UN latest Ukraine Reports denounce Escalation: Urgent to Stop Killing Civilians + Investigate Crimes
*Strasbourg/- USA-led EU Sanctions, instead of Reducing the Bloody Conflict in Eastern Ukraine, on the contrary, were followed by a considerable Aggravation, since the Number of persons Killed Last Month (16 July - 17 August : at least 1.200 Victims) is almost Half of all those who have been Killed since the Beginning of all Kiev's Military Attacks against the Dissident Regions of Donetsk/Luhansk during 5 Months (at least 2.600 Victims), i.e. immediately after CoE Assembly's controversial April 2014 Plenary Session's Resolution in Strasbourg, where, paradoxically, a Minority of MEPs managed to provoke the Withdrawal of the Russian Parliamentary Delegation until at least January 2015, (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport of April 2014 from the CoE : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coeminorityamendmentpushesrussianmepsout.html ) + In addition, it's also the Number of those Wounded which exploded, reaching at least 6.000 Persons wounded from the start, 5 Months ago, until recently, Half of them only during last Month.
=> In consequence, on August 2014, the Eastern Ukraine's Conflict costs at least 36 Human Lives lost by Brutal Killings, and about 100 Victims Wounded, "each Day", according to the latest UNCHR Report, Published this Friday at nearby Geneva and Kiev simultaneously. Even worse : this affects more and more Civilian People, (including Women, Elders, Children, etc), and this fact made UNO's High Commisioner on Human Rights, Navy Pillay, to publish her comments under the Heading ; - "Alarmed by killing of Civilians in Ukraine"'s Dissident regions.
Several key aspects of Kiev's "intensifying" Military Attacks against the Dissident Regions, and now closer to Residential areas, might be blatant "Violations of International Humanitarian Law", while even "War Crimes" were not excluded during the "Escalading" Clashes, UNO's August Report practicaly Warned.
=> Such a sharp Worsening, reportedly Threatening even an Humanitarian Catastrophe (f.ex. at Luhansk City, etc), could explain also the fact that, according to various other UNO's sources (f.ex. OCHOA etc), it seems that the Flux of Displaced persons/Refugees obliged to Flee Kiev's Military Attacks against the Dissident Regions, almost .. TRIPPLED last Month, with an average of more than 3.000 departs per Day now on August, (instead of 1.000 on July).
+ But UNO also Denounced, this time, the fact that the still on-going "Investigations" on the most Crucial Tragic Incidents which have notoriously Triggered a Bloody Conflict in Ukraine, i.e. Kiev's Deadly "Snipers" of February 21 (See f.ex. : See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/calltoinvestigatekievnipersdropedateuparliament.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentasksinternationalinvestigationonukrainesnipers.html), and Odesa's Horrible Massacre of Dissident Protestors, many of whom were Burned alive on May 2, (Comp. f.ex. : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ukrainedissidentsattackedbymilitaryandextremists.html) seem to be now at an unacceptable Deadlock, despite a Vital Need for elementary Justice and the impossibility to bring a real and sustainable Reconciliation in the dangerously Divided Country without finding and punishing at least those who bear the main Responsibility for such Horrible Crimes, as the International Organization's latest Report stresses also in a series of Recommendations pointing at the Urgency for a Peaceful Solution.

- For the 1st time in Post World War Modern History, a European Country like Ukraine is cited, between some 190 Countries in all, as No 3, together with ...."Syria, Afghanistan", as well as "South Sudan, Sudan, Central African Republic, Iraq, ...and ...Gaza, the occupied Palestinian territory", where, "because of the Conflicts" that "are Surging there", which "are so Shocking", and given "the Level of Killings", (etc), "the Human Rights situation" has in fact "Worsened", according to UNO's High Commissioner on Human Rights, Mrs Navi Pillay, speaking at an official UNO's Interview, the same Day that it published its New Report on Eastern Ukraine, on the 28th of August 2014.

- Unlike the last "5 Years",(which had evolved "reasonably" on Human Rights, on the contrary, "Now, (i.e. on 2014), these Conflicts that are raging in about 12 or 13 States, with Loss of Civilian Lives, injuries" , etc., "really do keep me Awake at Night".
- "And what particularly touches me is when Children are Killed" or "Injured. They are totally innocent and caught up in the warfare and conflicts. Nobody can claim that they are combatants. That in particular Troubles me", she denounced from the outset, as her Experience of 6 Years as UNO's Human Rights Commissioner allows her to conclude.

+ Moreover, among those problematic Countries, there are "a Few cases of ...Obstructions" by the "National Government", mainly "if they do not Allow ... Into their" territories either "me" (i.e. UNO's High Commission on Human Rights), "or they don't allow ...Commissions of Inquiry" : "It’s important that they do", she criticized.

Human Lives Killed : Civilians targetted ?
- "Intensified Hostilities" after the July 2014 USA-led EU EU Sanctions, resulted into "an Escalation in the Number of Casualties, which have More than DOUBLED" since the last Repot (July 2014), and "took a Heavy Toll on the Human Rights and Humanitarian situation in Eastern Ukraine during the past Month",UNO's August Report denounces from the outset, in a crystal clear way :
Only during 1 Month, "at least 1,200 people have been killed, and at least 3,250 have been wounded in east Ukraine between 16 July and 17 August." (+ See more comprehensible estimates Infra).
=> "“There is an Urgent Need to End the Fighting and Violence in the Eastern regions", which face Kiev Military's Attacks since April, "before more Civilians are Harmed, or forced to Flee, or face Intolerable hardships Trapped", warned UNO's High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs Navi Pillay at nearby Geneva, asking to "Stop Strikes on Civilians" in the Dissident Regions of Lugansk/Luhansk which fave from Kiev Army's Military Attacks since April.
The net Worsening of the Humanitarian situation this Last Month becomes even more Obvious when one Compares the Numbers of recent Victims with that the estimated Total of Victims since the beginning of the 5 Months-long Kiev Military Attacks on the Dissident Regions of Donetsk/Luhansk : F.ex., out of a Total of "at least" some 6.000 "People .. Wounded, since the Fighting Began in mid April", (i.e. during 5 Months), more than the Half (i.e. "at least 3.250") were Wounded just in one (1) Last Month, between End July - End August, revealing that 4 times (X 400 %) More Wounds were inflicted just this Last Month.
+ Indeed, "During this period" of mid-July - August 2014, (i.e. practically just after the first USA-led EU Sanctions which really affect Russia's Economy), "on average, at least 36 People are killed" and almost 100 are Wounded EVERY DAY", (most of them Civilians : Comp. Supra), UNO's latest Report denounces.
=> In Total, at least 3.320 People have been Killed "as of 17 August" 2014, as it results from what UNO's Report notes afterwards, citting Kiev's "National Security/Defence Council and Dissident Regions' "Local Administrations" and "Civil Medical Establishments".
>>> This includes 618 "casualties within the Ukranian Armed Forces", and at least 1.702 Victims "among Civilians and Armed Groups" in the Dissident Regions : I.e. almost Three Times More Victims (X 300 %) among the Dissident People of Donetsk/Luhansk attacked by Kiev's Military !

+ And, in fact, UNO's August 2014 Report Warns that "the actual number of fatalities .... is probably much Higher", because "Casualties .. have been UnderReported" in the Dissident Regions, particularly since "many of those killed have been Buried without being taken to morgues or bureaus of forensic expertise", while "insecurity has prevented people from seeking medical aid", etc.
Indeed, even in Smaller Towns, such as, f.ex., Horlivka and Pervomaisk, some 252 People are reported as Killed, and more than 570 Wounded, just in a few Days since the End of July, "with the Dead being Burried in Courtyards", notes UNO's latest Report....
Worse : "among Civilians", the International Organization observes that, "f.ex., in the Luhansk Region, hospitals and morgues reported, at least, 439 killed ...., while ...the acting head of the Luhansk regional state administration said that “one and a half Thousand (+ 1.500) were killed”; i.e. More than Three Times More ( + X 300 %), at least as far as Civilian Victims are concerned !
+ If Civilian Victims among Dissidents are really about 1.500 just at Luhansk alone (i.e. + 300% more than the official numbers : Comp. Supra), then, Numbers should logically be even Worse at Donetsk and other Frontline Cities, as well as in the Total throughout all the Territories of the Dissident Regions attacked by Kiev's Military during 5 Months now... In that case, f.ex. the Total of Civilian Victims in the Dissident Regions might be even Higher than 4.500 innocent, unarmed People (mostly Women, Elders and Children) killed during Kiev Military's bombings, etc.!
Curiously, however, this latest, exceptionaly important UNO's Report, does NOT give any overall Numbers (not eve of simple Estimations) about the Total of Civilian Victims killed during last Month's "intensified" Kiev Military's attacks....
UNO observes, nevertheless, "a Considerable Loss of Life among Civilians", including "at least 23 Children ...Killed" in the Dissident Regions, "and at least 38 (more) Children ...Wounded", among the Dissident Populations, during Kiev's Military Attacks, (i.e. about 71 Children Victims at least).
+ Indeed "during the past Month, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have Tightened their BLOCKADES around the main ....Cities of Luhansk, Donetsk and to a lesser extent Horlivka" in the Dissident Regions, so that "the Situation in these Cities has further Deteriorated".

>>> But, "Targeting Civilians and civilian Infrastructure, (f.ex. Water, Electricity, Phone Networks, Hospitals, Schools, Factores, Residential areas with Family Homes, etc), as well as Indiscriminate Attacks, are Violations of International Humanitarian Law", and there is really a Need "to Protect" Civilian People, UNO's latest Report stresses.

However, "Indiscriminate use of Weapons, such as Artillery, Mortars and multiple Rocket Launcher systems, in and around ...densely Populated Areas" is "alleged by Numerous reports", UNO found. .

- The "Responsibility for at least some of the resulting Casualties and Damage lies with Ukrainian Armed Forces (mainly) through reported Indiscriminate Shelling", UNO denounced openly, concerning Civilian Victims.
+ Moreover, regarding everyday life, "the Situation was particularly Dire (f.ex.) in Luhansk as the Fighting Increased. On 1 August, the Luhansk City Council Warned that the City was on the Verge of a Humanitarian Catastrophe: its Residents were withOut Water, Electricity or Gas, food sources were Unreliable, cell Phone communication was Cut off, and Medical services were virtually Non-existent". ... There had been Extensive Damage to buildings, including Schools, Residences, Factories and Stores".
- Meanwhile, some so-called "Corridors" reportedly set up by Kiev's Military only after the End of July, for People to Leave their Home Cities during only a Few Hours per Day : just "between 10 - 14 h", (i.e. only 4 out of 24 Hours Daily), in fact, "Traverse Areas where the Fighting is ongoing, and Casualties have been reported. This raises Concerns about the Security of such Corridors to ensure "Safe Passage" for those (Civilian People) wishing to Flee", UNO's Report criticizes.
++ In Addition, "the Ukrainian forces Increased operations to Arrest people it allegedly Suspects of "Subversive or Terrorist activity", not only "in the East", but also "in Other Regions of Ukraine" : "The Security Service of Ukraine and Police have Detained more than 1,000 People in the Donbas region, as of 16 August", and even "the procedural Rights of these People have Not always been observed". On the contrary, "there are reports of illtreatment during arrest or while in custody", particularly "by territorial battalions under the Ministry of Defence or special battalions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This includes cases of Arbitrary detention, enForced Disappearances and Torture"
=> Therefore, "everyone is Reminded that efforts will be made to Ensure that “anyone committing Serious Violations of International Law, including War Crimes, will be Brought to Justice, no matter who they are", UNO clearly Warned now.
+++ Kiev's Parliament approved 3 Laws, during its 12-15 August session, that would significantly Expand the Powers of law Enforcement bodies in relation to the Security Operation in the East" :
F.ex. "to Expand the Powers of the Prosecutor, and Extending the period of Preventive Detention of Suspects, which appear to be in Conflict with International Human Rights standards, and to Restrict the Rights of Due Process and Presumption of Innocence", the latest UNO's Report criticized, (See also Infra).
+ Humanitarian situation Dramatic
+ Meanwhile, ssome 3.9 million people live where fighting is ongoing or where fighting was taking place until very recently. The population remaining in the Donbas region, even those not directly affected by hostilities, face Reduced or Disrupted services, with Water and Electricity supply and Transportation Badly affected.
So that, on 14 August, an UN-led preliminary response Plan on the Humanitarian aspects of the situation in Eastern Ukraine was presented to a Donors’ Conference.
+ Already there are large Wage Arrears in Ukraine, amounting to 970.7 million UAH (about 72.5 million USD) as of July 2014, with the Highest rates in Kyiv region : 125 million UAH", and at the Russian-speaking, Eastern Regions : 223,7 million UAH at Donetsk and Kharkiv regions. ,"These factors will have negative impacts on businesses and households", UNO warns..
The principal driver of the further deterioration of the economic and social situation in the East is the continuation of the fighting which is concentrated in densely-Populated Areas.
-"The situation is particularly Critical in Luhansk city, directly affecting the 250,000 residents who remained"."As of 15 August, the city had been under continual Shelling (by Kiev's Miitary) for 13 Days, withOut Electricity, Water and mobile/telePhone connection. There was a shortage of Food, potable Water and Medications. Water had Not been sanitised and the Rubbish had not been collected for more than 2 Weeks".
- "As of 15 August, the Security situation made it Impossible to deliver Pensions to 11 Towns and districts in the Donetsk region", and "5 Districts in the Luhansk region". . "Elderly people are particularly Affected as many have been left Alone, when their Families Fled the area. ... About 20,000 persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, were left Alone in their homes in Donetsk, Makiivka and Horlivka, have No Access to their Pensions and Food".
+ "Social welfare benefits (for Families living in Poverty, ....with Children, ...Disabilities", etc.) could Not be paid in 14 Towns and districts of the Donetsk region". More widely, "State allocations for Social welfare benefits could Not be delivered to the Luhansk region", no more.
- Regarding Health : according to preliminary estimates, in Donetsk and Luhansk regions 15 Hospitals have been Damaged", ...."20 Medical Institutions Closed, and 70% of the Medical Personnel have Fled the area". "Medications for patients in need of Renal Dialysis, Vaccinations and antiRetroviral treatment (ARV), as well as insulin dependents, patients with rare diseases and the Dissabled ....will Soon run Out. The incidence of Yuberculosis may increase due to the Risk of treatment Interruption or Inadequate treatment. It is increasing Difficult to Distribute some live-saving Medications, such as ARV and insulin. ....,with Fighting concentrated in Luhansk and Donetsk, such treatment canNot be delivered even to smaller towns where fighting has stopped". "Institutions where Older persons live .... now face Severe Shortage of Food, Medicines (etc)", and "due to the constant Stress experienced by the residents as a result of prolonged....Shelling, cases of Heart Attacks and Strokes have become more Frequent".
Meanwhile, f.ex. "200 patients of the Horlivka Mental Hospital" reportedly were in "Critical" situation, "due to the Lack of Electricity, Water, Food and Medication", "on 13 August". In addition, "Many Older persons have been Left behind when their Families Fled the fighting" during Kiev Military's Attacks against Dissident Regions.
- On Education, "buildings of at least 51 Kindergartens and 102 Schools in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions had been Damaged", already as early "7 August". "The School year will be Postponed", at least "by a Month", while, "for the towns where the fighting is ongoing, (as f.ex. Donetsk, with 1,5 Million Inhabitants normally), Alternative plans will be developed, most likely Distance Learning"...
=> Thus, since In Donetsk and Luhansk, home to a total of 1.5 Million People, the Water supply is Reduced to a few Hours per Day", while "Health Supplies are running Low, and an estimated 70% of health Personnel have Fled the area", at the same time that."Damages to Housing have so far affected 1,600 families", (already before 5 August), then, the situation obviously requires for "Import of Humanitarian Goods to be Expedited. Therefore, we request the Ukrainian Government to ....facilitate the Import of WHO-certified Medical Supplies" at least, UNO's Humanitarian services (OCHOA) recently urged.
*Concerning "Arbitrary and illegal DETENTIONS and ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES
"Fear of Reprisals" is reported by "Residents of ... regions Back under the control of (Kiev's) Government", as well as "Fear of Impunity, ... with No Accountability".
- As long as Kiev Government's Military Attacks against Dissident Regions continue, and "Ukranian Army" was "Gaining back Control over .. Localities", a growing "Number of People suspected of Collaborating with (sic !) or belonging to the Armed Groups have been Detained", UNO observed on August.
=> F.ex., "more than 1,000 “militants and subversives” had been Detained by Police and SBU (Kiev's Sercurity Service) in the Donbas territory, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The detainees are usually accused of violation of the Territorial Integrity of Ukraine....or participating in Terrorism".
+Moreover, recently UNO "receives reports of cases of Enforced Disappearances, by Ukranian Forces, in Areas Restored to the Control of the (Kiev) Government", the August Report denounces.
++ UNO is also "aware" and "Concerned about Cases of Detention that appear to be Politically Motivated, or may constitute a measure of Reprisals".
+++ The International Organization "has also Observed that some (Ukranian) Judges Overlook procedural Irregularities in the Arrest and Detention of individuals suspected of "Anti-Ukranian" activities, UNO's August 2014 Report reveals.
- "There have been Violations ....., particularly regarding ..: (f.ex.) People ..being Detained; without being given any Explanation, ....and Questioned without being delivered to law enforcement agencies. ..Presumption of innocence and Privacy rights ....have been violated when their apprehension was filmed and made public .... Detainee’s relatives were often Not notified ...and Legal Aid was Rare". Even when UNO "brought to the attention of a Court" in Ukraine "cases of what appeared to be Arbitrary Detention", (i.e. "a Crime" committed against an "individual Unlawfuly Detained", who, therefore, "must be Immediately Released"), nevertheless, "Releases have been Rare".
- F.ex., In "Many ...Cases .. associated with the (Kiev's) Aydar Battalion", "some People were kept in Detention by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, for up to 14 (Forteen) Days, Subjected to ill-Treatment".
+ Moeover,. ONU was "informed" "by an Ukranian Human Rights NGO" "about the Detention of a .... Commander" of a Dissidents' defense militia, "nicknamed Batko, who reportedy Died, as a Result of Torture".UNO "was also informed about the Arrest and Torture (even) of a member of the Aydar battalion, who allegedly Tried to Protect Batko''
++ Many reported such cases affect Local/Regional Authorities' elected Heads : - F.ex., "the former Mayor of Slovyansk", "Mrs Nelia Shtepa", "continued to remain in Detention, in the Kharkiv Pre-Trial Detention Facility", since she "was arrested on 11 July" (i.e. already for More than a Month), "being Detained .. for 60 Days" (i.e. 2 Months !!), "without Bail", "by order of a(n Ukranian) Court, despite alleged Numerous Violations of her Rights". + "The deputy Head of Shchastya Town Administration" was "Detained", between 8 and 29 July (i.e. for 21 Days) by Kiev's "Aydar Battalion under the Ministry of Internal Affairs", even without ever any criminal Investigation initiated against him. ++ "The Head of the Luhansk City council was Detained at a check-point (again) .. by (Kiev's) Aydar Battalion" "on 7 August", and his "whereabouts had been Unknown" until, 5 Days later, "on 12 August, it was anounced that "he was now in "a Safe Place", protected by the Police"....
+++ But even a simple "Video-Blogger"(who may become Importa,t, however, f.e. if he Finds and Pubishes Videos refealing a Hidden War Crime, etc), "was apprehended by Ukrainian servicemen on 10 May, near Slovyansk, and was a case of Enforced Disappearance until early August when he was Found in a Detention facility" "on 14 August", i.e. after more than 3 Months of Secret Detention !!!
++++ Last but not least, in an almost Tragi-Comic case, a Young Man from Sloviansk, who had been initially arrested for being Drunk, and obliged by the Dissidents' militia to dig trenches for 4 Days, before returning Home, was reportedly arrested, later-on, by Kiev's Army, accused and condemned by an Ukranian Court for "Separatism and Collaboration" with the Dissidents, UNO denounced...
+ From the other side, "Estimates vary, concerning the Number of People (including Kiev Army's Soldiers) Detained" by the Dissidents' defense militia, observes UNO, which "has been following the cases of 510 People .. since mid-April", (i.e. for the entire 5 Months period of Kiev Military's Attacks against the Dissident Regions of Donetsk/Luhansk), of which, some "200 have been Released, 9 are dead ("some with signs of torture"), and 301 were still in captivity" at mid-August.
Apparently, (with the sole Exception of "a Policeman" reportedly detained "in Donetsk on 19 July" and whose "whereabouts were unknown" to the UNO at least until "11 August"), in most or all other cases of reportedly detained persons, (including from Kiev's Military) were "Released", eiher immediately or after a few Days. In addition, recently, "Exchanges" between Kiev Army's Soldiers attacking Donetsk/Luhbak and Donetsk/Luhansk' Regions' Defense militia seem to have grown, particularly after the recent victories of Dissidents' militia in recuperating several Villages of Donetsk/Luhansk earlier Attacked, Invaded and Occupied by Kiev's Military : F.ex., when a big group of Kiev's Army was reportedly "surrounded" by Dissidents' Defense Militia, their new Leader, Alexander Zachanenko launched an orel and written Appeal (both to the concerned Kiev Militay's Officers, and to the Mothers of those Soldiers, to advise them to "lay down their Arms" and come to get their sons back Home, (according to both Video and Texts just published by the Dissident Regions' website). But afterwards, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an appeal for a "Humanitarian Corridor" to be opened for the immediate evacuation of Kiev Army's Soldiers surrounded by Eastern Ukrania Dissidents' Defense Militia, and this was reportedly accepted now by Donetsk/Luhansk Dissidents' Leader, Zacharenko.
Moreover, UNO's Report notes also the fact that "according to the adviser to the Minister of Defence (of Kiev's Government) on the release of captives and hostages, who himself (had been) in captivity"of Dissidents' Defense Militia in the Past, "Ukrainian Military personnel (who comprise on average 10-15% of all people in captivity" there) are kept ....usually in Decent conditions and treated according to the “Rules of war” and “Officers Dignity”.
But, "according to him, Other detainees (f.ex. Civilians or various other armed groups, etc) are usually kept in basements and in very poor conditions. Their release almost entirely depends on the efforts of relatives, civil activists and
international organizations".
Curiously, the Report does Not reveal most of the alleged Motivations of such Detentions, (usualy Brief : comp. Supra), but it notes, f.ex, that some among the concerned individuals had came "from Kiev" and were suspected to "assist the Ukranian Military by Directing AirStrikes from the ground", or to be "supporter of the (Extremists) Right Sector", (ParaMilitary accused for the 1st Deadly Attacks against Dissidents, Killing on Easters' Night the 3 first Victims at Sloviansk, just after a Geneva meeting of EU, USA, Ukraine and Russia's Foreign Ministers' Agreement for a Peaceful Solution to the Crisis), also for Odesa's horrible Massacre of 45 Dissident Civilians brutaly aggressed and Burned Alive on May 2), while another suspect,, (Savchenko) arrested and detained "in Russia" is notoriously accused for the Murder of a young man, (etc).
Freedoms curtailed ?
+ Even elementary Personal Liberty and Democratic Freedoms are seriously Threatened by certain excessive extensions of Kiev' Authorities" Powers over the Dissident Regions, as it results, - (after the last-minute Withdrawal, following strong European/International Denonciations, of a Draft Law which reportedly gave a Power to Government Officials to Censor any Publication they found Contrary to Security concerns, even without any Judge's decision) - from another 3 Controversial new Laws adopted by Kiev's Parliament "on 12 August", which "appear to be in Conflict with International Human Rights norms and Standards" according to the UNO :
+ "One law would Extend the Time a suspect could be held in Preventive Detention on Suspicion of Terrorism", even "withOut initiating criminal proceedings, Neither a court decision", from "60 or 72 Hours" until now, i.e. nearly 3 (Three) Days, ..." up to 30 (Thirty) Days before appearing before a court", (i.e. Multiplied by more than 10 Times longer !)...
++ ". In a second law, Parliament expanded the authority of the Prosecutor in emergency situations or under martial law" : He "can Order Searches of property, documents, premises and other related activities in cases of suspected terrorist activity", while, "previously only a Court could authorize this". Moreover, "that law does Not provide for any Appeal".
+++ "The third law,.... would enable the Police to Shoot at a person under any circumstances, (and) withOut Warning,. .... contrary to the UN Basic Principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials, which stipulate that intentional use of firearms may only be made when strictly Unavoidable in order to protect life and that in such cases, officials shall Identify themselves, ....and give a clear Warning of their Intent to use firearms".
+ In consequence, while "more than 1,000 People" were "Leaving the conflict zone each Day" back on July, according to OCHA reports, Now this Number has been .. TRIPPLED during the latest Month; in August, resulting Now to More than 3.000 People per each Day, as last Week (22.000 in 7 Days), Russia's Foreign Ministry declared, based on UNO's latest Data Moscow's Authorities recently anounced that, after an estimated 750.000 back on July (a number confirmed by UNO's sources), now on August it's "almost a Million" of Refugees who have crossed the Borders from Eastern Ukraine to Russia, and this is added to Displaced persons who fled elsewhere inside Ukraine, (particularly towards Odesa, Kharkiv and other areas of Russian Speaking populations, close to the Dissident Donetsk/Luhansk Regions attacked by Kiev's Military during 5 Months).
=> Recently, "Intensified Fighting ... has led to Larger waves of Displacement, with the Number of displaced Rising by more than 50,000 persons in the three Weeks from 15 July – 8 August", UNO's latest Report found.
This concerns particularly "the Urban areas of Donetsk and Luhansk cities, and neighbouring towns". Already, it is estimated that "over 450,000 people would have been Displaced from these cities alone", even if, recently, "Leaving these cities has Become more Dangerous".
"As of 14 August, ....155,800 IDPs had been Identified by the Government of Ukraine", most of them being "from Donbas" (about 140.000).
+ But, "the Actual scale of internal Displacement is Higher, as many IDPs have not identified themselves at this stage, namely those staying with Friends and Relatives, or hosted by Civil Society groups".
Moreover, "many remain Near to their homes, (fex.) staying in Rural areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regionls, or in the Nearby regions of Kharkiv", etc. Indeed, far away "Large cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv .(of the West)... report that they do Not have any more free spaces to accommodate IDPs". + In addition, "Fatigue and Lack of capacity has Started to set in, and this is compounded by the economic Downturn' in Ukraine's Economy, UNO observes.
++ Even "Tensions are also Emerging", it warns : F.ex. "in Western Ukraine host populations Increasingly resent male IDPs, Acusing them of Evading Mlitary service while men from the West are being Mobilized". Thus, f.ex. "IDPs ... near Kyiv reported being Threatened by their Neighbours, who Accused them of Stealing Jobs, and Evading their Military duties". Moreover, some "Media outlets are Fuelling these resentments with Alarmist articles about the alleged Misbehaviour of IDPs from the East".."IDPs in Kyiv and Lviv (West) have reported that landlords have become Reluctant to rent Apartments to them, because they are from the Donbas area" (East).
However, among those IDPs who didn't move far away, but stay Near their Home City, f.ex. "in the area around Mariupol, some IDPs live in Dire Conditions, sleeping in Tents, Cars or decrepit Summer Camp facilities", . 'with Insufficient Toilet facilities and No potable Water", which "pose Serious Health Risks, and are completely
Untenable for the Winter". +In addition, "an unknown number of IDPs are staying in Camps and other Old Buildings, which canNot be efficiently Heated", UNO warns.
=> As Winter approaches, assistance must be Scaled up. Many of those displaced are already vulnerable and the Temporary shelters housing them will not withstand the Cold temperatures", according to OCHA.
+ As for Cities like Sloviansk a.o., which were Recuperated by Kiev's Military after fierce Clashes, where UNO limits itself into simply citting "Local Authorities' reports" claiming that almost .. "90% of the initial Population" would have already "Returned" Back Home, (despite many Thousands of Houses havinbeen Destroyed by Kiev Military's Attacks), a Critical Reserve seems Necessary :
- Because some Dissident Inhabitants who, indeed, Returned there, Denounce, on the Contrary (f.ex. at the Internet) the fact that they were Surprized to find out that their Home Town had been submeged Not by its lawful, original Inhabiitants, but mainly by many ...Strangers who had come apparently from the Western part of Ukraine, to "settle" at the Eastern regions, "Replacing" their Origina Population by unknown NewComers, as if a kind of .. Silent "Ethnic Cleansing" of the initialy Russian-speaking Majority of People at Eastern Ukraine might have started to go on in real practice, beyong False Appearances..
=> Meanwhile, -“The Longer the Conflict goes on, the More Impact it has on ordinary People, and the Greater the number of people who are Displaced,” said Valerie Amos, UN Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, talking to reporters mid-way through her four-day visit to Ukraine to assess the aid effort, earlier this Month.
- UNO is "Extremely Concerned at the way the (Humanitarian) situation in Ukraine has Deteriorated over the last few months", denounced the top United Nations relief official, according to an official UN press release, (23/8/2014).
=> Therefore, UNO finds Necessary to act "in 3 specific areas" :
- "1st" of all, vis a vis "Political Discussions, which we hope will ...bring Peace, Security and Stability to Ukraine".
- The "2nd area" is for UNO's "Humanitarian response" to "get into" "Ukraine's Eastern Region where the Conflict made it Difficult to get to the People who Need Assistance", (i.e. notoriously the Dissident regions of Luhansk/Donetsk which are for 5 Months unter Blockade by Kiev's persisting Military Attacks). + "So, ...we (UNO) are ....Scaling up operational Capacity, Additional Supplies, and looking at Ways in which we can get INto those more difficult parts of Ukraine", she pointed out.
- "3rdly, there will be Longer-term Rehabilitation efforts which are required, given the Destruction of Essential Infrastructure", in face of which, the "UNO is supporting the Assessment of the Damage" : "- “Imagine the money required to repair that infrastructure !”, she warned.
UNO : Ukranian Authorities' Investigations on Kiev's Deadly "Snipers" and Odessa Massacre = Blocked !
"Investigations into human rights violations committed at Maidan", (essentialy concerning February 2014 Deadly "Snipers") stagnate :
- In particular, concerning the "Mass Killinngs of 18-20 February 2014", "so far there has been No significant Progress in this Investigation", reveals UNO, more than 6 Months since that event.
On the Istingators, nowadays Kiev's Authorities persist to simply accuse their predecessors, by still claiming that all "these Crimes were Instigated by a Group headed by the then President of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovych, and composed by the Highest level Officials", said that the investigation is Complicated by the fact that all members of the group have Fled Ukraine and are Beyond its Jurisdiction".
- A Report by "the Provisional Investigating Commission of the Ukrainian Parliament on the Maidan events, submitted to the Office of the General Prosecutor on 7 July, largely reiterated
the Prosecutor’s (earlier) findings : I.e. it "emphasised the Malicious Negligence of law enforcement Investigators, which resulted in their Failure to Collect and/or duly Secure Evidence".
=> Even Worse : "This led to an unalterable Loss of material Evidence, due to which it has become almost Impossible to bring the actual Perpetrators to Trial" now, denounces UNO's August 2014 Report, (which, astonishingly, doesn't even mention the Word "Snipers" !)...
+ Moreover, it's by the "Claim that it would Destroy potential remaining Evidence", that "People who had been living in the Maidan encampment since the end of the protests, refused to dismantle the barricades in "Instytutska Street" in Kyiv", UNO's Report observes.
Nevertheless, "on 24 July", Kiev's city Prosecutor accused the Kiev City's Administration of having failed to ensure the Departure of pro-Maidan activists from 12 buildings they have been occupying illegally since December 2013 (sic !), and for not restoring public order and normal traffic in and around the Maidan area of Independence Square".
=> Therefore, "from 7 to 15 August, the Maidan encampment in Independence Square in Kyiv wa, s Removed by voluntary Battalions under the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", (Avakov : one of the most Controversial figures of Kiev's current Authorities, that some have even tried to prosecute via an InterPol. mandate for alleged Crimes). "This triggered Resistance from the inhabitants of Maidan who tried to defend their Camp; a number of tents and tires were set on Fire, and Clashes occurred. Some Maidan inhabitants were Arrested, and one suffered a Gunshot Wound", after he was "Shot in the Back" by Security Agents, as he denounced.
+ May 2, Odessa Massacre Investigation : "No new Results"...
+ At the same time, even "the official investigation into 2 May violent events in Odesa has made Little progress", since both Kiev's "Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of General Prosecutor ... have Not provided Result", UNO's August 2014 Report criticizes.
The International Organisation denounces, indeed, the fact that Kiev's Authorities' claims "did Not contain New elements", but included "Contradictory" informations, as well as "Differences of Opinion", etc., about certain "Suspects including People from Russia and the Transnistrian region", while even "the Cause of Deaths in the Trade Union Building remained Unclear and Required Further Investigation", while a "Main Suspect .. remains at large", and "Members of the Independent Commission on the Investigation of the 2 May violence ...expressed Serious Concerns about factual Errors in the forensic Evidence and suggested annulling all previous forensic results".
+ Moreover, "on 8 August", that "Independent Commission ... deplored the fact that the principal Initiators of the violence remain Unknown and therefore enjoy Impunity".
>>> In addition, the Ukranian Security Services had been "well Informed, in advance, about the Tense situation in Odesa at the begining of May, and of the Plans of .... Activists", while "a Specia Police tactical Plan had .. been approved, .. supposed to guarantee Police Readiness". "However, for Reasons that remain Unknown, this Plan was Not Implemented", and, "despite Prior Knowledge and Planning,n Police Forces deployed to ensure Public Order, Failed to do so, "for Unknown Reasons", and "it took the Fire Brigade 38 Minutes to arrive at Kulikove Pole (site of the violence) following the first Emergency call, Although it is only 5 Minutes away.", the Independent Commission revealed, earlier this Month.
=> Meanwhile, "Pro-Federalism supporters Gather", "very Sunday", "at Klikove Pole, the Square in front of the Trade Union building", where the May 2 Massacte was committed. "A Memorial with the Photos of the Killed People and Candles was set up". "But" it was "Demolished Twice within 24 hours, on 19 and 20 July" 2014, "by Unknown" culprits, denounced UNO's Report.
Such a scandalous, brutal Vandalism and desecration even of a Monument in the Memory of tragically Killed People, "reflects the continued Sensitivity and Division following the 2 May Violence, and the Need for a thorough and Independent Investigation"; UNO concluded on Odesa.
+ Moreover, Nothing substantial doesn't seem to have been done in order to find and punish those Responsible for several Other cases of Dissidents Killed at various Eastern Cities by Kiev's agents in order to prevent more revolts :
F.ex. "the human rights Violations" committed when "20" persons were "Killed and even more Hospitalized" "on 9 May", at "Mariupol", after the special Police "Battalion Azov" sought to "prevent the seizure of an administrative building" by Dissidents. And/or "in the Rymarska case in Kharkiv in March 2014, when 2 members of the pro-Russian organisation Oplot .... were killed and several wounded" by "Clashes with a Far-Right "Patriots of Ukraine" Extremist Group, (etc).
+ => New (Internal) Front Opens inside Ukraine's mainland ?:
Meanwhile, UNO also noted the emergence of various converging moves for multi-facet Protests against the still on-going Military Attacks on Eastern Ukraine's Dissident areas. Indeed, "the 4 Months of Fighting are not restricted to the Donbas region", because, "in addition to receiving increasing numbers of internally Displaced persons leaving the conflict area, the Other Parts of Ukraine have also been Affected by the conflict".
In particular :
- A "Growing number of Protests against Mobilization, in which Mothers of the drafted Soldiers play a Leading role". Indeed, "partial Mobilization, decreed by Parliament on 23 July, is expected to call up an additional 50,000 Men and Women aged between 18 and 60, including eligible IDPs. This has triggered Protests especially from Relatives of people being Mobilized, but also on social Media"; UNO observed for the 1st time now.
- ". In Odesa, activists supporting Federalisation continued to gather on the main square, Kulikove Pole, protesting against the Security operation in the East, and the Slow Investigation into the 2 May events, and demanding Fair trials for pro-Federalism activists who had been detained".
- "In Kharkiv, parallel rallies of two opposing groups (the supporters of a Unified Ukraine and the supporters of Federalisation) were held", .. under the surveillance of about 100 police officers". "Compared to previous months, the assemblies tended to involve More Participants".
- Even "in Western Ukraine", a "number of Rallies have taken place", including in order to ...express Dissatisfaction with local or regional Officials, ...support ...IDPs, Against Mobilization, or with demands for ....Reforms. In some cases the Protesters Blocked critical Roads".
- A recent "Rise in Violent incidents in Ukraine targeting local Officials,would seem to be Coordinated. F.ex. , the Mayor of Kremenchuk (Poltava region) was Shot Dead, and a Rocket Attack was launched on the Home of the Mayor of Lviv; (both incidents occurred within 24 Hours of each other, on 25 and 26 July)". But, in this same "Lviv region", when "on 12 August, traffic Police detained 7 members of the Right Sector (pro-Ukraine) who were .... carrying a large number of Rifles, Shells and Explosives", "although a criminal Investigation was opened for illegal Posession of Weapons", nevertheless, all "the Suspects were Released later that day.". Indeed, "senior law enforcement Officials stated that ...Pro-Maidan activists were considered .. "Patriots" and were given “Immunity” from being arrested or prosecuted" in general. And this, despite the fact that several "Bomb Threats have Increased in Most of the major Cities in Ukraine over the past Month".
- Concerning Corruption, UNO critically observes that, even if "the Transformation of Ukraine into a fully Democratic society, with No place for Corruption, was among the key Demands of the Maidan Protestors and Civil Society activists, who have since been Advocating for Reforms", nevertheless, Today "Many in Civil Society consider that the central Government has been Unreceptive" to such "recommendations".
Thus, a key Representative of the Anti-Corruption Popular Movement, Tetiana Tchornovol, who served recently in Kiev Government's Anti-Corruption Office , has just Resigned, denouncing serious Setbacks in this field.
- "People who had been living in the Maidan encampment since the end of the protests Refused to Dismantle the barricades in "Instytutska Street" in Kyiv".
But, "from 7 to 15 August, the Maidan enCampment in Independence Square in Kyiv was Removed by ...Battalions of volunteers under the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", (i.e. also accompagnied by Police Agents with clubs, gas, etc, as many VideoNews clearly show).
=> Therefore, "Clashes occurred" when "this triggered Resistance from the inhabitants of Maidan who tried to Defend their Camp". + Moreover, ".. a number of Tents and tires were set on Fire, some Maidan Inhabitants were Arrested, and one suffered a Gunshot Wound", after "he was Shot in the Back by law enforcement Officers", as he denounced to UNO's Monitoring mission on the spot.
(Comp. also on "Investigations" of the worst Human Rights Abuses).
+ UNO expressed "particular Concern" that "some Public Figures, particularly political and religious Leaders, resort to "Inflammatory speech"" . Because "Developments in the Eastern regions have Exacerbated Tensions ...even Hate Speech, particularly ....in the mass media and during rallies.
F.ex., in Odesa, public displays of a symbol, slogan or poster associated with one side or the other, including displays of the Ukrainian flag or of St. George ribbons, has on many occasions sparked a Negative, sometimes Violent Reaction". While, "on 6 August", at "the Odesa Regional Council, a senior Police Investigator described “pro-Federalism” activists; who were gathering at Kulikove Pole, as “previously Convicted Lumpen, from Marginal circles, Foreigners and Unemployed” and “having the Intellectual Level equal to a 14-Year-old”. After what, "Disciplinary measures have been taken" in that case.
Freedom of Expression Violations grow and aggravate
- This last Month, a growing number of serious Violations of Freedom of Expression and of the Press, mainly by Kiev Authorities' Agents, were Denounced by UNO's latest Human Rights Report on Ukraine :
- During this Last Month, "the Government of Ukraine has sought to Regulate the Media in order to Censor and Control" them, UNO observed on August 2014.
This targetted "especially Russian Media broadcast or distributed in Ukraine" (notorious for its Strong Russian-Speaking Minority), but, more widely, also any Media that Kiev's Authorities might accuse to publish "UnVerified Informations", "or One-Sided", or even simply so-called "Judgemental Reports".
- F.ex., Kiev's Authorities "demanded that (all) Cable TV Providers STOP Broadcasting the Russian Channel RBK-TV", from "7 August", claiming that it would "No Comply with Ukranian Law". But, in fact, they have "Already Banned ... at least 12 (Twelve) Russian Channels, channels including “1st Channel”, “RTR Planet”, “Russia 24”, “NTV-Mir”, “TV Centre – International”, “Russia 1”, “NTV”, “TNT”, “Petersburg 5”, “Zvezda”, “Ren TV”, and “LifeNews”, (a Journalist of which was even Killed, earlier), as UNO's Report denounces...
+ In addition, "the SBU asked the Ukrainian Internet Association" to "Limit Access in Ukraine to 24 Internet Websites, registered outside Ukraine. It "alleged that they promoted violence, ethnic Hatred and/or Violation of the Territorial Integrity of Ukraine", (claiming to be "based on conclusions" of a so-called "National Expert Commission for the protection of Public Morals" - sic), UNO observed Critically.
"Arrests and detentions of journalists by Ukrainian forces" from Kiev :
- "4 Years of ImPrisonment" were imposed to a Website Editor "by an Ukranian Court on 18 July", after he was reportedly accused to "publish Incorrect Information about the (Kiev's Military) Security Operation, and spread anti-Ukranian Information", "classified as Trespass against Ukraine's Territorial Integrity and Inviolability" (sic !), UNO's Human Rights Report denounced. The Victim's Website : "Nabat", is "known for its pro-Federalism Views".
- "A Female Journalist" was "Obliged to Leave" Ukraine, "by 4 August", after being "Detained by the SBU.. for Questioning" in "ZaKarpathia region" three Days earlier. The Victim was an American and Russian Citizen "working for "Russia Today".
- "A Freelance Journalist" was "Banned from Ukraine for 3 Years", after being "Detained by the SBU near the Donetsk Airport" (i.e. near the City), and reportedly "Held for 3 Days", "Taken to the Polish Border" and "Dumped Out" there, while "his Ukranian Collegue was Beaten up" and "Detained" for 2 Days : from 22 to 24 July. The 1st Victim was working also for "Russia Today" TV.
- "3 Journalists went "MISSING" since 1 August, and were found only "5 Days later", denouncing that they had been "Detained", "Blind-Folded ..., with their Hands Tied, ill-Treated, Threatened, and Forced to Remove their Clothes", "before being Separately released at Night", until "Local Residents" managed to find and bring them to local authorities, which gave them "Food and Clothing". The Victims (from Serbian Media : a Weekly and a TV, together with a Freelance from Luhansk) "reported that they had been detained "by the (Kiev Army's) Territorial Defence Bataillon "Kryvbas", at a Checkpoint .. after Crossing the Russia - Ukraine Border".
- "The Chief editor of Donetsk Newspaper “Municipalna Gazeta” was Arrested by the SBU on 3 August" and "Accused of supporting "Terrorism" (simply) by heading a "Pro-Russian" Information Unit in Donetsk". Moreover, "she was Detained with her 17-year-old Son" and "both Taken to Kiev"; where an Ukranian Judge obliges "the Journalist ...to be Held in Custody .. for 60 (Sixty !) Days", "without bail", i.e. "until 4 October", "while the Pre-Trial Investigation is ongoing". (Appeal possible "on 21 August", i.e. only 18 Days after her Detention).
- "A PhotoJournalist ...went "MISSING" in the Donetsk region on 5 August", allegedly "Detained by (Kiev's) Ukranian Armed Forces", according to "his collegues". But Kiev's "Government Military Spokesman has Denied this", and, therefore, an "Investigation into his Disappearance" was opened by the Police on 11 August", i.e. 6 Days later, and his whereabouts still remain unknown. The Victim was working for the "Press Agency RIA Novosti", (headquartered in Russia).
+ NTN Channel's operator was reportedly "abducted in Dontetsk" on "2 August", his "whereabouts" still "remaining Unknown", according to UNO's Report.
- "In the areas Restored to the Control of the Government" of Kiev, even a simple "Video-Blogger" "was apprehended by Ukrainian servicemen on 10 May near Slovyansk, and was a case of "Enforced Disappearance" until early August, (i.e. during more than ...4 Months !) when he was found in .. Detention", as he was Released as part of an Exchange of .. Detainees, between Ukranian Armed Forces and Armed Groups", UNO found out. Meanwhile, since .. "June, .... (Ukranian) Authorities had opened an Investigation for Murder", without any result for 2 Months+...
From the Other side, back on July, 2 Ukranian "Freelance Journalists" (with Not-named Media) were reportedly "Detained by (not named) Armed Groups in the Luhansk region", and their "whereabouts.. remain Unknown".
While, moreover, also on July, the former Head "of Defence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, Igor Strelkov, (who has notoriously resigned and been replaced, later-on), announced that Journalists were Not allowed" to operate "in a Combat Zone and/or in the Immediate Proximity of Military", (i.e. something that some might, exceptionaly, find eventually understandable, depending on real circumstances, mainly for the Security of all included).
>>> - "The way out of the current Crisis in the East", is "to ensure Reconciliation of Communities by Peaceful and Democratic means", (instead of 5 Months of Military Attacks by Kiev's Army against Dissident Donetsk/Luhansk Regions), and this "will be through Accountability for Violations, and the full Respect and Guarantee of all Human Rights for all", UNO's latest Report on Ukraine concludes.
Indeed, "Meaningful and Sustainable Reconciliation of communities requires Justice for victims, the curbing of Impunity and accountability of perpetrators for crimes.
=> In consequence, UNO made Today a series of "Recommendations" on Ukraine :
- 1st of all : "Urgently put an End to Fighting and Violence in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine",(where Dissident areas face 5 Months of still on-going Kiev Military's attacks since April).
- Meanwhile, it's particularly the "Protection of Civilians in the areas of Conflict" (i.e. Donetsk/Luhansk), which obviously "is a Priority", and "this is Particularly important in Densely Populated areas", such as, f.ex. at the City of Donetsk (with 1,5 Millions of Inhabitants normally), Luhansk, Gorlova, etc., notoriously submitted to persistent Deadly and Destructive Shelling by Kiev's Military making several innocent Victims, (f.ex. by Kiev's Army installated at Donetsk' Airport, from which it's easier for Strikes to reach Down Town).
=> Therefore, "Targeting Civilians", as well as "civilian Infrastructure" (f.ex. by Cutting Water, Electricity, Phone and/or Internet; Rail, Road, Bank Networks, etc, as it was often done at Sloviansk, Donetsk, Luhansk, and other Dissident Cities), both "are Violations of International Humanitarian Law, and ...those who have committed such Crimes must be held Accountable", UNO's latest Report asks.
- Indeed, more widely, "All Violations of International Law, including War Crimes, must be fully Investigated", and "Perpetrators must be promptly brought to Justice, and Victims provided with Remedies and Reparations", stresses on the Eastern Ukraine Conflict UNO's Human Rights body.
- Denouncing "Major Human Rights Violations in the East" of the embattled country, notoriously affected during 5 Months of Kiev's Military Attacks, UNO underlines that "Justice and Accountability must Replace Impunity" in this regard, so that "Rule of Law should Replace the rule of the Gun".
+ Concerning, in particular, Kiev's National Authorities, UNO's Report also points out that "Reprisals against People in territories regained by the Ukrainian Government should be Avoided, and the rights of those Detained/charged must be fully observed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies".
++ Moreover, Kiev's "Legislative Reforms should Comply with International Norms and standards and Ukraine’s obligations under Human Rights Treaties", UNHCHR adds, (f.ex. after a very Controversial Draft Law which had practically habilitated the Government to seriously Violate Press Freedom on pretext of National Security, even without any prior authorization by a judge).
+++ Most important, UNO's competent body feels, after many Months since February - May 2014, necessary to stress now (at the End of August), that, "in the cases of the Violence at Maidan, (i.e. the Deadly, unidentified yet, "Snipers"key incident, when, suddenly, just after the 21 February 2014 Agreement reached then at Kiev by all then Opposition leaders and then President Yanukovich, under the auspices of 3 Foreign Ministers from EU Countries : France, Germany and Poland, armed individuals started to Shoot and Kill, paradoxically, both Demonstrators and Policemen, triggering a dangerous Brutal Conflict, which toppled the Government and cancelled the EU-brokered Peaceful Agreement; See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/calltoinvestigatekievnipersdropedateuparliament.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentasksinternationalinvestigationonukrainesnipers.html), Odesa (i.e. the Deadly Fire put at a Public Building, atrociously Killing some 45 Civilians and wounding many more, among Dissidents who had tried to find Refuge from Massive Violent Aggressions by Kiev's fans and/or several Extremists, brought at Odessa by Train or Cars, who Attacked and Destroyed a Camping "Village" collecting Signatures for a Popular Referendum in favor of a Peaceful Federal Solution to Ukraine's Crisis, Brutaly Assaulted and Wounded any helpless Dissidents they found), etc., "Investigations must be in full compliance with international norms and Standards, guaranteeing Justice for the Perpetrators, and ensuring Remedies for the Victims".
Indeed, Maidan's Deadly "Snipers", and Odesa's Fire Bombs and Mob Attacks which Burned Alive Dissidentrs, in addition to being Horrible Crimes and Human Rights' Violations, notoriously are also Key Historic Incidents responsible for provoking the current tragic Division of Ukraine which evolved into a Bloody Civil War, and a main Incitment for Armed Defense of Donetsk/Luhansk Dissident Regions' Autonomy, since Peaceful Protest had just been Brutaly Crushed by atrocious Deadly Violence mainly from Kiev-imported massive armed Mob-Attacks against Dissidents seeking a Peaceful Democratic Solution via Referenda, etc.at Odesa since the Beginning of May.
Therefore, such a Prolonged Impunity of Perpetrators, and/or Delays in really searching and finding all the Truth about so Important Serious Crimes, inevitably raises suspicions and concerns for the Risk of a Cover-Up of the main Criminals who practicaly Orchestrated the still on-going Tragic Civil War in Eastern Ukraine, (which obviously threatens even Europe's and the World's stability and Peace).
- In addition, "Access to Areas affected by the Hostilities", (i.e. the Dissident Donetsk/Luhansk Regions attacked by Kiev's Military since April 2014), "- including the Crash site of MH17 (Malaysian Airlines flight, curiously sent to cross a dangerous Conflict area), must be Guaranteed for International Organisations (f.ex. OSCE, as it's already done since the start, but also International Red Cross, which has been notoriously Delayed and/or Hindered to provide Humanitarian Aid from Russian NGOs to Luhansk and Donetsk's populations recently, etc), "and Independent Investigators".
- Indeed, a "Rapid and Unimpeded" "Delivery of Humanitarian relief for the Civilian Population" "must" be "allowed and Facilitated" by both "the armed groups and the Ukranian Law Enforcement and Security Forces", UNO's Report timely stresses, "in strict Compliance with Internationa Norms and Standards", as well as, in parallel, the "Safe Passage for Civilians wishing to Flee the areas of Violence and Fighting", since the April-August 2014 Kiev Military's Attacks against the Dissident Donetsk/Luhansk regions.
+ Last but not least, "all manifestations of incitement to Hatred and Intolerance in Public life must be publicly Condemned", UNO's Human Rights body also asks, particularly after various Brutal Incidents at Kiev, (where even 2 pre-existing Political Parties were Outlawed),
as well as regarding the still on-going Kiev Military's Attacks against the Dissident Regions at the East, - whose 4 Millions Population, (that rushed to massively Vote at the May 11 Popular Referenda for Autonomy), canNot be simply accused to be mere "Terrorists", as even the Majority of the National Parliament in Kiev acknowledges, as President Poroshenko recently deplored; at the same moment that, in addition, certain "Activists" demand that "anybody who suppports the Separatists", (as Dissidents of Donetsk/Luhansk Regions are called from the start by many Kiev's fans), "should be Deprived of Public Office".
+ Overcome growing Division Risks : Urgent to Bridge an otherwise Widening Gap
=> If Nothing really Positive isn't done on Time, then, a Dangerous Result of all the above-mentioned Hardships, might be, after Ukranian President Poroshenko's Refusal of any kind of "Federalisation" of the country, (contrary to many Friendly Advises given in favour of a peaceful Federal Solution by various European Countries' Top Politicians, such as Austria, Hungary, etc, and/or by the experienced, composed by 10 Nobel Peace Prize Award holders, "International Peace Bureau"s Head), that even the Dissidents drop their initial demand for a Federation, as they had asked "3 Months Earlier", starting, "after so many Human Lives lost and Blood spilled", to ask for the 1st time officially a real Independence, as their New Leader, Alexander Zacharenko, declared in an important Press Conference held at Donetsk on the 24th of August, (???) i.e. the same Day of the Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence from the former USSR (CIS) back on 1991.
- That's why he asked at least to definitively Stop the Military Aggressions by Kiev's Army against Donetsk/Luhansk Regions, (recently regrouped in 1 Entity self-declared as "NovoRussia", i.e. "New Russia", according to an Historic Denomination which had been used in the Past for that Part of the Ukranian area when it had been Liberated from a former Ottoman-Turc Military Invasion and Occupation, back on the Century of Enlightenment), "even if we ("NovoRussia") may not be Recognized by Kiev", as he pointed out.
Such consequences might obviously Complicate Russia's official efforts to seek a Peaceful Political Solution through Dialogue between the directly involved Parties on the basis of a Federalisation/Decentralisation of the country, on line with the May 11 Regional Popular Referenda which had succeeded to attract a Big Number of Citizens' Participation under the banner of a carefuly crafted call to support Donetsk/Luhansk's "Autonomy", (i.e. a terminology which could, in Legal Theory, go from a full Independence, up to a Federalisation, or at least a large DeCentralisation leaving a wide Autonomy of action to various Regions).
- UNO's assistant secretary general for Human Rights, Ivan Simonovic, has just warned about the fact that recently, "due to Escalation of the Hostilities, the Divide is Deepening" between the 2 sides in Ukraine, and "that should be Stopped"
Therefore, the Time to try to really Save Ukraine's Unity might have really become now too Short to persist on even more Deadly and Destructive Military Attacks against the Dissident areas of Donetsk/Luhansk, with the Risk to definitively alienate the Population of one part of the country from the rest.
Particularly when even Israel's Government has just reached (thanks also to the intermediation of Egypt's President Alsizi, , supported both by the EU and Russia, etc) a "Permanent CeaseFire" Agreement with Hamas for Gaza, (which includes extension of Fishing Sea Zone, a controlled Access of Humanitarian Aids, ReConstruction, etc).
Otherwise, Europe would be faced with the Paradox to be still Divided by a Deadly and Destructive Conflict which may threaten Peace inside the European Continent itself, while, at the same time, ... even Middle-East's hotspot No 1 would enjoy a hopefuly sustainable Peaceful situation...
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent, earlier, to "EuroFora"s Subcribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap).
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Before the end of 2009, France and Germany will take strong initiatives to open "new Horizons" needed by Europe and the World, going well beyond the current Crisis' management, anounced French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, reassuring that both a judgement on Lisbon Treaty by nearby Karlsruhe German Federal Court, and the forthcoming National Elections in Germany would confirm their capacity to act.
They were replying to Press questions in Berlin, after key-regional elections on Sunday, where Merkel's ChristianDemocratic party kept everywhere a strong 1st and won the possibility to forge a New Majority with Liberals at the largest of 3 Landers : Saxony (4 millions inhabitants), while its main competitor, the Socialdemocrat party fell to unprecedented lows : Tackled by the small "Linke" (left) party in Saarland (1 million inhabitants), it became even smaller than it in Saxony and Thuringen (3 million inhabitants), where SPD arrived only third. While its usual partners, the "Greens" also fell down, contrary to CDU's new partners, the FDP Liberals, who go up.

- "At any case, at the end of the year (2009), if things go as scheduled, we shall take strong initiatives, showing that Europe needs a Franco-German axis, as well as the World, even if it never excludes other" countries to join, replied Sarkozy to a question if France and Germany will revive the "European dream", by "relauncing the EU motor" for the Future, with actions going further than the mere management of the global crisis, (as it was done fex. in the Past with the creation of the "Euro" Monetary zone, etc).
- "I am convinced that the Franco-German friendship must be constantly nourished by New Projects", he added."There are many areas of cooperation where we intend to take, very soon, some Franco-German initiatives, which will allow to open more Horizons" to the EU, Sarkozy stressed.
But if "we don't speak about that now, it's only in order to avoid interfering in important elections coming in Germany", he observed. However, "we have already started to consider the Future with the (German) Chancellor, and what we can do in order to honour our predecessors". "We are already speaking about that, and we are preparing things". "I am working very well together with Mrs Merkel, and I wish that it goes on", Sarkozy concluded.

- "It's important for EU's credibility that France and Germany advance forward together", stressed Merkel from the outset. "Don't worry about Germany's capacity to undertake initiatives" with France, she added. "France and Germany will be perfectly able to make proposals" for the EU.
- "After-crisis" plans must be prepared, meanwhile, with measures "advancing progressively", Merkel anounced. And, for the short term, we must deal also with EU Citizens' dismay since they feel that it's a Scandal for some in the Financial Markets to be paid with excessive "Bonuses", etc, she agreed with Sarkozy.
- "Abuses in financial markets must stop", stressed also Sarkozy. Backing Merkel's announcement that France and Germany call for an EU meeting to forge "a crystal-clear European position" in view of the G-14 Summit at Pittsburg, he warned that "everyone will have to undertake his responsibilities, in front of World's Public Opinion. particularly those who don't want to make the same effort of regulation as France and Germany".
Moreover, "Global Trade cannot be correctly dealt, without taking into account also Environmental and Social rules", Sarkozy added, referring to recently expressed positions against Unfair Competition via Environmental and/or Social Dumping, (See earlier "EuroFora"'s publications).
Such moves are obviously linked to the need to ensure at least an elementary respect for Human Rights by Third Countries, (f.ex. exploitation of Children's work, etc) in order to avoid, precisely, any such Social Dumping.
- "EU has Values, protecting Human Rights and Human Dignity", and "it cannot close its eyes" in front of grave violations, particularly "Torture and/or killings", added, indeed, Sarkozy.
Thus, "the time comes, where decisions must be taken". But, in case of "Sanctions", "all International opinion should be convinced of the need to take action", he observed.
Expressed on the occasion of recent developments in Iran, the same principles should logically apply also to other similar cases, including fex. that of Hundreds of ECHR judgements' condemning f;ex. Turkey for grave crimes, (as Torture, brutal Killings, Enforced "Disappearances", Destruction of Family Homes, harassments and oppressive violations of Freedom of Speech, etc).
Meanwhile, questioned on (EU Commission's chair) Barroso's bid to succeed himself for a second mandate, they both expressed a "wish" or a "feeling" that "EU Parliament"'s various political Groups might fix a date for decisions "during September". However, is he is endorsed before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it will be legally necessary to re-vote anew for a full term of office afterwards, according to EU Legal Experts, revealed recently in Strasbourg the experienced former President of EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee, German Socialist MEP Jo Leinen. And Germany will not vote for Lisbon Treaty's ratification but only "on September 8 and 18", revealed Merkel, ( i.e. after EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg).
- Therefore, "for EU Commissioners' appointment, it's too early yet, because we must wait for the ratification of Lisbon Treaty" by all 27 EU Member countries, including naturally Ireland's Referendum on early October, said to "EuroFora" the influential President of EU Parliament's largest group of MEPs, Joseph Daul, expressing, however, the hope that a controversial deal with the head of the Socialist Group of MEPs, Martin Schultz of Germany, might hold for Barroso alone, at a forthcoming vote due to fix the Strasbourg plenary's Agenda.
But MEPs reportedly just "postponed" for 1 week all their previously scheduled group meetings (See : http://www.euractiv.com/en/future-eu/barroso-unveil-summer-homework-week/article-184825 );
However, while the choice of a new EU Commission's President by EU Parliament is supposed, according to many MEPs' wish, take place according to EU policy issues, paradoxically, this would mean that Barroso's bid would pass before even the anouncement of France and Germany's "initiatives" for EU's "new Horizons"...