Sarkozy (+ MEPs) on Franco-German axis and Civic Protection including from Extreme Weather Events

*Metz/Angelo Marcopolo/- The inauguration of a High-Tech Security Center extended from Defense and Police up to Fire-Fighting and Civic Protection from Extreme Weather Events, (such as Storms, Heatwaves, Floods, Earthquakes, etc, on which a New Draft Resolution has just been lodged at EU Parliament for 2012 : See infra), at the Strategic pole of Metz, responsible for the protection of France's Nord-Eastern area including also Strasbourg with EU Parliament, CoE, ECHR, EUROCORPS and Shengen's headquarters, but also surrounded by almost 4 Countries and mainly close to Neighbouring Germany, gave to French President Nicolas Sarkozy an opportunity to start the 1st Day of the New Year 2012 with a vibrant call to safeguard and boost the "fundamentaly important" "Franco-German axis", as well as to welcome the recent, and still on-going development and coordination of manifold, Permanent, Security and Civic Protection activities, spreading from Fighting Organized Crime up to Head and/or Food Urgencies to the Poorest People by Humanitarian Organizations, supported by an EU Program recently extended for 2 more years up to 2014 (year of next EU Elections) :
- "In this (New) Europe that we must Build", (See other "EuroFora's" NewsReport also from Metz, herewith), Europeans have to overcome "differences of Culture and views", (ways to understand things, understandings), Sarkozy stressed from the outset.
- "Here, I want to say how much, the Axis formed by France and Germany, is of Fundamental Importance". Let's become Ambassadors of the need for that (Franco-German) entente".

+ "And it's of fundamental importance for anyone to behave in a Responsible manner, when he speaks about our Neighbours, our Allies and our Friends", Sarkozy went on to add, making an indirect but clear Criticism to French Socialist candidate, Hollande, who had recently accused the German Government on EU Economic Policy : See previous "EuroFora" NewsReport)
- "If there is a Region where I can say that without any risk to be misunderstood, whatever might be your political sensitivity (orientation), it's here". Because, -"you, here, in Lorraine, where your fathers and grand-fathers have suffered a lot, so that we can't accept that anyone might compromise (mettre en cause : contest) that".
-"It's a Heritage, Peace and Friendship with Germany", "that generations gave us. Your parens and grand-fathers, and, at that period (era), never mind who was from the Left of the Right (political) side. "All Presidents of the Republc, all Governments, have worked for this Entente, for this gathering", he reminded.
"There are Politics, and, afterwards, there is also France and its Superior interests. Peace, etc. I.e. makes today so wonderful to live in this Region, in this City", the French President concluded.
=> "Let's make what is necessary so that nobody can affect it", he urged.
Speaking earlier on the need also to physically Protect the City of Metz, at the center coreé of the Franco-German borders, where are located the Heaquarters for the overall Defense and Security of the North-Eastern Region of France, including nearby Strasbourg, (headquarters of the CoE, ECHR, EU Parliament, EUROCORPS, Shengen system, etc), the French President saluted the work of those Agents who are working 24/24 and 7/7, even during Saint Sylvester's Night, on Defense and Security issues, spreading from Criminal Police up to Fire-Fighting, Health and Civic Protection from Extreme Weather Events, etc.,Sarkozy stressed that they "incarnate the State which cares, the State which protects, the State which, by guaranteing Safety, ensures the framework of our Liberties".

- People must "know that, in case ...of unpredictable Meteorologic Phenomenon", as well as of other "Crisis, or Security breach", you all, Public Services staff, civil servants or workers of big public corporations in Transports and Energy, you'd be ready to serve them, any day of the year, in whatever circumstances"; the French President stressed.
- Saluting, "among" them, "at first, the representatives of the Zonal Operational Pole of Infomation and Coordination (ZOPIC) of Metz", that he just inaugurated, and which is responsible also for Security and Defense of the entire Nord-Est Zone, including also Strasbourg, (with EU Parliament's, CoE's, ECHR's,EUROCORPS' and Shengen system's main buildings, etc), Sarkozy observed that "it reflects efforts made since 4 Years in Security issues" :
=> Because "Metz's ZOPIC illustrates a New Cooperation between services in the domain of Security and Civic protection", extending further the logic behind the Reform which "rapproached Policemen and Gendarmes", and "is directed by a Prefect delegated to Security and Defense, Richard Vignon, that I've just appointed", who "is, for the 1st time, a Colonel of Fire-Fighters" :
- "Fire-Fighters lead with efficiency, devotion and Courage, sometimes (even) by risking their Lives, this comitment in the service" of the People, stressed Sarkozy, "paying hommage to 11 Fire-Fighters killed on duty during last year and ensuring their Families of all our Solidarity", as he said speaking of the Corps which became World-famous by its sacrifices particularly since 9/11 deadly terrorist attacks against simple People in New York, but also during recently multiplied Fires mainly at the Mediterranean, (where last week's revelations by a former Turkish Prime Minister about Turkish secret agents acting already in the Past to destroy Greek Forests, in addition to trigger a Mediatic and Diplomatic upheaval starting to raise Questions inside EU Parliament addressed to EU Commission, EU Council, etc., highlighted, at any case, the timely parallel made in Metz between Civic Protection, Security and Defense : See supra).
Moreover, "it's because Fire-Fighters lead every day useful missions for each one of us, that we wished to strengthen the Status of Volunteer Fire-Fighters, inviting the Parliament to adopt a 2011 Law on Volunteers", which "marks a big Progress by attributing, at last, to Fire-Fighters, a Legal framework that protects them while on duty", he added, referring to an activity in which had been personally involved even the Chairman of the biggest Group of MEPs in EU Parliament, Joseph Daul, as he had recently reminded to Journalists in Strasbourg, including "EuroFora".

- "EuroFora" had a first-hand opportunity to personally witness Fire-Fighters' much needed Efficiency at New Years' eve, last night, when, at about 3 a.m. someone set a Car on Fire and threw the Burning and Exploding carcass against our Family Home in Strasbourg, crossing all over the pavement with High Flames, until Black Clouds of Toxic Smoke hit our Windows and penetrated inside the House's sleeping Rooms where air became dangerously unbreathable and suffocating, only a few Hours before the French President's visit at nearby Metz. An absolutely similar Aggression had been already curiously committed, with the same method, just 2 Years ago, also at the eve of 1/1/2010, when Huge Flames threatened to reach our Windows, and big Clouds of Black, Toxic Smokes intruded inside the House covering everything with thick layers of Black Dust which took many Hours of work to wash out next morning. But, while Police had in the Past run faster, trying to find and catch the aggressors, the Fire-Fighters coming only later-on, on the contrary, now, on 1/1/2012, the Fire-Fighters succeeded to arrive Faster on the spot, and even found apparently a new, more efficient way to rapidly erase the Fire, reducing considerably the Time and the Volume of Dangerous Flames and Black, Toxic Smokes. This Timely intervention probably prevented also other possible Damages and Threats, considering also the Strange Fact that the above mentioned Aggression suddenly intervened only after 2.30 a.m., hour at which 3 Journalists from Strasbourg's Newspaper DNA had reported that everything was "Calm" throughout all Strasbourg city, but almost at about 3 a.m. : I.e. when People normally would be sleeping, and precisely at the same moment that also other, Exceptionally Serious Violent Incidents, threatening even People's Lives, were suddenly reported both right in front of "EuroFora" founder's Home, (a Driver reportedly attacking Policemen with his Car, who replied by real Bullets, etc), and at another area of the Town, (another Driver throwing his Car against a Tree and gravely wounding himself at a Life-threatening level), etc.. All these 3 Exceptionaly Serious and isolated, Violent and Dangerous Incidents occuring almost precisely at the same Moment, in one and same City, the very Night during which Meteo-France anounced that Temperature had been curiously raised at unprecedentedly High levels of Warm, never seen before in the middle of the Winter, (except, perhaps, of the only exception of ... 1883 !), also in Paris, so that this unusual and abnormal Heatwave etc. might have artificially provoked a dangerous augmentation of Tensions and eletrify the ambiant Atmosphere, explaining the sudden outburst of such exceptional incidents.

- "Civic protection actors have been mainly sollicitated" f.ex. "on Violent Storms which have hit France's Southern area since November" 2011. "All in all, Civic Protection accomplished more than 7.000 Missions, (among which, 154 used Helicopters, and 2.000 Preventive Evacuations (of the local populations), mainly in Var, which was one of the most affected Departments" during 2011, the French President observed. -"I a were ranked on Vigilance (level)"orange", while, "the Morbihan (area) was reinforced with 100 (more) Fire-Fightes of the West Zone in order to face the consequences of Cargo (Ship) "TK Bremen" (Teka Bremeune", last December 16, at the protected area of "Erdeven's beach. This same Storm didn't spare (also) the Eastern Zone, where more than 2.300 Fire-Fighters led 4.500 Operations", Sarkozy noted.
+Cross-Parties MEPs lodge Draft Resolution on Natural Disasters in EU Parliament for 2012
+ Meanwhile, "in (all) Europe, Natural Disasters increased both in Size and Frequency, Killing about 90.000 People during the last 20 Years, and affecting the lives of 29 Millions People, while also causing some 211 Billions € worth of damages", observes a Draft Resolution lodged at EU Parliament by 3 MEPs from various Political Parties, such as Mara Bizzotto (EFD), Barbara Matera (EPP) and Eider Gardiazabaal Rubial (Socialist), in a Press Conference at EU Parliament, December 2011 in Strasbourg, where they replied to "EuroFora"'s questions :

- "EuroFora" asked the MEPs "how much Time (they) need, and how many Votes" for "the Draft Resolution" that they've just lodged at EU Parliament according to a procedure routinely called for "written Declarations" (under Art. 123 of its Rules of Procedure).
- But, "on Substantial issues", "EuroFora" reminded that, recently, "the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and also a Global Warming Group of Experts have Warned that there might be an Augmentation of Exceptional Natural Disasters in the Future, including Heatwaves, Fires, Floods, etc., and maybe also Earthquakes, which are sometimes related with Water penetration underground, while (MEPs) spoke also about "Prevention" :

=> - "Don't you think that it would be also good to think about Scientific Research and Practical Measures in order to became able to React Quickly, but also, if not to Prevent, at least to alleviate things before such disasters happen ?", "EuroFora" asked the 3 MEPs in charge of the trans-Parties' EU Parliament's text on the EU Solidarity Fund" for "the Rapid Recovery" of "Regions affected by Natural Disasters", reminding that even "in the USA, (f.ex). they had started to do a lot of "Weather Science Research" after the (devastating) Katrina" giant storm of 2005.
- "Thank you very much for that question". Indeed, "we live in a very Fragile Region, where Disasters have contributed to make things Worse". "What we know is that Europe, and also Italy, has had also a Chaotic Policy of Urbanisation, which hasn't had allowed us to Protect our Region", she replied to "EuroFora", evoking an issue of importance for almost all the Mediterranean Sea area... - "So, we have a very Sensitive, Fragile situation. That's why I always say that we need to have Prevention, and to Train People, and make them Aware, there is a lot to be done there. As far as I know, (in such recent cases of "Natural Disasters"), the Warning came in Too Late, and led to Damages to People who could have been Avoided. So, there is a lot to be done, (f.ex.) in terms of Structural Funds, which go into such Regions, and there also is a lot that could be done by the EU" itself, she observed. "Our Region is in Danger, (both) the Countryside and the Towns, and we shall do what we can to intervene in (EU Parliament's) Plenary, and to draw a list of Victims and Damages. We (EU) have to Invest (in order) to make our Regions more Safe", "I think that the various (concerned) Institutions have made several Mistakes in recent years, but we (EU) can't continue to burry our Heads to the sand. We have to understand and act, and, as I said, Prevention (from Natural Disasters) is very important : It's our (EU's) Duty in Europe to ensure that", concluded, in reply to "EuroFora"s question Italian MEP Mara Bizzotto (EFD).

- But, meanwhile, even if it's true that, indeed, "We (EU) have to continue speaking about Prevention, nevertheless, we mustn't mix things up, however : Here we are talking about the EU Solidarity Fund, and about improving existing EU Instruments". So that, "with this Declaration, what we (MEPs) are trying to do is to Improve an Exising Instrument in Europe, which has been in place for some Time, which has proved itself during Recent Years, which has been active, and which provides Aid and Solidarity : This is very Important support for a number of EU Regions", clearly distinguished, in reply to "EuroFora"s Question ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Barbara Matera.

As far as our Question on the Timing of EU Parliament's procedure concerning that Draft Resolution on the ESF and Natural Disasters, the MEPs replied to "EuroFora" that, in fact, the Text will be officially lodged "on January 2012", and should be Signed by a Majority of MEPs "until March 2012".
Already, EU Parliament's Plenary adopted last Month in Strasbourg a 38 Millions € Aid from the EU Solidarity Fund to repair Damages caused by Earthquakes in the Spanish Region of Murcia (21,1 Millions €)", and Flooding in the Italian Region of Veneto (16,9 Millions €),
- "Unfortunately, due to the excessive length of procedures in the case of Flooding in Veneto, the launch of the Fund will enter into force only ...13 Months after the heavy Rain that hit the region at the end of October 2010," denounced EU Parliament's Rapporteur for the Budget, Mrs Sidonia Jędrzejewska, showing the need for the acceleratiéng SImplfication lodged by the other 3 MEPs.
+ Meanwhile, German chancelor Angie Merkel had just observed from the outset, at her New Year's eve address, yesterday night, that "in March (of 2011) Japan was hit by a giant Earthquake and a terrible Tsunami provoking a devastating Nuclear Disaster".

This obviousy is one among the Facts which raise difficult but interesting Challenges, (including on Franco-German Coopeation needs and prospects) also to important Scientific and Technological Research Centers, as that of Germany's "Atmospheric Dynamics" Laboratory at nearby Bavaria, and Strasbourg's French "Earth Science Institute", (etc).
- "Despite all Hardships, we must never forget that the peaceful re-Unification of our continent (Europe) is an Historic Gift to us. It has taken us over half a century of Peace, Freedom, justice, Human Rights and Democracy", as she said, shortly before meeting with French President Sarkozy next week in Berlin, to prepare the €uroArea/EU January 30 Summit.
=> More recent threats for more Exceptional Weather Phenomena and other Natural and/or Man made Disasters in Europe and throughout the World, which have already started to incite big EU Countries like France and others to bring closer together Defense, Security and Civic Protection, as we saw here, on the occasion of Metz's ZOPIC, at the same moment that France and Germany, together with all €uroArea Members and other EU Countries focus on Integration and European Governance, obviously, should plead, logically, in favour of grouping together all available means, investments, know-how and efforts in order to create a kind of European response to the growing challenge of Disasters, f.ex. in the form of an EU Civic Protection Force, as it has been already suggested also by experienced, former Foreign Minister and currently long-time EU Commissioner Michel Barnier, according to an idea notoriously dear also to French President Sarkozy himself.
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate and complete version, is due to be published asap.)
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Europe brings Development dynamics at Global Crisis' Summit debates

Thanks also to EU Parliament Plenary's Strasbourg gathering, EU, during the French EU Presidency, managed to integrate the Development issues at Top Debates on the World Summit against the Economic Crisis :
For the 1st time, it's at the same moment with the Wahington G-20 Summit that EU Commissioner Louis Michel co-organizes here with the French EU Presidency parallel mega-events for the "European Development Days", starting from this Week-End and concluding at the eve of a landmark debate in EU Parliament, next Tuesday, on the outcome and follow-up of the Wash.DC Summit.
EU and its Member Countries are the biggest donor for UNO's Millenium Development goals, with 56%, but the 27 are currently struggling to develop a collective leadership in Economic and social matters, that the 15 of EuroGroup (together with the UK and other countries interested to be usefully associated) are starting to spearhead, after the initial success of the 1st EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, of October 12 in Paris, according to a New Repport by MEPs Pervench Beres and Werner Langen on the 10 Years of EuroZone (1999-2009) debated Monday and voted on Tuesday.
EU, CoE and World personalities will interact here with Heads of State or Government from Tanzania (African Union chair), Burkina Faso (CEDEAO + UEMOA chair), Zimbabwe (MDC chair), Madagascar, Haiti, Mali, Benin, etc, and some 3000 participants from the Economy, Civil Society, Media, Experts, etc, while the City of Strasbourg adds various related Citizen-events.
Opened by French Secretary of State Alain Joyandet on November 15, and followed by a video-contact with EU Commission President Jose Baroso on the Washington Summit Sunday, the EDD are concluded by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday, while their main concerns cannot be ignored in the Debate that EU Parliament will hold on Tuesday, (followed by a Resolution on Wednesday), jointly on the G-20 Washington Summit and on EU Commission's work program for 2009.
A practical opportunity for EU to reflect where it's better to spend EU Citizens' money...
The move is prolonged in several Paris' meetings of EU chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with African Heads of State leading regional Organizations, as from Tanzania (A.U. Chair), Burkina Faso (chair of Economic African organizations), Togo, etc, (in parallel with a Ministerial EU - African Union conference in Ethiopia, followed by a visit to Tchad), logically concluded by a meeting with Robert Zoellic President of the World Bank.
Many have already warned that an eventual aggravation of Development's Gap accross the World might become much more dangerous to Global Economy, Security, Values and Quality of Life, than Global Warming and/or other, even more serious challenges...
Will they find an innovative and voluntarist way to really deal with the Development Gap, which might also contribute to help face the Economic Crisis ?