Sarkozy EU-Turkey compromise supported +by Socialist f.Foreign Minister Vedrine speaking to EuroFora
French President Nicolas Sarkozy's "Truth" speech to Turkey, accompagnied by a proposal to discuss a Compromise Deal on Ankara's controversial and unpopular EU bid, was practically welcomed by key former Socialist Foreign Minister, and Mitterand's Head of Presidential Administration, Hubert Vedrine, speaking earlier to "EuroFora", who kept his original critical stance, unlike that of most other, ordinary "Socialist" politicians, who are, on the contrary, reportedly striving to change a Draft Report due to be debated in Public and finally adopted by EU Parliament on early March in Sntrasbourg, eve of a series of EU Heads of State/Government Summits in Brussels.
- "I think that we (EU) must tell the Truth to Turkey", sharply replied Vedrine to "EuroFora"s question whether he maintained his notoriously Critical stance against Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid.
- "Because, when we say the Truth, this means that we are also Respectful" of eachother, added on that point Sarkozy at his Press Conference with Turkish President Abdulah Giul, inviting Ankara's Government to "discuss" in order to avoid a foreseable "Deadlock" by "finding New Ways towards the Future", "without Destabilizing the EU, neither Humiliating Turkey", which has "an important role to play at an International level", as he said.
Vedrine became famous not only as former Foreign Minister accepted by both "Socialists" and ChristianDemocrats in coalition (1997-2002), but also for having been chosen as Head of the Presidential Administration by the longest-serving former Socialist French President François Mitterand (during 1991-1995), whose latest visit to Turkey dated back to 1992, only in the margins of a NATO Summit, but also for having been proposed to keep the same post by current President Sarkozy, initially in 2007. Even if a deal wasn't made then, reportedly because of Vedrine's otherwise ambitious views, nevertheless, he often said that he generally kept friendly relations with the Elysee palace, (and particularly Sarkozy's Top Counsellor Henri Guaino, a proponent of the "Union for the Mediterranean", who ostensibly accompagnied him to Ankara).
Vedrine's and Sarkozy's critical, but serious and clear stance on Turkey appears in sharp Contrast to an astonishingly Superficial and changing stance by other, mainstream "Socialist" Top Politicians these years, such as those of the current Leader of the French "Socialist" Party, Martine Aubry, and former candidate to Presidential elections Segolene Royal. (See infra).
In fact the French President launched a call to Turkey to "discuss", since f.ex. it's difficult to find a common statement f.ex. on Cyprus and other issues present during this process", and search "a Compromise" somewhere "between accession, and stopping any negotiation", as he said.
Sarkozy confirmed anew that he always kept a correct, "respectful" and kind attitude vis a vis Turkey on most other issues, contrary to other's hypocrisy and/or criticism :
- Thus, he observed the Fact that the only previous Visit from a French President in Turkey occured just on... 1992, (i.e. almost ... 20 Years ago, by f. Socialist Mitterand, and even that, in the margins of a NATO Summit !).. - "In other circumstances, you might have an "Easier" and more Flattering speech for the Turkish Public Opinion, but, if I judge from the Date of the last visit by a French President : 1992, (i.e. only 20 Years ago !), it's tantamount to abstain from comming to discuss with our Turkish friends about our position", he criticaly observed.....
- On the contrary, "we must have the courage to come and explain ourselves, in a calm and crystal-clear manner, on the facts of any problem". "I think that by coming" here, "I contribute into advancing forward a Comprehension between us". - "I'm glad to see, anyway, that with a decision which is so Franc, and, at the time, so Respectful; I come to Turkey as a Friend, and I receive as a Friend the (Turkish) President in France , because, when we say the Truth, this means that we are also Respectful" of eachother", Sarkozy pointed out.
- "Turkey has an extremely important International role to play", and "it's a Big Country", with "Values" and a "Civilisation" which are of "essential" importance "at an International stage", f.ex., in the larger framework a necessary renewal of the "Union for the Mediterranean" 2008 initiated Strategy, and/or vis a vis Asia, etc., including by contributing, during the G 20 French Presidency, to start from 2011 efforts to fight against extreme Volatility of Raw Materials' prices, as of Agricultural products, (See "EuroFora"'s Question + Chairing Minister Lagarde's reply at the 1st G 20 Political Summit in Paris), said inter alia Sarkozy, obviously wishing to keep a generally Positive stance vis a vis Ankara, also by expressing his willingness to "trust the Turkish Economy" and to help "fight against Terrorism inside Turkey".
- "This doesn't mean that there are no Disagreements : There are (also) others, as, f.ex., on Iran : Turkey is reserved on Sanctions, (while) we (EU, USA, Russia, China, etc) are for (UNO-decided) Sanctions", he reminded, pointing at another topical issue on which Turkey was astonishingly isolated in UNO's SC with only 2 votes against 12 on UN Sanctions against Nuclear Proliferation Risks...
In fact, there is only "1 differend", where, it's better to respect each other's "Red lines" and try "to find New Ways towards the Future", "without Destabilizing the EU, neither Humiliating Turkey", as the French President characteristically stressed.
- "You (current Turkish Government) have "Red Lines" in your Country, I understand that, I try to integrate it". But "there is also a Red Line in my Country", France. "And a Public Opinon, in your country, and also in my country", Sarkozy honestly reminded, pointing obviously on the importance of EU Citizens' reaction against Turkey's notoriously controversial and unpopular EU bid, where 2002-2011 experience proved that any eventual Doubt in People's minds, if they don't feel guaranteed against Fears that some Bureaucrats might impose them Turkey's regime even inside the EU, provokes strong Anti-EU and/or Extreme Right reactions, as it was seen in the 2 "No" to EuroReferenda in France and the Netherlands on 2005, which blocked EU's institutional development.
²As it's well known, this was overcome only by Sarkozy's 2007 Electoral promisse to the People to drop Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, which won with a large margin of votes, preceded and followed also by that of German Chancellor Angie Merkel's growing victories in 2005 and especially 9/2009, which allowed the entry into force of Lisbon EU Treaty, strengthening EU's Institutions, from December 2009.
+ Moreover, EU Citizens gave a wider, growing boost during 2009-2011 to various Parties promissing to oppose Turkey's controversial EU bid, as wlll as a large win to at 7/2009 EU Elections, (See "EuroFora"s detailed Analysis of the Facts).
Turkish President Abdulah Giul claimed that "Turkey is a European Country", and that, since EU "promissed", as he found, to hold "accession negotiations" with Turkey, they should be "Concluded up to the End". It's only "Afterwards", that "we may see" what might, eventually, happen with France's, Germany's and other EU Countries' eventual objections, he said, apparently dismissing EU Citizens' repeated Democratic Electoral choices clearly against Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, as something secondary...
Going even further, a Turkish journalist claimed that, despite its notorious Problems against Democracy, and its Record-High condemnations by ECHR for serious Violations of Human Rights, nevertheless, ..."Turkey defends Democracy and Human Rights" (sic !) in the Mediterranean,d (i.e. regardless of War Threats against Greece, and a persisting Military Occupation of EU Member Cyprus' norhern territory, etc), where "EU hasn't any influence", as she said, accusing France to commit an "Error" by "opposing Turkey's entry inside the EU", according to her question to Sarkozy. Similar complaints were repeated even by another Turkish journalist, who unilateraly focused on what he claimed to have been "EU's promisse" on Turkey's "Candidacy" , etc., as if Ankara had not promissed itself, nor did anything wrong back on 2005 .. I.e. forgetting Ankara's written Commitments on Cyprus, etc., still totally unfullfiled in 2011, and its provocative Statements against the Cyprus' Government, which was unanimously condemned by 24 EU Member States, who are vainly asking, since then, Ankara to respect the elementary dignity of all EU Countries without any Discrimination : Something which Turkey still refuses to do, extending its Negative stance far beyond the initially set by the EU December 2009 Time Deadline, in order for Ankara to mend its ways...
- "The Decision which had been taken" by the EU back on 2005 "was for a(n EU - Turkey) Discussion in view of an accession", and "this Discussion hasn't stopped, it continues", even "during the French EU Presidency" in 2008 "when 2 Chapters were opened" to negotiations : - "I always found it useful to Discuss", observed in reply Sarkozy, pointing to the fact that, despite France and other EU Countries' opposal to Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid since 2007 ( Nov. 2005 regarding Germany, etc), nevertheless, the previous, 2005 EU Decision had been applied.
=> - "Thus, a way existed, between the Accession Perspective ...and the suppression of any form of Discussion, allowing to approach Turkey, a huge country, to the EU : That's exactly what happened !", Sarkozy pointed out.
>>> - Because, meanwhile, since 2005 and 2011, "we are a certain Number (of Heads of State/Government) inside the EU to consider Not Opportune" Turkey's controversial EU Bid, he reminded, pointing, obviously, not only to France, but also to Germany, Austria, etc., as well as a growing Number of EU Countries where recent Elections have notoriously been won by, or at least largely benefited to Political Parties which consider Turkey's unpopular EU claims as incompatible with their view of Europe, f.ex. also in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc. Even in the UK, it was enough for a so Marginal party as the UKIP (which had never before grown more than 1%) to make an Electoral Campain (that of EU Parliament's 6/2009 vote) with the Moto : - "No to Turkey's Accession into the EU !", in order to suddenly become the .. 2nd Party in Great Britain, topping the Liberals and even the then Governing Labor party.. As for the general June 2009 EU Elections, it's well known that they were largely won by ChristianDemocratic parties of the EPP Group, a large Majority of which was clearly opposed to Ankara's unpopular EU bid.
- I.e., "Turkey must understand that ... a certain Number of its (EU) Partners don't have exactly the same positions : That's not a tragedy", he underlined.
In fact we are a certain number to think that "it's neither in EU's interest, nor in Turkey's own interest, to enter inside the EU", Sarkozy clearly denounced.
+ "Moreover, I paid attention not to speak" in Turkey about the Cyprus' issue", reminded Sarkozy, regretting the fact that, "by the way, we (EU Heads of State/Governmnt who refuse Turkey's unpopular EU bid) have great Difficulties to find a (joint with Turkey) Declaration on these Issues, which are elements that shape this process" (i.e. EU - Turkey Negotiations), he stressed.
=> "That risks to become, one day or another, a Deadlock", in EU - Turkey Negotiations, Sarkozy warned, (obviously pointing to the fact that Ankara still fails to meet the Commitments that it undertook vis a vis the EU for Negotiations to start).
- That's why "I am among those who think that the most Useful way to get out of" that "risk", (See supra), is to try to Discusss, in order to find the way of a Compromise", Sarkozy warned.
- "We must Discuss in order to find the way of a Compromise : That's very Important", the French President suggested in conclusion.
The move came at the eve Eve of Erdogan's talks both with Sarkozy (later that same day) and Merkel (next Monday) as well as with Barroso", during the next Days, before Barroso's venue in Paris, to meet Sarkozy next Friday, eve of EU Parliament's Public Debate and Final Adoption of its EU - Turkey Annual Report, the week after, in Strasbourg, followed, immediately afterwards, by exceptional EU and €uroZone Summits on the 11th of March in Brussels (See "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReports).
Experienced former Foreign Minister accepted both by Socialists and ChristianDemocrats in France (1997-2002), but initially chosen by former President Mitterand as Head of Elysée Palace since 1991, Hubert Vedrine, a long-time Socialist, speaking to "EuroFora", backed in substance President Sarkozy's call to Turkey for an EU Deal droping the Accession Controversy in order to avoid an approaching Deadlock, despite Socialist Party's Head, Martine Aubry's zig-zaguing, obcsure stance, at the eve of EU Parliament's Public Debate and final adoption of its Annual Report on Ankara's position vis a vis EU Conditions, scheduled for Strasbourg's Plenary of early March.:
- The time has come, when "We (EU mainstream Countries) must tell the Truth to Turkey !", surprisingly chose himself to stress Vedrine in reply to an "EuroFora"s open question, which had asked him to say if he still maintained his personal stance against Turkey's controversial EU bid, that he had anounced in Public only at about 2007 : I.e. close to President Sarkozy's brillant and large Electoral win, precisely on the issue of the need (and Historic opportunity) to develop a strong and popular "Political Europe", with an Economic Governance, an Autonomous Defense and a Cultural Identity, i.e. incompatible with Turkey's unpopular EU bid.
+ Speaking earlier in Strasbourg on 2011, shortly before Sarkozy's visit to Turkey, that Ankara had unilaterally anounced many Months before, Hubert Vedrine didn't, however, explicitly say whether he meant that the move he advised should go as far as to Suspend or even Stop, entirely or at least partially, the EU - Turkey Negotiations still going on, despite several recent restrictions (particularly after the 2005 two "No" to EuroReferenda in France and the Netherlands, notoriously provoked mainly by EU Citizens' refusal to accept Turkey's controversial EU bid : Questioned for a clear reply on that precise point, he mysteriously limited himself just into smiling kindly...
- "On the issue of EU's Enlargement, do you stilll keep your original stance (i.e. finally against Ankara's EU bid), or not ? How do you see things today?", "EuroFora" asked Vedrine, who served also as a long-time President Mitterand's "Prime Minister Bis" as Elysée Palace's Secretary General.
- "On Turkey, we (EU) must tell them the Truth... I think that all this should have been managed Differently, ..a long time ago", he criticized in reply.
- Meanwhile, EU - Turkey "Negotiations have started, but it must be made clear that they can lead towards various Directions", Vedrine observed in conclusion, obviously pointing at the "Open-Ended" character of EU - Turkey talks, which, as EU Council and EU Parliament regularly stress at least since 2006-2007, may lead not to EU Accession, but to any Other kind of Closer Relations.
It's true that, already, with only 1 out of 35 Negotiation Chapters closed, and more than 12 others "Freezed" by the EU because of Ankara's persisting refusal to even recognize EU Member Cyprus, contrary to the Commitment that Turkey had undertaken when it started EU Negotiations (2004-2005), added to France, Germany, Austria's and a growing Number of EU Governments' notoriously covert or even open and clear disagreement to admit Turkey's entry inside the EU, (often by respect to Democratic Electoral commitments vis a vis EU Citizens). So that, for the 1st time, since 2010 a period came now during which Turkey was unable to open at least one, not even the slightest Chapter to EU Negotiations for more than a whole Year-time...
In this New Context, to which is added a Growing Number of New Govermnents, or Governemental Coalitions and/or of Political Parties critical against Turkey's unpopular EU bid, which are notoriously winning, more and more Votes in various National Elections throughout 2009, 2010 and 2011, it's obvious that the "Open-Ended" EU - Turkey Nagotiations seem to have already started to lead towards another, different direction.....
Moreover, meanwhile, indeed, with the only, short-lived Exception of just 1 (one) Year : 2006, (i.e. a long time ago, EU Parliament has already stopped qualifying "Accession" as the real aim of its Negotiations with Turkey, as early as since 2007, and this was also reiterated in 2008, 2009 and 2010, (See also relevant "EuroFora"s Publications with Facts, Photos, Votes, etc. on this point).
In the meantime, even in a Draft Resolution on EU - Turkey Talks, voted by EU Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee this Month (February 2011) in Brussels, in view of a Public Debate and Final Adoption by the Plenary weekly session of March 2011 in Strasbourg, MEPs make it clear from the outset that, concerning particularly EU - Turkey's relations, " the opening of those negotiations was the starting point for a Long-lasting and Open-ended process", (i.e. which may conclude in any kind of closer links, f.ex. in a privileged partnership, etc)..
+ At any case, Turkey can't ask to be paid or otherwise retributed ..Twice by the EU and/or its Member States if it drops its controversial and unpopular EU bid, since Ankara had initialy demanded herself from the EU to start Accession Negotiations just in order to unblock EU Funding Programs from Conditions that the Turkish regime was unwilling to really fullfil, (on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law respect, including InternationaL, i.e. vis a vis Turkish revendications in the Aegean Sea against Greece at EU's External Borders, the persisting Military Occupation of part of Cyprus, recognition of the Armenian Genocide, solution of the Kurdish issue and other, Religious, Minorities' respect, etc).
Thus, Turkey should be normally glad if EU continued, partly or totally, its expensive 800 Millions - 1 Billion € Funding each Year, contrary to hard Economies and Cuts affecting EU Citizens after the recent Global Crisis, despite growing calls from MEPs of various Countries and Political Groups to suspend, reduce or stop such big and controversial Expenditures, in order to better use EU Taxpayers' Money, f.ex. to help Poor People inside Europe itself and/or in Developing Countries, as well as to invest in High Tech. Innovations able to augment EU's Competitivity in front of the galoping Global Competition.
NB => + Moreover, the current turmoil and spreading Revolts in many South Mediterranean Countries, apparently motivated both by Economico-Social and Politico-Democratic popular aspirations, after a persisting massive EU Disinvestment during the last Decade (1999-2010), obviously provokes serious Concerns and potential Risks in Europe, particularly if EU continues to "spend almost 100 € per inhabitant each year in Canditate Countries" as Turkey, but "only less than ...10 € per inhabitant of South Mediterranean Countries", (i.e. 900 % less !), as Morocco's Foreign Minister, Taieb Fassi Fihri, denounced on January 2011 during a Paris' International Conference on Global Economy and "New Ideas" about a really New World Order, (comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the event), at the beginning of the French Presidency of G8 - G20.
On the contrary, main Opposition "Socialist" party's leader, Martine Aubry, (daughter of former EU Commission's President Delors, and currently Mayor of Lille), speaking earlier in Strasbourg to Journalists, including "EuroFora", had explicitly stressed that she was "absolutely" in favor of Turkey's EU accession, even if later-on in the Future, for astonishingly superficial reasons, according to audio-taped statements.
However, invited during 2009 EU Parliament's Elections to make her stance clearly known in front of all, Aubry reportedly claimed that it would be wrong to take her as someone who was simply for Turkey's controversial EU bid, leaving People ineviably confused and wondering what PS' real position might be..
Things had, indeed, appeared, comparatively, more obvious with former Socialist Presidential candidate Segolene Royal, who, after vainly attempting to avoid that question, finally was obliged to speak clearly in favor of Turkey's EU bid in a famous TV Debate with Sarkozy which had concluded the 2007 Electoral campain. But, afterwards; Royal lost both her Presidential bid and her ulterior attempt to get hold of the "Socialist" Party, which was, on the contrary, taken over by Aubry.
"EuroFora"s Audio-track of Aubry's original statements, earlier in Strasbourg, (See supra), on the contary reveals a quite Strange stance by the current Head of France's main opposition party (PS) on Turkey's impopular EU bid :
While, at a 1st part, Aubry clearly replied affirmatively to a question about "Turkey in the EU : Yes, or Not ?", by stressing : - "Yes, absolutely", because "when we look at Istanbul, we realize that Civilisation was born there", (as she clumsily said, confusing the Christian multi-Millenary Greek-Byzantine Empire with those who destroyed it, i.e. the Ottoman Turcs) , on the contrary, in a 2nd part, she pushed Turkey's eventual entry into the EU far away in the Future, for about 15 Years, later than "2023"...
- In particular, speaking earlier in Strasbourg to Journalists, including "EuroFora", Aubry was asked to comment another "Socialist" Top Politician's stance on Turkey's controversial EU bid : - "Rocard cries : - "Yes to Turkey !" And You ?"
- "Oh, I, Turkey, Absolutely, Yes ! ... Turkey must join us", immediately replied smiling Aubry with astonishing enthousiasm, as if it was the .."Best" thing that could happen to Europe, without even thinking for a second..
- Turkey "cannot be in Europe", Aubry added in a Surprising (but perhaps Revelatory) Lapsus, ", cannot be out of Europe", she rectified....
- "It still has a Long Road to go, but let's give her this Chance", the "Socialist" leader went on to say, revealing, shortly afterwards, that, in fact, the Real situation is not so obvious :
- "Not Now", she stressed, however. "It has some road to go : ... In 2023 (sic i i.e. one Hundred Years after Attaturc established the (Turkish) Republic", Aubry explained, pointing at a Distance Long of .. some 15 Years more !... Something obviously Frustrating for all those pro-Turkish lobbies which had been notoriously pointing, on the contrary, towards 2013 or 2014, i.e. almost a whole Decade earlier...
But the Worst emerged when Aubry tried to explain her apparently borderless Enthousiasm for Turkey's unpopular EU bid :
- Initially, she said that it was simply because ..."Women voted in Turkey some 10 Years earlier than France", as she claimed superficially, i.e. pointing shortly after the Armenian Genocide, at the eve of Smyrne's (Izmir) Massacre and Pontos' Ethnic Cleansing, obviously forgetting, also, the present situation of Women and Young Girls in Turkey, notoriously often ill-treated and even Killed f.ex. because of so-called "Honour Killings", or so seriously Tortured by Turkish Policemen that they even try to commit Suicide, as ECHR's recent Condemnations of Ankara's authorities reveal, (See relevant case in earlier "EuroFora"s NewsReports).
But Aubry's blunders on Turkey became incredibly bigger, when, immediately afterwards, desperately trying to find a more serious Motivation, she suddenly added : - "Turkey, which was the Capital of the German Roman Empire (sic !)", as she said, astonishingly confusing the Franco-German core EU area with ...Diyarbakir at Iraq and Iran's Borders !....
Rectifying once again, her Blunders on Turkey, Aubry went on to skip her initial reference to the "Roman Germanic empire" and replace it by "the Ottoman" one....
However, obviously feeling that this would ......not ....enthousiasm the Europeans, whose ancestors had risked their Lives to Fight precisely against the Ottoman-Turc Military Invasion and Occupation of European Land, starting by Budapest itself, i.e. the Hungarian current EU Presidency, Aubry tried to find something more appealing :
- "When you are in Istanbul, in front of Bosphorus, you can see that it's there where Civilisation is" (born ?), Aubry, at last, clumsily concluded, triumphant, ....but obviously confusing the Millenary Christian-Greek-Byzantine Empire (330-1.453) with the Ottoman Turc empire (1.500-1.800) who destroyed it !
(Audio-transcript of therse Aubry's astonishing statements on Turkey, available).
However, at another occasion, in an Official Declaration as Head of the "Socialist" Party at the eve of June 2009 EU Elections, Aubry apparently changed stance on Turkey, reportedly refusing to be simply assimilated with those who are in favor of Turkey's controversial EU bid, leaving things confused.
And invited to explain herself, together with other Political leaders, at a related TV Emmission, she again changed the way to present her stance, saying, now, simply, that she was favorable to Ankara's entry into hte EU if, and whenever, it might be attested that Turkey would fullfil the EU Conditions on Democracy and Human Rights, including Recognition of the Armenian Genocide, solution of the Kurdish and Cyprus' issues, etc, (but without clearly saying by whom, on what precise criteria, and how this might be verified, or not)...
Facts which clearly reveal a curiously "floating" reasoning behind such a serious issue for EU Citizens' way of Life and Europe's Future..
But even this so-called "clarification", skipped 2 important points :
(a) Aubry's initial statement, in front of "EuroFora"s co-founder (See supra : Audio Tapes available) that she considered, nevertheless, that Turkey couldn't, at any case, accede into the EU earlier than "2023", (i.e. at the 100th Anniversary from Attaturk's win against Western Europe, thanks to Stalin's opportunistic manoeuvers which saved a residue of former Ottoman-Turc Empire of the Medieval times, from transforming itself into modern National States, contrary to what was done elwehere), was ommitted now.
(b) The fact that UK-USA pressure to impose Turkey in order to render impossible a Political and developed Europe, has already, several times, led to hasty, superficial or even obviously false claims by some Officials that Ankara would have (according to them) fullfiled this or that condition, while, in fact, it persists to scandalously violate it until today, sometimes even more than in the past, (f.ex. on Impunity of Torturers or of those who are really responsible for the Murders of critical Journalists, Christian Priests, etc).
Whoever has closely followed f.ex. ECHR and CoE's initial findings in serious violations of Human rights in Turkey and what really happened during the following 10 to 15 Years or more, (mainly between 1995-2011), can see perfectly well that, in fact, the Truth is that, on main issues, i.e. with only exception a few secondary or formal points, Ankara's regime has either stagnated or even worsened its already exceptionaly bad record ! Therefore, the question "who" decides, and on the base of "what criteria", if and when Turkey might fullfil these or other EU Conditions is obviously crucial...
At any case, one thing seems certain : The Turkish Government, which had initially asked itself to be given a "Candidate" Status by the EU, just in order to start benefiting by EU Funds which had been blocked in the Past by Ankara's persisting Refusal to really comply with the Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law Conditions earlier set by EU Parliament to all other EU Funding programs for Ankara, normaly should not be paid Twice : I.e. both by the EU Funds which were practically liberated from earlier strict Conditions, and by any other Political Concession, that might be eventuallly considered in addition, in case of Non-Accession, by those who hadn't been informed about whar really happened....
+ Even current President of the Socialist Group in EU Parliament, Martin Schultz, who is reportedly continuing to support Turkey's controversial EU bid, could not personally forget the fact that when he was EU Parliament's Rapporteur at the moment of EU's earlier controversial decision to accept a Customs' Union with Ankara back on December 1995, he had strongly criticized the move, adding a long list of Conditions on Human Rights, Democracy, Minorities' rights, International Relations, etc, which has not been fulfilled yet today, on 2011, i.e. ... not even 16 Years later !
Nor that his close Friend and Ally, former mainstream Socialist MEP and Minister for EU affairs of Greece, Yanos Kranidiotes born in Cyprus, was notoriously struggling against Turkey's attempts to impose its controversial EU bid when he was, suddently, atrociously killed, together with his only Son and several Journalists at a strange and not fully elucidated brutal incident inside an Airplane which crossed South-Eastern Europe's Balkan Borders from Bulgaria (neighbor to Turkey) towards Romania before landing calmly in Bucarest with all other People astonishingly safe..., on September 1999, i.e. only a few Weeks before his Successor radically changes Greece's policy, declaring, on the contrary, that it was now in favor of Turkey's unpopular EU bid, accepting, thus, for the 1st time in History, the attribution of a "Candidate" status to an under-developed State, 99% Muslim and located 95% out of Europe, with the most Serious Human Rights Violations among EU's Neighbors, at the December 1999 Helsinki Summit.
On the contrary, earlier EU had bluntly refused a similar request by another key EU Neighbouring Country : Morocco, despite its Linguistic links to France and Spain, its long Historic presence in European soil in the Past, its help to Jewish Refugees, its former Arabic Civilisation contributions (f.ex. in Mathematics, with Algebra, etc., in Irrigation methods for Agricultural Production, into saving and transmitting to Western Europe the Ancient Greek Philosophers' original full texts, etc), at Medieval times, before Europe's Renaissance, while also remaining even Today a precious Terrestrial Link between the EU and Africa's abudant Natural Resources, (f.ex. Oil/Gas Pipelines, High-speed Train links, Rare Earth Minerals, etc).
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Before the end of 2009, France and Germany will take strong initiatives to open "new Horizons" needed by Europe and the World, going well beyond the current Crisis' management, anounced French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, reassuring that both a judgement on Lisbon Treaty by nearby Karlsruhe German Federal Court, and the forthcoming National Elections in Germany would confirm their capacity to act.
They were replying to Press questions in Berlin, after key-regional elections on Sunday, where Merkel's ChristianDemocratic party kept everywhere a strong 1st and won the possibility to forge a New Majority with Liberals at the largest of 3 Landers : Saxony (4 millions inhabitants), while its main competitor, the Socialdemocrat party fell to unprecedented lows : Tackled by the small "Linke" (left) party in Saarland (1 million inhabitants), it became even smaller than it in Saxony and Thuringen (3 million inhabitants), where SPD arrived only third. While its usual partners, the "Greens" also fell down, contrary to CDU's new partners, the FDP Liberals, who go up.
- "At any case, at the end of the year (2009), if things go as scheduled, we shall take strong initiatives, showing that Europe needs a Franco-German axis, as well as the World, even if it never excludes other" countries to join, replied Sarkozy to a question if France and Germany will revive the "European dream", by "relauncing the EU motor" for the Future, with actions going further than the mere management of the global crisis, (as it was done fex. in the Past with the creation of the "Euro" Monetary zone, etc).
- "I am convinced that the Franco-German friendship must be constantly nourished by New Projects", he added."There are many areas of cooperation where we intend to take, very soon, some Franco-German initiatives, which will allow to open more Horizons" to the EU, Sarkozy stressed.
But if "we don't speak about that now, it's only in order to avoid interfering in important elections coming in Germany", he observed. However, "we have already started to consider the Future with the (German) Chancellor, and what we can do in order to honour our predecessors". "We are already speaking about that, and we are preparing things". "I am working very well together with Mrs Merkel, and I wish that it goes on", Sarkozy concluded.
- "It's important for EU's credibility that France and Germany advance forward together", stressed Merkel from the outset. "Don't worry about Germany's capacity to undertake initiatives" with France, she added. "France and Germany will be perfectly able to make proposals" for the EU.
- "After-crisis" plans must be prepared, meanwhile, with measures "advancing progressively", Merkel anounced. And, for the short term, we must deal also with EU Citizens' dismay since they feel that it's a Scandal for some in the Financial Markets to be paid with excessive "Bonuses", etc, she agreed with Sarkozy.
- "Abuses in financial markets must stop", stressed also Sarkozy. Backing Merkel's announcement that France and Germany call for an EU meeting to forge "a crystal-clear European position" in view of the G-14 Summit at Pittsburg, he warned that "everyone will have to undertake his responsibilities, in front of World's Public Opinion. particularly those who don't want to make the same effort of regulation as France and Germany".
Moreover, "Global Trade cannot be correctly dealt, without taking into account also Environmental and Social rules", Sarkozy added, referring to recently expressed positions against Unfair Competition via Environmental and/or Social Dumping, (See earlier "EuroFora"'s publications).
Such moves are obviously linked to the need to ensure at least an elementary respect for Human Rights by Third Countries, (f.ex. exploitation of Children's work, etc) in order to avoid, precisely, any such Social Dumping.
- "EU has Values, protecting Human Rights and Human Dignity", and "it cannot close its eyes" in front of grave violations, particularly "Torture and/or killings", added, indeed, Sarkozy.
Thus, "the time comes, where decisions must be taken". But, in case of "Sanctions", "all International opinion should be convinced of the need to take action", he observed.
Expressed on the occasion of recent developments in Iran, the same principles should logically apply also to other similar cases, including fex. that of Hundreds of ECHR judgements' condemning f;ex. Turkey for grave crimes, (as Torture, brutal Killings, Enforced "Disappearances", Destruction of Family Homes, harassments and oppressive violations of Freedom of Speech, etc).
Meanwhile, questioned on (EU Commission's chair) Barroso's bid to succeed himself for a second mandate, they both expressed a "wish" or a "feeling" that "EU Parliament"'s various political Groups might fix a date for decisions "during September". However, is he is endorsed before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it will be legally necessary to re-vote anew for a full term of office afterwards, according to EU Legal Experts, revealed recently in Strasbourg the experienced former President of EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee, German Socialist MEP Jo Leinen. And Germany will not vote for Lisbon Treaty's ratification but only "on September 8 and 18", revealed Merkel, ( i.e. after EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg).
- Therefore, "for EU Commissioners' appointment, it's too early yet, because we must wait for the ratification of Lisbon Treaty" by all 27 EU Member countries, including naturally Ireland's Referendum on early October, said to "EuroFora" the influential President of EU Parliament's largest group of MEPs, Joseph Daul, expressing, however, the hope that a controversial deal with the head of the Socialist Group of MEPs, Martin Schultz of Germany, might hold for Barroso alone, at a forthcoming vote due to fix the Strasbourg plenary's Agenda.
But MEPs reportedly just "postponed" for 1 week all their previously scheduled group meetings (See : );
However, while the choice of a new EU Commission's President by EU Parliament is supposed, according to many MEPs' wish, take place according to EU policy issues, paradoxically, this would mean that Barroso's bid would pass before even the anouncement of France and Germany's "initiatives" for EU's "new Horizons"...