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Home arrow newsitems arrow EPP TopCandidate Weber to EF on EU Borders+Civilisation, with French Leader Wauquiez+Top MEP Bellamy

EPP TopCandidate Weber to EF on EU Borders+Civilisation, with French Leader Wauquiez+Top MEP Bellamy

Written by ACM
Friday, 26 April 2019


*Strasbourg/Palace of Congress/Angelo Marcopolo/- In a Joint Franco-German christiandemocrat/EPP Leaders' launch of a crucial Electoral Campaign, Today in Strasbourg, precisely 1 Month before the forthcoming EU Vote of May 26, 2019, headed by EPP's Spitzen-Candidate Manfred Weber from Germany, President of EU Parliament's biggest Political Group, that of EPP, together with French mainstream Opposition Leader, Experienced former many times Minister (from EU Affairs to Science, etc), Laurent Wauquiez, President of the Republican Party (Center-Right), as well as the New Chief of Republican MEPs, young Philosopher Francois-Xavier Bellamy, the current need to defend and develop the core of our common European Civilisation was confirmed as the main Focus.

- Stimulated also by a Largely spread Public Emotion, Europe-Wide and even well Beyond, in several Countries accross the World, just after the recent, UnPrecedented partial Destruction by Fire of the upper parts of Internationaly Famous, UNESCO Monument, and popular Historic Paris' Cathedral of "Notre Dame de Paris" on 2019 (Comp. f.ex. : .., etc), following the December 2018 Deadly Terrorist Attack in Strasbourg, against its 'Cristmas Market", cowardly Targetting Civilian People, during EU Parliament's plenary session here (See, f.ex. : ..., etc), Weber, who has also succeeded to attract the Support of several Popular EU Leaders, such as f.ex. Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary (etc), particularly for his promise to Protect EU's External Borders, appeared adamant in his Reply to a relevant Question by "Eurofora":


- Indeed, President Weber smiled, and agreed with "Eurofora", on the serious issue raised recently, inter alia, also by the famous Italian creator of the succesful "5 Stars" Movement, currently co-Governing the Country, when he Criticized "FrontEx" and/or other EU CoastGuards for reportedly, instead of really Protecting EU's External Borders from Smugglers and Human Trafficking, particularly after that UnPrecedented "Tsunami" of more than 1,5 Millions of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants, particularly Recalcitrant to Integration in Europe, who suddenly arrived through Turkey since 2015/2016, on the Contrary, they  in fact, their role, just into behaving as a kind of ..."TAXI" (sic !), by restricting their action only into ...Replying to Phone Calls asking for such Mass Migrants to be Transported from a makeshift Boat into a Real and Safe Ship bringing them all inside the EU...

=> With the notorious Result to Fill the EU, not so much with Real Refugees, but more and more with ...ISIS' Terrorist Killers, (as f.ex. at Bataclan in Paris since 2015, recently a mass-murderer of 25 Civilians, unmasked on 2019, etc), Rapers and/or Murderers (as f.ex. at nearby Freiburg, etc), Mass Brutal Aggressors of even underage Girls (as, f.ex. at Cologne 2016, UK 2017, etc), Aggressive and sometimes even Oppressive, heavily "Islamized" Radical Groups, InHuman and Brutal Thugs (as, f.ex. those who notoriously Attacked a Poor Homeless person sleeping at the street in Berlin, attempting to ..Burn him alive !), and/or Filling Poor Neighbourhood's Schoolclasses with an Excessive Number of Foreign "Kids" (often ..Adults, in fact), who doN't even speak the Language of the Host Country, with the result to make School-Life practically Impossible for Poor People's Children, threatening to provoke Heavy and Irreversible Delays of Education, which can leave irremediable Marks to the detriment of their whole Lives. Emergence of Socio-Cultural Ghettos, where EU Citizens can No more Recognize the Culture and History of their own Country, often follows, (etc)... I.e., Facts which obviously Push Desperate People far Away from the Mainstream Political area, towards various Extremes...

>>> In such Circumstances (Comp. Supra), the EU should, at least, ensure that about 90%, or even more, of verified Irregular Migrants, (i.e. No Real Refugees), Return Back to their Home Countries, reacted Weber to the above-mentioned "Eurofora"s Question.



- On this Key and Topical point, the Leader of France's mainstream Opposition, Laurent Wauquiez, "Thanked" Weber "for having placed EU's External Borders' Protection as Number 1 Priority", he stressed, Later-on, in his Speech, (See Infra).

- In fact, "it's a Double Protection, that is Needed for EU's External Borders : A European one, and a National one. Because we Need an EU CoastGuards' Force, in Greece, Italy and Spain. We have to Bring Back those who come towards us, while Asylum Demands should be made, not inside Europe, but at Neighbouring Countries. So that, if someone enters Irregularly in Europe, he should never be given a legal permit : It's Time to put things in order !", Wauquiez vowed.

+ At the same time, we need also a National Protection of Borders, Not at all in order t bother legal TransBorder Workers, etc., but Only in order to be able to Control Irregular Migrants entering inside our Country, he explained. And, if one EU Country adopts a Policy which is Not Adapted to anOther EU Country, f.ex. because of Differences in Population Growth, Level of UnEmployement, etc., then, Each one should be able to act accordingly, Wauquiez added, applauded.

- So that, in this, as well as on other issues, we do Not Oppose Nations alone, to Europe alone, Contrary to what Others do, but prefer to have Both the Nations and Europe, he underlined.


+ Such Issues were naturally linked also with the problem of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, which had notoriously provoked EU's 1st Serious Crisis and Halt, back on 2005+, inciting the Leading Candidate of the ChristianDemocrats/EPP to clarify his position :

- "Turkey is Not a European Country, and will Never enter inside the EU ! We simply want to have Good Neighborhoud Relations with Ankara. If I become EU Commission's President, I shall do what is necessary in order to make that clear for ever, Manfred Weber vowed in his speech, largely applauded by the People.

+ But, at the same time, in fact, the Main Popular Issue, Today, with which all he rest was linked, in one way or another, obviously was was that of the Vital Need to Defend and Develop, Nowadays, the core susbtance of the European Civilisation :

=> So that Weber, who had just, Symbolically chosen to launch his PanEuropean Electoral Campaign from Greece, where he visited some impressive huge Ancient Monuments of white marble, together with "New Democracy" (Center(Right/EPP) Party's Head, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, a few Days ago, immediately went directly towards what was the main point for all ChristianDemocrats :

- "European Countries are quite Different, one from another, But they all have, at least, one Main Point Alike for all : Wherever you Visit,  (f.ex., from Greece to Denmark, and from Portugal to Poland, etc), you shall Always Find, here or there, a Christian Cross on the Mountains, and/or a Christian Church !", he stressed, lively Applauded, once again.



- The recent Fire against the Historic Monument of "Notre Dame de Paris", in France, made European People Feel, all Together, what is a Key part of Our Common Cultural Heritage, Weber topically reminded.                                                      



  - "Europe must rediscover its ideal of Human Dignity, developed in the Judeo-Christian tradition", the Head of the "Republican" Candidate MEPs in the crucial, May 2019 EU Elections, Young Philospher Francois-Xavier Bellamy stressed afterwards.

 + Adding that "it was a huge Error (back on 2001-2005) to Omit Europe's Judeo-Christian Roots from the EU Constitution, (when Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid was pushed by some, resulting in 3 "No" to EuroReferenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, which provoked a damaging Halt and Delay in the European Construction)...

 Bellamy reminded, however, that German intellectual Goethe had notoriously lived in Strasbourg, (whose Ancient University still hosts a beautiful Statute of him as a lively young man), long before, at his last moment, very old, he left this World with a famous demand for "Mehr Licht !", ("More Light !")...

 - It's necessary, Today, "to Raise Politics Higher !", observed from the outset, as a matter of General Principle, the Leader of France's main Opposition Party, that of the "Republicans" (Center-Right), Experienced former Government Spokesman and many times Minister (of EU Affairs, Science/Research, etc), currently President of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes' Region, (which unites France's "Massif Central" to the Swiss Mountains, the Highest in Europe), Laurent Wauquiez, pointing, in this regard, to the fact that, f.ex., Bellamy had characteristically chosen, during a Debate with all Other Parties' Top Candidates for EU Elections, to open the Book of ... Ancient Greek "Homer's Illiad !", as he had observed.



- Nowadays, "whoever Believes in Europe, is aware that the main point is the Franco-German mutual Trust and Cooperation", that we should Strengthen and take also Higher, Wauquiez want on to add, Thanking Manfred Weber for his participation to this Symbolic and Timely Strasbourg's meeting on the Elections which will determine EU's Future for the period of 2019-2024.

- Revendicating the Historic Legacy of "our (Political) Group, which stems from Gaullism as well as ChristianDemocracy, and has Founded (modern) Europe", as he reminded, Wauquiez pleaded in favour of the "EPP Group (currently Headed by former Strasbourg's MEP, Joseph Daul, in Brussels) : the Biggest inside EU Parliament".

 - EU Parliament's plenaries are based in Strasbourg not only because of the importance of the Franco-German reconciliation and cooperation, but also as "a Sign" for the fact that real "Europe canNot be Only an Administration in Brussels" (i.e. EU Commision), but is also something More", thanks also to Alsace Region's Cultural contribution to "European Humanism".

+ Observing that Polls have recently noted a Growth of "+ 7% More, in just 2 Months", for the Republican Party, Wauquiez argued that this was "Because People want to have a Choice, between a risk of DeConstruction of Europe, against the "€uro", by the Rightists", and a stagnation, by Liberals who "haven't understood that, Nowadays, "Europe Needs a Change", instead of staying in "a Deadlock" made by even "More Enlargement, even to Countries which are very Different from us", "More Rules", "More Agencies", "More Taxes", "that Europe of Bureaucracy, that we doN't Want !"

- In fact, they have not understood that, "if one wants to ReVigorate Europe, we must Change it !", Wauquiez stressed. On the Contrary, "we Believe in Europe, and that's why we feel the need to Re-Think it anew", and put it on a good way ahead :

=> "The Europe that We Want, is that which we Loved, which Worked Well, the Europe which had a strong Soul, had Projects" : "a Europe Able to face both China and the USA", "to handle Climate issues and (mass) Migration", "a Europe which Protects and, at the same time, guarantees the Future of our Children", "the Europe which is Based on our Roots (Comp. Supra), and, simultaneously, has the Taste of the Future, and the Energy of Tomorow !", he Highlighted.

- "Others focus on Sovereignity or Federalism", etc., but, in fact, they do Not really Speak about Europe, which was Build by the Founding Fathers, "Conscious that they made a Choice of Civilisation", Laurent Wauquiez stressed.

 - While, Nowadays, the Question which is raised, is, while "having inherited a Wonderfull Civilisation", whether we might, perhaps, be "Obliged to Alter our Way of Life, of shall we be Able to Transfer to our Children, what we have Received, and Enable them to be Proud and Deserve to receive it too ? In other words : - "Has the European Civilisation Died ?, Or are we able to Give it a ReNaissance and New Energy ?", he wondered. - "That's what is really at Stake in these (May 2019) EU Elections !"

- Well, "I sincerely Believe that European Civilisation is Not Dead !" It's true that "there are Many Challenges, Competition is around us, there are threats of Islamism and MultiCulturalism, Dangers for our Ecohomy, etc. But, No : If we just Open our Eyes, the European Civilisation is Not Dead : It can be ReStructured, and is able to Restore Both France and Europe !", he vowed.

- "First of all, a Civilisation has Borders", Wauquiez practically pointed out, Promissing also to strongly Support Weber, if he becomes EU Commission's President, in his Plan to Put an End to the controversial and unpopular Turkey's EU bid, (Comp. on EU Borders, Supra).

- "But, in order to have a European Civilisation, we also need to have Common Projects", he stressed. "More Projects,  Less Rules"... F.ex., EU Commission could Help restore Rhin river's capacity to transport Big Ships ; Set up Digital Networks and/or "G5" throughout all Europe ; Unite and Boost Scientific Research against Cancer, and/or Alzheimer, (etc), he proposed.

 + "A Civilisation is also the Defense of a Culture, which is Threatened Today : Because there are people who Hate whatever we are. There are people who have been welcomed, born and raised here, but so full of Hate that they are ready to turn their weapons against those who gave them that chance, he pointed out. I become Angry when I See that, even after Deadly Terrorist Attacks, the Necessary Measures are Not Taken, Wauquiez denounced. Some make Big Speeches against Political Islamism, but afterwards they Continue as usual...

=> On the Contrary, we must Open our Eyes, and look what we have to Fight against : We have to Fight against Islamist Integrism. We Must Fight it, with all our Force !", he Urged. "Otherwise, More People will continue to be Killed", he Warned.

>>> Against that, Concrete Measures must be taken : F.ex., we Must Close Salafist Mosques in Europe !", Wauquiez stressed, applauded by many People. "We must Prohibit to Imams who preach Hate, to call for Killing others. We must Hinder Foreign States to Fund Mosques inside Europe, in order to Exploit them, afterwards, at the Dark of their Minarets, to spread Hate", he urged, also applauded.

+ And, "How it's possible for (French) Public Authorities to have Accepted the Return of 200 Jihadists who had Left the Country in order to Fight in Syria ?", he Questioned. On the Contrary, we must make it Clear : Those Jihadists have Betrayed Europe, and canNot Return here. They must be Judged and Imprisoned there where they are now (i.e. Syria or Iraq, etc). They have Nothing to do in Europe !", Wauquiez stressed, largely applauded by the People.

At that point, he also Criticized Rightist Politician Marine Le Pen for allegedly Refusing a controversial Mass Surveillance of all Airplanes' Passengers' private Data, as a means to struggle against Terrorism.

++ Morover, Contrary to the Past, when France had succeeded to Integrate various People who came from Different Countries, Europeans or even Africans, etc., Because they were Eager to Work, and also adhere to the European Civilisation (NB).

- Nowadays, paradoxically, some Inversed that order : Instead of those who came to be obliged to adapt to  our Civilisation, it's now, pratically us (Europeans) who should adapt to the way of life of new-comers, he denounced.

=> Progressively, we Renounced to proudly Transfer our Culture, Teach our History, Transmit our Litterature, and Spread our Way of Life, Wauquiez Criticized.

- But, "the Lesson given (recently) by "Notre Dame de Paris", is that "a Civilisation is precious", but there are "Visible Fires" and "InVisible Fires", he Warned : When someone is Blind or Coward, he Risks to Lose what was transmitted to him...

>>> If we do Not Teach in Schools the History of our Country, Neither "Shoa", while also abandoning Young Girls to be Obliged by Force to wear a Scarf, if we let some Hinder even Christmas' Cribs, (etc), all these renonciations are dangerous retreats, he warned.

On the Contrary, we should have the Generosity to transmit to our Children, and to those who arrive here, the Best of that Civilisation which was entrusted to us.  Be proud of it, and Share its Values, is the Best Way : Europe is a Struggle, it's also Believe that every human person can Become Eucopean, on one Condition : to Share its Civilisation !", Laurent Wauquiez concluded, applauded by the People.







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Europe brings Development dynamics at Global Crisis' Summit debates


    Thanks also to EU Parliament Plenary's Strasbourg gathering, EU, during the French EU Presidency, managed to integrate the Development issues at Top Debates on the World Summit against the Economic Crisis  :

    For the 1st time, it's at the same moment with the Wahington G-20 Summit that EU Commissioner Louis Michel co-organizes here with the French EU Presidency parallel mega-events for the "European Development Days", starting from this Week-End and concluding at the eve of a landmark debate in EU Parliament, next Tuesday, on the outcome and follow-up of the Wash.DC Summit.

    EU and its Member Countries are the biggest donor for UNO's Millenium Development goals, with 56%, but the 27 are currently struggling to develop a collective leadership in Economic and social matters, that the 15 of EuroGroup (together with the UK and other countries interested to be usefully associated) are starting to spearhead, after the initial success of the 1st EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, of October 12 in Paris, according to a New Repport by MEPs Pervench Beres and Werner Langen on the 10 Years of EuroZone (1999-2009) debated Monday and voted on Tuesday.

    EU, CoE and World personalities will interact here with Heads of State or Government from Tanzania (African Union chair), Burkina Faso (CEDEAO + UEMOA chair), Zimbabwe (MDC chair), Madagascar, Haiti, Mali, Benin, etc, and some 3000 participants from the Economy, Civil Society, Media, Experts, etc, while the City of Strasbourg adds various related Citizen-events.

    Opened by French Secretary of State Alain Joyandet on November 15, and followed by a video-contact with EU Commission President Jose Baroso on the Washington Summit Sunday, the EDD are concluded by Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday, while their main concerns cannot be ignored in the Debate that EU Parliament will hold on Tuesday, (followed by a Resolution on Wednesday), jointly on the G-20 Washington Summit and on EU Commission's work program for 2009.

    A practical opportunity for EU to reflect where it's better to spend EU Citizens' money...

    The move is prolonged in several Paris' meetings of EU chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy with African Heads of State leading regional Organizations, as from Tanzania (A.U. Chair), Burkina Faso (chair of Economic African organizations), Togo, etc, (in parallel with a Ministerial EU - African Union conference in Ethiopia, followed by a visit to Tchad), logically concluded by a meeting with Robert Zoellic President of the World Bank.

    Many have already warned that an eventual aggravation of Development's Gap accross the World might become much more dangerous to Global Economy, Security, Values and Quality of Life, than Global Warming and/or other, even more serious challenges...

    Will they find an innovative and voluntarist way to really deal with the Development Gap, which might also contribute to help face the Economic Crisis ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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