Yazidi Woman, survivor of ISIS to Eurofora+COE: Justice + Help Genocide Victims and AFRIN People

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- Speaking to "Eurofora" just after participating in a CoE's Debate against Human Trafficking nowadays, Yazidi Minority Young Woman former ISIS' Prisoner, Farida Abbas Khalaf from Iraq, who has nowadays become a Famous Award Winner and co-Writer (See Infra), when asked to Choose the Number 1 Priority that she feels Most Important, after what she had Suffered, following her Father and Brothers' Killings, her Abduction, Slavery and Abuse by those Deadly Islamist Terrorists cowardly Targetting defenseless and innocent Civilian People, she did Not Hesitate, not even a Second :
- "It's my Dream, to See, right in Front of my Eyes, those ISIS' brutes, at last, to be brought to Justice for their Crimes !", the fragile woman clearly and firmly Replied to "Eurofora"s above-mentioned Question.
Farida has stared in the Documentary Film "with Words Against the ISIS, a Yazidi raises her voice" (2016), wrote the Book "the Girl who Beat ISIS - My Story" (2016 : reed.: "The Girl who Escaped ISIS", 2017), and Won the "Pro Dignitate Humana Prize 2017" (Poland), the "LiberPress" Award at Catalonia 2017 (Spain), and the Marsh Award for "PeaceMaking and PeaceKeeping 2017 (UK).
The most Emotional Event during a fully packed CoE's International Conference for the completion of 10 Years of Fighting against Trafficking in Human Beings (2008-2018) and the Way Forward in the foreseeable Future, Today in Strasbourg, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coe10yearsagainsthumantrafficking.html), unquestionably was her Personal Testimony in a Special Session on Victims who "Survived" Human Trafficking, and Described their traumatic Personal Experience :

- Astonishingly, Farida, who had already been Invited by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly to Speak at a Committee during Last Year's April 2017 Session, Today Surprized by Launching an unexpected Call for "the People of AFRIN (Syria's Kurdish Canton recently Invaded and Occupied by Turkey's Military Troops and various Jihadist Armed Gangs) :
- They (Afrin People) now "All lie in Constant Fear", the fragile Yazidi Woman Denounced, Earlier this Morning in Strasbourg, before Launching a Call for the "CoE" to "adopt a Resolution to Help them against Pressure from Radical Groups", (who Invaded that Region following the Turkish Tanks).
- The Yazidi Minority reportedly lived in "21 Villages" at Afrin Canton, "Together with Muslims and Other Communities", a.o.. But, "Now (after the Turkish Military Invasion/Occupation) they are all Displaced". Many of them have fled to adjacent Syrian Kurdish areas, (such as Kobane, Al-Jazeera, etc), or Iraq.
- Herself a Survivor and Rescapee from 4 Months of Captivity by ISIS' Deadly Islamist Terrorists, cowardly Targetting defenseless, innocent Civilian People, at Iraq : - "Don't let our Abusers get Away with their Crimes !", she urged from the outset.
- Most ISIS' Attacks started from 2014 to Spread at Iraq their Atrocities, which intended to commit a Genocide, by Destroying us, as Yazidi Minority : They Targetted Women and Girls with Rape, Torture, Humiliations, using Sexual Slavery as a Weapon to Destroy our Community, she Denounced. I still live that Tragedy, and I Fell this Scar will Never Disappear. ISIS Killed by Father and Brother, Captured my Mother, and held me in Captivity for 4 Months, submitted to Physical and Mental ill-treatments".
+ "Still more than 3.200 Women are in Captivity or Missing nowadays, and many Christians, etc. have been Taken Away from Syria to Iraq", Farida Abbas Khalaff added.
- "But Nobody has been yet Prosecuted for all those Crimes ! Not Any of those ISIS' Criminals Arrested, Investigated and Punished. If they Return to Europe, they should Face Justice : Jihadis Returning to Europe should Face Real Justice !", she urged.
=> CoE should call for Support to People Victims of Genocide attempts, for ReConstruction of Homes and Infrastructures Destroyed, and to practice Open Doors for Real Refugees who Face Genocide, she said.
- The Fight of Victims for Justice is a Right, and this Fight is Important Farida concluded, inter alia, largely applauded.
When she was asked Where Persecuted Yazidi and other such People used to seek Refuge, she did Not even Mention Turkey at all : "Towards Iraq", she simply replied, (her own Village being located at the North, near to the Kurdish Region).
Farida Abbas - Khalaf is a key Member of the "Global Yazidi (Minority's) Organisation" called "Yazda", a Representative of which told "Eurofora" at the CoE that they had Found some "66 Mass Graves", and an estimated number of 6.736 Victims, as well as More than 3.400 Women "Survivors" of ISIS' attacks. Among those Yazidi Women who are still "Missing", many are in Iraq, apparently held in "Captivity"by Other Islamist Extremist Gangs.
- "In Fact, we are a Minority and Many, there, Consider us as outcasts, while the Iraqi Government had Failed to Protect us in the Past. So, we do No Trust them. In Fact, we'd Need some Kind of International Protection", it was Highlighted in Conclusion...
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already send, Earlier, to "Eurofora" Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap)
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Sarkozy stimulated by Irish "No" challenge : - "It's a call to change and build Europe otherwise. Not later, but now. It won't be easy, but it's fascinating !"
* Paris, Elysee, June 14, 2008.
Forthcoming EU Chairman, French President Nikolas Sarkozy, created a surprise by declaring that the challenge of the Irish "No" to the EU Treaty, stimulates his belief that we must immediately change the way Europe is built.
A difficult but fascinating task, that he intends to accomplish in the next 6 Months, during which he will analyse developments 3 times to EU Parliament in Strasbourg, on July, October and December 2008.
But Agenda obliged to give a first reply to Questions raised by the Irish Referendum, on the sidelines of a Press Conference with USA President GWBush, in Paris' Elysee palace, Saturday :
Sarkozy's reply was twofold :
First, the Franco-German position is that EU must make sure "that the Irish Incident does not become a Crisis". Ratification must continue, after 18 EU Member States, also to the rest, as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown promised.
But, pointing at deeper causes, Sarkozy also criticized bureaucratic "sabotage" of Europe's "founding fathers" original dream. The move reminded his Historic February and July 2007 speaches in Strasbourg on Europe's future, joining criticism to a call for EU's Renaissance, which now became urgent :