Bougainville, de Charcot, de Monot... Cette Europe qui, aujourd'hui, s'élance vers l' Espace. Je suis Européen parce que Français, j'aime l' Europe qui prospère et qui invente. J'aime l' Europe des Trains à Grande Vitesse. J'aime l'Europe des Satellites et des Fusées. L'Europe de la Mode et des Atéliers d' Artistes. L'Europe des Grands Laboratoires, des Ingéniers. des Entrepreneurs, des Grands Architèctes, des Traditions Ouvrières. Comme rançais, j'aime l' Europe qui dit "NON" à la Tyrannie et qui se soulève à l'appel de la Liberté", a-t-il dit en

"Je me sens lié à ces femmes et ces hommes sans nom, qui ont levé la tête, et qui ont sécoué le joug sous lequel .. on les avait fait pliér", dit-il en évoquant pex.. la Révolution Française de 1789, le Siècle des Lumières, l'appel du Général de Gaulle contre l'Occupation NAZI, et les pires heures obscures qu'un  "Fascisme" ou "Communisme" devoyés, suivies de la Guerre Froide avaient plongé l'Europe au Passé.

"Ils sont des millions, ces Héros Anonymes de notre temps, que nous croisons sans le savoir dans nos rues et nos places. Et je ne peux pas concevoir l'Europe sans eux, et sans tous ceux qui poursuivent leur combat contre l'arbitraire et le fanatisme", ajouta Fillon. Faisant pex. rappeler un récent Film allémand, primé au Festival de Vénise, qui décrivait la vie d'un cadre à l'époque d'un régime oppressif, qui avait été chargé d'espioner la vie privée et familiale d'un couple soupçonné d'être dissidents politiques, mais, ému par leur honnêteté humaine et leur sacrifice pour sauver d'autres, a preferé risquer sa place et sa propre liberté pour les sauver, sans même qu'ils le sachent, condamné dépuis à faire un bas boulot d'anonyme perdu dans la foule..

"Quand je vois l'Europe moderne, je vois les résultats de l' Audace de ces hommes qui ont brisé les traditions de conflit et de violence. Je vois des nations soudées autour d'une monnaie unique et protectrice. Je vois 27 jeunesses appelées de grandir ensemble, sans défiance. Je vois 27 peoples unis, qui nous interdisent de jouer les blazés ou les indifférents".

Jettant "un régard lucide sur les errements de la construction européenne", Fillon a observé que "l' Europe n'a pas bésoin d'être idélisée pour être ce qu'elle est ; Cad. une aventure humaine, avec ses faiblesses et ses forces".

"Vous voulez que l' Europe agisse ? Fixez-lui des objectifs clairs. Vous voulez la Démocratie ? Agissez en Citoyens. Vous rédoutez la prétendue Bureaucratie des Bruxelles ? Alors renforcez, par votre Vote, les instances élues au Parlement Européen" qui sont chargés de la contrôler.

- "Si nous voulons faire vivre "le Rêve Européen", .. alors nous avons tous le dévoir de l' engagement", a-t-il conclu, appelant de "engager pour le drapeau tricolore et le drapeau étoilé, car ils symbolisent tous les deux la fierté de nôtre nation et la force de nôtre union".




2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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