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Home arrow newsitems arrow WHO's Chief shares Eurofora Concerns + Facts on Early DeConfinement, Raises Questions, Warns, Urges+

WHO's Chief shares Eurofora Concerns + Facts on Early DeConfinement, Raises Questions, Warns, Urges+

Written by ACM
Monday, 11 May 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- A Crucial Question is obviously raised Today:  -Controversial Early DeConfinements in the EU around May 11 (2020) Risk to become a kind of September 11 (2001) in Slow Motion, or, on the Contrary, will they Succeed to Help Save Both Economic-Social Livelihoods and innocent Human Lives, Instead of precipitating a "2nd Wave" of the Deadly Virus, with even More Killings, as many People are Afraid ? (See:  http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hastydeconfinementrisk.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/infectionsreboundinkeycountries.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/infectionsbypassopeninglimit.html)

While a full Factual "Reply" risks to Delay about 14 to 24 Days on the spot, (for well-Known Medical reasons),

Already, the International Health Organisation (WHO)'s Director General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, speaking Today in a Press-point at Nearby Geneva, practicaly Endorsed "Eurofora"s Concerns on some Controversial Early DeConfinements.

Naturally, he Acknowledged that "Saving Lives" has "a Cost", (particularly in the way that this was often addressed, until now : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hastydeconfinementrisk.html, etc), and that there was a "Serious socio-Economic Impact of the Lockdowns, which have had a Detrimental effect on many", Contrary to a wish to "Stimulate Economies", that he presented as the main Motive for Early DeConfinement, (Comp. ibid).

"Over the past Week several countries have Started lifting stay at home orders and other restrictions in a phased way", he simply noticed, (while the Most important Part of Early DeCofinement was notoriously Scheduled for this Monday, 11 of May, mainly in France, but also Elsewhere).


- But he Warned that "Most of the Population is still Susceptible to the Virus", because "Serological studies reflect that a relatively Low percentage of the population has Antibodies to COVID-19", so that States had Both "to Protect (Human) Lives and (Economic) Livelihoods" as he resumed.

- Indeed, WHO's Director General also considered (Twice) as realistic the Hypothesis of "a Resurgence", or "an UpSwing in Cases" of Infection.  

- And he Denounced the "Challenges that may lie Ahead",  in this regard.

=> Therefore, WHO's Chief stressed that "Countries Should ask" themselves certain important "Questions "PRIOR to the (eventual) Lifting of Lock-Downs", because that "can help Determine Whether a Lockdown Can be Released, slowly, or NOT".

I.e., obviously considering as possible at least for some Countries to eventually Limit, Postpone or Drop scheduled Controversial Plans for Hasty ReConfinements, he Pointed at "3 Questions" :


(1) "First, is the Epidemic under Control ?"

 (This probably includes also the Transmission Rate of Infections, which should be Less than 1 : 1. See Infra).

(2) "Second, is the healthCare System able to Cope with a resurgence of cases that may arise after relaxing certain measures ?"

 (Something which is, Notoriously, Problematic, Nowadays, at least in Certain Regions in France, including that of Paris and Strasbourg, where Hospitals are Full).

(3) "Third, is the public health Surveillance system able to detect and manage the cases and their Contacts, and identify a resurgence of cases ?"

 (A very Controversial and Complicated Problem. See, among others, also, f.ex. : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/trackingeupeopleafterexposingthemtovirus.html, etc).


>>> "However", the Head of the International Organisation Warned that "Even with Positive Answers, Releasing Lockdowns is both Complex and Difficult", at any case.

- To illustrate his warning, he spoke, particularly, about "the Signs (that) we saw", already "over the Weekend", (See Facts Infra).

- Indeed, WHO's Chief Even pointed at 3 out of the 4 Facts Observed by "Eurofora" in Germany, South Korea, and China, (skipping Only France, at least for the Moment, probably because it had Not yet Started to DeConfine then). [See  ... + ..., as well as Infra].




- (a) "In the Republic of Korea, bars and clubs were shut as a confirmed case led to many contacts being traced.  

(A Tracing using Means which are very Controversial in Europe, and would have been, reportedly, Droped in France, at the Last Minute).

- (b) "In Wuhan, China, the first cluster of cases since their lockdown was lifted was identified"

 (And, even More Importantly, they Found Also anOther Cluster at a Different, North-Eastern Province).

- (c) "Germany has also reported an increase in cases since an easing of restrictions".

(In Fact, it's Also the Augmentation of the Transmission Rate of Infections, which was clearly Denounced in Germany these Days, from 0,65 Up to 1,1, where it Continues to stay).

- "Fortunately, all 3 Countries have Systems in place to Detect and Respond to a Resurgence in cases", he observed, However, at least there.

Indeed, Both Germany and South Korea, as well as China, fortunately, have very much Lower Numbers (and Percentages) of Deaths by the Virus, than Most EU Countries...

But, in Addition to those, already Mentioned Facts by "Eurofora" and the "WHO", there are Also, recently, More :

F.ex. :

- Already Today, France comes 1st among EU's Biggest Countries in the Rapidity of "Doubling" Virus' Infections within 36 Days, instead of 38 for Germany, and 40 for Italy.

And for another time yet, France is 1st among All EU Countries in the Number of Dead in one Day (about 350), while also Bypassing Now even Spain in the Total Number of Deaths (almost 27.000) [Partly UPDATED].

Meanwhile, Unfortunatly, all Europe still remains the 1st in the World for the Numbers of Both Infections (about 1.755.800) and Deaths (about 158.900).


- Meanwhile, China just reported anOther 7 Cases of New Infections : 6 in Jilin Province, (where is Added also 1 more "Suspected" case), despite the Measures Recently taken there ("Lock-Down" of the mainly concerned City), and 1 at Shanghai ("Imported" from Abroad). [Partly UPDATED].

Curiously, WHO added Nowadays at least 1 New case of Death, (which would be the ...First in China since the Middle of April), But "Eurofora" did Not Find yet any Trace of that in Chinese mainstream Medias evoking National Official sources.


+ More Recently reported Facts also Added an "Increase" of Deaths per Day in Spain : After the Number of 123, Growing even to 176 (i.e. +53 More). [Partly UPDATED].



=> - Given such worrying Facts, Already Now, States must be "Keeping a Vigilant eye on the virus so that Control measures can be Quickly implemented if an Upswing in cases is identified", WHO's Chief urged.

+ Moreover, "Governments" must, at least, "Ensure that Key public Health Measures Remain in place to deal with the Challenge of Lifting Lockdowns", he added.

Indeed, "Until there is a Vaccine, the comprehensive Package of Measures (which normaly Includes, at least, some Confinement measures), is our most Effective set of Tools to tackle the virus", he stressed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


+ On EDUCATION Establishments :


=> "In this vein", went on to add WHO's Director General, "New Guidance was released over the Weekend regarding ...School ...reOpening" : a most Controversial and Delicate issue.

>>> So that "Decision-Makers should Reflect a number of Key factors when deciding on Whether (or NOT) and how to reOpen Schools", and Send "Children Go Back to School", he Urged.

- (1) "First, a clear Understanding about current COVID-19 Transmission and Severity of the virus in Children is Needed".

- (2) "Second, the Epidemiology of COVID-19 where the School is Geographically Located needs to be Considered".

- (3) "Third, the ability to maintain COVID-19 Prevention and Control measures withIn the School setting".

In other words, "When reflecting on the decision to reOpen schools, the ... Government should assess the Capacity of the Schools to Maintain infection Prevention and Control Measures", WHO's Chief also Urged.

Notoriously, and as Many Polls already show, (f.ex. in France, Greece, etc), Most People clearly seem to Seriously Doubt about the possibilities for such Measures, at least as things stand Nowadays, and so Early...



(A Crowdy Open Air Market in France astonishes China's Xinhua Press Agency, as Deaths SkyRocket !)










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 In Democracy, the forthcoming choices for EU's Top Jobs, as the New EU Parliament's President, new EU Commission's President (+ probably EU Council's President, EU Foreign Minister, etc) should be made according to EU Citizens' Votes in June 7, 2009 European Elections, and main EU Governments' strategic policies.

At the heart of the biggest EU Countries, in France and Germany, EU Citizens clearly voted for a renovated, non-technocratic but Political Europe based on Values, declared explicitly incompatible with Turkey's controversial EU bid.

This main choice was also supported in several other small or medium EU Countries, such as Austria (cf. promise of a Referendum), Spain (cf. EPP program's reservations vis a vis Enlargment), etc., while EPP Parties won also in Poland, Hungary, Cyprus, etc.

In other Countries, whenever Governing coalitions didn't make these choices or eluded them, continuing to let a Turkish lobby push for its entry into the EU, they paid a high price, and risked to damage Europe, by obliging EU Citizens to massively vote for euro-Sceptics whenever they were the only ones to offer a possibility to promise  real change and oppose Turkey's demand to enter into the EU :

It's for this obvious reason that British UKIP (IndDem) succeeded now (after many statements against Turkey's EU bid) to become Great Britain's 2nd Party, unexpectedly growing bigger even than the Governing Labour Party, as well as the Liberal party  ! Facts prove that it's not an isolated phenomenon : A similar development occured in the Netherlands, where Geert Wilders "Party for Freedom" (PVV) became also the 2nd biggest in the country, (after EPP), boosting the chances of a politician who had withdrawn in 2004 from an older party "because he didn't agree with their position on Turkey". And in several other EU Member Countries, even previously small parties which now focused on a struggle against Turkey's controversial demand to enter in the EU, won much more or even doubled the number of their MEPs (fex. Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, etc).

On the contrary, whenever Socialist and oher parties were explicitly or implicitly for Turkey's controversial EU bid, they obviously lost Citizens' votes and fell down to an unprecedented low.

In consequence, EU Citizens clearly revealed their main political choices, in one way or another : They voted to change for less Bureaucracy, but more Politics and Values in a Europe really open to EU Citizens, but without Turkey's controversial EU bid.

Recent political developments are obviously different from the old political landscape which existed in the Past of 1999-2004, when Socialists based on Turkish 1% vote governed undisputed not only in Germany, but also in the UK, Greece and elsewhere, France followed old policies decided when it had been divided by "cohabitation", before the 3 "NO" to EU  Referenda since May 2005, before Merkel, before Sarkozy, etc.... before the surprises of 7 June 2009 new EU Elections.

If the current candidates to the Top EU jobs promise and guarantee to respect People's democratic choices, OK.

Otherwise, Europe must find new candidates, really motivated and able to implement these democratic choices of the People.

The beginning of crucial, final Decisions are scheduled for the 1st EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg, in the middle of July, and they could be completed towards the October session, when Lisbon Treaty's fate will have been fixed.

See relevant Facts also at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/2009electionsandturkey.html



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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