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Home arrow newsitems arrow AMF Head Baroin: Virus is Not Only Medical Issue But also Civic Protection+Defense. Many Facts Fit.

AMF Head Baroin: Virus is Not Only Medical Issue But also Civic Protection+Defense. Many Facts Fit.

Written by ACM
Monday, 19 October 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(Partly UPDATED)/- COVID-19 Virus' Policy should Not be Exclusively EnTrusted Only to the Ministry of Health, given its current Limits (See Infra), But should have a much Broader Scope, Involving Also the Ministries in charge of Civic Protection and, particularly, Defense, (etc), stressed the Experienced former Many times Minister, Government Spokesman, and Now President of France's Association of Mayors, Francois Baroin, speaking as a Keynote Invitee at the 2020 Annual Congress of French Regions, where Participated also Prime Minister Castex, ECB's Head Lagarde, Senate's President Larcher, European Affairs Minister Beaune, (etc), and for which "Eurofora" had received a Press Invitation to the Video-Conference, (See Also : ..., etc).

- Indeed, well Beyond the Current, Controversial Health Minister Veran, (See, f.ex.: ..., etc), that Post is too Often Linked with certain narrow Lobbies of Interests, (as, f.ex., Big Pharma's relations to Public Hospitals, etc), while, in Fact, Human Lives' and Public Health's Issues May Extend much Further, Including, f.ex., (in Addition to Justice affairs, f.ex. concerning ECHR's relevant case-law, Home affairs and Public Order, etc), Also National Defense, Baroin pointed out.

Such Considerations may also Explain, perhaps, at least partialy, why Veran was, until now, Astonishingly, so Stubbornly Opposed f.ex. to the Simple and Cheap Drug for Anti-Virus' Therapy "HCQ+", (Notoriously Backed by US and Brazil Presidents Trump and Bolsonaro, as well as French Professor Raoult, etc), to the point to commit the Error to Base on a grosssly "Bogus Study", with 11 "Big Flaws", (See : ..., etc), even Moves to Prohibit Scientific Research on "CHQ+", also on WHO's Global Level, Exclude Medical Doctors from Prescribing that well-Known Drug not even to themselves, etc., leading to one of the Biggest Scandals on Establishment's Medical Press in our Century, initialy Whistle-Blowed by "Eurofora", (See : ..., etc), later Known as "LANCET-GATE", etc, but involving also USA's "New England Medical Review", which were, Later, Obliged to "Retract" that Paper, (See : ..., etc). Indeed, "Gilead", the US Company commercializing a Competitor, but much More Expensive Drug, of Dubtful "Efficiency", But full of various "Negative Side Effects" : "Remdesivir", has reportedly Gained, Already, More than 900 Millions $ from being "The Only" Currently Authorized such Drug...

>>> On the Contrary, however, French Defense Minister Parly, has reportedly Stock-piled a lot of "HCQ+" Medical Supplies, as a matter of Precaution, for Eventualy Urgent Army's Needs in the foreseable Future of this Pandemic...

+ Meanwhile, Even France's landmark Military Air-Carrier "De Gaule" was reportedly Blocked by a ...Virus' Infections OutBreak aboard, and Obliged to Stay Immobilized at a SeaPort, precisely when a very "Hot" Issue about EU's currently Unique Oil/Gas Energy Resources at South-Eastern Mediterranean, mostly Located around EU Members Cyprus and Greece, had Faced, last April 2020, Turkey's provocative WarShips' Bullying and Threats, (See, f.ex., among others, also : ..., etc).

++ Earlier, also India's Popular Prime Minister Modi, has Notoriously Faced Loud Accusations by a pro-Pakistan Islamic Foreign Lobby (Previously HeadQuartered in Turkey's Istanbul/Constantinople City, during a Long Period of Time), After a Controversial Trans-National Mass-Meeting of an Islamist Sect, including from Neighbouring Countries, (as Also Indonesia, etc), reportedly "Imported" several Virus' Infections inside New Delhi, and, subsequently, Spread accross several Other Indian Regions where several Participants scattered Afterwards, at the Beginning of the Pandemic's OutBreak, Back on Spring 2020, Provoking Strong Reactions by Many Angered Indian People. Before that Incident, India had an Exceptionaly Good Public Healh Situation, Well Protected against the Virus, also by a Strict Policy of Closure of its Borders towards China, (as Also Russia had initialy done, then, Before being, Later-on, Infected by EU-Imported Cases), But embattled Prime Minister Modi was reportedly DisLiked by Parts of a Muslim Minority, inter alia, apparently, Also Because of his Notorious Efforts to Save from Slaughter the Cows, that the Budhist Majority notoriously considers "Holy", Despite his Efforts to Moderate some People's perhaps excessive Denonciations of what they were Afraid to be a kind of ..."Virus Jihadism" (sic !) by some Extremist Grouplets, as they reportedly Denounced.

+++ In Europe, France has faced, since the Beginning of October 2020, a Sudden Big Acceleration of its Daily Infections Numbers of the Virus' "2nd Wave", soon Becoming (by Far) the Worst-Hit EU Member Country, in Spectacular Proportions, Just After President Macron's Official Policy Announcements, on October 2, against an "Islamist Separatism" Phenomenon, including, also, the Prohibition of "Imported Imams", Chosen, Trained, Funded and Monitored by Foreign States, (as, notoriously, Turkey, in Similar Problems Earlier Found also Imported inside Germany, and Other European Countries). Shortly After that, Macron, and France in general, Notoriously Became a Frequent "Target" of Turkish President Erdogan's Gross Provocations and ..."Too Vulgar" Insults, (as German Chancelor Angie Merkel reportedly Denounced, Together with Many Other EU Top Leaders), of UnPrecedented Hate-Spreading level.... (To the Point that Turkey was Even the Only State which had Not Yet Reacted -until Many Observers made Critical Remarks about ut, Later-on- to the Horrible Be-Heading of French Teacher Samuel Paty, by a Coward Islamist Terrorist born in Chechnya, for having just Discussed with his Students, at a Freedom of Expression Lesson, the Famous "Charlie Hebdo"'s Moameth Cartoons, on Pretext of which, the 1st Massive Massacrre Cowardly Targeting Civilian People in France by ISIL's Islamist Terrorists - Noadays Judged in Paris, with Number 1 Culprit someone Born in Turkey - had, Notoriously, occured on January 2015).

++++ In the Meantime, China has reportedly Discovered the Horrifying Reality of More than ...137 Individuals Infected by (and Spreading) the Deadly Virus, ...But withOut Any Perceptible Symptom on themselves, since they were Completely ... "ASymptomatic" ! This UnPrecedented numerous Collective Incident occured in the Xijiang Western Region of China, reportedly Near its Borders with Islamist Pakistan, (a Notoriously Close Ally to Turkey), at an Area considered to be the Cradle of the troublesome Minority of Turkic "Unghur"s...

+++++ Last (?), but Not Least, even a Long-Forgotten, ...Avian Flu OutBreak hit, Later-on, France's Agricultural Countryside, Topicaly Reminding the Big Problems of a Past Epidemic that had also hit China too), which had Notoriously Originated mainly by that Virus' sources at Eastern Turkey.

>>> All these Strange, but Converging and Alarming Facts, are Not at all Necessarily Linked to the quite Different Controversy about this Deadly Virus' alleged "Natural" or "Artificial" Origin, (f.ex. "made by a Labo", etc), as "Eurofora" has already Observeved, on the occasion of an Astonishingly Long Series of Various "Conservative" Top Political Leaders elsewhere in Europe and across the World personaly Affected by the Virus, (16 were Already traced, to whom were Recently Added also the Polish President Duda -mixed in a "Hot" BioEthical Issue- and Bulgarian Prime Minister Borisev - who had already formed a "Unity of the Right" including on Traditional Values, etc - reaching +18 Cases), withOut Any Similar Incident ever touching upon their "Socialist" Competitors : Indeed, Even a "Naturaly"-Born Virus Might, Perhaps, become Maipulated, Later-on, in Eventual Attempts to Slyly Undermine Political Adversaries, (See, f.ex., at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/manyconservativeshitbyvirus.html, etc).










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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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