Sarkozy: Europeans must Change Europe to revive EU Ideal. Act in 1 Year=>2014 EU Vote to judge?
*Villepinte(Northern Paris)/Angelo Marcopolo/- Rarely People respond in a so Vibrant way as some 80.000 enthousiasts did when French President Nicolas Sarkozy launched an "appeal to renew the European Ideal" calling "Europeans to their Huge Task to Change Europe", while also warning everybody that it needs a strong Fighting Spirit, as he surprisingly stressed in Conclusion of what was meant to be the most important Popular meeting in his 2012 National Electoral Campain for the renewal of his 5 Years long Presidental mandate to the crucial for the EU and €uroArea period of 2012 - 2017, which includes an exceptional number of important, Top Electoral Choices in such key Countries as France and Greece (2012), Germany, Italy and Cyprus (2013), etc., in the run up to EU Parliament's 2014 Election, while many key Nations in the Global landscape are, at the same time, due to choose anew their political leadership, including USA (2012), but also, probably, China, etc., after Russia just kicked off last Sunday the unusualy dense, over-concentrated Top Political votes' 2012-2014 series, which seems able to shape World's Future for more than a Decade.
In this regard, Sarkozy set a Time Deadline of 1 Year (i.e. June 2012 - June 2013) for the EU to debate and take a series of concrete Measures on International Trade, Migration, etc., warning everybody involved that, otherwise, France would be obliged to take its own decisions ", so that everything could be debated and Democraticaly judged by EU Citizens at the Time of EU Parliament's Electoral campaign (July 2013- June 2014) by their Votes.
The European Strategy proposed by the French President includes the creation of a "Political Governance", f.ex. in the Shengen Countries, similar to the Heads of State/Government regular Summits just decided for €uroZone a.o. Countries (Comp. relevant "EuroFora" NewsReports of 16/8/2011, 9/12/2011 and 29/1/2012, etc), considering that so important and socio-Politically sensitive issues should "not be abandoned to Technocrats alone" (See infra).
- "It's simply because, today, National and European issues become, in fact, more and more inter-linked, particularly for big and involved Countries such as France, etc., when Peope know that, without them moving, nothing worthwhile might change for the better in the EU, as Sarkozy observed today, Faithful to his New Year eve's anouncement that "2012 wil be the Year to build a New Europe" (Comp. "EuroFora"s 1/1/2012 NewsReport).
- "There is No Separation, not a Wall standing between the National, European or International fora, as France's future is at the same time at stake both inside and outside" of the country. "I learned and touched with my fingers this Reality : It's one and the Same Policy which must be conducted both Inside and Outside, with Differend Means, but with the Same Aims, the Same Determination. It's the same (Global) Crisis which hits us, and also hits Europe and the World", and "in the existing World, decide for ourselves and decide together with the others, can't be but two faces of one and same policy", he stressed.
- "It's because I'm a convinced European, that I want to make Europe Change", Sarkozy anounced from the outset.
+> "Today, we must anew assert some Structural Political Choices, important enough to respond to the situation".
=> In particular, EU must "become a Europe which protects" the People, -What is needed is "a Political Europe which Protects its (EU) Citizens", he stressed.
- For that purpose, "Europe must assert its Political Will. It cannot be merely abandoned to the play of Market Competition, and of the Rule of the more Powerful in the World", the French President denounced, while adding that it's also an issue of defending the "European Civilisation and Values"
- And "Technocracy can no more be left alone to decide" everything !, Sarkozy anew denounced, in a bis-repeated leit-motif from which should derive important Political EU changes, which have started already to be streamlined recently, searching a more efficient and more democratically legitimized decision-making process, (See Infra).
- Otherwise, "For sure, if nothing changes, the People of Europe will not support for long the Devastating consequences of a "Laissez-faire !"", Sarkozy warned,
=> anouncing, at the same time, that he practically left "1 Year" time in order to start taking Concrete, necessary Measures, (See Infra)
A great part of Sarkozy's Historic Merit being notoriously the fact that he succeeded to save Europe from the Institutional Blockade which had been provoked by the 3 "'NO"' to EuroReferenda on EU's Constitution draft, back on 2005-2007, in addition to an unprecedented, sudden surge of a Huge Majoriy Abstention in EU Parliament's Elections since 1999-2004, as the only means for EU Citizens to react against mainly the controversial and unpopular Turkey's EU bid, synonumous of a Negative Model of Society that Europeans did not want inside EU itself, Today, the French President naturally wanted to advance further and complete his Task by definitivey Abolishing the artificially provoked Separation between those who had said "No" and those who had said "Yes" to EU's development, considering that, in fact, both were not against, but for Europe, differing only on the way in which it should be developed, so that he could succceed to find a Sustainable way to "Reconcile the Europe of the "No" with the Europe of the "Yes", as he stressed now : - In fact, "they are not fundamentaly opposed", and "it's our Task", as Political Leaders, "to find how to organize a Synthesis and a Coherence", Sarkozy underlined with voluntarism. In order to "reconcile those who fear to be deprived from the Freedom to Decide their Future, and those who, on the contrary, wish to float at a Larger Horizon, in the middle of a galoping Globalization : - "We must give back to Europe the control of its Future !", stressed the French President.
My project is to give to all the People, including to those who feel that they've lost the control of their life, the Right to Choose their Life, to Built it on Work, on their Merits, on their Talent, as a way to reconcile the Europe of the "No" with the Europe of the "Yes", which, in fact, are not opposed, but just two aspects of the same reality, one needing the other : The key of that possible synthesis and coherence, which is political leaders' duty to realize, is "the Value of Work" : It's the Work which makes up the Strength of a Country and/or all Europe. It's not an end in itself, it's a means of Emancipation, while the foundation of Real Equality is to be Equal in front of Work, Employment. And "it's Work which creates Work"; as Sarkozy resumed, in what looks as an indirect reference to the International Division of Labour, i.e., in fact, to Europe's role in the World... (CQFD).
- But "things have gone so far, that Europe must take its Destiny in its own hands, otherwise it risks to be dislocated !", the French President warned.
- However, "if France doesn't take the following Decisions, then, Nothing will happen". And, "if Nothing happens, Europe will loose its rank in the World", the French President warned.
- "If Nothing happens, do you think that the Europeans will tolerate the Violence seen (f.ex.) in Greece ? And when that will happen even closer to us, then, everyone will understand that Europe should deal with Realities, and not merely Ideas", because "Europe is a Reality in the everyday life of those who suffer, and not merely an item of Colloquy for pseudo-"Intellectuals" who ignore the Reality of what Europeans say !", he criticized.
- "I will be criticized, some will laugh at me, but I don't give a damn !", warned everybody Sarkozy, strongly applauded by many Tens of Thousands of galvanized People.
=> Therefore, Sarkozy anounced a series of concrete Measures, mainly on Foreign Trade and Immigration, where EU should act, in principle in 12 Months time, otherwise France will take Unilateral Decisions by its own, hoping to be later-on joined also by the rest of the EU, as he said, obviously pointing at the Strategic Rendez-Vous of the 2014 EU Parliament's Elections, for EU Citizens to judge themselves by their Votes...
=> Putting it in a nutshell, "Europe cannot be the only area in the World which has so many difficulties to make people respect its Borders, doesn't really defend its (Economic) Interests, (and) ignores so much its Citizens' concerns and anxieties", Sarkozy summed up :
- "A Europe which wouldn't Defend its Borders, its (Economic) Interests, its Citizens, but would only think of Consumers and never of Producers, which would forget that behind the Consumer there is a Worker, that kind of Europe would be Condemned, because it would cause too much Tensions, too much Sufferings, so that, as a consequence, by making People suffer, it would Betray its Humanistic Ideal !", the French President Warned.
At any case, even "more important" : "if France chose to share its Sovereignity, it's in order to be Stronger, not in order to be Weaker", he stressed, anouncing the intention to take, if needed, even Unilateral i.e. National Measures, whenever , after a whole Year of inaction, it becomes obvious that Europe needs to be awaken...
(A) Foreign Trade/Economy : Reciprocity and Work. No Technocracy, but Democratically accountable) Political choices.
- "At first, we had to Save the €uro (common currency), and we did : It was a huge reconfort, and a big Victory", Sarkozy reminded on the 2009-2012 fight against the Global Crisis on Sovereign (States') Debt, more complicated in Europe mainly because of 1999-2001 errors committed by former "Socialist" Governments, (comp. relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports, published earlier).
=> "Shame to those who, for the shake of petty Partisan interests didn't have the courage to vote in favor of the New €uro-(Governance) Treaty !", he launched (largely apploauded, provoking many disaproving "booes") against a controversial demand by the "Socialist" party's candidate, Hollande, to Re-Negociate the €uro-Area Governance Treaty, already decided by the EU SUmmit of 12/2011, and officially signed during the March 2012 Summit in Brussels, (see relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports)
+ "Concerning Free Trade", Sarkozy anounced "a Commmitment of Similar Nature", as that on Free Movement of People" and Shengen system (See infra) :
- "Europe is Open. We trade with the whole World. EU "Rejects Protectionism, which will never be the Right Response". EU "believes in Fair Competition".
+ However, "EU rejects Trade War" => In consequence, "Labour Law, Environement Law, and (Monetary) Equity betwen Currencies must not be systematically Violated, but should be Equal to Trade Law", Sarkozy stressed from the outset, i.e. practically denouncing Social and/or Environmental Dumping, which grossly violates Human and/or Social Rights, pollutes Natural Environment, Manipulates Currencies, etc. in order to mark Commercial Aggressions against other Countries in the World. In other words ; - "Yes to Free Trade", but "No to Unfair Competition", as he resumed.
- Because we "must treat as Equal the Trade Law and Human Persons' Fundamental Rights. There is not only Trade between the great Powers of this World, there are also Human Beings who suffer !", Sarkozy energetically denounced, largely applauded.
=> Thus, "there are Major Political Choices" to be made. Therefore, "Technocracy cannot be, no more, alone to decide". On the contrary, from now on, "the Aims of Europe's Trade Negociations, must be defined by the Heads of State/Government", who have direct electoral responsibilities vis a vis EU Citizens, and, therefore, direct Democratic Legitimity. So that "the (EU) Commission must implement them, and be accountable " of its everyday management, 'vis a vis the European Political Leaders", the French President stressed here, speaking of a core issue.
It results, f.ex., that :
- "That Europe which opened all its Public Procurements, while Others didn't open any at all, it's "No :"" Because, behaving like this, it's not accepting Free Trade, it's rather accepting to be an Euro-Colander... ", he joked.- "But I want a Political Europe which protects European Citizens !", Sarkozy stressed, applauded.
- "The Reciprocity that we ask for, is Not Protectionism : It's the will to have a Fair Competition between Great Markets in the World", he explained.
+ Since 1993, the American State is obliged by Law to use only Products manufactured in the U.S. for its Public Procurements. And "during the last 30 Years, Americans extended this Obligation to all Procurements of Car Motorways' infrastructures and on Public Transports recieving Government Funds". So that, "in the US, all Stimulus Plans funded by Public Money are submitted to this rule", he revealed.
=> "Thus, I solemnly raise the Question : - Why something that the USA, the most Liberal Country in the World, allow for themselves, should be prohibited for Europe ?" In consequence, "France will ask for Europe to have a "Buy Europea Act", based on the same Model of the "Buy American Act". Thus, Businesses which will produce in Europe, will be able to benefit from Public Funds", Sarkozy anounced.
- "If, during the forthcoming 12 Months, No serious progress is made on the demand of Reciprocity vis a vis our main Partners, then, France will start applying Unilateraly this Rule, until Negotiations lead to Results !". "I'll be fully committed in this fight", he promissed.
+ Moreover, "Our American Friends, Allies and Partners, have a Legislation which obliges to keep a part of Public Procurement to their SMEs. I don't see why, something which is done by the USA, the most Liberal Country in the World, should be prohibited to Europe... Therefore, France will ask, from now on, European SMEs can have a part of Public Procurement reserved to them", anounced the French President.
=> So that, "if after 12 Months there is No Progress, then, France will start applying Unilateraly its own SME's Charter, until Negotiations conclude", he anounced.
++ In addition, USA want to Tax Benefits made Abroad by American businesses. They are Right !. So, I wish to make of that a European Principle, to be transposed into the National Fiscal Legislaion of each EU Country, or, at least, inside €uroZone, in order to fight against Tax Evasion and/or Outsourcing. Meanwhile, France will impose its Big Businesses with a Minimal Tax, calculated on their Global Turnover", Sarkozy advanced further.
=> In other words, from now on, Europe will be asking for more Reciprocity", vis a vis its major Foreign Trade Partners accross the World, resumed also the experienced former Prime Minister, and current Chairman of the Governing Party "UMP"'s National Council, JP. RAFFARIN, speaking afterwards to Journalists including "EuroFora", (See also independent Raffarin's Statements to "EuroFora", in another, Differend Newstory, herewith).
Industrial policy :
But, given the importance of "Work" as a means for Emancipation, in order to reconcile the Europe of the "No" with the Europe of the "Yes", by giving to all People who fear that they've lost control of their lives, amidst a galoping Mondialization, the "Right to choose their Lives, to built them on Work", Merit, Talent, (Comp. supra), the issue of an Indusrial policy is naturally raised in today's Europe :
- "The day that we won't have any Factory left, it will be too late to say to the Industrial Workers out of job not to abstain from (EU) Elections, or not to vote for Extremists", he warned, largely applauded.
- "That's why I am calling to awake the European Ideal !", Sarkozy stressed, adding oraly to his written draft.
- "It's Work that Creates Work", as he said, resuming his thought.(Comp. supra). - On the contrary, "If it's Shared, it's Destroyed". F.ex. by reducing the Duration of Weekly Work in only 35 Hours, (as former Socialist Governments had done in the recent Past), this didn't create any Jobs, but only undermined the Work's Value in the Minds and Hearts of the People"
=> Thus, "we must not let our Industrial jobs go away. .. I won't accept that, in the name of a Dogmatic vision of Free Trade, because our Industry could be devastated", and "when Industry goes away, all the rest risks also to leave". But, "there isn't any Strong Economy in the World without Industry", he warned.
- "Already, we started to take considerable action f.ex. with the "Investments for the Future", funding Innovation, with Fiscal facilities for Scientific/Technological Research/Development, by abolishing the Professional Tax", the French President reminded.
In consequence, "if an entire sector, as Metallurgy, risks to disappear, I won't hesitate to make State Investments, with Public resources", he promissed. "I'll also strongly defend our Nuclear Energy Industry, which is absolutely important for (Energy) Independence, Competitiveness and well being, as he said, (while also criticizing the Opposition "Socialist" Paty for having "sold" the Workers of the Nuclear Industry for an Electoralist "Deal", as he said).
+ Moreover, "In order to Fight against Outsourcing, which breaks down the Future of so many Workers, I want to transfer the Social expenses on the VAT, and make Imports contribute into Funding our Social Protection system, he anounced.
In parallel, meanwhile, "I want to make France, in 5 Years, the most advanced Country in the Ecological and Digital Revolutions", where, what is at stake, today, is similar to the Industrial Revolution of the Past, which had created 30 Years of Growth, as he reminded. Because now, "it's a New Model of Growth which emerges", that we shouldn't merely follow, but lead.
-+ On Financial Stability, "It's (also) in order for France and Europe to become able to master their Destiny, in order to liberate us from the Financial Markets, (that) I want to reduce Deficits and I'll continue to reduce the number of Civil Servants", he promissed.
- Thus, "on 2016, thanks to our efforts, France's Budget will be balanced", he promissed on Debt reduction.
- Otherwise, "elsewhere in the World,where Governments didn't have the Courage to take Just Decisions on time, this was Punished immediately : So that Salaries were reduced, Retirement Benefits lowered, alocations suppressed. In France, (on the contrary) we didn't do that, but we have Reformed Retirement Benefits, Reduced the number of Civil Servants, restricted Expenses, etc. These were, in fact, "Social" and "Just" Decisions, Sarkozy explained.
(B) External Borders/Schengen : "Defend a European Civilisation"
+ Top Political Governance, (as €uroArea)
+ Moreover, "If France chose to share its Sovereignity, ... it's in order to promote a European Civilisation and Values, not in order to let them be Destroyed !", underlined the French President.
+ Thus, "if France accepted the Free Movement (of Persons) inside Europe, it's so that Europe's (External) Borders can be Better Defended, and not less", Sarkozy also stressed, speaking, mainly of uncontrolled massive illegal immigration, notoriously from Southern Mediterranean and Turkey.
- "Nothing would be more opposed to the European Ideal than the Fear of Foreigners, the Hate of Ohers, the frilous closure towards oneself", he admitted.
- "But, in the present Economic and Social Context, if Europe doesn't Control the Entries inside its Territory, then, it won't be able to Welcome with Dignity those who arrive, won't be, no more, able to respond to the demand of Integration of those who have so many Difficulties to find their place in Society, won't be, no more, able to fund its Social Protection. This is a Truth which must be heard, because it is the exact description of the Reality", Sarkozy underlined.
- Because, "the Shengen Agreements (on Free Movement of Persons inside the EU, and Security) no more allow to respond to the Gravity of the situation", so that "they must be Revised".
=> The Solution would include mainly a "Structural Reform for Shengen, similar to what we've just set up for €uroZone", i.e. a Top Political Governance by Regular Heads of State/Government Summits. (Comp. relevant, recent "EuroFora"s NewsReports, mainly from Brussels, f.ex 12/2011; 3/2011, but also from Paris/Elysee Palace : 16/8/2011).
>>> Because, here also, "we can't leave the Management of Migratory Flows only in the hands of Technocrats and of the Courts". On the contrary, "the Decisions on the Entry inside our Territory must express a Political Will, decided by National Sovereignity", he pointed out, (considering also the fact that, from their conception, Shengen agreements were originally due to facilitate EU Integration mainly among EU Citizens, moving, mixing and living freely inside their common European territories, and not destinated to manage Inernational Immigration seeking to import in the EU Non-European Foreigners massively : F.ex. more than 250.000 each year, in France alone)...
- Thus, "what is needed is a Political Governance for Shengen, as there is, from now on, a Governance of €uroZone. A joint Discipline during the External Borders' checks, as there is also a common Discipline in Public Finance in €uroArea", Sarkozy explained.
+ Moreover, "we should be able to put a sanction on a (Member) State which fails to meet its obligations, as we can also do for a €uroArea Member State", (a possibiliy which was notoriously faclitated and simplified with the New €uroArea Governance Treaty).
++ "We (Shengen Area Countries) need Crisis Management Tools, which allow to assist Countries facing exceptional circumstances, and a Joint Front in the fight against Illegala Immigration", he added, (always in parallel with €uroZone's Governance : Comp. f.ex. Financial Stability Mecanism, etc).
=> In other words, "as (we did also) in the case of the Economy (€uroarea), we need a REINFORCED CONVERGENCE also in the domain of Immigrant's Law and of the Right of Asylum".
- "It's a matter of Urgency, because it's out of question to accept to suffer (even longer) from the insufficiencies of Europe's External Borders' checks..... "I'm decided to get totally involved into implementing these Principles, because it's the only way to avoid Europe's implosion !", the French President warned.
"I believe in the Logic of Rights and Obligations", to the "Values of Solidarity, but completed by those of Responsibility : ... Europe cannot be a soft belly, an area open to all winds, whatever : Yes to the Freedom of Movement. No to uncontrolled illegal Immigration !".
On the contrary, "Europe must become anew an Ideal, a Will, a Protection", Sarkozy concluded on this point
=> For that purpose, "If we observe that, during the following 12 Months, there is no serious progress at all in this direction, then, France will Suspend, its Participation to the Shengen Ageements ,until the Negotiations are able to conclude", he warned.
+ Being in the same tune with German Chancellor Angie Merkel and new Brittish Prime Minister Cameron, Sarkozy also reiterated his crystal-clear "Refusal of Communautarism", with its notorious Ghethoisation, often manipulated by Foreign, non-European States' interference, excluding Young Children from Educational and Cultural Integration, and too often abused by many "Socialist" Municipalities in an attempt to impose their domination over entire Suburbs, as young French politician Lagarde strongly denounced earlier, strongly applauded by the People. - "I'll refuse any Communautarist Drift", becaused it's opposed to the "Republican" principles and ideas, (on Equal chances and freedom of development for all), and "so Strange to our History, our Traditiions, our Values, our Identity", he promissed.
- In fact, "it's the (so-called, political) "Left" who abandoned the Suburbs in an awful state, since the 1990ies, who wanted them to be Impoverished, and seeked the Communautarism !", strongly denounced Sarkozy, very energetically applauded by a lot of People, (who, apparently, recognized in that their own experience, particularly with some "Socialist" Municipalities where ethnic and social Getthoisation is notoriously aggravating, sometimes in worrying, both dangerous and caricatural proportions, obiously provoked by artificial means).
He opposed to that the more than 45 BIllions € consecrated by the Government to the "Renovation" of Suburbs, (which, indeed, haven't seen so much Money related to them, since Decades...), but, obviously, this doesn't automatically mean that all Local Authorities, and particularly, even "Socialist" a.o. Mayors, might really use these State Funds in an objective nor really efficient manner...
=> - "No misunderstandings :
Summing up, in order to dissipate any eventual misunderstanding or misinterpretation, Sarkozy made it even explicitly crystal clear that, in fact, ".. it's precisely because I believe in Free Trade, that I don't want, no more, that Wildcat Competition, without Rules, without limits, without justice, which brings everybody down".
"And it's because I believe in Freedom of Movement, that I warn and alert on the consequences of an uncontrolled Immigration", as he added.
=> On the contrary, the EU must "become a Europe which protects" the People, Sarkozy reiterared.
+ At any case, the French President also anounced his intention to "defend everywhere the Religious Freedoms and, in particular, Oriental Christian's Right to live in Peace", as he promissed, largely applauded by the People, (the same week that the Head of Christian Catholics in Turkey, Mgr Pelatre, launched in Strasbourg's Cathedral, after meetings with CoE's Officials, an appeal for Help in front of the Difficulties that Christian Minorities face in such Countries : F.ex. Unexplained yet Murders of father Santoro and of his predecessor as Head of Catholic Church in Turkey, Mgr. Padovese, on 2010, followed by non-targetted Mass Massacres in Iraq, Egypt, etc), after reminding also the Help given by France and other EU Countries to the Democratic awakening in several Arab Mediterranean Countries, particularly in Libya, and stressing the need to find ways to urgently help today the People tragically suffering in Syria, while also warning that those responsible for the most serious Human Rights violations will be held accountable.
+ An EU "Duty to Win" on 2012 ?
The unfinished job of the "European Debate on EU's Future"
In fact, it's obvious that Sarkozy has yet an Unfinished Job to complete (and, in order to be able to do that : an Historic Duty to Win on 2012), since his hard fougt but triumphant Election of May 2007, when he helped Europe to lift an Institutional Blockade, with unprecedented Majority Abstentions in EU Parliament's Elections since 1999-2004, Three "No" to EuroReferenda on EU's Constitution in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, etc., which had been notoriously provoked mainly by Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid : To help forge a strong, "Political Europe", based on People's free Democatic electoral choices, with an efficient Economic Governance, Respect for Human Rights and Democracy, Social Cohesion, a Developed, High-Tech. Production, and a Popular Historic and Cultural Identity.
Indeed, as it's well known, when he was obliged to accept a compromise (on August - September 2007, at a hard moment in his life) on his brillant 2007 Electoral win's promisse to Stop Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU Accession course, letting EU - Turkey Negotiations to continue, (a lucrative game for Ankara, which empockets almost 1 Billion € each Year in full Grants from the EU, i.e. an equivalent of more than 400 Billions in Loans, every year : Precisely the cost of EU's biggest, High-Tech. Space Program GMES : i.e. "Global Monitoring for Environment and Security", currently threatened by lack of EU Funds ! : See relevant "EuroFora" NewsRepots recently), this had been done, explicitly, on the Double Condition that : (A) 4 or 5 Chapters of EU Acquis, which represent the core of EU Membership (f.ex. participation in EU Institutions, EU Citizenship and Shengen's free movement of People, EU Cohesion policy, etc) would NEVER be opened for EU - Turkey Negotiaions, (Something naturally provisional, since No President could ever guarantee that this would be prolonged for more than 5 Years, i.e. only during his Mandate), and (B) a panEuropean Top Debate should start on "Europe's Future", (i.e. on EU's Historic and Cultural Identity, Borders, Political dimension with Popular support and Social Cohesion, role in the World, etc).
But, after a Bureaucratic manoeuver inside Brussels' EU Commission scandalously "burried" the issue in a controversial small "Committee" Report on 2010, prepared by an appointed Secretariat directed by a certain "Dr. Türk", a Slovenian Expert in ... Computer issues, completely unknown to EU Citizens, and then hired only by Turkey's Instabul University for a part-time job, as well as chaired by former Socialist P.M. Gonzalez, a notorious suppporter of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, known for having formed a "Duo" with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan in a MultiCultural poject, etc), the matter wasn't pursued at all until now. However, EU's Political 2012 Landscape is much Better and adequate today, than what it was back on August 2007, for the realization of that Sarkozy's idea, (a compromise deal with EU Commission's President Barrozo : Comp. supra). Because, meanwhile, Democratic Elections in many EU Countries allowed to the People, at least partly also inspired by France's 2007 example with Sarkozy, to Vote into power several Political Leaders and/or considerably strengethen New Political Parties, whose views on Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid are closer, if not quasi - Identical to the French President's : F.ex. in Germany, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Ireland, etc., and even in the UK an unknown Party surprized by winning more MEPs than the Liberals and even than the then Governing Labor Party immediately after it entered the Vote with No 1 issue the "No t Turkey's entry in the EU", while also EU Parliament's 2009 Elections were largely won by Sarkozy's allies of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Party both in France and Germany but also elsewhere in Europe.
Moreover, several experienced or new EuroPoliticians have already told "EuroFora" that they also feel that Time has come for such a Debate to start in Europe, by a potentialy interesting coincidence, at the same moment that Sarkozy anounced his intention to start using a "Referendum" method of reaching out to the People whenever "intermediaries" might eventually refuse to move on key issues, and the same year that "EU Citizens' Initiative" is expected to start working probably from April 2012, as informed EU sources told "EuroFora"...
Will the People's Democratic Electoral verdict, during many important Elections between 2007 - 20011 (comp. Supra), be fully respected by succeeding to lift any eventual obstacles/diversions by a few "Technocrats" and/or other anti-democratic "Intermediaries" ?
But, for this to be, at last, done, Sarkozy, naturally, has not only a "Duty", (as he's already said when he first anounced the decision to seek the extension of his mandate recently), "not to abandon" the People, particularly in the still on-going Fight to defibitively overcome the Global Crisis, but also, even more important, "a Duty to Win" on 2012.
Obviously because, otherwise, EU's Chance to overcome the 2005 Institutional Blockade, by adopting on 2007-2009 the Libon Treaty, and EU Parliament's legitimate Hope to Stop on 2014 the "black series" of fast-growing Majority Anbstentions in EU Elections since 1999-2004 (which only decelerated on 2009), would both risk to dangerously hung "in Limbo", in front of Hundreds of Millions of EU Citizens, who don't forget so easily, (particularly when relevant Events inevitably remind them)...
Added to what Sarkozy has already done also in order to safeguard Peace in and around Europe, (f.ex. on August 2008, by immediatly acting energetically and efficiently to Stop a devastating and dangerously spreading Russo - Georgian War, etc. ) as well as in order to organize EU's and G-20's responses against the Global Economic Crisis by succesful "Stimulus" a.o. Plans on 2008-20011, extended, in close cooperation with German chancellor Merkel and other allies, to the recent edification of a brand New €uroZone Governance, coupled with a movement towards more €uro-Integration since 12/2010-3/2012, as a Future-oriented, positive by-product of the present fight against the Debt Crisis and for Financial Stabilisation, which is currently starting to be won, (comp. relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports from Brussels, but also Paris, Berlin, Strasbourg Freiburg, etc), contrary to the Risk of unpredictable Peripeties if the controversial "'Socialist" French presidential candidate Hollande blocks the Ratification of the 2012 €uro Governance Treaty, asking its renegociation, as he has already threatened to do, all this naturally raises the question whether Nicolas Sarkozy's electoral mandate's extension for 2012-2017 is not only in the interest of the French People, but also of all Europe.
(Comp. also Statements to "EuroFora", Photos, etc. + by long-time former 1st Lady of France, Bernadette Chirac, Governing UMP Party's National Council President, former Prime Minister Raffarin, Trade/SME's Minister, former Spokesman of the Governing Party, Lefebvre, Head of the Governing coalition's Delegation to EU Parliament, MEP Audy, etc., in various other, short and topical Newstories, already sent in "Drafts" to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors earlier).
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version is due asap).
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Ten Years of ECHR : 1998 - 2008 show need of Revival in 2009-2010 coinciding with 2009 EU Election
A threefold, coordinated move by new Top French Political actors in the 2009 EU Parliament Elections, expressed in Strasbourg a will to boost Europe's Political dimension close to Citizens' concerns, going from protection of Economy to defence of Human Rights.
The move met an exceptional ECHR's call for a "revival" of Human Rights' protection mechanism', in a Mega-Conference, early 2010.
Obviously focusing on June 2009 Elections to EU Parliament, it involved from the outset the recently nominated "dual" Head of French Governing Party (UMP) Michel BARNIER and Rachida DATI :
- "As President Sarkozy has clearly said, we (France) are in favor of a Strong, Sovereign and Independent, Political Europe, which protects its Citizens, and not for a large Super-Market, nor for a Europe under influence",
"This goes for everything, including Energy", added to "EuroFora" the experienced former EU Commissioner, Minister of Foreign affairs, currently of Agriculture and Sarkozy's new pick as Leader of the Governing party UMP to EU 2009 Election, Michel BARNIER .
- Human Rights are important because they are at the Heart of the Political Europe that we aspire for : I.e. a Europe able to act and protect its Citizens, stressed also the New French Minister for European affairs, Bruno LE MAIRE, while meeting Strasbourg's Journalists at his first visit to the CoE.
This is one of the main interests for CoE, which is also a natural place for cooperation between EU countries and Russia or Turkey, which was recently helpful at the Middle East crisis, he added.
The move gained momentum with French Minister of Justice, Rachida Dati's main observations at ECHR's 5Oth Anniversary :
- "While we are seeking Europe's Borders and Identity, you (ECHR) remind us also of its Values", Human Rights, Dati noted.
Citizens seek more and more often ECHR's help, and the tempo accelerates, Europa awaits a symbol, while national legal orders are not freezed
And she expressed "support" to ECHR President Jean-Paul Costa's call to satisfy the vital need to revigorate the PanEuropean Court by deciding big changes at a High-Level Conference open to a large audience, a kind of "Etats Generaux" of Human Rights, at the beginning of 2010.
It's not so much the recently growing number of applications for Russia or Ukraine etc, which seems to be Costa's main concern : In fact, the cases declared "admissible" are much fewer...
But rather the persistent violations of Human Rights, sometimes very grave (ie. murders, torture, abritrary deprivation of liberty, oppression of freedom of speech, destructions of homes/properties, etc), despite numerous, repeated condemnations by ECHR. So that CoE's Ministers, due to "supervise execution" of ECHR's judgements, are overloaded.
F.ex. most Media noted that Turkey still remains, even in 2008, the 1st among 47 CoE member States in the number of condemnations by ECHR : 257, compared to 233 for Russia, with a population more than the double..
The problem is that it's not the 1st time at all : During all the last Decade 1998-2008, Turkey was condemned by ECHR much more than any other State, and for particularly grave violations :
- 1.652 condemnations, compared to 605 for Russia, 548 for Poland, 494 for France, 476 for Ukraine, etc.
Italy's second place with 1.394 condemnations is a misleading false appearance : In fact, most of them (999) concern mere "procedural delays" in national courts. Same for France.
On the contrary, Turkey was condemned 180 times for Killings, 192 times for Torture or Inhuman/Degrading treatments, 340 times for arbitrary deprivation of Liberty, 528 times for "Unfair trial", and 169 times for oppression of Freedom of speech, (etc). And the latest, 2008 numbers, indicate no change in this trend, (See supra).
The current Spanish CoE Presidency (November 2008 - May 2009) has made of the implementation of ECHR's judgements its 1st Priority.
ECHR's President, Jean-Paul Costa, stressed in its 2009 Annual Press Conference, CoE Member States' obligation to implement the judgements, according to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Moreover, if CoE's Committee of Ministers delays to ensure implementation, then, the repetition of violations in similar cases provokes a multiplication of complaints tabled to the Court, which overload the mecanism for the protection of Human Rights, denounced Costa.
A series of Debates on "the situation of Human Rights in Europe", focusing on the "need to fight against Impunity" of perpetrators of grave crimes, is currently prepared by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly for the session of June 2009.
The final Timing comes shortly AFTER the EU Elections, but the main Reports should have been adopted before.
Meanwhile, French President Sarkozy and German Chancelor Merkel's recent call "for a Political Europe" in 2009 EU Elections (See earlier "correspondence from Paris, Elysee Palace), seems more and more endorsed also by other EU Countries' Top MEPs :
Thus, f.ex., EU Parliament's 1st vice-President, Greek MEP Mrs Rodi KRATSA, speaking to "EuroFora", agreed that 2009 EU Election would be a "naturally good" opportunity to debate what really interests EU Citizens : "The Future of a Political Europe, able to face the Economic Crisis, with a Culture and identity which attracts the People"
(Photo taken earlier during Sarkozy's 1st visit at EU Parliament, in 2007 : Sarkozy and Merkel's Ideas for a Political Europe inspire also other EU politicians accross the continent)...