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Pagina principale arrow newsitems arrow Vatican CoEPR Mgr Giordano to EuroFora:EU,BioEthics, plot v.Pope, Franco-German,EU+US Votes link?

Vatican CoEPR Mgr Giordano to EuroFora:EU,BioEthics, plot v.Pope, Franco-German,EU+US Votes link?

Scritto da ACM
mercoledì, 07 marzo 2012
Speaking to "EuroFora" immediately after a sharp, landmark Speech in a "Mass for Europe" in Strasbourg's Historic Cathedral, full with Thousands of People, many Ambassadors to the CoE from more than 48 Countries, (including Russia, etc), Consuls-General (even from USA or China, etc), MEPs, CoE's Officials, French or German a.o. MPs, Archi-Bishops from South-Eastern Europe and other Countries, even Turkey, various Religious representatives, French Authorities, Universitarians, Priests, Journalists, etc., Vatican's Permanent Representative to the CoE, Dr. Aldo Giordano, replied positively to our question if the stern Warnings denouncing exceptionally serious Threats, were linked both with recent astonishing Press articles reporting scandalous, secret criminal attempts to harm Pope Benedict even to the detriment of his Life, as well as with the Political and Ideological Fights during forthcoming crucial Elections, first in France (2012), but afterwards also in Germany (2013) and other EU Countries, in the run up to 2014 EU Parliament's Election, to which may be added even strong relevant debates and conflicts during the current preparation of the October 2012 USA Presidential Election 

    - Providence links everything, he started, smiling, after thinking how to reply. Sometimes through erroneous ways, but God makes it possible to rectify that. We must find the right pathway, he added, warning to be Careful, but positively. 

(Fast translation from the original in French).


- "A similar Snake (i.e. Evil) as that which had lurred Adam and Eva, (in the well known allegory of the Bible on the Sin), now pressures Europe to be ....Separated from the Father, to seek a salvation Alone. But, this Loneliness is Tragic : In fact, it leads Nowhere", except to Dead Ends, Mgr Giordano warned. (See also infra).

    The move apparently points, indirectly, also to current Political Debates for the forthcoming, crucial Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in France, from late April and early May, as well as June/July 2012,  where calls for an absolute, total separation between the State, the publc political sphere, and Religion, apparently neglecting even France's and Europe"s Christian-judaic and Greco-Roman Historical roots, were launched parfticularly by the candidate of the "Socialist" party, Mr. Hollande, while, on the contrary, President Sarkozy remained faithful to his 2007 Victorious approach, which, respecting the principle of State's "Laicity", i.e. neutrality and not interference in Religious affairs, nevertheless,  adopts a "Positive" interpretation, allowing to acknowledge also the Historc fact of France's and Europe's Christian roots, as well as their Cultural Identity :

A highly political issue, also linked to several other "hot" and  topical EU matters, that Sarkozy had logically included in his 2007-2008 initial call for a EU-wide Debate on " Europe's Future", was partly but concretely echoed after EU Parliament's 2009 also in subsequent Elections at National level in various other EU Countries, including even an explicit reference in Hungary's New Constitution (2011), and could, probably, become part of core and decisive debates during the forthcoming French (2012), German (2013), etc. and EU Elections (2014).

    One of its particularly Topical aspects of this wider debate, is , Today, also the elementary Right, and even moral and social Duty, at least of mainstream Religious communities, representatives and/or consious EU Citizens, to openly and actively take part in various Public Fora whenever importan decisions on crucial issues for the whole Society are to be prepared and/or taken, among otherts, f.ex. also in Bio-Ethical Legislative choices, which affect all Humankind, (such as the recent Revision of the French Law on BioEthics and the protection of Human Embryo from Genetic manipulation, German Constitutional Court's relevant Judgements on Human Dignity, EU's forthcoming 7th Framewok Research Program, EU's Enlargement strategy, the protection of Family and of elementary Human Rights, problems of extreme Poverty and Development, Freedom of Consience and Religion, protection of Christian a.o. Communities oppressed or even threatened by Deadly Violence in certain Foreign Countriies, from Turkey up to Egypt, Iraq, etc.).

    - "This Mass is a testimony on the role of God in the Public area. The most important questions, today, makes us wonder if a Civilisation can survive for long without a great Religion to support it and give it a Soul. This goes also for Europe", wrote earlier Vatican's permanent Representative to the CoE in a message sent to all invitees, including "EuroFora".

    + "Awareness of God's undying Love sustains us in our laborious and stimulating work for Justice and the Development of Peoples, ..... in the ceaseless pursuit of a Just ordering of human affairs. ...God gives us the Strength to Fight and to suffer for love of the Common Good", stresses Pope Benedict in abstracts of his latest, famous Encyclic "Caritas in Veritate" (2009) that Mgr Giordano cited in his above mentioned Letter for the 2012 Strasbourg Mass for Europe.


    - "The Christian religion and other religions can offer their contribution to development only if God has A PLACE IN THE PUBLIC REALM, specifically in regard to its cultural, social, economic, and particularly its Political dimensions. The Church's social doctrine came into being in order to claim “CITIZENSHIP STATUS” for the Christian religion. Denying the right to profess one's religion in public and the right to bring the truths of faith to bear upon public life has Negative consequences ...". The Exclusion of religion from the Public square — and, at the other extreme, religious fundamentalism — hinders an encounter between persons and their collaboration for the progress of humanity. Public life is sapped of its motivation and politics takes on a domineering and aggressive character. Human rights risk being ignored", Benedict XVI warned there.

    => In concreto, "the Big Questions in BioEthics and the protection of Human Life", together with "Freedom of Religion, Minority Rights, InterCultural Dialogue, Family, Childrens' Rights", even "the current Economic and Financial Crisis", Europe's Neighborhood policy, particularly vis a vis the Middle East and the Mediterranean, EU's role in the new Global GeoPolitical situation, Human Rights, Immigrants, Refugees, Handicaped People, etc., are among the European issues of great importance for the Churches", Mgr. Giordano's Letter observed.

+Bible : "Plot" ?



    But it all started Spectacularly, with a Preliminary Lecture of an alarming abstract from the Bible, which began by Warning that  - "My Enemies said : <<Let's set up a Plot agaist Jeremiah. The consultations of the Law (by faithful People) won't disappear if the Priest goes Missing, nor advises, if there is no more Wisemen, neither Speeches, in the absence of Prophet", (they thought). Come on, let's Attack him with our Words, without paying any attention to what he says>>. But you, Lord, pay attention to me, (and) hear what my adversaries say. How can they return Evil for Good ? They are Digging a Pit in order to provoke my loss... ".

    The Gospel's abstract which followed, was equally Alarming (even if it reassured at the end) : "... The Son of the Man is about to be Handed over to the Chief Priests and Scribes. They will Condemn him to Death, and will Hand him over to the Pagans to be Mocked and Scourged, Flagellated and Crucified. But on the 3rd Day, he will Rise again" (Mt. 20, 17-28)

-  Asked by a Journalist, last week, "if it hasn't become too Hard to anounce and propose Christianity to Today's Europe", "my Reply was (that) it has, actually, Never been Easy", stressed from the outset, in this regard, Mgr. Aldo Giordano, from the beginning of his Speech, reminding, precisely, that, already, "a great believer, who had lived abut 2.600 Years ago, the Prophet Jeremiah, in a Tragic moment of his life, .. had been  Threatened with Death".

+ "Early Christianity ... spread thanks to Martyrs' Blood. The Catacombs (where fugutif communities of persecuted Christians were hidding), the Colosseum (where captured and condemned Christians and/or Slaves were brutally Killed), and the "Via Appia" (where outcasts were atrociously Crucified), testify that, at the Beginning, being Christians meant something etremely Serious, and it implied Risking one's Life : The Martyrs, early Popes and even Young Girls .. were Killed", also reminded the Vatican's envoy to the CoE, (where Monaco's King Albert II had brought, back on 2005, inside the "Palace of Europe" in Strasbourg, a Wooden Boat, symbol reminding "Saint Devote", originaly a young girl which died after being set on Fire while trying to escape from Persecution at about 300 AC., i.e. shortly before Byzantium's Empire's Founder, Constantin the Great, declared the Freedom of Religion, also for Christians, marking also the end of Mass Slavery, around 330 AC in Constantinople).

- "Even Today, many People are Persecuted, or even Killed, because of their Faith : Myself, I have had the privilege to work work ... with Mgr Vik, the ArchiBishop of Prague, who had been obliged to earn his living as a Window Cleaner in the Streets.., for 10 Years, because the Police had hindered him to be a Priest", Mgr. Giordano added. "In Albania, the (former) Totalitarian regime had got rid of many Priests", while, more recently, "we all have in our hearts the Memory of all those Children, Young People, and entire Families who were Murdered in Baghdad's Cathedral", as well as in Nigeria", by Terrorist Attacks. (etc).
+ => "Evil is powerful and cannot stand the Good". In particular, "the presence of a Prophet who announces God's Word is News which upset the Corrupted and Evil behaviours. It's like a Light which highlights Bad Actions, and, therefore, it must be put out", Vatican's CoE Envoy went on to warn in his Speech, adding another alarming message, that, in particular, all Journalists who have handled "delicate" issues in "hot" situations" can perfectly understand, as well as any really critica "WhistleBlower", and/or any active Citizen, Political or Religious Leader who dares raise his/her voice to denounce a secret scandal...

But, "the more the Night is Dark, the more we ae challenged to Look for the Light. For both Europe and the World as a whole, the Darkness may be represented ('f.ex.) by the ongoing Crisisn, that theatens us all, or by the Famine that hits severely Somalia and the Horn of Africa, or by the Riots in Syria? But it may also recall Sickness, Loneliness, (or) a Treason", he added.
    Recent controversial Press reports notoriously denounced the possible existence of a "Plot" to covertly Murder Pope Benedict before "October 2012", (in the context also of internal conflicts supposedly opposing f.ex. Vatican's State Secretary Tarcissio Bertone to the Pope himself and Milan's AchiBishop Angelo Scola, previously in Venice, said to be his preferred successor), that Palermo's ArchiBishop Paolo Romeo (described as "extravert" and "Technology loving") would have discussed at the end of 2011 during a strange trip in China with undetermined persons, as cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos of Colombia (described as "Traditionalist") reportedly revealed in a secret Note to the Pope, given also to Bertone, advising to make an Investigation.  

 Pope Benedict's Spokesman, father Federico Lombardi, reportedly preferred  "not even comment" such information, because "it looks so far away from reality and not serious, .. incredible". But, subsequently, the Vatican's Newspaper "Osservatore Romano", reportedly published informations evoking also a fight of the Pope "against Wolves", according to other mainstream Media.
    At any case, 2 relevant points are crystal clear :


    - The 1st is that any eventual attempt to covertly "murder" Pope Benedict would certainly fail to be hidden, f.ex., behind a mask of alleged "Health and/or Age problems", precisely because he notoriously has a very Solid physical and mental Health and his age, in fact, doesn't provoke any serious concern, particularly when one considers also the Fact that the famous,  late Pope Leo XIII, author of Historic "Rerum Novarum" encyclic, lived and worked up to ...93 Years of age included, already at the end of the 19th and the beginning of 20th century, (1810 - 1903)...

    => In comparison, the present Pope Benedict, who is just aged 84, i.e. some 9 Years Younger than Leo XIII (93), should, normally, have more than a Decade (+10 Years) of good work in front of him, considering also the additional facts that he's obviously, a physically fit man, keeping full, superbe white hair, and with a strong health after regular visits and exercice, throughout all his Life,  in Mountainous areas, while also Medicine has, naturally, evolved and considerably extended its capacities and know how able to generally prolonge Human Life much longer today (2012) than in the Past, after more than a Century ...

    - The 2nd is that, (particularly after some questions raised earlier about the early death of late pope John Paul the 1st, but also for the sudden death of his predecessor and long-time close collaborator and friend, late pope John Paul II, even in bad Health since the 1985 Murder attempt by an armed Turkish extremist, curiously exactly at the moment that he was notoriously preparing to visit EU Parliament and CoE's Assembly in Strasbourg, shortly after struggling in UNO's General Assembly to  help adopt a landmark Resolution against any kind of Human Cloning,  and other dangerous Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryos : a crucial BioEthical issue for all Humankind, but also with some shady Interests' lobbies pushing against it at any pretext), if any serious incident ever risked to harm Pope Benedict, nobody  could eb credible if he claimed that it would have happened "by chance", nor would anyone avoid the obvious Need to immediately make all Serious, full and efficient Investigations in order to rapidly find all the Truth, and search and punish all those who may be Responsible.


    + Simply because in the case of Pope Benedict, in addition to all the already mentioned Facts (Comp. supra), it is also undisputable that, both since his Election back on 2005, and, at least, after the Publication of his landmark Encyclic "Caritas in Veritate" (June 2009), he has astonishingly warned about  "a particularly Crucial Battleground" in what he called "today's ...Struggle between the Supremacy of Technology and Human Moral Responsibility", precisely in " the field of  BioEthics, where the very possibility of integral Human Development is Radically called into question",  in a "most delicate and critical area", as he stressed.     

This notoriously led Pope Benedict to dare openly criticise USA's President Barack Obama, reportedly during his visit to the Vatican shorftly afterwards, on July 2009, about his controversial March 2009 decision to abolish the prohibition of Federal Funding to Genetic Interventions on Human Embryos that had established on August 2001 former USA President George W. Bush, (almost as also another former USA President Bill Clinton, back on 1993, before he was, later, pushed to lift it himself on 1998). Surprisingly, only one week after that, Pope Benedict faced a strange, and dangerous, unique incident, without any precedent in his whole life : Despite calm Summer Holidays, he reportedly fell overnight and curiously broke his arm, (precisely at his Right Hand, with which he wrote), making necessary an urgent and Dangerous Operation inside a Hospital : Something that he had, personaly, never seen  before ! Even more curiously, just a few Months later, another unprecedented and normally incomprehensible Violent Incident stroke him, (this time openly provoked by a Person jumping over a security barrage, throwing all weight over the old man, seizing him with both arms and pushing him to fall so brutally that anoher, older Bishop, who simply accompagnied him, broke his leg, and was obliged to enter in Hospital for long and delicate operations....), from which he escaped unharmed by a miracle.... ----------------------------

+ Meanwhile, one among the 4 USA Presidential Election Candidates, the experienced former USA Senate President, Newt Gingrich, recently accused the incubent President Ossama Barack Obama to have launched "a War against the Catholic Church", as he said, while Catholic Candidate, Senator Rick Santorum, who holds a reputation of strong stance on principles, appears to have good Chances to win the Republican Party's primaries, having already become the Frontunner of genuine Conservatives' values popular movement, particularly after the results of yesterday's (March 6) "Super Tuesday"'s votes in many States.

For Europeans, it's interesting to note that, for Santorum too, Human Rights stem, initialy, not so much from the Laws decided by State's power, but (according also to the Historic American "Declaration of Independence" itself) are considered to have much more a Higher, Independent,  kind of Divine Nature, (precisely as in the European "Natural" and/or "Historic" School of Law, inspired also by Christianism).

+ Moreover, this very same Day, (March 7), American Media revealed, f.ex., that the Head of USA's Catholics, cardinal Dolan, had just sent a Letter informing the Church about a meeting with US President Barack Obama's White House Officials, who reportedly refused to alleviate a controversial New Measure which threatens to impose critical issues of Conscience and even "Freedom of Religion" on many Christian Catholic and other Private Schools, Hospitals, etc., while also interfering inside an independent Church's own affairs, by reportedly pressing the Majority of Bishops to "hear" and follow the controversial viewpoints of a Minority which seems to be, apparently, pushed by some inside the Obama Administration : I.e. "the White House seems to think (that) we, Bishops, simply do not know or understand Catholic teaching and so, taking a cue from its own definition of Religious Freedom, now has nominated its own handpicked official Catholic Teachers" !, Mgr Dolan denounced.


Such infight and various Pressures exerted by certain Political Auhorities against the Christian Catholic and other Churches'Majority (often abusing also of a few controversial, Minority agents who often exist inside any Community, sometimes even artificially imported), seems to have reached Unprecedented and Worrying proportions recently in the USA, to the point that the Collective Leadership of the Church denounces various Threats against "Freedom of Religion", even beyond the notorious controvery over White House's reported attempts to impose controversial Birth Control mechanisms even inside Private, Christian Catholic a.o. Institutions, (f.ex. Shools, Hospitals, etc), despite the well known, traditional Incompatibility contrary to their Beliefs, as various recent incidents confirm..

    => In consequence, it obviously results from all these converging Facts, (and given also Pope Benedict's well known strong beliefs about Europe's Historic Cultural and Religious Heritage, contrary to  some, mainly Anti-European networks, : Comp. supra), that, if anything might, eventually, happen to Pope Benedict before/around October 2012, i.e. at the Month of USA Presidential Elections, or shortly afterwards, nobody could credibly pretend that it would have been due to pure chance, and, on the contrary, it should naturally be considered as highly suspicious, and wouldn't avoid the need to immediately make fulll and efficient investigations, (particularly towards the interests and lobbies affected by the issues cited supra).

    Normally, this should be enough in order to dissuade (and/or, at least, prevent) any eventual such attempt, in addition to a greater than ever Vigilance by all those sincerely interested to protect Pope Benedict who have, thus, been duly and timely warned.
    + Returning back to the initially read Bible's abstracts, (Comp. Supra), the next main point obviously is New Testamen's remark that "Among the Pagans, the Rulers lord it over them, and their Big Men make their Power felt". But "this must not happen among you (i.e. Christians). No. (On the contrary), Anyone who wants to be Great among you, must Serve you, and anyone who wants to be 1st among you, must Obey to you. Just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and (even) to Give his Life, as a ransom, for Many".

    This is "an important Lesson about Career and Power", commented Mgr. Giordano. "All those who make true History, are not those who are arroga,nt, but rather those who dare choosing and Serving. Such a Revolutionary Vision of Power is the one lived by Jesus himself", according to the Gospel. Because "the clearest "explanation" of what it means to exert Power as Service, will be the Death on the Cross". ... ''Christ is a King-Servant who offers his Life for the Love of the Father and for the Love of each of us, .. telling us that the true Meaning of Life is to Offer it". .. "'Those who are entrusted with Power, are first and foremost called to Serve the Truth, the Good.. They .. are Not Masters who can decide about what is Good and what is Evil, Right or  Wrong. They help the "Good" and "Truth".. to be realized... Living as Children of the same Father, makes us Brothers, and among Brothers, Love is the only True Power", which "makes us "Servant" to whom we love", he added, (speaking about Christian views on Power, another aspect of which was recently developed by Pope Benedict himself at his landmark Speech in the German Bundestag (Parliament) in Berlin (Comp. relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport of 9/2011).  Moreover, "Resurection confirms that the Free Choice to Serve up to the point to Offer one's Life, is the only way to "keep" one's life, that Nothing and No one will Never be able to take out", he added.

   Thus, a genuine "Christian Truth cannot join Violent Expressions of Power, it cannot promote Fanatism or Fundamentalism", (a key issue, an interesting version of which was developed by Pope Benedict at his Historic Speech at the University of Regensburg, already on 2006, as well as in other Texts, where Truth and Reason are associated also to respect of other's Freedom and Dialogue, etc), since "the City of Man is not only built on ... Rights and Duties, but also, and especially, on relationships of disinterestment, Mercy and Communion. Charity ("Caritas") has no place without Justice, but it outshines and improves it, within the logic of Gift and Forgiviness".

    That's why, those who, like "the Snake of the origin", which "put to temptation and incited Adam and Eva (to Error and Sin), and Nowadays also pushes Europe to ... Separate itself from the Father", i.e. "towards Isolation (which) is Sad and leads to Nowhere", except, perhaps "to Dead Ends", may have Dangerous consequences, Warned Vatican's PR to the CoE, apparently pointing also to a Risk of Power Abuses even against basic Human Rights, Tensions and Selfish Division, etc., contrary to the above mentioned Christian view of Power as Service (Comp. supra).

    => Because,  a Peaceful and Just Society is  a Gift  of God, Mgr. Giordano's 2012 speech resumed concluding, in substance, by citting Pope Benedict's Encyclic "Caritas in Veritate", whlle "praying for God to protect Europe".    




(NDLR : "Draft-News", as already sent, earlier, to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. Includes Fast Translation from Original in French. A more accurate, better elaborated, and full, Final Version is due asap).



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Speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", the New EU Parliament's President, former Polish Prime Minister, ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jerzy Busek, welcomed proposals by EuroFora about innovative ways for EU Citizens to attend EU debates before important final decisions which affect people's lives.

- "We (EU Parliament) must be transparent", Buzek stressed from the outset.  "We must have clear answers also for delicate questions. If we don't touch a problem, you must know why, and when shall we decide in the nearest future".. "Because "we (EU) must think about Europeans, first of all : They don't understand well what is going on in the EU. So, it's our duty to inform them, to make discussions here more interesting".

"EuroFora" congratulated President Buzek for the anouncement he made, from the 1st day of his election in Strasbourg (on Tuesday, 14 July 2009), on his intention to make  transparent debates, exchanges of views, etc. before the final adoption of decisions in EU Parliament's Plenary, when issues are evolving inside Committees, (See earlier publication).

And we reminded, in this regard, that "EuroFora" has been advocating a project for EU Citizens' active involvement in pluralist EU debates before important EU decisions, since more than a Decade : 1997-2007+

- "Thank you. We (EU Parliament), indeed, have exciting debates", Buzek replied. But, in practice, "without a possibility for our Citizens to see them, not even by the Press, the Radio or TV, etc., because it is in Committees", he regreted.

- "But, they (i.e. Media, Citizens, etc) might interact with you, with MEPs, etc, May be we can imagine something", "EuroFora" proposed.

- "Yes, (but) it needs, a quite new idea", Buzed observed.

- "Why not through some innovations ?", "EuroFora" suggested.

- "Innovation ? That's it. Fantastic  New Information Technologies !", Buzek realized.

- "Precisely, "EuroFora" has such a project, since more than a Decade (1997-2009), to use new technologies for public debates before major EU decisions are taken", we reminded.

- "If you have such proposals, please come to us, come to us. We must" do something, agreed the new EU Parliamen's President.


    This fits with Buzek's main stance, expressed at EU Parliament's plenary earlier this week in Strasbourg, that the European Union must succeed to overcome a "Crisis of Trust" vis a vis EU Citizens. (See previous EuroFora publication).

    For that purpose, obviously information and debates are valuable, but purely instrumental, procedural means which can help focus on, and highlight a substantial content, attractive to EU Citizens, which needs to be determined by other, political, and not mediatic factors.  

    Buzek spoke about the urgent need to overcome the Global Economic Crisis,  the struggle for Human and Civic Rights, Democracy, etc., the Eastern Partnership, links with Russia, strategic partnership with USA and emerging countries, etc.

    But he also used (while speaking both to "EuroFora" and other Media) the expression : "The Europeans", for EU Citizens. This points right towards what several important EU leaders (including French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Merkel, etc) have started to highlight particularly during the recent years : That there is a vital need, and an historic opportunity, for the development of a European Conscience, to stimulate e renaissance of a European Identity able to attract Popular support, for the EU to become a strong player in a Multopolar World : In other words, the revitalisation of a project for a "Political Europe".

    By a coincidence, this was indirectly but surely reminded, earlier in Strasbourg, by another ... Busek (this time with a "s") : 


    Speaking to more than 650 participants from CoE's member countries, at the conclusion of the 2009 Summer University of its Political Schools, Erhard Busek, (with an "s"), former vice-Chancellor of Austria and EU Coordinator for South-Eastern Europe, pointed at the current need to revitalize Europe's "Identity", forged by Greek philosophy and Roman Law, Christian values and Enlightment's ideas, etc. through the ages.     

- "We have almost the same name with Jerzy Buzek (EU Parliament's new President, who is a former Polish Prime Minister), because both our Families come ...from  the same village, located at the Heart of Europe, which was often shared between Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. But my family emmigrated a long time ago to Austria, while Jerzy Buzek's family remained in Poland", explained f. vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek to "EuroFora".   

 An astonishingly concrete and simple example of European Integration from the grassroots : Starting by EU Citizens, i.e. those "Europeans", that EU Parliament's new President, Jerzy Buzek (this time with a "z"), wants to bring alongside MEP's decision-making proces, (according to "EuroFora"'s main idea : Comp. supra)...



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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